THE CAROLINA TDIES DURHAM SOCIETY HOTES ******** ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEJ%. *•*•**4141 BIRS. LILLIAN BUNCHANAN, EDITOR DIAL 9‘14'iO ******** ASSOCIATE EDITORS MRS. MABLB FOWELL — PeanontowB. Phone 9-41S4 Mass M. L. STEPHENS — WMt Dnrhmm, Phon* 7-41S4 ms. N. J. CDBKT — West Bad — Phone 7-S862 BOSS EACHEL NCNN — Hlclutown SATURDAY. DEC. 17. 1>SS denon, N. C. and New Yor)c City was the weekend gueit o( Mrg. Mary H. Shepard. The following births were re ported to the Durham City and County Health Department during the week of December 5 through December 10, 1035: Jessie and Clovery Boyd, boy. Merrick and Catherine Torian, boy. R. B. and Ella Woods, girl. Walter and Ruby Lyons, boy. Willie and Mary Patterson, girl. George and Millie Dewitt, girl. Hurley and Mozelle Burch, girl. Claude and Lorine Rogers, boy. John and Fannie Washington, boy. Howard an^ Fannie Stroud, girl. Coy and Mattie Smith, boy. Cleo and Beatrice Green, boy. Societv News Hospitalized Mrs. Grace Lyon of Fayette ville street, William Fortune of Massey Avenue, Dan Martin of Otis Street are at Lincoln Hos pital. John Davis of Otis St., is at Veterans Hospital. Family Circle Meets The Williams Family Circle held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary W. Davis, 210 Piedmont Avenue. Mrs. Davis’ special guest was her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Woodruff of Winston-Salem. 25 family members enjoyed the feUowship. Returns from Cleveland Mrs. Launard Ricks, Assis tant House Director at the Y.W.C.A. on Umstead Street has just returned from Cleve land, Oliio where she visited her hrother-in-law who is ill. Weekend With Family William Dexter Southerland, who is working in Brooklyn, N. Y. spent the weekend with his family at their home, 606 Umstead Street. Visited Parents Staff Sgt. Elbert Tatum, of Lockboume Air Force Base, Columbus, Ohio, who has been on a 10 day leave, spent a few days in the city visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ta tum, 907 Walton Avenue. Sgt. Tatum’s family, wife and child ren accompanied him here from Raleigh. Stewardess Board Mrs. Mary H. Shepard was hostess to Stewardess Boards one and two of St. Joseph ami; Church, on Wednesday evening at her home on Fay etteville Street. Mrs. Shepard, president of Board No. 1, pre sided over the meeting, during which time plans were made for the boards for the ensuing year. A Social Hour was enjoyed. The hostess served refreshments to the following members; Miss Hattie Jenkins, president of Board No. One, Mesdames Cora McAdam, Eva Thompson, Mabel Strudwick, Mamie Daw son, Stella Austin, Lossie Cole man, Lola Cotton, Theodosia Robinson, Parepa Watkins and Chat Rivera. Year Round Garden Club The Year Round Garden Club was entertained in high style last Friday evening at 6 o’clock p.m. by Mrs. Ethel Perry at her home on Linwood Avenue. Christmas was in the air and everywhere. Christmas carols were led by Mrs. Lil Farring ton. The garden gate was open ed by Mrs. Plassie Harris with a very beautiful and timely poem- “Its Christmas In Your Heart.” Some lovely thoughts were brought out in the poem. ; During the business session, | presided over by the president, Mrs. Pearl Cordice, the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Flossie-Toran and several thank you cards were read. Mrs., Hattie Meadows was hap pily welcomed back to the club after a long period of illhess. Each member displayed ori ginal Christmas arrangements, which were many and beauti ful. Next was the pretty Christ mas tree with all types of gifts, as members Exchanged them and several personal gilts were given. The two visiting guests re ceived gifts from the hosten. They were Mrs. Lil Buchanan and Mrs. Roland Alston, sister of the hostess. Sandwiches, homemade cake, Christmas punch and accompaniments were served by the hostess. Other members present, were Mesdames: Alma Bennett, Mag. Kennedy, Carrie Burch, Katie Love, Goldie Sellas, Mary Green, Mary Henderson, Rosa Suitt, Eugenia Sinunons, Sarah Felder, Ann Webb, Wilma Mi- lum, Marie Speigner, Maggie Walton, Annie Mayo, Plassie Harris, Gertrude Long, Alice Farrison and Miss Edna Mason. Fetes Bridge Club Last Friday evening, Dec. 8th, the Gourmet Bridge Club was entertained by Mrs. Julia Garrett at her home on Fay etteville Street. Beautiful flow er arrangements made a very nice setting for three tables of bpdge. The hostess served a delec table East Indian menu, aft^i* which play began. After several enjoyable progressions, the prizes were awarded. The visit- i^ guwt, Mrs. Bula Hairii re ceived the guest prize. Mrs. Deasa Turner won first club prize, and the second club prize was won by Mrs. Settle Good- loe. The consolation prize was presented to Dr. Helen Ed monds. Other members playing were Mesdames Nell Hunter, Bess Whitted, Ret Williams, Vi Thompson, Nola Cox, Martha Donnell, MoUie Lee and A1 Thompson. Christmas Party Stewardess- Board No. 3, of St. Marks AMEZ Church held its Christmas -Party Saturday night, December 10th, at the church. The setting for this was very pleasing. Members and their guests numbering about 35 or 40, were happy exchan ging gifts and greetings. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed by all present. 'Returns from Hospital Mrs. Rose Fortune, wHo has been a patient at Lincoln Hos pital has returned to her home on Linwood Avenue. Hostess to Club The Volkamenia Literary Club held its regular bi-weekly meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Julia Harris, 605 Law son Street. Present were twelve members: Mrs. I. H. Russell, president; Miss Lucye Royster, secretary; Mrs- Crusoe Geer, treasurer;' Miss Hattie Jenkins, coffery; W. J. Kennedy, Jr., Henderson Lee, E. R. Merrick, and Joseph H. Taylor. Visitors were lln. Ann Taylor and Miss Mildred Wilson of the North Carolina CoUege staff. Among the corresixindence read was a thank-you letter from Miss Pauli Murray, Coun selor at Law, New Yo>k and daughter of the recently de ceased Mrs. Pauline F. Dame, a charter member of Volkamenia. Mistf Murray is now at Mac- Dowell Colony, Petersborough, New Hamp4>i>'C) where she is writing a book about the Fitz gerald family of which Mrs. Dame was a member. She is one of the first three Negroes to be invited to the colony, found ed by Mrs. Edward MacDowell as a haven for young writers, composers, and painters. The highlights of the meet ing was a presentation by Mrs. Russell of portions of Miss Nannie H. Burroughs’ book Twelve Things the Negro Must Do for Himself. All members present contributed to the live ly discussion which followed, and which extended beyond the usual hour for closing. Most enjoyable were the “TV” din ners served by the hostes.;, Mrs. Harris. ^ Volkamenia Is one of the old est cultural and social organi zations of the city. Mrs. L. M. Royal, Hostess The 6-W Social Club was en tertained by Mrs. Lula Mae Royal on Monday night at her home on Elm Street. After a brief business meeting, the hos tess served party refreshments and directed games. Prize win ners were Mrs. Ruth Campbell and Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards. Weekend Guest Mrs. F. B. W. Dungee of Hen- Ch*ryl and Darlane Ward. FIrat Priz* Winner* In a raoant Carnation Haalthy Baby Contest hald In Naw York City. Feed pr baity @natibn, America’s liealtiiybaiiy'iniili! n NO WONDtR Camation is the “healthy baby” milk of babiM in N«w York, and of babies everywhere! Because Carnation la the world’s safest form of milk for baby’s bottle. The most nourishing and digestible, too. It’s the milk every doctor uid baby, specialist knows. 8 out of 10 mothers wdio feed a Camation for mula say.‘‘My doctor recommended it” So ask your own f:o^ doctor about Carnation... your very n«xt ir^t! Best for your baby and your family, too! ... in yput Qreem Prfaher^ use Caraation, the milk that whips! It has the consistenoy of good thick 6raam—yoaH love It in coffee! „jn yout (jookfrh let Caniatioil’s tpecial NendUitff quaHtiea i^ve you richer, smoother, more flavoiful every GIFTS FROM UNITED a PRICES WHBI SAVINGS MEAN MORE TO YOU COTTON FIT BETTER WEAR LONGER LOOK SMARTER BEAUTIFULLY STYLED IN GINGHAMS — BROAD CLOTHS — DAN RIVER PLAIDS — STRIPES — CHECKS — PRINTS. SIZES 9 TO IS. — 10 TO 20 — 14i TO ♦ 26i — 38 TO 52. 100% NYLON SLIPS 98 998 DEmIEK EXQUISITE—LAVISH LY NYLON LACE TRIMMED. SIZES 32 TO 40. Ladies’ ROBES :.9t 5 NYLON — Full length with nylon lining. Colors: Pink, blue. Sizes: 12 to 20, 14^ to 22i. FRILLY LACE TRIM IN BIULTI CREPES AND NYLONS — LUSCIOUS PASTEL COLORS — ALL SIZES. LADIES' GOWNS MULTI-CREPE - NYLON 2-98 BEAUTIFULLY STYLED — LACE TRIMMED-LARGE ASSORTMENT A 3.98 VALUE Other membei^ , enjoying the gala al&ir were Mesdames; Swannle Wilcher, Anne Mit chell, Marie Penny, Anne Goods, Pearl Spearman, Vir ginia Pltchford and Lena Mae Pearce. j Cosmetologist Club Mrs. Rosetta Southerland entertained members of the Cosmetologist Club No. 9 at her home on Umstead Street. During the business meeting, presided over by the president, Mrs; F. Brooks, Christmas ideas of cheering the sick and shut- ins and the Christmas were dis cussed. .Refreshments w/ere served to the following members: Mes dames WilUe E. , Watkins, Julia Perry, Josephine Perry, Plassie Brown, Merlene Johnson, Thel ma Hill, Inez Minor, Elveta Monroe, Magnolia Leake, Zola Goss, Earlle Grandy, Gladys Lassiter, Pecola Jones, Lovis Liee Edwards, Zelma Adam, Margaret Harris, Mozel Mit chell, CJallie Ashford, Marie Jones, Rose BrWn, Elmira Flintall, Misses Rose H. Hen derson, Hazel McKoy, Montez Bates, and Bonnie; Reid. I Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Free man Williams announce, the birth of their son, Clarence Fre«nan, Jr., on Deconber 1, 1955 at Duke Hospital. Mrs. WiUiams is the former Miss Doris Mitchell of this city. Bernhard Aitmann Connaught Cashmeres Short Sleeves ... 15.93 Long Sleeves ... 18.95 Cardigans 20.95 Uss Our Lay-Away Plan BL um A High Quality—Low PrIcM 125 East Main ANOTHER BIG HIT First Calvary Baptist Chnrch REVEREND A. L. THOMPSON, Pastor ' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL RICHARD JAMXS. 9upt 11:00 A. M.—SERMON . Paxtar MUSIC The Young People’s Choir Miss Bernice Mitchell, Organist 6:30 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION DKNCIK BIKRRITT, President 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Pastor 100% NYLON PANTIES A 79c VALUE Heavyweight — Lace' Trim and Tailored White and Pastels ORLON SWEATERS WHITE AND PASTEL COLORS. SIZES 34 TO 40. CHILDREN'S DRESSES ADVERTISED BRAND POLISHED COTTONS NYLONS —80 SQ. PRINTS — HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM. SIZES 1 TO 3 — 3 TO 6X WOMEN'S NYLONS PERFECT FOR GIFT GIVING for ]50 Pair 15 denier, 51 gauge now featuring Honey Glow, this season’s sensational color. All first quality. Sizes 9 to 11. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 JKM) A. M. W. A. MABSH. Supt 8UNDAT SaiOOL CARDIGAN 3.M PULLOVER g% 98 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE UNITED tVAPORATI^^ *(MOItAStO ^from CotUmUsd DEPARTMENT STORES, FRIDAY FOR aCNCRATIONS, AMERICA’S FAVORITB MILK MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH REV. ■. T. BROWNE Fastsr SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 9:30 A. M SUNDAY SCHOOL C. E. Richardson, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor Browne MUSIC . . , . , . . Mal« Chorus Mrs. E. H. Fogle, Organist 6:00 P. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION “What We Believe About Eternal Security" j 7:30 P. M.—CHOIR HOUR . . Young People’s Choir Mrs. E. H. Fogle, Organist •*A FBIBNDLT CHURCH’* White Rock Baptist Church WHITE BOCK SQUABB MILES MARK FISHER, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 8:45 A. M.—CAll TO WORSHIP .... Electronics 9:30 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON "Jesus, Man of Prayer” Luke 3:21, 22; 4:42; 5:16; 9:18,28,29; 10:21,22; 11:1-13. ^ Prof. J. M. Schooler, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—“THESE TWELVE—TIMOTHY" Senior Choir, Mrs. V. W. Alston, Directress 6:30 P. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION J. L. Lassiter, Director 7:30 P. M.—Youth in Charge of the Church, Mrs.-B. B. Artis Class . SERM9N Gospel Chorus, Miss Leana Roberson, Directress “LITTLB 6lD MOTHER WSLCOBIBS TOU** Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church BBVEBEND D. A. JOHNSTON, Pastw 11:00 A. M.—"Who Is Christ?" . Pastor 6:00 P. M.—The Christian Endeavor Present The Chamberlain Studio in the Annual Christmas Program. WiMmuCD MARTIN, Sunt. 7:00^ P. M.—The Sunday School presents its Annual Cchristmas Program.