BKwtSiito Vacatha at LmI Calvert Ihte/ I ... •*mp«t?na In a eontut to d«etd* which of them 'lilLfV*!!? f*r a t*n day vaoition to the Lord Calvert ^ Miami. H«r> tha datalla of the eompetltlon ara being oom- PJJJi# M • mMtln0 ill ClileagOe Simeon Davlet and Munger Carr. Cat- .** ChlMOO. aaoh hold a Florida orapefrult-whloh wai alto to avary aalaaman. Thia grapefruit contained a plaetio tuba gy -•€'**»»»■"? ■*«'•* JMk QIateer, Director of Trada Re- 2r Corporation of New Yorl, holds a model Sf which will fly the winners to Miami, Jo'ieph iwyewel Publla Ralatlona rapreaantatlva of C«' iMlw M a^travlnglM Calvert In New Dr. Trigg Jr. Gets New York Psychiatric Post RALEIGH The Bellevue Medical Center In New York recently appointed Dr. Harold L. Trigg, Jr. as clinical aisistant tn psychiatry at the center. Dr. Trigg, Jr., is the son of Dr. Harold L. Trigg, Sr., president of St. Augustine’s Col lege in Raleigh. tTorth Their Weight In Gold ... CASH SAVINGS BRINGS YOU TRUE FDVANOAL SECURTTYI start now to plan for financial Indfeufmdrnce and aeciiri^ ItY saving regniarty -hera. we'll help you plan a saTlnga pro- >nam yon can follow without hardship. Remember, we pay you a guaranteed S% on yonr average savings halanee. And your account Is Federally tn> sured up to (10,000. So why not start saving right nowT Mutual Savings And Loan Ass’n. 112 W. PARRISH STREET PHONE 3-1151 DURHAM, N. C. Young Dr. Trigg’s new post will embrace duties in the de partment of phychlatry and neurology at the College of Medicine of New Tork Unl- sity. A native of Method, Dr. Trigg attended high school in Eliza beth City and received hia B. S. degree from Hampton Institute. His M. D. degree was- awarded him at the Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tenn., and he took his intern work at Har lem Hospital in New York. V After serving as admitting physician and snrgeon at Har- leM fOT ■ Dr. TVigg payeUatrlat in BellerM H«»- pits! where Iw won a pww- tion to aeaior peyddalrist la ItSl. !■ additira to theae aetivitiea, he also malntalaa a private praetiee. Also employed by the New York State Department of Men tal Hygiene aa an examiner, Dr. Trigg is a candidate for a certi ficate in psychoanalysia at tlie William Alanson White Insti tute in New York City. During his military career. Dr. Trigg served with the Medical Corps of the Army aa a captain in the lAyeliiatrle department while atatloBed ia Germany. Labor Relations Cliair Brings Howard $25j WASHINGTON The Philip Murray Memorial Foundation last week presented a gift of $25,000 to Howard University, for the creation of a Philip Murray Chair of 'Labor Relations in the University’s Division of Social Sciences. The gift waa presented to Preaident Mordeeai Johnaon of Howard UniTersity hy James B. Carey, seeretary- treasnrer of the CIO and of the Foundation, during the 86th Annual Conuneneement Dinner at the Univeislty’s Baldwin Ball. Mr. Carey said he la "hiqppy that this grant will enable the Invest More in Your Home through an F.H.A. LOAN Needed repairs and improvements for your home are a desirable investment. ^ Finance them easily at this bank through an F.H.A. Loan. Repay in convenient | monthly installments. Coll any fime for full information. \ iJ Mecluuiics And Farmers Bank DURHAM AMD RALBIGH NORTH CAROlJNA '“5 Calvert li'i C^rt RESERVE crx- Blolded WIilsiBqr otjewe IlCWDtn « •OTTLU> •* THC ULVtRT DiSTIUJltC Ctt Mo. UwiMufcRt RESERVE CALVERT DISTILLERS CORPORATION NBW YORK aiTY •'KEIiiMaiiRtY ii.i M^et, 11% imiN nutial spiiits- r,: 1P5-1F V- * Dhrlsten of Social Sdaneea in College of Liberal Arta and the Graduate School to expand the work now being carried on by the University in the important area of labor relations.” The CIO official expressed gratitude over the University’s belief “that the inereasiag im* portanee of the general preh* l«n of labor relatloiw Ip American life makes it TSfy desicable that we give greater emphasis to this work.” The $25,000 contribution will permit Howard University to maintain the Chair lor a period of three years. The University proposes to develop plans for fu ture financing of the Chair af ter the three years are passed. The Foundatien’s grant to Howard University is the six th to be announced so far others — totaling S32O,OO0— have been made to the Ameri can Association for the Unit ed Nationa; Providenee Hos pital, Waahlngton, D. C.; Hto- tadrut, the Israeli Federation of Labor; the National Beli- gion and Labor Foundation; and the Legal Defense |jid Education Fund of the Nation al Assoeiation for the Ad vancement of Colored People. The Philip Murray Memorial Foundation was created by the CIO to honor the memory of its late president, who died in No vember, 1052. Its chairman is Emil Rieve, head of the Textile Workers Union of America; Mr. Carey serves as secretary-treas- urer; and the director is Arthur J. Goldberg, general counsel of the CIO. SATOBDAY, JUNE It. 1W4 THE CABOtlWA «Mlg Names Honor Roll Students H. M. Holmes, principal of Hillside High School, recently released the names of students who made the honor roll for the final month. Achieving the lofty height are: Annetta Benton, Barbara Cruse, Shirley Thorpe, Nay Ruth Torain, Julia Wheeler, Hudie Williams, Carmella Jackson, Betty Jean Verbal, Clara Allen, Norman Barbee, Sarah Bell, John Brandon, Patricia Holman, and Barbara Lyon. ,Others are: Rhoda Plummer, Annie Mae Spaulding, Omelia Beverly Wright, Marguerite Robbins, Hattie Ross, Helen L. Eaton, Walter Holmes, Robert McCauley, Glendora Carrick, Billie Curry, Joan Grubbs, Hel en Jamison, Frances Stewart, Ethel Stewart, Vonnie Wilson, and Miriam Holmes. Also, Carolyn Lennon, Pa- tricU Spaulding, Virdeil Ted der, Carolyn Thornton, Amelia Thorpe, Thomas Cameron, Richard Ellison, Coy Smith, Leinster Ward, Charles Mc Neil, Gilbert Saunders, and Delores Williams. Students who made the honor roll for the second semester are; Dorcas Carter, Leonard Davis, Joteph Fogg, Annie In gram, Robert James, Robert Johnson, Lillian Midgette, James Morris, Anna Joyce Newkirk, Eva Southerland, Shirley Thorpe, Nay Ruth To rain, Julia Wheeler, Hudie Williams, Miriam Holmes, Caro lyn Lennon, Patricia Stiaulding and Vlrdell Tedder. Others are: Amelia Thorpe, Charles McNeil, Reginald Par ker, Coy Smith, J. Gilbert Ri ley, Delores Williams, James Herndon, Irwin Holmes, Glen dora Carrick, Billie Curry, Joan Grubbs Helen Jamison, Fran ces Stewart, Vonnie Wilson, Helen Eaton, Sarah Bell, John Brandon, Barbara Lyon, Mar guerite Robbins, Hattie Ross, Annie Mae Spaulding, Shirley Stewart, Elizabeth Wilson, Car mella Jackson and Evelyn Bob bitt Gilmore. Charmaifie Baldwin, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bald win of Chapel Hill, is one of the Carolina Timet representatives in the University town. The striking personality possessed by Charmaine easily justifies the changing of her nanie to “Charming" instead of* Char- maine. FourOurtonites Graduate From A&T College At the recent A and T. Col lege commencement exercises, four Durliam students were among the number of more than 300 receiving degrees. Loland It. Thigpetr of ISm- luun, was amoeg those rnrf iTlwg degress from the Seiioot oi Wi- ueation snd Science. Them' awarded the Master of degree were John O. Lemon. Golan 8. Frazier and L#«ris W. Woodward. Sabecribe To The Carolina Timcb The Three C*s of • CHEAPER G>olcing • aEANER with • CONVENIEhJT Natural #r* 310 EAST MAIN STREET DIAL 91U DCBHAM, NORTH CAROLINA What mak«s a Lucky taste better? “IT’S TOASTED'’ to taste better! "Pve been smoking Luckies for years/* says C. C. Dejoie, Jr., ‘‘because 1 like the way they taste. They taste better:* It’s easy to understand why Luckies taste better. As you know, Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better. **Iffs roagtetf*—the famous Lucky Strike process—brings Luckies’ fine tobacco to its peak of flavor . . . tones up this light, mild, good-tasting tobacco to make it taste even better ... . cleaner, fredier, smoother. That’s ovir story: a Lucky tastes better because it’s the cigarette of fine tobacco... and “ffs Toasted” to taste better. So, enjoy the better*tasting cigarette... Lucky Strike. LUCKIES TASTE BETTER CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER I AMBtlCA’S LSADIMO MAHOrACTVaSa Or CieABBTTSS • A.T.CK C. C Duoa, is editor of ^ Tlu LouUiana WteUy, ooe of Vr the South’s most respected newspapen. A graduate of th* Univosity of Midiigan, ha is Vice-Chairman of the Now Orieana Urban Lsafue and • member of the Nenvr OriMM Community Ghost Board.