Adam Powell's Secretary Guilty Of Tox Evasion ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ KUKILS M VOTE DISPUTE DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! 1 110^0 VOLUME 32 — NUMBEB 21 DI^IHABI, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1956 PRICE 10 CENTS Teachers Reject Anti-NAACP Oath In S. C.: Court Test Looms An impressive cvrmumy during which the Durham Houaewives’ League accdrdea a tpgcial honor to Mrs^Mary Tttfey took jMce on tfte ietic* emtoide the Hardaide Church in Mill Grove community on Mother’s Day. Tilley was'selected by the Leame as the Ideal Mother on the oasis of an essay toritt«n I eight', grader at Whitted Junior sponsored each year by the League. In the above picture, Miss Sarah Dotson, president of the League (extreme left) is shovm pinning corsage on Mrs. Tilley while her daughter and Mrs. Genester Jaclaon, treas urer of the Housewives’ League Toofc on. The flowers were donated by Amey’s Florists and Mrs. Tilley received a basket of groceries from the League. y her daughter, Charline, High. The essay contest is Durham Legionnaires To Honor War Dead In Memorial Rites; Alexander To Give Main Speech At Elloree, 21 Reftise To Ink Contracts In Which Clause Inserted NEW YORK Roy Wilkin*, NAACP execu tive secretary, last week pled ged the full support of the Asso ciation to 21 teachers in Elloree, S. C., who have refused to sign a new anti-NAACP membership oath. The 1956 General Assembly of South Carolina enacted legis lation barring NAACP members from state, county and munici pal employment. The oath was Inserted in teacher employment applica- W. H. COLE The Weaver-McLiean post 175 of the American I>gion will hold its annual memorial day services Simday at the White Rock Baptist church. *2^chariach (Zack) Alexan der, 111, of Charlotte, comman der of Division VI, department of North Carolina, will be the principal speaker. Features of the service will be graveside riten at the Beech- wood cemetery at five o’clock, during which graves will be decorated by membert of the legion and the women’i auxili ary, the firing of a rifle salute and the blowing of taps. Special mustc for the church ■ervice at three o'clock will be furnished by the Mt. Olive Male ZACK ALEXANDER chorus. Officials of tne Durham Le gion who will take part in the program are W. H. Cole, com mander of the Weaver-McLean post, Zollie B. J6sey,.post chap lain, and J. Fred Pratt, poat bugler. > Following the church service, a parade compoBed of legion naires, members of the ladlea -auxiliary, and the I^illaide high school tend will form at Pear- sontown school, two, and pro ceed to the cemetery for the graveside rites. Cole Issued a special Invita tion tor all gold star mothert, and widows of World War vic tims to attend the services. Special music lor tbe meeting will be furnished by the St. John’s male chorus and the Walltown Community male cho rus. In addition to the address by Dr. Browne, reports from va rious committee chairmen are expected to be made at the meeting. Attorney Floyd B. Me Kissick, first vice president of the organization, and chairman of its membership drive, will report on memberships. Thomas Bailey, treasurer, will also make a report. Attorney William A. Marsh, second vice president, will ser ve as master of I'eremonies Rev. L. M. Gooch is pastor of the church. DrJ.B.Brwm To Address NAACP Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Durham NAACP chapter will be held Sunday afternoon at four o’clock at the St. John^UrlnciEal of an all-Negro school n 1. u mu- J there expected his contract to Baptist Church on Third Street. President of the Durham chapter Rev. William Fuller an nounced that the meeting will have as its main speaker Dr: Rose Butler Browne, professor of Education at North Carolina College. She is scheduled to be introduced by Dr. C. E. Boul- tions for next year. Eighteen of the 21 Elloree teachers resigned. The oUier three refused to re sign, and were given until May 31 to sign the oath or resign. In his message, Wilkins said the new South Carolina law “should be tested in (the) courts as soon as possible on grounds that it is (a) flagrant violation of basic American civil liberties.” ‘Such tactic.5 to stamp out freedom of association and opin ion,” the NAACP official de clared, “can lead only toward (a) police state in which any individual who expresses dis agreement with customs of (a) local conununity Is penalized.’’ •> The*tBlegrairi, senA-to the Rev' James M. Hinton of Columbia S. C., president of the South Carolina State NAACP, express ed Willcins’ “admiration” for the teachers for thpir “courage’’ in a “difficult situation.” Previously, a staff writer for a New York newspaper reported from Orangebur;;, S. C., that the Seaboard Nurse Loses Permit be terminatea this month under the same state law. The Rev. E. E. Richburg, principal of the Danzler School in Orangeburg, told Murray Kempton of the JVeto York Post: “I hope they fire me then. I’d like to meet them hi court.” Mi«s Ma^ Mills, Army nurse assigned to the United States Musion in Lebdnon, is {left) being greeted^ at Ra^ leigh-Durham, Airport by Mrs. Lucille Z. Williams, superin: tendent of Nursing at Lincoln Hospital where Nurse Mills received her basic ttaining. Miss Mills had just arrived from Tuskegee where on Monday she had been awarded the hon orary Doctor of Science degree. Also in picture is Miss Mills’ mother. Miss Mills’ trip to the United States was paid for by Congressman Francis P. Bolton of Ohio, a member of the Board of Trustees at Tuskegee. She is enroute to Beirut where she will be chief nurse for the Point Four program. AMEs End Session Reid Has 2nd District; 5 New Bishops Named SEABOARD Indications that reprisals have been exacted from Negroes who protested a registear’s refusal to register them were seen this week in li^t of recent develop ments here. On May 12, Mrs. Maggie Gar ris and Alexander Faison were denied registration by Mrs. W. L. Taylor. They sought the ad vice of Attorney James R. Wal ker of Weldon who accompanied them later during the same day t return trip to the W. L. or store where the registra tion office had been set up only to be denied registration a second time. Attorney Walker subsequent ly called for dianissal of the re gistrar and asaerted that the examinations she had used were ■improper and unfair.” On the same night. Walker was arrested on charges of tres passing in the Taylor store and was fined and given a suspend ed sentence last week in a trial at Northampton County Recor der’s Court. On the following night, Fai son told the TIMES he was threatened with prosecution for a check he had written in Dec. This week, Mrs Garris said she received a letter from the County Health Department ad vising her to turn in her perniit to practice as a midwife on the first of June. Faison is an air force vete ran and freshman at North Carolina -College. Mrs. Garris, a long-time lesident of Sea board, has prac^ced as a mid wife in the county for the past 20 3t®ars. _ According to Mrs. Garris, she received a letter last week from Dr. Raleigh Parker, health superintendent of Northampton County, which slated that be cause she had attended two cases which hadn’t been proper ly cleared through the clinic she would have to turn in her permit on the first of June. Mrs. Garris said she .called Dr. Carroll Robi:ison of Jack son before going on the cases and he advised her to proceed and call him if she had any trouble. Northampton County health officials denied that the suspen sion of Mrs. Garris’ license had anything to do with her involve ment in the registration dispute. They also maintained that the two cases referred to in the letter were not the ones on which she had consulted Dr. Robinson. Mrs. Garris said she had never received any warning or repri mand before from health offi cials. She also said she had maintained an "A" rating each year since 1936, with the ex ception of one year when she was given a "B" rating for fail- ure to attend a meeting. She also explained that ibe had passed the annual iiupee- tion of her mstrumenta and medical examinaticm and had attended the monthly meetinCi as required. Baptbt Ninistef, Educator Are NCC Speakers Dr. William Holmes Borders, pastor of Atlanta’s Wheat Street Baptist Church, and Dr. Karl W. Bigelow, Professor of Educa tion in the Department of Edu cational Administration of Tea chers CoUege, Columbia Uni versity, will be the finals speak ers at North Carolina College's 45th Commencement program. Dk. Borders’ Baccalaureate ser mon will be given in the Men’s Gymnasium at 4:00 p.m. Sun day, June 3. Bigelow's address to some 400 candidates for gra duate, undergraduate and pro fessional degrees will be given at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 5 in the Gymnasium. The Baccalaureate speaker is a native of Mdcon, Georgia. He received the A.B. degree at Morehouse College, the B.D. at Garrett Theological Seminary, and the M.A. degree at North western University. He has done additional study at Union Theo logical Seminary aad'.Colttabia University. In addition. Dr. b0n)aas. has conducted a , iUL-cesdi, program in Atia ita for some iJ years. An aggrejsive advocat • of full civil rights tor American minorities. D.. Borders has opened his church to controver sial speakers and he has been outspoken in his criticisms of social injustice. The ffiialT i^aKSr, Dr. BI0F- low, received the Bachelor’s de gree from Clark College, Wor- CMter, Mass., in 1920 and tue Ph.D from Harvard in 1929. He graduated from Clark College Magna Cum Laude. He holds the honorary degree L.H.D. from Clark College and LL.D. from Parsons College. He has been instructed in economics and so ciology at Cornell, Harvard, Radcliffe and the University of Buffalo. In 1936 Dr. Bigelow joined the staff of Teachers College as professor of education. He was given leave to joiii the Council of Teachers of Education of the American Council on Education as director until September, 1944. MIAMI, Fla. For the next four years, the presiding Bishop of the second Episcopal district of the African Methodist Episcopal church will be the Rt. Reverend Frank Madison Reid of Colvmbia, S. C. Bishop Reid was assigned to the second district in the re assignment of the church's bis hops at the 35th Quadrennial of the denomination which closed here Tuesday. The second district includes Woman Receives Verdict Calmly; Could Get Forty Year Jail Term NEW YORK Despite all the pleading by the defense that the govern ment was trying to jail Rep. Adam Clayton Powell’s secre tary, Mrs. Hattie Freeman Dod son Just so it could “brainwash her” and get enough evidence to prosecute Powell on kickback charges, the smiling Mrs. Dod son was convicted on nhie counts of evading $5,000 in in come taxes and of illegally re ceiving |2,000 in tax refunds. A Federal Court jury convict ed the business secretary of Powell and Abyssinian Baptist Church, which Powell pastors. She burst into tears when the jury received the case but was calm as the verdict was announ ced two hours later. She will be sentenced on June 4th. The maximum penalty on each count is five years’ Im prisonment and a $10,000 fine. Highlight of the trial was the testimony that Mrs. Dodson kicked back her Congressional salary to Powell. Powell took the stand to deny it. Then the defense counsel charged that Powell was the real target in the case. The jury, however, believed that Mrs. Dodson wilfully evad ed taxes by filing two returns— one jointly with her husband and the second under her mai den name and in listing false dependants, some nonexistent. the'states of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and the district of Columbia. Bishop Reid was moved from his post as pro.«idlng prelate over the 7th district. In addition to presiding over the seventh, the bishop wad also serving the unexpired term in the second district of the late Bishop L. L. Hemmingway. Xhe reassignment of the church’s bishops was just one of the higlhlights of the closing session of the conference. Five new bishops were elected by the conference, including a native African. The Rt. Rev. Francis Gow of Capetown Afri ca was elected on the first bal lot Saturday to the highest po sition' in the A.M.E. church. A hot c6ntest developed for the other four vacancies, and it was not until late Monday that the other four positions were filled. The four other new A.M.E. bishops are S. R. Higgins of Columbia, S. C.; E. L. Hiclcman, Louisville, Ky.; O. Sherman, Little Rock, Ark.; and W. F. Ball, Miami. The conferencti, also acted to reassign all of its bishops, in ac cordance with the eight year plan, formulated at Kansas City in 1948. However, the length of the term was cut from eight to four years ' Re-assignment of the bishops saw G. W. Barber move to the first district; E- C. Hatcher, (Continued bn Page Eight) Red Carpet Out For Firm's Top Salesmen The North Carolina Mutual Life insurance company will roll out the red carpet this week-end for ?/J of its officials and salesmen who were win ners in the company’s recently concluded salej production cam paign. They will be quests of the home office in Durham for the week-end, during which they will be treated to a round of honors, culminating in the fim’s fourth George Wayne Cox Sales Convention. The convention is named for the firm’s vice-oresident-agency director who, along with the company’s agency staff, will act as official hosts to the visiting salesmen. In addition to the company’s top brass, representatives of the National Insurance Association will be on hand to take a part in the convention. One of the highlights of the convention will be a banquet Thursday evening at which C. L. Townes of Richmond, Va., chairman bf the Board of Di rectors of the National Insur ance Association, will be guest C. L. TOWNES speaker. The banquet will also honor Cox, regarded as “dean” of agency officers in the NIA. He will be recipietit of a presenta tion at the barquet. Among the company’s top offi cials to participate in the sales convention are W. J. Kennedy, Jr., president of the Mutual; D. C. Deans, vice-president and associate agency director; W. A. Clement, associate agency di rector and certified life under- writer; Maceo A. Sloan, also i certified life underwriter aad assistant agency director, and L. B. Frasier, .'vpcncy secretary 'The 29 award winners who are being honored by the com G. W. COX, SR. pany this week-«nd are: Combination district manager, A. J. Clement, Jr., Newark, N. combination ^taff managers, Lorenzo Rowland. Philadel|diia; H. H. Carter, Washington, D. C.; Robert Lightfoot. Washington, D. C.; J. D. Walker. Richmond. Va.; D. T. Jackson, Richmond, Va.; R. If. Denuy, Savannah. Ga.; J. T. Cary, Greenville, S. C. Also ordinary staff manafac, L. Z. Craft. Newaik, N. J.; com bination agents Eugene Turner, Philadelphia; B. r. Betha*. Co lumbia. S. C.; D. L. Tampia. I^chmond. Va.. Mrs. Susan Ma ker, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. OUie Bosey, Pittsburg, I^.; A. L. (Continued on Page Kl|bt)