Double Funeral For Mother, Death Strikes Hours Apart In Twin CityOn Friday, 13tli ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ¥ ¥ ¥ WINSTON-SALEM A double funeral sei-vlce was held here Sunday for a mother and daughter who died just hours apart on Friday, the 13th. Mrs. Lillian King, resident of 908 Adler St., died at her home following several weeks of ill ness Friday. A few hours later, her mother, Mrs. Anna Nash of 843 Free St., succumbed at a local hospital. She, too, had suf fered a lingering illness. Jones Elected New President Af Fayetteville FAYETTEVILLE Dr. Rudolph Jones, Teacher and Dean of the institution since 1952, was named President of the Fayetteville State Teachers College when the Board of Trustees met on July 11 to se lect a successor to Dr. J. Ward Seabrook. The action of the Board saw history repeat itself, for in July, 1933 Dr. Seabrook was elevated from the deanship to the presidency of the college and has held the position since that time. The newly-elected successor to Dr. Seabrook is a scholar who comes with a splendid back ground in education and in so cial service. An honor graduate of Shaw University in 1930, he proceeded to Catholic Univer sity of America for the M.A. and the Ph.D. degrees. For the doc torate hii areas were economics, political science, and statistics, and his dissertation title, “The Relative Position of Small Busi ness in American Economy since 1930.” On the basis of his scho^ (Continued on Page Eight) Funeral services for the two were held Sunday at the St. Andrews Methodist church. Rev. H. William PhiUips, officiated. Interment rites were conducted at the Evergreen cemetery. Both had resided in the city (Continued from Page One) REV. W. F. COX DR. RUDOLPH JONES Honor Pastor For 33 Years The Oak Grove Freewill Bap tist church of Durham honors its pastor. Rev. W. F. Cox, in a special Founder’s Day anniver sary program at the church at three o’clock Sunday afternoon. Principal speaker tor the tribute ceremony wil| be Rev. R. L. Saunders of Clayton, pas tor of the Mt. Nebo Freewill Baptist church. The unveiling of a portrait of Rev. Cox will 1ae a highlight of the 8peci(>l service. Testimonials from various organizations of the church will be made to him. In addition, a special presenta tion will be made to Rev. Cox’s wife, Mrs. Margaret Cox. Rev. Cox has pa^tored the church for 33 years. Church of ficials credit much of its growth to his leadership. Music for the services will be rendered by the combined choirs of Oak Grove and the senior choir of Mt. Nebo church. Oak Grove church is located in Durham at the intersection of Colfax and Simmons Streets. KGRO LABOR SNUBS IR DURHM MEE1MG VOLUME 32—NUMBER 28 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1956 PRICE It CBNTS NAACP Won’t Appear Before School Hearings short shrift NAACP MEETING SUNDAY The Durham chapter of the NAACP will hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday after noon at four o’clock at the Cove nant Presbyterian church. Dr. Caulbert A. Jones, his tory professor at North Caro lina College, will be the main speaker. Monthly reports on membership and finance will be given. The church is located on the comer of Massey avenue and Lincoln Streets. Mrs. Mitchell Succumbs Mrs. Mary Mitchell, resident of 730 Hopkins street of Dur ham, died suddenly Tuesday, July 17 at 1:45 p.m. She had suffered a stroke. Mrs. Mitchell was known to children of the community as “Ma Mary.” Fimeral arrangements were in complete at press time. NCC Alumni Meeting Saturday The Durham chapter of the North Carolina College alumni association has scheduled a a business meeting Saturday at four o’clock p.m. Plans will be discussed for the group's sum mer picnic; according to How- • ■’^'Fltti, chairman of. the. pro gram committee. Firemen Meet WARRENTON The North Carolina Volun teer Fire Association closed a three day meeting here Friday. All of the officers were re-elect ed. A parade, a horse show a baseball game and the annual ball offered light relief to the business sessions of the meeting. Next year’s meeting wilL be held at Wake Forest. Man Held In Stabbing WINSTON-SALEM Willie T. Almond of 305 East Eighth street was stabbed to death in a room over Skip’s Grill on Patterson avenue about midnight Friday, police said. Miss Ella Mae Davis, 22, of East Eighth street, is being held without bond in connection with the stabbing. Almond was pronounced dead on arrival at Kate Bitings Rey nolds Memorial hospital. Atten ding physicians said he died from stab wounds .'Under the heart and the right arm. Mission Meeting Sunday The Durham City and County missionary Union will hold its monthly meeting Sunday after noon at St. Joseph’s Baptist church at three o’clock. The church is located on Third St. On Saturday morning at 11 o’clock a.m., July 21, in the Hillside High School auditori um, Dr. Joseph H.’ Taylor, Chairman of the Department of History and Director of Summer School at North Carolina Col lege will address seventeen gra- duates at the Hillside High School summer commencement activities. * ” - — Reverend E. T. Brown, pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church, will deliver the invoca tion. Other participants on the program will be Ann Jackson, Valeretta Roberts, Patricia Spaulding, Miriam Holmes, and Reginald Parker. Eight graduates from Hillside and nine from Merrick-Moore schools will be presented diplo mas by principals H. M. Holmes and L. S. GiUiard. This exercise will culminate a six week sum mer achool MMlon. CHARLOTTE The NAACP will not appear at hearings on proposed legisla tion to permit the state to main tain segregation in the public schools. This was the word this week from Kelly M. Alexander, presi dent of the State NAACP. ' The State legislature will convene in special session, be ginning Monday, to consider proposals submitted by the Pearsall Advisory Committee on education. It is ext>ected to hear testimony on the proposed legis lation from interested groups and individuals early^ Ip .the week. '/j Already, it has beenTevealed that a ministers association from Chapel Hill and i^presentatives of the State Parent Teachers Association have requested time to be heard before the legisla tors. Governor Hodges made public distaffs of the Pearsall commit tee proposals last week. Key features of the plan are a bUl to allow the state to pay tuition costs to private schools and to permit local school units to close the schools in "intolera ble” situations. “We certainly don’t see any practical advantage to be gained from presenting our views be fore the Governor or state legis lature which has unanimously passed resolutions condemning the Court's order to desegregate schools,” Alexander said this week. “The program presented by the Governor does not constitute good &ith Implementation of the governing constitutional principles as enunciated in the Supreme Court decision of May 17 and 31.” he continued. “The action of the Governor and the advisory conunittee cer tainly tends to increase rather than decrease possibility of liti gation. They are certainly not assisting in creating a climate for acceptance and compliance. “It Is questionable in our minds as to legal validity of the (Continued on Page Eight) Full Participation Said Wrthtield In Scheduled State Convention According to a vote taken here Saturday afternoon at a joint meeting of all Negro labor union officials, there will be no participation of Negroes in the annual convmtion of the North Carolina Federation of L«bor to be held here next month. The meeting, held at the labor temple located at the comer of Proctor and McMannen Streets, brought together a majority of the leaders of Negro labor in Durham. A majority of those present expressed the opinion that the time of taxation with out representation, so far as Ne gro labor members are concern ed, is over. From the beginning, Negro members have been pay ing the same dues as whites, but have consistently been de nied the full rights of member ship, it was stated. The same question arose at the annual session Ih Asheville last year with Negro members reportedly being given the us ual run-around about fvil mem bership participation. Thia year’s session is scheduled to be held at the Washington Duke Hotel here where on several oc casions Negroes have attended banquets of various groups, both as members and non-mem bers. The joint meeting here Satur day was presided over by Guy Mazyck, president of the group Members were called on to give their views in the matter and with the exception of three, all expressed themselves as being in favor of not participating in the Federation of I,abor annual meeting if they are to be hu miliated with a segregated policy. During the week, many local Negro leaders in other fields expressed themselves as back ing the move of the labor lead ers to the fullest extent and much praise was heaped upon the labor group for taking such a forthright stand. Parent GetsApplication For Son To Enter White School CHAPEL HILL A father of nine has asked for and received applications for his son to enroll It^an al) white elernentary school here this fall. Above is the church scene at I held for Mrs. Lillian Kina and I St. Andrews Methodist church her mother, Mrs. Anna Nosh, (u double funeral services were | last Sunday. See story, this page, columns 1 and 2 Minister To Leave Church In Durhom After 20 Years Rev. S. P. Perry, for 20 years pastor of St. Mark AME Zion church in Durham, will deliver his final message at the church Sunday, July 28. He is leaving to assume the pastorate of the Hood Temple church in Rich mond, Va. Rev. Perry will be repificed at St. Mark by Rev. R. L. Speak, of Philadelphia. The change in pastorate at St. Mark was made by bishop R. L. Jones who presides over the fourth episcopal district, of which St. Ihfark is a part. Rev. Perry’s long tenure at St. Mark is probably unsur passed in the denomination in recent years. A.M.EuZion minis ters are usually rotated after four years. Located at the intersection of Pine and Pickett streets in Dur- REV. S. P. PERRY TIMES Adds New Features With this week’s issue, the Carolina Times adds two fea tures to its editorial department. A news commentary, “Facing the Issues” and a sketch of the DR. A. H. GORDON life of Mohandas K. Gandhi will be carried on the editorial page. Both appear in this issue. Dr. Asa H. Gordon, political science and history teacher, is the author of the new column, “Facing the Issue.” A prolific writer and a long-time student of southern history, he is at pre sent a member of the faculty of Livfaigstone College at ' Salis bury.* ■ The second feature appearing under the title, “An American’s Impressions of the Life of Ghan- di,” will sketch the life of the late Indian spiritualist and lea der. It is prepared by Miss Mary Mills, for several years head nurse of American missions in the Near East. The sketch will appear in serials, the first of which begins in this week's is sue. Dr. Gordon has held several teaching positions in political science, history and phUotophy in southern schools. He Is the author of two books, “Sketches of Negro Life and History in South Carolina” and “The Geor- (Continued on Page Eight) 8s ' MISS MARY MILLS ham, St. Mark is the largest pr^Otoiinantly Negro church in Durham and the largest of its denomination in the Central North Carolina Conference. Rev. Perry came to St. Mark In 1936, after leaving a pastor ate at Charlotte. Under his lea dership, the church has outstrip ped most of its sisters churches in the state. In 1936, when he assumed the pastorate at St. Mark, the church had approximately 700 members and was indebted about $9,000. To(^ay, St. Mark nas the finest plant of any of Its kind in the city and has ad ded approximately 1,000 mem bers. The present church structure, started in the Fall of 1954, has cost approximately $203,000, with still a little work left to be completed. In addition to its auditorium, the church boasts an educational department of 17 classrooms and a basement ca pable of seating 700. The buil ding has been occupied since the Fall of 1955. Rev. Perry is a native of Tus- kegee, Alabama. He received his formal training at Lomax- Hannon and Talladega Institute He held his first pastorate in Alabama. ^ ” ‘Among'the-cities- he'has -held pastorates in are Tuscaloosa, Selma, Enfield, Birmingham, Ala., Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina. He-^s married to Mrs. Isselene Perry, and they have four children, two boys and two girls. The Richmond church to which he is going is in the dis trict presided over by bishop H. T. Medford. MISS FELICIA MILLER l^st Rites Held In Durham For Miss F.D. Miller Last rites for Miss Felicia D. Miller, 56, assistant secretary of the Bankers Fire Insurance Company were held at St. Titus Protestant Episcopal Church tiere Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. Miss Miller was a resident of 1610 Fayetteville Street where she was residing at the time of her death here Sunday at 1:00 P.M. She had been in declining health for several months, but continued at her post of duty on a part-time schedule with the Bankers Fire Insurance Com pany until a few days prior to her death. The officiating minis ters were the Revs. F. J. Hunter, rector, and O. J. Stanley, former rector. Miss Miller was born in Golds boro. the daughter of the late A'bert and Catherine Miller. She attended the public schools in that city and Barber Scotia College at Concord. She bccame e’mploy^ with’ fhVBariKert Flife' Insurance Company in 1920. At the annual meeting of the di- ectors of the company in 1943 she was elevated to the position of assistant secretary'. She was a member of St. Ti tus and the lota Phi Lambda Sorority. Honorary pallbearers were directors of the company. N. C. Mutual Life Ins. Co.. Mutual Savings and Loan Aasociation and Southern Fidelity Mutual (Continued on Page Eight) operator here ?nd father a# Prejton Weaver, a shoe shop' eiglit school age children, said the aupy,c^*ion i' bei'® n \ his own- and is in no way con- nectod with the action of any group. Disclosure of the far.' Vreaver has sought applications (-il hi > i: “-p school came this week from the Chapel Hill school board. The Board agreed in its meet ing last Thursday to send Wea ver immediately application blank and a copy of rules adop- 'ed by the board regarding pro cedure for changing schools. It >lso sent an explanatory ftat*- mcnt adopted later by the boerd regarding policy in changing of schools. Weaver had requested appli cation from the school board and Superintendent C. W. Da vis. He asked for “the necessary prerequisites for registration, and attendance” at Chapel Hill elementary school to be saa: to him “as soon as it is consio'.ent with good business judgemcii*." His le.tter was read c.t Thursday’* meeting of the board. Weaver is proprietor of Wea ver’s Shoe Shop on Franklin street. He lives at the comer of Craig and Nunn streets. Weaver declined to state rea sons for requesting a change In schools for his son. He said be preferred to wait imtil the ap plication is receiv^ by the Board. Eight of his nine children will be enrolled in the public schools this year. His oldest, Preston, Jr., finished Lincoln high anil is now in the armed forces. Weldon Youth Is Oneof 54 Crash Victims WSUDON Airman third class lliomas Adams, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Adams Sr.. of SIS Popular. avenue -was om of the 45 victims who died Fri day in the crash of a Military Air Transport plane at Fort Dix, N. J. Adams, who Joined the Air Force last November shortly af ter his 17th birthday, died whan the four engine C-llS ploiigkM4 into the earth in a driviag rate minutes after its take-off McGuire Air Force baae. It was bound for Brutonwood, land. I Youns Adams was oa hie wmf I (Continued oa Pag* IliM)

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