I PAGE SIX. THE CAROLIKA TIMES SATURbAY, NOV. 20. 1054 .T«i HAS KEN HEAP Of THE REPl^ OF mB ^q^ool twen 2W im HftLP fOfi 15 yEAS^nOP, ME WA$ APPT1? A55CC. JUSTICE OF SUPREME COWZT. IS m>TOmC&^OF n€A,M^6om,0Qcmum' anpw bbia^cma/ AF^K^A R«- AFRKJAM^ parn&f/&^ymm MILITANT PRE^IPEMTOFTHEUNITO AFei6^N m\aiAi}9T m/BMBfrr ha$ HAP A BXPERIBHCB IN m FI6rHT fOR J2BCO6Hm0N0F^RI6MJ^0F^Uac^BN, RAN6^^/(3' FR(M PICI^TIN3‘ POR JOg^ ON 125th fr TO&UKTOFBMPEI3a2HAIlE $ELA9^ie/HA$ waiEP e>OHN$ivay in ^ AFRICA ANP UN.CO02E$R>IPENTim 608ALNEVV?.Rmi2C?ro:^OFHAaEM , ’OR UNION, l$ONEOFTHEFEW PEOfltETD ^i2pep''i^moomHPei^oFmB6im woa»NCPTHefrAJ20FETHI0RA7 W»4A4^ CUJifA^XI©/&V\EWr WINNEPINHIS. H0U$TON COUNTY, f«ei#ixMFWTW»H J. T. Mitchell Is Band Director At Freedman High School In Lenior Joseph T. Mitchell, a native of Durham, is band director at Freedman High School in Le noir. He received the AB degree in music from North Carolina College and will complete work for the Master’s degree thla summer at VanderCook College of Music in Chicago. He was aq outstanding stu dent in the music department at N. C. College, graduating with the highest average in music in his class. He is a member of the St. Joseph A.M.E Church choir and once served as its director $ea0niDi^ $cagram‘$ I BLENDED WHISKEY 86.8 Prool 65% Grain Neatral Spirits I Seagram-Dutilleri Corporation, Chry»ler Building, New York DON’T MISS TELECASTS WTVD-DURHAM CHAmEL-11 0O TV TOUS tnVANIA DEALER IN DURHAM MONTGOMERY & ALDRIDGE PHONE^ 9185 CXMRfn MORGAN AND RONEY STREETS (OModta Caroliiu Theater) q^OjgD WgPWaWyiY AT 1 p. M. He was a student band director in high school and college un der W. H. Cole and W. 1. How ard respectively.. Mitchell organized the Lenoir band in 1950 and they entered the State Band Festival for the last three years, in which they received two superior ratings and one excellent. His band has been commended by every judge it has faced for its good intonation and tone quality and has also received commenda tion for its general musicianship and group discipline. After com pleting work for the Master’s degree, Mitchell will continue 20 STUDENTS NAMED TO WHO'S WHO Twenty North Carolina Stu dents have t>een accepted for re-i presentation in Who’s Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges. ThQ North Carolina ^College studentd are: Doris L. Armstrong, New Bern; Percell Bowser, Cofield; Wilhelminia Davis, Nashville; Florence Dupree, Sumter; Doria J. Edwards, Pikeville; Audrey Flamer, Philadelphia, Penn.; Charles Gittens, Durham; Carl Hill, Manley; William Isler, Goldsboro; Ernestine Johnson, Enfield; Delaine Lee, Moncure; Marjorie Lennon, New York, N. Y.; Mary Mebane, Durham; Gertrude Moore, Great Neck, N. Y.; Joseph Ray, Henderson; Virginia Rush, Pinehurst; Yvonne Scruggs, Buffalo, N. Y.'; Hattie Taylor, Nashville; Inez Wilkins, Spring Hope; Eleanor Williams, Washington. State Baptist Convention Hail, Segregation Ban fiURLINGTON The General Baptist Conven tion of -Narth Carolina in ita 87th Annual Session, having given due consideration to the' decision of the United States Supreme Court outlawing se gregation in the public schools: do hereby commend this, our highest tribunal for this far- reaching and history making document. To us, this decision will take its place of impor-i tance along by the side of Mag na Charta, the Declaration oi Independence and Llncoln’si Emancipation Proclamation. It marks the beginning of a new era in the progress of America’s effort to give the full privilege his study at a mid-western uni versity. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs^ J. R. Mitchell at 1106 Fargo Street of this city. 1 HOUR MARTIMZINC, Inc. FOR THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING AND SERVICE. 400 Wesi Main Street FIVE POINTS FOR FALL HOME DECORATING carolina"artcraft yQn ... ... 1 DRAPERIES • LAMPS • LAMPSH^ES AND BEDSPREADS We Feature HERITAGE|FURNITURE See Us Or CaU CAROLINA ARTCRAFT 1105 W. Chapel Hill Street 9-6385 Showings By Appointment Only In Our Air-Conditioned Show* Room security SAVINGS & l.OAN BtLStta • A bonk is a financial cross roads where people of oil occu pations nwet—farmer, manufac turer, merchant, safaried man and wage-earner. The bank helps them to continue on the highway to greater progress. Banlcs make available to you many valuable facilities. Are you using all of ours? Mechanics And Farmers Bank DURHAM AND RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA of democracy to all of Its citi zens. Therefore: (1) We commend all civic officials, civic and re ligious bodies which have pledged themselves to .work foit the just and equitable implle- mentation of the Supreme Courts mandate. (2) We here by pledge ourselves to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our thinking and actions with regard to a long over-due right-i eous decision. Christian leaders everywhere should go forth in faith and courage to teach pa tience and good will and strict obedience to the highest orders of our courts in its righteous de cision. (3) That we here and now, as members of the General Baptist Convention of N. C. da urge and request our pastors, officers and members of our churches in North Carolina to do all they can to prepare the Baptist members on the local level to accept the decision andj work for its full acceptance by all citizzens. Last Rites Held For Rev. Jones APEX , Funeral services for the Rev.^ Early Jones, Pastor of the Ja cob’s Well Baptist Church of this city, were held at the White Oak Baptist Church, near Apex last Thursday afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Jones was well known in the city and outlying districts and was highly respect ed as a citizen and churchman. Details of the Funeral Ser-i vice will appear later as they were not in when this paper went to press. sale the land hereinafter de scribed; and whereas witMn the| ume aiiowed by law an aavancd oia was med witu the CierK ot me iSuperior Court and an or- aer issued directing toe Trus tee to resell said land upon an opening bia ol :^4,;2aU.UU. Now therefore, under and by virtue of said order oi the clerK. of tue Superior Court of Dur ham County, and ttig power of sale con^uIled in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned 'Irustee wiU oilier tor sale upon said opt;uing bid at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the door of the county court house in Durham, North Caro lina at 12:UU P.M., on the 17 day of November, 1954, the follow ing describeed property lo cated in Durham Township, Durham County, North Caro lina.: BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of 'Chapel Hill Hoad T37 feet 7 inches in a Southerly direction from South side of House Avenue, at the Southeast comer of Lot No, 9, and running thence aloo^^apd with the South side of said Lot North 5» deg. 16 min. West 338 feet 8 inches to a stake; thence South 16 deg. 29’ West 60 feet 7 inches to a stake. North West corner of Lot No. 11; thence along and with the North line of said lot South 59 deg. 22 min. East 336 feet 11 inches to a stake in the West side of Chapel Hill Road; thence with the West side of^said Chapel HiU Road, North 31 deg. 48 min. East 60 feet to the point of be- UIGAL NOTICE HAVING QUALli'lED Executor of the estate ol Mrs. JiiTuiO, MA£ BAGLEY, de ceased, late ox Ourfaam CoUnty, North Carolina, tiiia is to notiiy ail persons having claims again st said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 457 College btreet, Asheville, North Caro lina, on or before the 30th day of October, 19SS, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thi« 21st day ol October, 1954. Jesse W. Bagley, Executor ol ul l!.lht;i Mae Bagley, de ceased. W. Frank Brower, Attorney. October 30th, November 6th, 13th, 20th, 27tta, and Deceml>er 4th. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY In The Superior Court IN THE MATTER OF FRED CARLTON NOTICE FRED CARiiTON, and aU other persons in esse and not In esse who have or may have an intereest in the subject matter, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, by the pe titioners named in the orginal petition to have the said Fred CarltoA declared legally NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Notice of Re-Sale Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Tony J. Stamos, single, dated the 10th dav of October, 1951, and recorded in Book of Mortgages 441, page 468, in the office of the. Register of Deeds of Durhm County, North Caro lina, foreclosed and offered for USE ONLY 2^ »»« I ONtO OEMCM. CO. b. «»»» ginning and teing Lot No 10 ot R. A Wright ^operty as per plat and smvey thereof now on file in Pltot Book No. 1 at page a^imster his estate. No. 77 to which reference made for a more particular de scription. Thee property above described is 1902 Chapel Hill Road. SAVING AND EXCEPT THEREFROM that part of this property conveyed to the City of Durham for the pur pose of widening Chapel Hill Street by deed' book 143, at page 493, dated October I, 1941. The deposit of 10 per cent will be required as good faith money, and the said bill will re main open for 10 days for in crease bids. This 1st day ol November, 1954. J. J. Henderson, Trustee C. 0«J>earson, Attorney And the said Fred Carlton, and all other persons in esse and not in esse who have or may have an interest in the subject matter will lurther take notice that they are Ye^ quired to appear at the oUice 01 the Clerk of the Superior Court ol Durham County, in his office in the Courthouse in Durham, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said proceedings, on or before ten (10) days alter the 2 day ol December, 1954, or pe titioners will apply to the court lor the rellel demanded in said petition. This the 29 day ol October, 1954. Jas R. Stone, Clerk of the Su perior Court, Durham County M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney FUEL OIL - KEROSENE BXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualilied as Executor ol the Esute ol Spencer Currie Baldwin, deceased, late of Dur ham County, North Carolina, this is to notiiy all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of October, 1955, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay^ ment to the undersigned. This 23rd day of October, 1954. • John H. B. Mayes, Executor ol the Estate of Spencer Currie Baldwin, deceased. 705 Picket Street, Durham, ' North Caro lina. M. E. Johnson, Attorney Notice To Creditors Having qualified as executors of the Estate of Reverend John Lee White, deceased, late ol Durham County, North Care- lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate ol said deceased to exhi bit them to tlie undersigned at 114 Parrish Street on or be fore October 16, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded,in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment.. This 15 day of October, 1954. ^ , Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Executor of tlie Estate of Rpv John Lee Whltr. dpccnspd METERED DELIVERY TELEPHONE 8-1217 I— BONDED DRIVERS OIL DBUMS & STORAGE TANKS FOR SALE KENAN HILLSBORO ROAD OIL COMPANY DURHAM, N. C. It’s An Easy Matter Tq Call Your Doctor, But Will You Be Able To Cover The Cott? ★ ★ ★ If You Are Not Secure, Write ' Or See One Of Our Agents Immediately About Our Hos pitalization Plan, And Health And Accident Insurance. SOUTHERN FIDELITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Agents: THOMAS NICHOLS A BICHARD B. WALKER 527 ELM STREET DIAL 3-3331 Calvert it'l SuMff Calvert Blended WblBktr ■UlWtll * iOTTLUl W CAIVEUT DrtTIUWC (» ••UHiiu.l(ii.Li«nnuLh RESERVE CALVERT DISTILLERS COMPANY NEW YORK CITY ■ iicNieo wiiSKfr im phof, ii% iiain lEmkL spiiits • Real Estate. Renting Insurance. * Rep.iirs And Biiililinv Supplier .. . See Union Insin-jiiiri And Telephone V6t2I 814 Fayetievilie St. Durham, N. C. eor sm apooixf! Ik ^Ba SAUfAGE MANUFACTURED IN GAR NER, NEAR RALEIGH, AND SOLD ALL OVER NORTH CAROLINA NOW IN NfW VOW CITT Ike Hner Thing* hi UPl Nr Al • ' Accemmodallen* ol Hw UIXUMOUS Hoid ^Jkefuna Day OrMlooi LMag OMti N« Nm nkAvumttM. mr. «4Mt Mb. h. tm tuMuan muuet

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