PAGE POtJii SATURDAY. SEPT. 23, H84 SATURDAY, OCT. », 1954 DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NKWS FOB THIS PAGE MUST BK SUBMITTED BKFOBE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK Mrs. Lillian Buchanan, Editor—9-1480 ASSOcfATiTEDlTORS MBS. MABEL FOWELL — Pc^aoBtowii—Phone 9-41S4 MISS M. L. STEPHENS — Wect Durham—Phone 1-1164 MBS. N. 1. CUBBT — Weit End—Phone 7-8862 MISS BACHEL NUNN — Hlekitown Robert L. Perry reports an eai«y^le summer spent in East Elmhurs*. Long Island, N. Y„ with relatives, the Leon Earles. Mrs. HenrietU C. Williams of Elm St., left Sunday night for New York City where she will be vacationing for a month, visiting relatives and friends. She will be house guest of her brother-in-law, James De Ar man and family. Mrs. Linnie Bruton of Sim mon Street has returned home from New York City, where she spent the week-end with her daughter and grand-daughter. Mrs. Bruton brought her grand daughter, Joan, home with her to spend the winter. Mrs. Sudie Giither of 709 E. Fowler Ave., left last Saturday for Washington, D. C., wher^ she plans to visit a week with Mr. and Mrs. James Croomer. Mrs. Bertha M. Shaw hast moved into her new home at, 406 B^aot Street. Mrs. E. L.avonia Ingram Alli son, is in New York University, where she plans to complete her Masters Degree in Physical Education. Miss Reta Curtis of Umstead St. is vacationing in Amity- ville, N. Y., visiting her sister and niece, Mrs. Iva Parrish and Mrs. Hazel P. Garcia. jot) Mrs. Plassie Harris of For- ^j^mosa Ave., left Saturday for J-> where , she will spend a week, visiting relatives 'in^ friends. She was accompa nied by her small relatives and namesake, Plassie B. Boyd, of Newark, who has been visiting her here for several weeks. Mr and Mrs. E. G. Spaulding Jr., and son, Kenneth, of Brooklyn, N. Y., have returned after spending a few days in the city vtsiting relatives and friends. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy, Jr. of Fayetteville St. Many courtesies were shown them while here. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Goins, Jr., and children “Pam”, and Kevin, also Elwood Goins all of Baltimore, Md., spent the week end witht their mother, Mrs. Eva Goins on Fayetteville St. District No. 6 of White Rock Baptist Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Howard on Lawson St. Refreshments were served to fifteen members. Azalea Garden Club Mrs. Thomasine Register was hostess to the Azalea Garden Club 00 Moriilay evening, at her home'in Chapel Hill, N. C. The business session was presided over by Mrs. E. Cotton, presi dent. An open forum on trees was then held. Many facts were brought, out regarding their statues, uses and beauty. A palatable salad course, was served by the hostess. One guest, Mrs. Bertha Hill was present. Members presesnt were Mesdames Roxie Davis, Banetta Peele, Effie Cotton, Sallie Harris, Julia' Lucas, Charlotte Miller, Margaret Marsh, Gladys McNeal, Hazel McBroom, Mary land McCullum, Lena Richard son, Japhine Reed, Jannie Wheeler, Misses Mary B. Baines, Cleo Russell and Gen eva Richardson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gladys McNeal on Fayetteville St. Our sympathy to the Christ mas family, in the passing of their mother, Mrs. Susie Christ mas of' Dupree St. Community Club T3ip Good Samaritan Club held its regular meeting on Tuesday night, at tl^e home of Mrs. R! L. Frazier on Glenn St. after the business meeting, pre sided over by the president, Mrs. Mattie Beckon, one of the members, Mrs. Ora Barnette was surprised with a birthday party. She was showered with many nice cards and gifts. Din ner was served to the following members: Mesdames Ora Bar nette. Mattie Beckon, Lula Mae Royal, Josephine Panner, Ar- stralia Timberlake, Millie Jones, Ruth Cooper and Miss Swanie Hester. Mr. and Mrs. E. R: Merrick, of Fayetteville l?t.,have return ed home after a ten-day vaca tion in New York City. William J. Kennedy, III, of Alston Ave., has returned home from a business trip and a visit with his wife who is convales cing in New York city at the home of her mother. Mr. Ken nedy was accompanied home by his small son, William IV, who is spending some time with his grandparentg,- the W. J. Ken- nedys, Jr. on Fayetteville St. O- . Miss Fannie Rosser of Dupree St., was called suddenly to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to be at the bed side of her sister, who is quite ill there. The I.E.S. club held its regu lar meeting in the Jade Room at the Do-Nut Shoppe. Hostesses was Mrs. Lou B«rtha Buie. Members present; Mesdames Mildred Sellers, Fannie Horie, Doris Reddick, Lillian McKay, Sylvia Bullock, Juliet Scott, Anna Campbell and Miss Mon- tez Bates. Our only regret was that one of the members, Miss Ida Roberts is sick in the hospi tal. The next meeting will b« at the home of Miss Montez Bates, 611 Pine Street. Mrs. Estella Pringle and Mrs. Lauretta Feirell sponsored a cotton print dress contest at the Good Will Club, Sunday Sept. 26. A large number of people were present. The participants on the program were as fol lows: Mesdames Mammie Willi ams, Bertha Ford, Allen . Spen cer, Miss Clementine Smith, and the Easy Travelers quartet. The contestants were Mrs. Mar gie L. .Wiggins and the Misses Gloria Sutton, Settle Holt, El- berta Evans, Gloria Alston, Ca therine; Scurlock, Mattie Lea thers, Doris and Flora Faison. 3 prizes were awarded the fol lowing winners: 1st prize. Miss Galati Covington; 2nd prize, Mrs. Mary Leake and 3rd prize, Mrs. Christine McClain. The judges were as follows: Thomas Pringle, Charlie Evans, Jack Roland, Tally Badie, Joshua McClain and Thomas Strudnick. Mrs. Mamie Williams is the president of the club. Mr. G. W. White, 1021 Cor nell St., is ill at his home. We wish him a speedy recovery. KID’S SOCIETY JUNE ROSSER - Editor - Phone 4rS805 ASSOCIATE editor: BETTY JO GOODLOI June Rosser and her aunt. Miss Fannie B. Rosser, are in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with June’s aunt, Mrs. Pansy Bar nett, who is iU. June and Miss wish her a sppeedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Royal, of Mount Olive, spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. Blanche Williams on Apex Rd. Mrs. Dezell Wiley of Cobb Street is a patient at Lincoln Hospital where she recently underwent an operation. We DECORATED CAKES FOR ANY OCCASION Made Oni Short Notice PLEASE CALL 7-423l' OPEN ALL DAY ON SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. Until 9:30 P. M. DAVIS BAKMG CO. 2022 CHAPEL HILL ROAD WHY SUFFEt ffroM WORN OUT, IRON-STARVED BLOOD? FCEC 600D AeAIM^HE^ When Iron Deficioicy Anemia leaves you tired aU the time,.. depend on the enriched blood-buildinsr formula in IONIC to make you FEEL GOOD AGAIN FAST! Renew jfour pep and energy, perk up your appetite and shed that rundown misery that goes along: with iron-poor blood . . . Now this famous time-tested formula is availfble in easy-to-take tablets! Ask for genuine S.S.S. Tonic in liquid or new easy-to-take tablets at your drug counter. You will ^ ^ be satisfied or your money back. Feel your best... TONK The Rev. and Mrs. S. P. Cook and daughter, Rebecca, of Kittrell, attended the funeral services of Mrs. Ethel Bagley, on last Sunday at Kyles Temple Church. Rev. Cook delivered the eulogy. Afterwards they were dinner guests of Mrs. Lonnie McKinnie on Dunstan St. Mrs. Corine Davis of Large St., won first prize at the Dur ham County Fair for Needle Work. Rev. George Tharringtbn, Mr. and Mrs. E. D, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Williams and E. D. Barnes, were dinner guests on last Sunday of Mrs. Daisy Turner of Fayetteville Rd. Rosser will stay indefinitely. They left Friday morning by bus, on which "they traveled to Lymchburg twhere they spent the night. They took the train from there to Minneapolis. Linda Rose and James Madi son Hubbard III, spent six weeks In East Hartford, Conn., with Ihelr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Carter. They had an enjoyable time and met lots of little girls and boys. Happy birthday to Marsha Goodwin who celebrated her twelfth birthday on October 3. Debbie O’Neal, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. Samuel O’Neal of Mutual Drive, recent ly visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Boulware, in Charlotte. Warren Wheeler whose birth day was October 1, celebrated it with glee when he got his bicycle. Benjamin and Kenneth Mont gomery, returned home in time for school, after spending two months in Savannah, Ga,, where they visited their paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Philpot. They visited FOR FALL HOME DECORATING CAROLINA^ARTCRAFT FOR DRAPERIES • LAMPS • LAMPSHADES AND BEDSPREADS We Feature HERITAGEjFURNITURE See Us Or Call CAROLINA ARTCRAFT 1105 W. Chapel Hill Street 9-6385 Showings By Appointment Only In Our Air-Conditioned Show Room SPECIAL BONELESS STEW BEEF lb. 39c FRESH STRING BEANS lb. 19c WHITE POTATOES 5 lbs. 19c Dillard's Self-Service Market • “ITe SeU The Best for ONI MILE SOUTH OF BECCHWOOD CEMITEBT ON FATETTEVILLE KOAD PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE CALL 4-1748 or 6-2386 As Seen In October "Living", Ladies Home Journal' Better Homes & Gardens; McCalls; American Home; House Beautiful; House & Garden, and Bridet Magazine. TiME TO FHESHEIV FASUMON I/P. . . ff/lliVfSJf UP Annonncimg "Room You Want Most" Drexel-Time Contest Grand Prize Will Be A Completely Decorated Room by the Editors of LIVI N G itQ-U.liG H.OMEMAIERS UilNa FURNITURi BY OREXIL ★ ★ ★ (Btt ^our Intry Bkmk at our store—(Com* in perton)—Noth- | ing to buy! ContMt cIomc October 31 st. Oat all partlculart at— J Biscayne by Drexel You get new usefulness, great value in the brand new Biscayne Collection Vertical and horizontal ttorog* compartnwrrts, mbrort with cocnwtic thelvM, new drawei^ lizes for •very need are just a few of the many practical design * features In Bisccn^. This efficient open stock grouping of than 50 pieces Is a new kind of modern-^ beautiful in walnut and pecan woods, smart arui sparkling with brass-tipped and tapered legs. Each piece has the fomous Drexel finish In a spicy brown color. Conw ■» toon and fW favorites for your dining room, bedroom, living room. piEHMos;t the beach in Jacksonville, Fia., and spent a week in Sander- vUle, Georgia. An interesting experience as well as a new one for them was the crabbing trip the:{ took. T.hey caught several, and their grandmother made them a delicious crab gumbo. Elaine and Perry Lambeth have moved from their home ott HamUn Street to a brand new home at 310 Pekoe Street. They moved in Monday. William Earl Williams spent a quiet birthday at home with his family. His birthday was September 30; he was thirteen years old. PUPILS OF THE DAY. Chamberlin Studio, directed by Mrs. M, S. Shearin, has started giving honor to the pu pils with the highest marks of the day. For the following days they were: Beth Carnage and Clementine Smith, Saturday; Velda White, Monday; Evelyn Marshall, Tuesday; Sheryl Strayhom, Wednesday; Anita Parker and Winifred Richard son, Thursday. Aubrey Hubbard celebrated Ills fifth birthday on Saturday October 2, at “The Children’s Hoyse.” Over fifty children at tended the pai|ty and made the occasion one long to bej«remem- bered. After enjoying play^ ground and musical games, the children joined in singing “Happy Birthday” to Aubrey. Ice cream, cake and lollipops were served. Upon leaving, each child was given his fa vorite brand of candy cigarettes. Aubrey received many useful and lovely gifts. A dinner party was held in honor of Plassie Boyd from Newark, New Jersey. Guests at tf»e party were Charles Mit chell, Mary Mitchell, Stevie Gilmore, Ellis Allen, Jr., Aaron Allen, -}eraldine Horton, De borah Cloyce Lassiter, and Michael Holland. The party was given by Mrs. Veora By num of Dupree Street. Plassie left Saturday with her uncle by train for Newark. Editor’s Note; In the abeence of June Rosser, editor of Kids So ciety, persons with news items for the column may call Betty Jo Goodloe, associate editor, on Saturday or Sunday or after school on week days. Her num ber 1 6-771. First Calvary Baptist Church REVEREND A. L. THOMPSON, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTdBER 10 9:30 A. lyi. RICHARD JAMES, Supt. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A. M.—"‘Christ And His Church" .... Pastor Matt. 16:18. MUSIC SENIOR CHOm Miss MARY STEPHENS, organist 6:00 p. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION JOSEPH HERROD, President 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Pastor “LITTLE OLD MOTHER WELCOMES YOU” Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church REVEREND D.A. JOHNSTON, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL W.’A. MARSH, Superintendent u 11:00 A. M.—SERMON PASTOR 6:00 P. M A. C. E. LEAGUE . WINIFRED martin. President 7:00 P. M.—SERMON PASTOR MT. VERNON ' BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND E.T. BROWNE Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:30 A. M SUNDAY SCHOOL C. E. RICHARDSON, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor Bbowne 6:00 P. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION “Be Rich. In Good Works” I Timothy 6:17-19. 7:30 P. M.—CHOIR HOUR—Young People’s Choir Mrs. E. H. Fogle, Organist “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church White Rock Squue MILES MARK FISHER, PASTOR SUNDAY^ OCTOBER 10 8:45 A. M.—Call To Worship Electronics 9:30 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON: “God’s Answer To Man’s Perplexity," Job 38:1-7; 42:1-6, 10a. PROF. J. M. SCHOOLER, Supt. EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OBSERVANCE 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Dr. Trela D. Collins Chairman, Durham Coimty Welfare Board SENIOR CHOIR. MRS. V. W. ALSTON, Directrew 6:30 P. M BAPTIST TRAINlSfG UNION J. L. LASSITER, Director 7:30 P. M.-Annual Observance of District Twelve Sermon — Robert E. Page GOSPEL CHORUS, MISS LEANA E. ROBERSON, DlrectreM