TfflNQS.VOUSHOULDT^OW *«»AWRy M^LBOD BETHUNE ■^JPORH IN SOUTH CAROLINA OF SLAVE PARENTS^ THIS IN TERNATIONAL EDUCATOR WAS ONE OF SEVENTEEN CHILDREN ! SHE DEVOTEC HER LIFE TO AN UNTIRING FIGHT AGAINST Afet FORMS OF IGNORANCE ! HER WISDOM WAS AO Claimed from the u.n. conference in ^an francisco, where SHE SERVED AS CONSULTANT IN I94S — TO THE BETHUNE-COOK- MAN college IN FLORIDA-(TOTAL ASSETS TODAY: OVER i 1,000,000) -WHICH SHE FOUNDED WITH ONLY # 1.501 Mid-Term Honor Roll Lists 34 At Livingslone College; II Are Frosh The “Y” Lens and Shutter Club sponsored the trip through the YWCA. A party of 27 per sons composed of the members and friends left Saturday morn ing, November 19, at 2 a.m. by chartered bus to Miami, Florida and Havanna, Cuba. £n route to Miama the group visited the Edward Waters Col lege, Jacksonville, St. Augus tine, and Bethune Cookman College, Daytona Beach, arriv ing in Miami early Simday evening. The group made the Lord Calvert Hotel its head quarters while in Miami. On Monday afternoon the party set sail for Havanna, Cuba, and arrived the following moraing at 8 a.m. They were met at the £>ier by Limosines and carried to the Plaza'Hotel which is lo cated'in the heart of the city. At 3 o’clock a tour was arran ged which covered the high spots of Havanna. The next day was spent at the Hershey Sugar Plantation where a delicious luncheon was served prior to the return to Miami. Upon the return to Milmi, a tour was made which included the beaches, theatre district, busi- nea district, hotel district, ex clusive residential sections and Conl Gables. ' ^ rount back to Durham, Uie following places were visit ed: Bok Tower, Cypress Gar dens, Orange Factories, Ocala, Silver Springs with the Glass Bottom Boats and Savannah, Georgia. The party arrived in Durham Sunday evening. The foUowkig persons com posed the party; Mesdnmes Evelyn C. Dudley, Fannie Mc Lean, Bessie Doby, Nora Allen, Gazella Lipscombe, Mabel Ed- gerton, Eleta Harris, Beatrice White, Minnie Moses, Julia Per ry, Emma Harrison, Daisy Caine, Amelia Harper, Ruth Shepard, Thomasena Register, Gloria Robinson, Bertha Ed wards, Nezzie Clark, Gladys McNeill, Mrs. P. H. McNeFu and Misses Snow Bailey, Rupert Blanchard, Dollie Adams, Cleo Johnson, Ella Mae Clark, Ruby Bolding and Edna Mason. Helen Edmonds Addresses Meet Of Dorcas Club .December 1, will be the un forgettable night for the “D of Dorcas Club when Mrs.' Mable Strudwick was hostess. Hhe graciousness and what followed arranted this. The meeting was called to order by the Presi dent, Mrs. E. R. Merrick. Inspirational songs and heart stirring quotations followed. After inter^ting reports, es pecially of “Thanksgiving Cheer” sent out to some 17 famllies-the ^ub listened to Dr. Helen Edmodds (the scheduled guest speaker) of N. C. College in a most interesting and infor mative address about her recent trip abroad. Everyone who knows Dr. Ed- G^W SEVEX STAR Proof I 4/5 QT. PINT A-HI'KEY . 37M% STRAI6HT i VtAKS OR MORE OLD • 62H55 ■TRV SPIRITS • GOODEBHAM HKIHO, PEORIA, ILLINOIS A DELIGHTFUL GIFT TO PLEASE HER Get Them Early And Save Beautiful Colored DoUa The New Walking DoU Which Really Walks. BICCERS-TURNER (Incorporated) BEAUTY AND BARBER SUPPUES 438Ea$t Pettigrew Street Phone 9-75S5 monds realizes her unusual ability as a lecturer and her skill in presenting subjects. Her address was built around Ger many and one felt as though she had shared her experiences in the many ways in which she was able to present the purpose of her being there. (Mrs. Strudwick was assisted in serving a very unique supper course by her “Glenn Street Dorcas Sisters.’’ Both Dri Ed monds and the hostess were given a hearty thank you for so pleasant and profitable an evening. NAACPGets Recruits From Cosmetologists The Cosmetologist Club No. One, met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Jeffries, 510 Dowd Street, Monday evening at 4 p.m. The meeting was opened in the usual maner with the presi dent, Mrs. Lossie Coleman pre siding. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Sec retary, Mrs. Cora McCloud. During the business session money was collected from the members- who wished to join the NAACP. Plans were made for the ex changing of Christmas gifts. Mrs. Allie Dick was the guest of honor. A delicious repast was s&rved to the following members: Mesdames Bettie Fowler, Margaret Minor, Pau line Love, Burma Pretty, Mo- zelle Blount, Lula Hill, Lucy Johnson, Lossic Coleman, Bea trice ^oss, Cora McCloud, and Ethel Owens. The meeting adjourned to jneet with Miss Sarah Dotson, Monday, December 5th. m lAUIACn oo. MANUTAcmmB nr oab- NB& NBAB KALDCni. AJfS SoO> ALL ovn NOKm OABOLDTA. A WORD ABOUT SCOiniHG BT HZNBT W. fiHJJS Dbtrlct Scoot Kz«entlT« MIRACLE BY JURY—Front Line Stuff from our Scouting Magazine. This ts a true story. When tempers boil over and fists start flying, what do you do? This is an account from a Scoutmaster who solved this problem. I came back to camp unex pectedly and found two of my Scouts grimly slugging it out before an interested group of their colleagues. On the point of barging in with the usual bawling out and threats, I had sudden inspiration. I walked up to the panting fighters, turned to the rest of the boys, and an-, nounced solemnly, “Boys, we’re going to have a trial. Eacl^^ these two boys may pick an other boy to be his lawyer. Mr. Johnson, (the Ass’t Scoutmas ter) and I will act as ji^dges, and the rest of you will be the HOMECOMING CAPSCHURCH'S FINANCE DRIVE With the^Rev. L. W. Reid, pastor of the New Bethel Church and his congregation in charge of the afternoon service, Shiloh’s Homecoming proved the most successful of many years. After the reiyiion dinner. Rev. Reid spoke to an overflow ing crowd that jammed the church. After a sermon that fitted the occasion, an offering was lift ed from the congregation to the amount of |52.00. The group leaders appointed by the church to take the lead in a fJ^ nancial drive, twelve in num ber, turned in a total of $1,616. 00. Total for the afternoon was $1,668.00. Spiritually and materially, we were blessed. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Jones, wishes to thank everyone for the interest observed in the efforts accom plished. Mrs. Lela Wise Entertains Durham Group The First Aid Department of tire Durham Ushers Union held their monthly meeting Tuesday night at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Lela Wise, 111 Lodge St. Devotion was led" by Miss Maggie Holman and Mrs. EIs- ther McKlnsey. Prayer was of fered by Birch Coley. The pre sident, Mrs. Lela Wise presided over the business meeting. The officers for the year of 56 are Mrs. Lela Wise, president, Mrs. Maggie Holman, vice president; Mrs. Susie Dillahunt, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Esther McKin- sey. Assistant Secretary, and Charlie Taylor, Treasurer. Other members present were Mrs. Viola Brodie, Mrs. Vera Owens, Mrs. Myrtle Clements, Mrs. Pauline Holman, J. R. Mitchell, Fred Hines and Birch Coley. The group enjoyed delicious refreshments, served by Mrs. Wise. jury. We will assemble in the council ring in fifteen minutes. Be prepared.” The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Vera Owens, 903 Walton Street. H withdrew to my tent and said no more, but I saw at once that the Scouts wer6 intrigued with this strange new kind of discipline. During the next few minutes the undercurrent of tension and excitement built up until it was positively elec- 'tric. Promptly at the appointed time Mr. Joiinson and I took our places at the head of the ^campfire ring. The defendants and their lawyers then came up quietljr and took places on either side of us. And finally the rest of the troop filed in quietly. For a long moment no one made a sound. Then I an nounced quietly that we had to give a fair trial to two Of our members who had broke the Scout Law. Each lawyer would be given five minutes to state his client’s case and five minutes to cross-examine the other defendant. Then the jury and the judges could ask ques tions of the defendants. Finally, I explained, the jury would re tire and arrive at a verdict, re commending punisiunent if it seemed necessary. The judges would then rule. What happened next I’ll never forget. Each lawyer made a masterly presentation of liis client’s case and their cross-ex- amijyatiotis were sharp m a tack. Then the jury began® a^- ing questions. They were alert, probing questions that very of ten brought new facts to light or exposed some fallacy in reasoning. By now the full story of what had happened was evident, and it only re mained for the jury to retire and reach a verdict. , At our signal they quietly arose and filed out. During the next fifteen minutes we could hear the excited hum of their voices as they discussed the case, standing in a loose circle -a short distance away. The de fendants and their lawyers sat in a brooding silence near us. When the jury returned, the SPL, (Senior Patrol Leader) acting as foreman, stood and solemnly 'announced their ver dict. Now that is a good place to stop. Next week we will brin^ you the end of this True Story. This you cannot miss. ■On Saturday December'17, at the W. D. Hill Recreation Cen ter on Fayetteville Street, our Anaaat Seo«fr Christmas Party will be held. From 11:30 to 2:00, Cub Scout Party, from 2:00 to 4:30, Boy Scout Party. Friday night at 8:00, the Ex plorer Social will be held at the YWCA on Umstead Street. All Scouts are to bring a can of food which we will give to the needy of our City and County far the Holidays. Parents are invited to come and have fun. SATUBDAT, SBC. t1, 1955 THE CASOUNA When some 300 mm*on$ from throughout the ttate converged on Durham for its 85th state wide meeting, Dorcas Lodge, 460i and Doric Lodge, 28, ser ved as co-hosts for the meeting. Officers of the Dorcas Lodge are pictured here. Standing left to right, are Frank McQueen, tiler; Charles Pryor, senior deacon; James Carrington, sec retary; James Sartors, junior deacon; Elijah Jones, junior warden; C. E. Richardson, wor shipful master; Willie Whit field, senior wmrdeu; Peret Btount, senior ttewmrt; WUUmm Heevet, treanrer; Covington, junior imeem; Bm- len AUen, irutrvetor of eimttet and Rev. W. F. Cox, (seated); chaplain. Z^ftiohA ^ LAUNJMY' O i-'anCkS 812 Washington Street 217 Foster Street PHONE 5171 CLASSIFIED ADS HENBY DAVIS, bUad Ne gro, who tnaes pianos and bot tom chairs, will appreciate tlie opportunity to serve the public. — Telephone: JOHN WASHINGTON’S Residence. PHONE S-3742. BABY CHICKS $5.75 - 100 COD. Live Delivery' Guaranteed. Price at Hatchery. Bellefonte Poultry Farm Bellefonte, (38), Pa. COAL “O. K. IN EVEEY WMGH" McGHEE GOAL CO. trading as M. H. HEAD AND SON CALL 3-1941 10 Shirts reg. padked - |1.7S 1 or 2 Siiirts ----- ea. ZOc 3 or more • • • - - ea. 18c Deluxe packed shirts, ea. ZOc (Cellophane) SANITARY LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS DIAL 2-48S1 Cemer Pine Street And Lakewood Avenne WANTED SHOE REPAIR MAN. Must b« sober and re liable. Call 2-2283. Inlidd " Linoleum, Asphalt Rubber and Wall TOe —FUKE ESTIMATES— Hunt Linoleum And Tile Company, Inc. 3503 ROXBORO KOAD PhoM 9-1985 ~ N%ht 44273 * Shoe$ Repaited Quiclc, D^endable And Courteeus Service HHkide Shoe Shop All Worik Guaranteed 1212 FAYETTEVILLE ST. UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. Electrical APpUouces Electrical Supplies Ughtfaig Fixtures Ele^ricid Contractiiig Day Phone S-6024 or 9-5931 Night S-9892 1224 FAYETTEVILLE ST. • Service Garfj^et Spei^t’s Auto Service Road Service Steam Cleaning Swvice . . . Recap ping . . . Whed Alignment. Pettigrew ft FayettevUk Sts. PHONK f-1571 SEAL SALE TO CONTINUE THROUGH DEC. RALEIGH “The Christmas Seal Cam paign will continue through December”, Mrs. W. T. Bost, State Christmas Seal Chairman said recently. "Although the re sults of the Christmas Seal Sale so far have been encouraging, there are many people who tiave not answered their Christ mas Seal letter yet, and those who haven’t are urged to do so.” ■ ' “What TB means in North Carolina today has been indi cated recently by prominent medical men In the state, and I wish to quote them to show how important it is to continue the Christmas Seal’s fight against TB,” Mrs. Bost said. Dr. Stuart Willis, Superinten dent and Medical Director of the N. C. Sanatoriums, in a Btatetnent explaining why the county sanatoriums are closing warned “We should not lose sight of the fact that new cases of TB are developing and are doing so at almost the same rate as they were ten years ago.” Boone Named 'Man Of Year' In Wilmington I WILMINGTON The Reverend R. Irving Boone, pastor of Central Bap tist Church Ijere, was recently honored as the “Most Outstand^ ing Citizen of the Year” by the For In Real Estate, Renting Insurance, Repairs And Building Supplies . . . See . . . Union Insurance And Realty Co. TELEPHONE 3-6521 814 Fayetteville St. DURHAM, N. C. O* r: . -arch /m tie mUfi tie 4$emf ftecpmnwnded by Beautidant Everyvrfiere Omicron Alpha Chapter of the National Omega Psi Phi Frater nity, Inc., during the annual Achievement Day services held under auspices of the organiza tion. The citation, honoring the Reverend Mr. Boone, read by E. A. Swain, Basileus of Omi cron Alpha, stated, in part, as follows: “In recognition of out standing achievement in the fields of Social, Civic, and Re ligious Endeavor and on nomi nation by Omicron Alpha Chapter, the Omega Psi Frater nity has awarded this Scroll of Honor to the Reverend R. Irving Boone. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTT Adnniniatrator'a Notice HAVING QUALIFIKD M a«- ministrator of the bitate ef Jota Johnson, deceased, late of Dtir- ham County, North Carolina, this is to notify aU persons hav ing claims agaiBat said ertate to exhibit them to the «indmign#d on or before the 3rd day of Dee., 1956, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their rewxery.' All persons indebted to nid estate will please make immediate pay ment. Dated this 2nd day of Dec., 1955. Mechanics & Farmers Bank, Ad ministrator of Estate of John Johnson, Deceased. EATING AT ITS BEST BAR-B-Q CHICKEN BAKED HAM STEW BEEF DINNER ROOM RATES — $2.5* ap BETMORE HOTEL AM) GRILL LATH ALSTON, Manager 323 EAST PETTIGREW ST. IHAL S-Mfl OLD STAGG BOURBON 6 Years Old $2 PWT $3.95 4/$ Qi, SIAM OISTILUli# CO*e