rAQK TWO THE CA&OLtKA TIMES SATOftDAY. MAT 1, 1154 The Danger Of Partial Integration Last week we published in this newspaper a recent speech delivered by the emi nent-jurist, Judge William H. Hastie, member of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, to new mem bers of the Howard Univer sity Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary society. In that speech he sounded a note of warning to the so-called “talented tenth” of the race against “loss of primary concern for the de fects and injustices of our society as they affect other Negroes and other people generally.” So siOTificant and timely do we think the address that we again quote here for the benefit of our readers. Said Judge Hastie: “In the paat, the well-educa ted Necro, even If relatively •ecure, no less than his less- edncatd or less-secure brother w»s actually treated like an alien and a pariah in his own eonntry. If only to retain per- peraonal pride and human dignity he had to stay in the stcBfflM to make a more de- e«Bt aoeiety,” "hut I see ahead a rather extensive integration of what was once called the talented tenth of the Nerro population into the general life of the community. The danger is that this process be attend ed by loss of primary ooBeem for the defects and taijnstlce of our society as they affect oth er Negroes and other people generally." As lynchings and other forms of mob violence become relics of the past and the tal ented tenth achieves a great er measure of favors the gap between it and the Negro , masses is sure to become wid- We Pray Oh God that Thou'^ er «nd wider, will give us strength here to ^he well-educated, the iiiipress upon the minds of fortunate of the race or as Negroes the very serious dan- Judge Hastie puts it, the ger sounded in Judge Hastie’s “talented tenth” needs to address! know that even its members It is nothing new to watch acceptable to some of the talented tenth, who have risen by accident, well-known and have made marriage, or family tie. more personal white fnends. For it than by strenuous effort or hard to fmd a Negro in the native ability, look down ^“th who is so wretched their noses at the other nine- cannot point to one tenths of their race with the friend utmost contempt. Blinded by while the same white man the pseudo success they en- ^ bitterest joy they proceed to set them- of the race as a selves up as philosophers and whole. experts on why the other So truly there is a serious nine-tenths of their race can- danger that as we approach not rise above the level of the much to be desired goal economic distress and ignor- of integration that we may ance. They will even join become illusioned into think- members of the opposite ing that the acceptance of the group from time to time in well-educated of the race denouncing their unfortun- means that the group as a ate brethren, in spite of the whole has been accepted, fact that among them may Somehow honest leadership be many of their blood rela- of the race must get it tives. Thus you will see col- over to those in power that lege trained Negroes with- without the acceptance of all draw from the masses of their Negroes there will be estab- people to their ivory towers lished a caste system here in where they can have the op- America the stigma of which portunity to at least lick the the present status of the race boots of their masters. will be considered glorious. Tlie Cancer Detection Center The Cancer Detection Cen ter of Lincoln Hospital has just celebrated its first an niversary. According to re ports over 600 persons in and near Durham availed them selves of its services during the 12 months period and were examined for cancer. Although the report handed the Carolina Times did not disclose the number of per sons the Cancer Detection Center discovered to have had cancer during that period it probably has the information available for those interested in having it. We think the number of persons it found to have can cer is unimportant. For if the center uncovers one case and thereby saves one life from this terrible disease it has justified its existence. Only those who have witnessed the untold suffering of a cancer victim can know just how important any movement to halt the disease is. The 600 persons examined at the center during the past 12 months are not enough. The examination it free and we see no reason why every Negro citizen in and around Durham has not availed him self or herself the opportun ity of determining whether or not they have cancer. If detected in its early stages a majority of cancer cases can be cu^ed. If allowed to get a foothold there is no known cure to medical sci ence. We, therefore, urge per sons in Durham and over the state, for that matter, to avail themselves of the opportun ity and be examined for can cer. The Fight hr Freedom Fund The proposal made by Dr. W. Montague Cobb of Wash ington, D. C. that members of the medical profession throughout the country con tribute $100 each to the Fight for Freedom Fund of the tionaT Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People should be met with a hearty response by medical groups all over the. country. The fact that the medico-chirurgical Society of the District of Columbia has already en dorsed the movement will no doubt lend emphasis to the proposal and encourage other medical groups of the race throughout the country to fol low suit. The Old North State Medi cal Society of North Carolina is the oldest medical group of the race in America. Approval of the plan from it would car ry a lot of weight throughout the country and it is hoped that it will follow the ex ample for the Medico-chirur gical Society. Not only would its example be followed by other medical .grPHP® but groups in other professions as well. As a whole Negro lawyers have received more direct benefit from efforts of the NAACP than any other pro fessional group of the race. Certainly they should follow the example of the medics and contribute at least $100 each to the Fight for Freedom ]^nd. For when the fund be comes a realization it will be the lawyers, above any other group, who will reap the har vest in legal fees derived from court battles that will be financed by it. According to a safe esti- m a t e if all physicians throughout the nation contri bute $100 each it wiU provide more than $400,000 for the fund. It is no hard task to imagine what a tremendous amount of money would be available to> the NAACP if members of fraternities, sor orities, teachers associations, clubs and other organizations would all agree to donate even $10 each to the fund. One thing is certain free dom, first-class citizenship and all of the other fine things that go with them will never be handed to Negroes on a platter. They must be fought for, sacrificed for and after they have been achieved, must be forever guarded with the utmost care lest they at any moment be taken away from us. 'your NEWS W|R U SATURDAY MAY 1, 1954 L. E. AUSTIN, Publisher CLATHAN M. BOSS, Editor I, K. CABTEK, Itanaglng Editor ruMlibad Evary Saturday by tha UMTTKD pUBUnOEM, IneotponUd at 51S B. Patticmr Bt M. E. JOHNSON, Bwdaess MMU^or R. J. HAYNES, Adv«rtlslaf Manaf«r No tuArantM of publication of unaollclted rial, l^tten to tiM oditor for pubUcation muft bo ■ifiKd a&d conflnod to 000 word*. M aaeopd olaai matter at ttio Post Offieo at Diotiam. Morth CanaMna under 12m Act of Mar^i irrt Bubftcrlption Ratat: loe par copy; *3.00: Oam Yaar. U-00 (TmAgn Countrlaa, *4.00 par raar.) As bonded Indebtednei* is ^ NitloDtl FtdtrtUoa of lodip«odMt EDITORIAL OF THE WEEK Integration Here To Stay No matter how the Supreme Court rules in the school segregation cases, the widespread discussion of the issue has been good for the country. Even if the high court fails to give an all-out decision against segregation per se„the trend toward integration will continue. Some cities and states, anticipating that the court will finH separate schools unconstitutional, already have begun to shift from segregation to integration in a quiet, gradual sort of way. The public education which has gone along with the NAACP’s court battle for full citizenship has convinced many Amercians that segregation is wrong and they are moving to eliminate the eVil ahead of the court order. Other states, while not quite willing to actually take positive action until given the “go” signal by the court, have stated publicly that they will obey the mandate of the court.' Many have their plans in readiness, and will put them into operation as soon as the decision is handed down. The Talmadges, who say that they will not change their old way of doing things, Supreme Court or no Supreme Court, form a diminishing minority. Even from Talmadge’s own state comes word that in Atlanta the school people are accepting non-segregation as a coming fact. We are mighty afraid thatTahnadge may be in the minority even among his own fellow Georgians. ■ It is the American spirit to accept the decisions of our courts and to obey the law. .Many persons in other lands would give their all just for the privilege of living in Amer ica with its high ideal and its bountiful goods. It is indeed a privilege to be an American. A country as great as this can afford a few Talmadges and Bryneses.—Kansas City Call. Let America Be America Again By LANGSTON HUGHES (Excerpts) Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself i« free. (America never was America to me.) Let America be the dream that dreamers dreamed— Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tryants scheme That any man be crushed by one above. (It never was America to me.) O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath. But opportunity is real, and life is free. Equality is in the air we breathe. (There’s never been equality for me, ^Nor freedom in this “homelarid of the free.") Yet Vm the one who dreamt our basic dream In that Old World while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true. That even yet its mighty daring sings In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned That’s made America the'land it has become. O, I’m the man who ^iled those early seas In search of what I meant to be my home— For I’m the one who left dark Ireland’s shore. And Poland’s plain, and England’s grassy lea. And tom from Black Africa's strand I came To build a “homeland of the free.” i O, let America be America again— The land that never has been yet— And yet must be-—the land where every man is free. The land that’s mine—the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro, ME— _ Who made America. Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, ^ Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain. Must bring our mighty dream again. a f Sure, call me any ugly name you choose— The steel of freedom does not stain .... W_ASHINGTON AND SMALL BUSINESS Indep«nd«nt busineMmen fa vor greater grass roots control of money and credit. In hut compl«t«d nailoawMe membenOdp poll by National Federation of Indq>endent Busi ness, TOtInf was 7S% fii favor of companion blUs by Senator Capebart i Congressmanl Hulter. These bills seek to place bank holding corporations on same footing as Independent banks. Holding oor- c.W. Hardtr porations would b« barred from controlling both banks and non banking enterprises; from add ing branches THtbout securing same approval required of inde pendent banks. For fnany reasons, indepen dent business wishes, indepen* dent bapks made more secure. One reason is local control of the communities cash and credit by people with firsthand Imowledge of local conditions Is better for all. Another major reason is be lief bank holding corporations have aided local governmental extravagance. Much extrav agance blamed on Washington has been at the local level, as local politicians love to spend money, too. A political subdlvisloo, wishing to issue bends to pay for any 'scheme thouglit op, usnatly finds who will buy tlie bonds before an election la decided upon. Foll- llcians luiow how to Iiallyhoo across bond elections, but don’t wAUt to end ap with a batch of bonds that can’t be peddled. In contemporary times, local poli ticians have found liank holding ..corporations very helpful. By C. WILSON HARDER lien on all the raal sstat* fat • subdivision distant ftnandm, [ faosd with hug* sums d cash siplumed off from maiqr souroas^ ^ ar* («ly Intarasted primarily, in whether tha total assets at fba community adequately baok up tha txinds; not in a long ranga viewpoint f>t coQununitgr neads. m • * f Thus, even with grandlsae schemes that no ieoal banker will endorae, polltioiaos can go to a bank holding corporation. K * * \ With a constant feal on the oommtmity pulse, the local bank er knows whether or not tiia county can afford a gold plated courthouse at tills time, or whether it should settle for a more modest stanicture, and re serve some of its bonding ca pacity for i)eeds of the near fu ture such SIS more schools. • « Bot when poiiticians can hock the community assets with a dis tant financier en the basis of cold balance sheet flgnres, and tiias tlie wise counsel of local bankers conditioned by an Intimata knowledge of h>«al needs is lost to the-commmitty, local priiti- oal suI>divlsIoiia are la for ta> ture trouble. , Kven today soma communltiaa with urgent needs have found their bonding birthright already pledged by politicians ia a man ner tliat would hqv* never been possible U ttie sale of bonds had depended upon th» judgment cl strong looal l>an]u. | • • • I Tins tod«y, a few bank hold ing corporationa through owner- sidp of federal, state, county and city bonds, own much of the V. S. Government. Tomorrow the wiMrie world may pay ialterest to Caesar. And that Is why inde- pendeat businessmen want this trend stopped; want not smaller, . but mach bigger locally owned independent banka. ^ Hate, Must Not Be Allowed To Do It Again we don't uke YOun RCLlGlON . OURS IS bctter! WE AQE ANGtO SlWONS A SUPERIOR race -AMD , HATE AU. NON-whites! WEa-We DOM'T UKE your color! m % INFERIOP Spiritual Insight “MARCHING ORDERS" By REVEREND HAROLD ROLAND Pastor, Mount Gilead Baptist Church “Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way..?"Luke. 24:32. We see dejected, discouraged and gloom-ridden disciples walking along the Emmaus Road. In a flash all is changed! Why? Their darlc and despair ing hearts are all aglow with a Holy Flame. The Risen Christ is in their midst wailcing with them down the highway. The Risen Crist comes to walls with them and dark gloom of Cal vary is lifted. Their gloomy world is transformed into a realm of light and glory. Tire darkness is gone—the Holy Light is aglow in their souls; Too often and too many of us walk the Emmaus Road of doubt, unbelief, despair, gloom, discouragement and seeming difficulties. _ We ought walk more in the presence of the Risen and glo rified Christ, In his presence our hearts too will glow with the light of his Holy Presence. Christ gives the glow of spiri tual warmth to our souls. Too many of us walk the way of cold isolation and loneliness. Why >valk alone when our hearts cdp be burning with the glow of ^is presence? Make Christ ynur companion In this sometimes rough,/difficuM and discouraging way of life. You need Christ for light, guidance and strength. He can banish the darkness of your Emmaus Road. Hearts burning with the Holy Flame of his presence can en dure darkness. We all have ex periences of darkness. We all get caught at times in life’s dark places. We all must fight against darkness and sin. Thus we need him in our lives who has con quered and overcome all tha dark forces with which we must ^apple—envy, hatred, persecution, trial, suffering, heartache and sin. He will set our hearts aflame with a light to take us through the darkness. Jesus taught the great lesson that the darkness cannot put out the light of Eternal Truth. The winds of evil cannot put out the rfoly Flame in the soul of the believer. Evil will strive to put out the light. • Evil and sin cannot put out the light Christ sets burning in the soul. The winds of adversity may blow with all ■ their power and fury, but the Holy Flame burn ing in our souls through faith will shine brighter and brighter until tlie perfect day. Hearts set burning on the Emmaus Road will never go out. Hearts aflame with the Holy Spirit will never go out. tIAACP Says Proposed Airti-Discriininations Plans A "Document Of Appeasment And Expediency" WASHINGTON, D.C. Proposed anti-discrimination plans of Housing Administrator 'Albert M. Cole submitted to the Senate Banking and Currency Committee represent a “doc trine of appeasement and ex pediency” and are “unworthy, of our country,” the NAACP told the Senate Banking and Currency Committee in a letter made public last week. The letter, released by the Washington bureau of the NAA CP and signed by Clarence Mit chell, the biu-eau director, was sent to Senator Homer Cape- hart, committee chairman, in reply to a statement sent to the committee by Mr. Cole on April 6. The NAACP charged that un der Mr. Cole’s plan, FHA-in- sured housing developments from which Negro families now are barred, solely because of race, would continue to be ra cially segregated. Meanwhile, the Association pointed out, Mr. Cole would have the federal government underwrite the cost of building segregated housing for Negro and other minority groups. “The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People strongly oppose a pro- garm which isolate minority group families from the main stream of American life,” the letter declared. ’The NAACP letter asked the committee and Congress to enact strong safeguards against racial dismrimination In the federal housing bill—S.2938 — now In committee. Unless such safeguards are incorporated in the housing bill, Mr. MitcheU asserted the Hous ing Agencies wiU continue their present program of pro moting racial segregation with the help of federal fimds.” “Every hotislng official. In cluding Mr. Cole, knows that FHA Insured projects are desig nated as white or lor colored at the time lenders agree to ad vance funds. Hence, the present I policy forbids restrictive cove nants in writing, but promotes exclusion from new housing tiirough other types of agree ments by the builders, lenders, and occupants. "It is unlikely that the pre sent housing official will depart from this policy unless they are clearly instructed to do so by your committee.” The letter noted that on March 24 last, the NAACP of fered an amendment to the pro posed housing bill which would specify: “The aids and powers made available under the seve ral titles of this Act are not to be conditioned or limited in any way on account of race, reli gion, or national origin of buil ders, lenders, renters, buyers, or families to be benefited.” The Church And Mrs. Howard BY HABJEIY GERSH A couple' of months ago I wrote a picce about the new pioneers who live in constant danger of fire and shot and stones because they are advan cing on the frontiers of man’s relationship to man, just as the early pioneers advanced on the frontiers of a physical wilder ness. This is another report from the frontier. One Sunday morning in Jan., Mrs. Betty Haward, 22, mother of two small children, left the church where she had attend ed Mass. Outside the church about 40 of her i^eighbors, most of whom had attended Mass with her, gathered around Mrs. Howard screaming ugly insults, making threats. Six of the wo men in the mob followed Mrs. Howard home, throwing stones at her. At 11:15 the seven women— Mrs. Howard and her assailants- were kneeling before the altar, hearts open to their one Go'd, petitioning for justice and mercy and salvation through the intercession of Someone they called the Prince of Peace. At 11:45 Mrs. Howard was running through the streets still running through th streets, still praying, though silently this time for mercy and justice and her own safety. The other six were screaming words banned by their church, their faces con torted with hatred banned by their church, their hearts filled with an evil damned by their church. All this because the Howards had the courage to find a de cent place in which to bring up their children and because th* Howards were Negroes. They had moved into the TrumhuU Park Homes in Chicago, *^ub-' lie housing project. The Trumbull Park Homes project was put up, at least In part, with public funds. This money was raised by taxes which Jell as heavily upon Mrs. Howard as upon the six women who stoned her. The Howards have been liv ing in their apartment, boarded up to protect the children from bricks and sulphur bombs, since last summer, protected by an around-the-clock police guard. They’ve stuck it out. And to the eternal credit of the city of Chi cago, the police have insisted on enforcing the law even though it has taken as many as 1,000 men at a time. But the lives of the pioneering Howards art still in daily peril. Perhaps it’s past time for the church to do something about those six women.