Members of the dance class of the Branch ¥. W. C. A. of Danville, Virginia are shown here with their instructor, Mias M. Hitt. ORANGE COUNTY WINS COVf ED RUIiAL PROGRESS AWARD GREENSBORO Orange County was named this week “County of Year” lor 1953 in the annual North Caro lina Rural Progress Campaign with special reference to Ne groes. It was a clean sweep lor the county in that a lew weelis (jrfgQ^the same community won ^ut in* the general campaign, for both white and colored, using the same criteria. The announcement, released this week by Dr. W. E. Reed, dean of the School of Agricul ture at A and T College and chairman ol the state evaluating committee, stated 4n part, “The spirit, complete working under standing and concern ol all wor kers, both white and colored, for the total program, represent one of the most unique approaches to the development and progress in agriculture, lamily living, public education, church and community development that we have ever seen in this state”. A total ol 410 Negro farm families out of a possible 570 participated in a special 16- point program designed to im prove farm, lamily, neighbor hood, conununity and country production and income. These improvements ranged Irom seed ing, both permanent and tempo rary, pastures, improving live- -Meck'^lierds, better and scienti fic practices in crop production, to better lamily clothing pro grams, housing and community improvement and development. Seventy-eight conununity lea ders assumed the responsibility, in close cooperation with such agencies as: Farmers Home Ad ministration, Agricultural Sta bilization Cooperation, Soil Con servation Service, Production Credit Association, State. Ebcten- sion Service, Vocational Agri culture and Home Economics Teachers, Orange County Minis terial Alliance, public schools, public health department, Farm Bureau and Rural Electrifica tion, to carry this 16-point pro gram to the farm families. Four hundred and ten families made one or more improvements un der the program. The county had a total of 35 “Honor Fami lies”. those who cooperated in every phase of the 16-point pro gram ol this number, 14 were Negro families. Considered outstanding in tiie Orange County campaign was the fact that the program was unilormly supported on a bi- racial level. The awards of 91,000 for the general campaign lor all races, given by Dr. Clarence Poe, Pro gressive Farmer, Gordon Gray, president, University ol North Carolina and North Carolina Newspaper organization, and ?500 lor the Negro phase, given also by Dr. Poe, who will be pre sented at a joint celebration to be held at the county courthouse on Thursday evening, February 25. Protestant Churches OpiMse Rule Or Ruin School Program In South COLUMBIA, S. C. Protestant churches in this state -have declared in a Jolntc resolution that South Carolina must “maintain its ppblic school system unimpared” regardless ol how the Supreme Court rules on school segregation. The statement, addressed to state legislative and administra tive oUicials, was adopted last week by the South Carolina Fellowship ol Churches and the South Carolina Division ol the Southern Regional Council. fn another section ol the forthcoming Supreme Court de cision “peacelully and in good faith.” A similar statement, adopted earlier by the Virginia Council of Churches’ executive commit tee, expressed dread of the con sequences should its sister state of South Carolina turn over the public school system to private operators to avoid following a Supreme Court directive to stop school segregation. Surveying the situation in its own state, the Virginia church council requested that "what ever adjustments should be necessary” in Virginia when the Supreme Court rules on school segregation, be made “in accor dance with Christian princi ples.” The council’s committee of Christian social relations urged local communities in Va., to set up interracial committes “to discuss the matter and to pre pare their communities to accept adjustments in a Christian North Carolina's No. 1 Family of Dairy Products RAY’S WATCH REPAIRS Mrs. Vlvlan-Ray Harris Mrs. Mary Teague, Owners WATCH — CLOCK AND JEWELKY REPAIRINO Guaranteed Serrlee PHONB 2-S141 118 E. PARRISH STREET Im VS' it Chesterfields for Me! The cigarette tested and approved by 30 years of scientiiic tobacco research. CaM For Home Delivery By Your Route Mon NO DOWN PAYMENT TAKE TWO YEARS XO FAY 0 SPRING $1.70 Per Week 3 genetotions dioose Maytag Ches'terfields for Me! Wond«rf«l Gyrofoan ■ctloal The cigarette with a proven good record with smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthly examinations of a group of smokers show no adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses from smokingf Chesterfield. All over Amcrlca* Grandmo«i®fi» Mothers, now homem»kers—all know what Maytag waih«n «aa dol Thar* «r« so many r— y,. why you’ll Uk« tW# wondirfm Maytag. Low in eost—big la value, a genulna Maytag thimigb and throu^ $129-95 Bring This Ad In And You Will Receive A Year’s Supply 01 Tide Free MONTGOMERY & ALDRIDGE Chesterfields for Mel Opposite Carolina Theater 0 WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 1:00 P. M. % The cigarette that gives you proof of highest quality—low nicotine—the tasle you want—the mildness you want , \ tCHO SfUnir If I 9 d/i ** »3" 4/SQT. SIO EAST MAIN STREET DIAL U21 DURHAM, N. C spirit.” Last month, the Texas council of chiiTche* adopted a resolution asking all Protestants in Texas to “accept” whatever ruUng the Supreme Court makes on school segregation. The statement, adopted at the Texas council’s first annual con vention, also urged all protes- tants to “help insure to every person his fullest rights and op portunities as an American and as a child of God.” Charlotte Plans NAACP Drive CHARLOTTE Plans were made for a city wide membership drive to gin here soon by the city chap ter of the NAACP, at its regular monthly meeting Saturday, iFeb. 13 at the Bethlehem Center. Some 100 persons attended the meeting and heard a pledge for an all-out effort from Dr. Roy S. Wyim, newly elected chairman of the executive com mittee. Kelly M. Alexander, execu tive secretary of the organiza tion, submitted a report to the group on the 'recent state and legitJ meetings of the NAACP. In addition to the election of Wynn as chairman of the execu tive committee, Jacob Thompson was elected. Jacob Thompson was elected BATNRDAT, m. tl, l»f4 na CABOUNA mas as co-ch4fnnan of the executive committee and Mn. U. S. Brooks was named secretary to the committee. P.T.A. Congress Releases Dates For Woriohops RALEIGH The second annual sectional winter workshc^s sponsored by the N. C. Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers will be held as follows: February 20, JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY, CHAR LOTTE; February 27, STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE. ELIZA BETH CITY. THEME OF.THE ONE DAY INSTITUTE "IM PROVING OUR ORGANIZA TION AND OUR LEADERSHIP THROUGH GREATER UNDER STANDING AND PARTICIPA TION,” will emphasize “to getherness” and unity of focus and direction for local units throughout the State. J. R. Hen- NEW METHOD^ UINDRY ^ And DRY CLEANERS Quality • Service 405 Roxboro Street DIAL 6959 ry, Principal, Elementary Sch., Bessemer City, N. C., is chair man of the committee for tUe workshsop at JoluuDn C. Smitli; and Dr. S. D. Williams, Preii- d«nt ot State Teaciier* Crilegg, EUzab^ City, chalnnan ot th* institute In the eaat. District and local presUents as« ngsd to (iPlease turn to Page Six) ... If yu let lovely lialr««l*r jrsH and b«««tlfal There’s just no doubt he’ll love you more if jour hair shines and shimmers and feels soft against his cheek. Ask at your cosmetk counter for Godefroy’s Laiieuse Hair Coloring in the red box. Choose from 18 flattering colors. Larieust^ •oomoY MfG. ca • ssio ouvi n. • sr. lews i, no T oday’s Chesterfield is the Best Cigarette Ever IVIade! America’s Most Popular 2-Way Cigarette CHESTERFIELD B/FSTFOSrOU

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