SATUBDAT, SIPT. 17, IHS THE CAB»JNA TOIB8 m . in^ \\ i nd now - Health S«rvicM'-«» - r ,S ‘- J' ,' ' vx*+ V ‘f tii*( ^ ■■ . ' ' _ Y^ntAff£ f fof” once UN T D UND (Exc«rpto froa •diteriaia) \>\>t . . . People who are very poor can qualify for assistance from tax-supported agencies. People very wealthy don’t need assistance in the first place. But most of us fall in between these two categories, and there simply isn’t an agency prepared to step in and assist when assistance is most needed. Most of us can handle ordinary medical bills. Most of us can even tackle a major sickness if we're called on to do so. But few middle class people are prepared to handle the bills which would be their's should polio, cancer, tuber culosis, or any number of other major diseases hit their family. It is this group which the Better Health Foundation proposes to help. The Foundation won't be set up as an agency to pay everyone’s medical bill simply for the asking. It will en deavor to rally all ol tlic community's resources toward a goal of health security for all . . . . . . That in a nutshell is its purpose. We believe it to be a noble one, and wish the Foundation success in its opera tions. 'mi’t/is J^!),ukJLa,*i Su/t^ In an experiment which will b« watched by the eiitire nation, the Durham United Fund is undertak ing something never before done by a community fund organiza tion. Through its Durham United Fund Better Health Foundation, it will allot funds for research, edu cation and direct assistance. The direct assistance, on a case work basis, will be extended "per sons wit'ii heart, cancer, tubercu losis. polio, diseases which cripple children and adults, and other dis eases. to meet special and unusual expenses when their own and com munity resources are exhausted.” . . In other words, the Health Foundation hopes it will be able to reach that often distressed stratum oetwee.T tne impoverisheJ. who are always eligible for relief and the suffieisntly wealthy, who can ab sorb t;:o costs The* L-lealth Foundation recog nizes tl'.at questmens are pos^. some delicate, some difficult.. . but It leels tiial there are many people who are hard hit by ckead diseases and who are neither eli gible for existing," assistance re sources nor financially strong enough to weather the storm with out hardship The United Fund hopt's the new movement will help to close the gap . . This advertisement, in tb« intarwt g( Iht Vnited Fund, contributed by ... Owfaam Bank 4 Tnmt Co.