FAOSfOti THE CAROLINA miB8 SATVRDAT, FEB. 2«, 1IS5 I DUBIUM SOaEIY NOTES ALL,NEWS FOR .. BIOORBTEN A. PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTEP MONDAY OF EACH WEEK • * 4> * MRS, ULUAN BVCHANAN, Editor. 9-1480 ASSOCIATE EDITORS MRS. MABLE POWELL — Pearsontown, Phone 9-4134 MISS M. L. STEPHENS — West Durham. Phone 7-4164 MRS. N. J. CURRY — West End —‘Phone 7-8862 MBS RACHEL NUNN— Hickstown V 1 > 1 ni I III ■ ■■ I Mrs. Maoie Smith of 601 Price Street, is ill at her home. G. P. Holloway of Ward Rd., is a patient at Lincoln Hospital. Mrs. Mary C. Evans of 508 Umstead Street, who was hit by a car on Thursday of last week was taken to Lincoln Hos pital for X-rays. She was not seriously injured but suffering from the shock. She is at her home and doing nicely. William FlintaU, Sr.. of 1200 Hanover Street, is a patient at Lincoln Hospital. Mrs. Smily F. Johnson and Ifiss Martha Dedman of Louis- burg spent Sunday in the city. They were the house guests of B(r. and Mrs. William L. Smith of 507 Nelson Street. The Psi Tau Mu Chapter of the Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorori ty met at the home of Mrs. Mar jorie Page, 607 Church Street. The meeting was called to order by the Basileus, Mrs. E. S. Grandy. After the business ses sion, the hostess served a very delicious repast. Members at tending were Sorors: Mable Burnett, Estie Grandy, Thelma W. Hill, Magnolia D. Leake, Callie fe. Daye, Ida Goss, Mar jorie L. Page, Gertrude Flack, Bonnie Lee Reed, Alice Payne and Piccola F. Jones. The meet ing closed with an expression of gratitude to the hostess by Sor er Magnolia D. Leake. Ebch Soror carried a gifC to Little Page Jr. who was two weeks old Sunday, mother—Marjorie Page was happily surprised- Each Soror received a Valentine from Benny Page, 12. We will meet with Soror Bonnie Lee Reed Monday. prizes were in the offering; but since there were no slams, the gifts went to third and fourth highest, who were Mrs. Jose phine Clement, and Mrs. Alice Farrison. Other members play ing were Mesdames Ethel Ber ry, Emma Randolph, Sadie Hughley, Thelma Perry, Plassie Harris, and Reba Davis. Queen High Bridge Club ' Friday evening, February 11, Mrs. Eula W. Harris of Umstead Street was hostess to her bridge club, “Queen High.” After plea sant chats and enjoying ^delec table turkey dinner, served by the hostess, play began. After several enjoyable progressions the first guest prize was won by Mrs. Settle Goodlow, second prize, Mrs. Grace Massey. Other guests playing were Mrs. Isadora Micheaux, Chat Rivera, Viola Turner, Josephine Clement and Miss Blanche Mea dows. Other members present were: Mesdames Henrietta C. Williams, Nell Huntar, Beatrice Burnette, Alma Thompson, Ju lia Garrette, Misses Snow Bai ley and Filicia Miller. Merry Wives Bridge Club Mrs. Frances Schooler enter tained her bridge club. Merry Wives on Saturday evening, February 12, at the Algonquin Club House on Fayetteville St. | and Mias'Nettie Green. The next Mrs. ida Davis Hostess The Pearsontown Communi ty Club held its monthly meet ing Monday night, February 6th with Mrs. Ida Davis, at her home on Park Lane. Mrs. Hessie Mitchell, vice president, pre sided over the meeting. A re port from the sick committee was given by Mrs. Faison. A donation was sent to one sick in the commimity and cheer cards will, be sent to others. A new member, Mrs. Zelma Adams, was welcomed into the club. The hostess assisted by Miss Nettie Green, served re freshments to the following memberfs, Mesdames Elnoro Smith, Dora Green, Beatrice Noel, Rader Prince, Jessie Moore, Rosa Farrington, Ger trude Faison, Grace Williams, Hessie Mitchell, Zelma Adams Before play began, a very pala table dinner was served. After four progre^ons were enjoyed, the prizes were" given. The guest, filrs. £mzabeth B. Pratt was presented a gift. The first club prize—Mrs. Selena Wheel-*' er. second, club prize—^Mrs. Olivia Coles, Consolation prize, BSrs. Fannie Robinson. Slam meeting will be with Mrs. Cora Edwards on Nelson Street. The Jolly Sister Club The Jolly Sister Club met on Monday, February 14, at the home of Mrs.- Mary Lee Elliott on Cornell Street ”Tlxe presi dent, Mrs. Elizabeth Porter pre sided and had valentines greet ings for each member. Refresh mcnts were served and games were played by all. Those pre sent were: Mesdames, Louis^ Jones, Alease Johnson, Eliza beth Napoleoh, Hazel Snipes, Ruby Whack, Johnnie Sorter, Grace Phifer, Cammie Langely and Misa Luvenia Brown. Meet At Lincoln Hospital The WomenV Auxiliary of Lincoln Hospital will meet Sun day afternoon at 5:00 o'clock in the hospital Clinic. All mem bers and interested persons are asked to be present. Plans will be completed for the Children’s Fashion Show. The Cosmetology Club, Chap ter I, met with Mrs. Cora Mc Cloud, Monday evening at her home on Alston Avenue. The President, Mrs. P. F. Love, pre sided over the business session. Mrs. Mozelja Blount of 809 Walton Avenue was reported ill. We hope for her a speedy recovery. A delicious repast was served to the following: Mesdames, P- F. Love, L. HiU, M. Minor, P. M. Hart, E. H. Brown, L. C. Coleman, B. F. Moss, E. Owens, L. Johnson, B. Pretty, G. Wash ington, N. J, Curry, Misses Lil lie Wells, S C. Dotson, and Lois Burroughs. Miss H. D. Shaw Honored With Birthday Party Little Miss Helen Delores Shaw was given a Birthday Party Sunday February 6, at 4 o'clock by her mother, Mrs. Grace Shaw at 513 Colfax St. The table was decorated with a lovely white linen table cloth, and a beautiful pink and white Birthday cake with ten candles- Games were played and prizes were given away to the ones that won the most games. Prizes were given to the best dancer. The dances the child ren enjoyed most were the tin soldier and the mambo. Refreshments were served and souviners were given to each child. The party was en joyed by the following guests: Melva Jean Tatum, Barbara McCoy, Ronald Moore, Delores Johnson, Nathaniel Barnes, liin- da Guhn, Marvlce McKellar, Faye Ronson, Leon Berbee, Pa tricia Jones, Raymond Bames, Billie Cue, Chester Ranson, Ar- netta Savage, Thomas McCoy, Delores Graham, Valeria Spen cer, Alphonso Bames, Ametta Tyler, Bernard Graham, Milton Jones, Johnetta Graham, De' broh Savage, Trudle Pointer, Walter .Savage, III, Preston Mary E. Spencer, Willie Lee, Lloyd Gunn, Carolyn McClain. r JL KID’S SOCIETY JUNE ROSSER - Editor - Photm 4-580; wssssaewwwwwwwww ASSOCIATB KDtTOR; BSmr JO OOOmjOK The Jiuiior Historians Club of Whitted School visited the “Duke Homestead” on Guess Road Thursday, February 17 Members of the club enjoyed seeing the home, bam,- first manufacturing company, and other things. Transportation was furnished by Bto. W. J- Kennedy, Jr-, Mrs. A. C. La nier, Mr. Wiggins, Mrs. M. P- Kyle and Mrs. A. T. Spaulding. The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Explorers, and Cubs were in charge of church services at Wliite Rock Sunday evening, February 20. Girl Scout Cathe rine Pratt was Mistress of Cere monies. The Scripture was read by Major Geer ai^d a prayer was said by Walter Holmes. “What Cubbing Is” was presented by Cubs from Pack 55, led by Den Chief Billy Clement- A^ instru mental solo by Cub Charles Al ston followed, after wUch Booker Kennedy played a piano number. “Girl Scouts Together” was! sung by the Girl Scouts of Troop 55. A reading by Regi nald Mitchlner, Scout Oath and Law by Boy Scouts of Troop 55, and a selection by Scouts Joe Louis Gamer, Charles Stan- back, Aaron Spaulding, Wood row Brown, Billy Clement, James Henry, and Perry Lam beth completed the program. Then a sermon was preached by the pastor, Reverend Miles Mark Fisher. Arthur John Clement is a pa tient at Lincoln Hospital. He was hospitalized for an appen dectomy. Y-TEEN NEWS ‘ The seventh grade Y-Teens ot Harriet Tubman Branch of the YWCA honored their friends with a Canteen Hour on Valen tine Day at the Y. There were sixty children present. The president. Miss Cloyce Lassiter, and Miss Phyllis Hallstock act ed as hostesses for the group. The guests were served punch, cookies, candy, peanuts and po tato chips. The Starlite Y-Teen Club en joyed a Centennial Tea Hour at the YWCA on Sunday, Feb. 13. The following club members were present to enterta^ the guests; Deibis Wa^hfegton, Frances Starks, Sandra Walls, Marion Johnson, Betty I^vls, and Catherine Green. The Teen-age Committee of breathe easy in spite of astlima Use Dr.Guild's OBN iKHmrAai UNITED PURCHASED DEPARTMENT STORES. THE STOCK OF A GOOD RATED DEPARTMENT STORE OVER $ 3(MN)0 WORTH Of JtVanted - Needed New Merchandise ON SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY WE PRICED THIS STOCK TO SELL AND SELL FAST AT^ PRICE AW) LESS COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS STAMPS/>] DOORS OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. the Harriet Tubman Branch of the YWCA conducted a Post Valentine Queen of Hearts Ball at the W. D. Hill Recreation Center on Monday, February 21. Miss Barbara Holder of the Snappy Teen Club was crown ed Queen- Cloyce Lassiter and Elsie Locust were numers-up in the same club. The other clubs and runners-up are as follows: Las Amegas Club, second; Vi ola Jones, Rela McMllUan and Janet Claggett- Ester Bennett is the advisor. Pearsontown School; Lena Dobson, Shirley Brown and Jeanette Smith won third place. Louise Dawson is the advisor. Terrance Teens: Mary Eatman and Betty Robin son; Mrs. McNeil, advisor. Star lite: Gamette Winston. Whitt ed, 7th Grade; Sliirley Mallette, Marie Jordan and Patricia Mc- Fadden. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Johnston, advisors- Whitted, 8th Grade: Carol Whitley and Brenda Nicholson- Mrs. Alston and Mrs- Johnson, advisors- Hillside; Gertrude Bailey and Mable Norwood- Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Spaulding, advisori. The program was made up of number^ from the Thursday Afternoon Hobby Day group at the YWCA. Mrs. Grface Harris is advisor. Miss Josephine Knox Entertains The Up-To-Date (dleda Club Feb. 17 Miss Josephine Knox enter tained the Up-TO-Date Galeda Club of Union Baptist Church at her home on Glenn Street, Thursday, February 17. The session opened with de votions consisting of singing the club song; scripture by Mrs. Martha Albright and prayer by Mrs. Dora Jones. The president, Mrs. Lucille Fuller, welcomed our many visitors 'and then made a spe cial appeal to all club members to work on a new project re cently adopted to aid in the church building fund. The club pounded and gave a cash dona tion to a brother-in-law ol a member, living in Roxboro. After this, refreshments were served, which consisted of a turkey dinner with all the trim mings. Mrs. Pauline Love offer ed Blessings for the food. The following members were present: Mesdames Lucilla Fuller, Martha Albright, Pau line Love, Daisy Caine, Minnie Fikes, Ada Bird, Myrtle Has kins, Marie McMiUan, Doris Holland, Edna Fuller, Elizabeth Edwards, Freely Dixon, Laura Davis, Gertrude Stubb, Mozel Thompson, Cora Wadell, Mamie Holland, Dora Jones, Alma Jones, Wilma Milum, Lena Elba, Snodie Bell, Olivia Bittle, fayline Hart, Mamie Smith, Blanche Grlswell, Misses Jose phine Knox, Annie Dunigan, Charlotte Roberts^ and Nilas Thompson. Guests present were: Mes dames, Carolyn Burch, Nellie Williams, Geneva Allison, Plas sie Harris, Flossie Toran and Vlnnie Carrington, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, Walter Dbvis, W. P. Edwards, William Reaves and Rev. Thomas Grlswell- Mrs. Daisy Caine thanked th6 hostess for her wonderful hos pitality. Several members had Birthdays and received gifts from their secret pals. • The club sang God' Be With You and Mrs Carolyn Burch dismissed us with the Watch Word. Our next meeting will be at our church house on Gray St., March 3. The following sick persons were reported: Mrs. Pearl Cha vis, Mrs. Doris Holland, Fred Crews and William P. Flintall. Mrs. Richardson Entertains Garden Club The Azalea Garden Club met last week with Mrs. Lena Rich ardson at her home on George St- Bln. Julia Lucas opraed the garden gate with an impressive devotion- Mrs- E^ffie Cotton, president, presided. The members were welcoAed into the home by Mrs. Rich' ardson’s charming daughters: Ernestine, Winifred and Ilthel. After a Jbrief business ses sion and reports from various committees, the club derived much fun from a “weight party,' conducted by Mrs. McN^U. A prize was given for the heaviest person, and one for the -person COFFEE ..... 1 lb; 89c COFFEE Vt lb. 49c SAUSAGE 1 lb. 39c GRANDMA MOLASSES 12 oz. Jar 24c Dillard's Self-Service Market • **We SeU The Best For Less** • ON> Mn.K BOOTH Of BMOHWOOD (SmRBT ON rAnrnviixK boad , PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE First Calvory Boptist Church REVEREND A. L. THOMPSON, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBBUARlr 27 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Ricbabd Jaios, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—SERMON . . : Th* Pastor MUSIC SENIOR CHOIR Miss Mabt L- Stxphzns, Organist 6:00 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Dehch ICbbhr. Punmw 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Th* Pastob "LITTLE OLD MOTHER WELCOMES YOU" Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church REVEREND D. A. JOHNSTON. PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL W. A. Mahsh, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Db. J. Nia£' Hoohlr 6:00 P. M. A. C. E. Lraoub WnoraBD MAn», Superintendent 7:30 t*. M.—SERMON Dr- J, Nkal Hughut weighing the itast- Mrs. Richardson’s guests were Mr. Dora Green and Mrs. Margaret Mack, who expressed their' pleasure at being present and gave inspiring remarks con cerning the work of the club. A delicious repast was served by the hostess. Members present were Miss Mary Baines afitf Mesdames Lou Bames, RoJtle Davis, Vir- gie Davis, SalUe Harris, Alease Herrod, Amanda Long, Julia Lucas, Charlotte Miller, Mar garet Marsh, Hazel McBroom, Banetta Peele, Annie Perry, Thomasine Register, Janie Whe«ler, Maryland McColhup, and Minnie Forte. p.GRAMPS( give you that monthljjook?^ DoM mar almrifc*vi ' MTTOIH f*M taMt |wr ' hjr M B.m M* tbi »•« ar. TOn-BBt MTTOm f*M dunt* Why M aoSuW nw a ttu* LH It ImJp itnastk aa4 mMvm. M m hav* iM tai km mkmr Mk MBth. M thnMgh wltl^ Mias U7 dbinafaite >t tU. Abo Mpa i«lu jlMoy L.* fnl, Mt TDuncM', man notaml .ll aaalh, Aak to Oudnl. (Bwi IWM .1^;^). Yin iMimtrnnn ouMi ir un CARDUI WELCOME CIAA BASKEIBALL TOURNAMBIT TO THE FRIEMDLY OTY COMPUMENTS OF LOVEITE'S RADIOlND APPLIANCE CORP. DIAL 4927 I 709 WEST CHAPEL HILL ST. WnCONE TO DURHAM CIAA BASKHBALL TOURNAMENT COMPUMENTS OF W. C. LYON COMPANY PHONE 4-4946 213 EAST CHAPEL HILL ST. DURHAM, N^RTH CAROLINA MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH SEVSBEND B.T. BROWNE Factor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL C. E. Richabdson, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor Bbownx 6:00 P. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Subject: "One Book In Many Languages” Romans 16:25-26 7:30 P. M-—CHOIR HOUR MUSIC Mal* Chobus Mbs. E. H. Fogle, Organist "A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church White Rock Square MILES MARK FISHER, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 8:45 A. M-—CALL TO WORSHIP . Elxctbonics 8:30 A. M-—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON: "The Church Proclaims The^ Gospel," Mark 16:15; Acts 2:14; Romans 10:8-15; I Corinthi^ 1:18-25; 2:1-5; Colossians 1:24-29- PBor. J. M. ScBooucB, Sptt. 11:00 A- M.—"COMMANDMENT KEEPERS WHO WHO HONOR THEIR PARENTS” SsmoB Chois, Mbs. V. W. Alston. Dibictbiss 6:30 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION J. L- Lassitxb, Dibxctob 7:30 P. M.—PASTORAL’BAPTISM SERMON Gospbl Chobvb, Misb Liana E. Robxbson, Douczbus