ff I HadeMyKnown’, Jailed Spou$e Pleads Scenes from the rspe tri«l 1h Dnrham’B Snperler C«wt which reanlted Ib life tentemeea tor four youif Onwfe Conntjr Nefroes this week are showa here. Ib picture at left is seen Elton Burcess (below arrow). tlM youth who aeeompanied Hn. Hope SisM Lloyd OB the niffht the attack and who was beaten by one of the de fendants. In the pictare at rifht, defense attorneys are shown dnrinf a momentary break In the lone *&d tedious conrt prooeed- in(s. Left to rifht are Attorneys''M. H. Thompson, W. A. Marsh, Engene Gadsden and C. O. Pearson. Shown directly behind Pear son is one of the defendants, Clandins Parrish. Insets aionr the top of the pictures show the defendants and prMecutrix. Left to rifht are Willie Shaw, Otho Roberts, Claudius Parrish, John D. Brooks and Mrs. Lloyd.—‘Staff photos by STANBACK. WARRENTON TRIAL PUT-OFF f^lodical Dept Ouls* Uhlv Ubrary Four Get Life On Rape Rap Rape was the big story here In North Carolina this week. In Durham, four Negroes re ceived automatic life smtences after pleading guilty to a charge o raping a thrice-married SO year-old white woman. In Warrenton, where two white men were scheduled to be tried for raping a teen age Negro school girl, the trial was post poned until the May term of the Superior Court at the re quest ^ the prosecution. Sentenced to the State prison for the rest of their lives were Willie Shaw, 24; Otho Roberts, 18; John D. Brooks, 25; and Claudius Parrish, 20. Judge Q. K. Nimocks, a very patient judge who stopped the lengthy- court proceedings at several points to lecture to the over- flowixig often noisy crowd on manners, recommended that the defendants never be paroled or that their sentences be commut ed. Acceptance of a plea of guilty by Solicitor W. H. Murdock brought to an abrupt halt the six day trial which had been in process at the Superior Court here. It came shortly after the judge had delivered the charge to the jury and the 12 men had retired to deliberate a verdict. The plea of guilty made auto matic the life imprisonment sentence. The quartet, all from Orange Mrs. Lloyd, Burgess and Ernest County, had been charged with raping Mrs. Hope Sims Lloyd, 30 year-old Chatham Cotmty divorcee, and beating her youth ful companion, Elton Burgess, 19, on the night of August 80. The crime occured in a wood just off the Fayetteville road. During the trial, all but one of the defendants took the stand. It was learned from the defense attorneys that it was the wish df the defendants that they be giv en, & chance to testify. Roberts turned an offer to take the stand.- The State’s witnesses included Sheriffs E. Q. Belvin of Durham, J. E. Latta of Orange Coimty, Bolden, the storekeeper sum moned by Burgess on the night of the crime to go back to the scene and reKue Mrs. Lloyd. Acting as defense counsel were Attorneys M. Hugh Thompson, R. P. Reade, 0. O. Pearson, $igmund Meyer, Willi am A. Marsh and Eugene Gads den. Two Negroes wer^ among tha jury selected to bear the trial, but, as it turned out, didn’t have to decide on a verdict, niey were William Hubbard and Fletcher Parker. They ate and slept with other jurors at the Malboume hotel (white) here during the duration of the trial. AFTERMATH OF $1MN HAUL Says She Would Have Turned In Her Husband WASHINGTON, D.C. Mrs. Mamie Landis, wife of the man accused of taking $160, 000 from the Bureau of Engrav ing An New Year’s Eve Day, was out on bail this week. An anony mous t>enefactor iukd put up a $10,000 cash bond for the come ly Mrs. Landis, who has repeat edly asserted she would have tipped off the police as lier fa ther did of the sensational rob bery, if she had only known. i knew nothing about the robbwy,” she claims. ‘1 only want to help in every way pos- sibls.” The bond money for Mrs. Lan dis’ bail was Ikandled by Doug las R. Smith, a vice-president of the National Savings and Trust Co. Said Mr. Smith atx>ut the benefactor: “He is a liiglily re putable client of our bank who does not desire pei'sonal publi city.” ^ He did however add that the (Please turn to Page Eight) Two of the Mutual Savings and Loan Association’s yonngcst shareholders, Jaae Mmmet, It, i Marsha Goodwin, 11, are shown chatting with the Association’s top offieials and Bevercad A. S. Croom, extreme right, following the annual meeting of the organisation in Durham this week. Mutual Savings and Loan officials shown are ■. B. Merrick, (extreme left) presideat, aad J. S. Stewart, (second from right), seeretary-treasarer. For more details, see stary, this page. 2; FOR THIRTY YEARS THE OUTSTANDING WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINAS Entered as Second ^au Matter at the Post Office at Durham, North Carolina, under Act of March 3,1S79. The front view of the drive in branch of the Mechanic and Fanners Bank is shown here. The branch, located on Fayetteville Street at Elm in the Hayti section of Durham, will be formally opened in ceremonies ftlday night at the balldi^. EreejM, equip ped and furntahed at a cost of some $98,00t, the building is among the most modern in the city, featnrii^ bullet proof and bullet re sistant windows. B. R. Markley was the achitect and George W. Kane the contractor. Section Of Duriiaiii To Get Service For The First Time History Of Mechanics And Fanners Bank Is Replete With Fine Examples Of Achievement New Branch Of Mechanics And Farmers Hii^ Banking DURHAM Another milestone in the re markable growth and develop ment of the Mechanics and Far mers Bank will take place here Friday, January IS when a Fay etteville Street branch of the In stitution w)ll open its doors for business. With the main office located at 114 Parrish Street the Raleigh branch located at JS E. Hargett Street, in the state’s capital £lty and a third office located at 61B Fayetteville Street the Mechan ics and Farmers Bynk now be comes the first and only Negro bank in America with a branch office in the city in which ita main office is located. Already it holds the distinction of I>eing the only race bank in the coun try with a branch in another city. For the 17,000 or more Negro citizens living in the Hayti area of Durham the Fayetteville St. branch will furnish every bank ing service to be found in the main office and except loans, will make banking quicker for everyone who lives or works in the growing southern section of the city and cotmty.” The new edifice, beautiful in design and (Please turn to Page Eight) “We’ve had problems...many of them...just as any other finan cial organization. But I feel it is a tribute to* the manfcgement that the bank has been able to maintain its record of steady progress through tiie years.” So spoke Mechanics and Far mers bank president John Her- vey Wheeler on the eve of the opening of the bank’s new bran ch here this week. * Bank officials have had thelir chests stuck out tor the past few days, days that have led up to the formal opening of the new branch located at Fayetteville Street at Elm in the Hayti sec tion. And they are ri^tly proud, for the opening of the branch marks another concrete advance by ^e organization whose his tory is replete with fin* exam ples of achievement. As President Wheeler unfold ed the history of the bank to this writer between comminquea to his secretary, short coti^er- encea with various tellers and his chief aide, cashier I. O. Fun- derburg, and not Infrequent ac ceptance of incoming telephone calls (he is easily one of the city’s busiest men), the names of Fitzgerald, Merrick, Moora, Warren, Shepard,'Pearson, Don nell, McDougald and Spaulding, household words to most native Durhamites, fell into their pro per places in the rolls of the bank’s history. But Wheeler, who is reluc tant to speak of progress in terms of individual' men for fear of overlooking someone to whom credit is due, was iiuick to con vey the impression that it was the confidence of the people in the bank which did more than any single official to make i>os- sible its rapid growth. Mechanics and Farmers bank had its origin in 1907 when nine men banded together to form the financial institution. These nine men were R. B. Fitz gerald, John Merrick, Dr. A. M. Moore, Dr. S. V. Warren, Dr. James Shepard, J. A. Dodson, Cieorge Stevens, W. G. Pearson and John R. Hawkins. On Augtist 1, 1909, the doors of Mechanics and Farmers bank were first opened for business. It was chartered some 18 months earlier, in January 1907. Its first site was on Parrish Street, next door to the present build ing, the site now occupied by Mutual Savings and Loan Asso ciation. But for the persuasion of Messrs. Merrick and Moore, the bank would have been lo cated at five points, where the present White Palace Cafe is situated, however the afore men tioned two gentlemen influen ced the bank owners to locate on Parrish St. ""Fitzgerali a well-to-do- brick maker who owned „ a consider able brick manufacturing estab lishment in what is now known as the west end section, became the institution's first president. Merrick succeeded him one year later and held the post until his death. Pearson became the yotmg organization’s first cashier, but held the Job only one year, re linquishing It because of his (Please ttuti to Page Eight) VOLUME 30—NUMBER 50 / State Baptists To Dedicate New Building RALEIGH Baptists from every section of North Carolina are expected to gather in Raleigh, Wednesday, January 20 to witness and parti cipate in the dedication of the recently constructed State Bap tist Headquarters building. The new stilicture, located on the corner of Wilmington and Lenoir Streets, will be dedicated in formal ceremonies conducted in the basement of the building. The initial program will begin at 11 a.m. in the Shaw University Church, with Dr. P. A. Bishop, Rich Square, president of the (Seneral Baptist Convention, presiding. The Rev. Th(»nas Kilgore, *Jr., former Executive Secretary of the Convention and currently pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, New York City, will give the principal address. Greetings will be extended by Atty. F. J, Carnage, represent ing the citizens of Raleigh; Dr. M. A. Huggins, general secretary of the Baptist State Convention; Dr. W. R. Strassner, president of Shaw University; Dr. W. C. Somerville, Executive secretary of the Lott Carey Baptist For eign Mission Convention, USA.; Mrs. M. A. Home, president of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mission Convention of North Carolina; and the Rev. T. H. Brooics, superintendent of the Oxford Orphanage. The Rev. K. O. P. (Soodwin, pastor of Winston-Salem’s Mt Zion Baptist Church, and trustee of the Convention, will preside over the Litany of Dedication. The Rev. G. S. Stokes of Middle sex will pray the prayer of dedi cation and the benediction will be pronounced by the Rev. A. L. Thompson of Lumberton. Other participants will in clude: M. A. Ham, architect; J. M. Thompson, Jr., contractor; Dr. O. S. BuUock, Raleigh, and Dr. J. W. Tynes, Greensboro, trustees; Dr. R. M. Pitts, Win ston Salem, chairman of the Executive Committee; Dr. J. T. Hairston, Greensboro, chairman of the Board of Missions; the Rev. O. L. Sherrill, Executive Secretary of the (Seneral Con vention; Mrs. Ellen S. Alston, Executive Secretary of the Wo man’s Convention; J. T. Haw kins, president of the Baptist Training Union Convention; B. M. Butler, president of the State (Please turn to Page Eight) DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1954 PRICE 10 CENTS EDITORJ AL V CONGRATUUTIONS MECHANICS AND FARMERS BANK The Carolina Times is happy to feiicitate tha F.Iechanics AND Farmers Bank this week for achieving another mile stone in its long and useful career, as the hub around which all of Durham’s Negro business instutions revolve. The own ing of the Fayetteville Street branch of the bank, which will take place on January 15, will not only provide better and bigger banking service for the Negro citizens of Durham— that is a small part of the overall significance—but it also is proof positive that the Durhasi Negro business group is many steps ahead of those in other cities. Although there are only about 27,000 Negroes in the en tire city and county of Durham, the Mechanics and Farmers Bank ranks second in the nation as the largest banking in stitution owned and controlled by Negroes, towering well over Negro banks in large urban centers like Philadephia, Atlanta, Memphis, Savannah and Kansas City, and ranking close behind the leading one located in Washington, D. C. This fact is testimony that the Durham institution is well managed and has among its officials men of vision and fore sight. It may not be knoWn to many white and Negro citizens of Durham, but the Mechanics and Fabmebs Bank is the only one in the race that has a branch in another city or elsewhere in the city in which it operates. This fact also bespeaks of the fine leadership the institution has had through the years. What has been done in the banking field in Durham can be accomplished elsewhere if Negroes will only leam to bury their personal differences and cooperate for their own benefit. There are many cities in the nation with much larger Negro populations but because of personal animosity, selfishness and littleness on the part of their leaders they are unable to even have a first-class credit union, to say nothing of a banking institution. Again, we extend our congratulations to the Mechanics and Farmers Bank and trust that its new branch will not on ly serve the Negro citizens of Durham in a better way but that it will be an inspiration to members of the race in other cities to awaken to the great possibilities they have if only th«y will learn the spirit of cooperation. Durham Financial Institution Reports Over 2 Million In Assets DURHAM The 33rd annual sharehold ers’ meeting of the Mutual Savings and Loan Associa tion was held here Tuesday, evening, January 12 in the auditorium of the North Caro lina Mutual Life Insurance Company with a r^resenta- tive group present The meet ing was presided over by E. R. Merrick, president. The report to the share holders was read by J. S. Stewart, secretary-treasurer, who disclosed that the Asso ciation closed the year 1953 with total assets of $2,459,604.58, “representing an increase of $117,808.82 over the preceding year.” The Association has ser ved a total of 2,162 persons either financing their homes or providing them a safe and con venient plan and place for their savings, Stewart said. The Association granted home loans Airing the- year to the amount of $515,582.95 to 227 persons. Dividends were distri buted in the amount of $57,779.- 47 which was the highest ever paid to shareholders. The Asso ciation has total reserves of $179,553.67,. representing a re serve ratio of 7.8 percent. During the meting a most in teresting film was shown the shareholders, entitled, “VThere The Heart Is.” The film was pro duced by the U. S. Savings and Loan League at a cost of $60,000 and had its premier* showing last November at the United States Savings and Loan League Convention in Chicago. It gave 27 minutes of informative enter tainment, explaining ttirough an engaging stc^, tba Importance (Pleaae turn to Page Eight) T. D. PABHAM, trust offlccr •f the Mechanics aad Fanners Bank, who at his reqaest, waa granted retiremeat at the aa- noal meeting of the Baard af Directors here last week. Par ham has been eonaected with the bank for over thirty years aad attribated ill health as his reason far wishing to be re lieved of the responsibilities of heading the bank’s Trast Department. Becaaae af hia iong years of faithfal serTica, the Board voted to graat Btr. Parham’s reqacst with am ap propriate retireneat allat- ment. He will retaim hia placa OB the Board ot Dbrectan aad the bank’s Trast CamtKtea, accordiag to J. H. Whealey, presideat. Fuquay Session Council Sets Boy Scout FUQUAY ' The Occoneecbee Council gb- nual divisional Boy Scout not ing and banquet will be held at the Fuquay Springs consolidated high school here Tuesday night Jan. 19 at 7:30. J. H. Wheeler, president ot the Mechanics and Farmais Bank of Durham, will be tha principal speaker. He is aefaa- duled to address the banquet “Opportunities for Living.” J. M. Schoolar, principal 0 the Whitted elementary fdl0^ of Durham, will praalde ovar > meeting. Schooler is eb the Council which . aacne 12 coimtiea te sifgiy North Carolina. H. W. Gillis, local fiaM i tive, announced this s many phases ci th» : planned for the eomtog: ba previawad at tta."

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