i^Aci rotJB THE CAKOLIWA TTMP SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1»5 Miss Itiinnte Phyllis Gilmer o) Durham who is the daughter o) Air*. Minnie Whitted Gilmer oj Durham, N. C., and the late M». Robert M. Gilmer announces her engagement to Henry Clay ton Williams, son of Mrs. Han nah William* al*o of Durham A September wedding is plan ned. DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. MRS. LILLIAN BUCHANAN, EDITOR PHONE 9-1480 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mrs. Mable Powell — Pearsontoum, Phone 2-1922 Miss M. L. Stephens — West Durham; Phone 7-4164 Mbs. N. J. Curby — West End, Phime 7-8862 Miss ^chel Nunn — Hickstown Auman Xbird-Class Eli Sin- gicion, who recently spent Imi'ty days on furlough with his iiioi.uer, Mrs, Eli Singleton, JacKson Street sailed for fiance July 4. His mother ac- conipaiued him to New York Luy. Caroiyn Jean Mangum, Baden St. settlement, Rochester, N. Y., recently drove her own car up uie Whiteface Mounlbin Idemo- tiai Highway duri;^ their tour ol the Adfcondaclu while vaca tioning in this area. Mrs. Tempie Morgan of Ak ron, Ohio is vacationing for two weeks here with her sister. Her neice Mrs. Alma Burwell of Washington. D. C-, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morgan of Route 1, Mor- risville. Mrs. Made Wilcox of Phila delphia is vacationing for a short period with her aunt, Mrs. 'i'empie Morgan. Return To New York Mr. and Mrs. Ezekie Young returned to Rochester, N. Y. af ter spending a short but wonder- lul vacation visiting (mom and oad) the A. C. Felders, Sr., of Dunbar St. Miss Carolyn Youngs tneir daughter, accompanied them down, but will remain in Durham for the remainder of the summer with Grandma and granddaddy. The A. C. Felders entertained at the Algonquin Club House, honoring their daughter and her husband, the Youngs. Seventy five of their old friends and classmates of Durham and Ra leigh gathered to make this a gala affair, and, did they have fun: dancing under the differ ent colored lights to the music of Cardoza. Mter a most en' joyable evening the - happy bunch departed declaring Mr. and. Mrs. Felder the most charm ing host and hostess. Motored To Mebane On last Sunday, Miss Flor ence Fletcher, Janie Fletcher, Mrs. Sara Caimeron and IVIrs. Lottie Cochran motored to Me- bime to visit with the Reverend Mebane who is ill. Bridal Shower Given Miss Nunn Mrs. Amelia Brown of G-2 Mutual Drive was hostess Saturday evening at a Miscel laneous bridal shorwer, honoring Miss Laura Elizabeth Nunn -vho will become the bride-of Joseph Pierce of this city on August 4 A green, yellow and pink scheme was used in the decora tions. The refreshment table was centered with a cluster of pink roses and a green and yel- low candles. Refreshments were served to the 2S guests present. The bride-elect was showered with many beautiful gifts. iiome of Mrs. Lessie Branch iiooge in Henderson, N. C. with, more than two hundred rela tives and friends coining from ail parts of tne country. Mem- oers 01 tne Manley family at tending were Mrs. Lucille M. Clark, Mrs. Carrie M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joyner and amily, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jones and family all of Durham. Uinner was sei-ved in the old oouthern style at 1:00 P.M. At Mitl,-aitei^on everyone was served either ice cream or water melon. Everyone had a wonder- iui time. The Manley family and me Branch family are first cousins. Return To New York Mrs. Lucille M. Clerk, Mrsr Carrie M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. ii^ddie A. Manley have returned 10 New York after spending ten aays with relatives and friends. They were here to attend the lamily reunion held annually at Henderson. While in the city, they were entertained at din ner by Mr. and Mrs. James atrickland on Kent Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark on Fay etteville Street, Mr. and Mrs. vViUie Manley on Cook Road, motored to Louisburg on last Wednesday where they spent Che day, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Jones and Mr. Eddie Manley are sis ters and brothers of Mrs. El- nora Smith. Mrs. Victoria Joy ner, Mrs. Martha M. Jones, Mr. vVillie Manley. Visiting Mother Mrs. Ella Mae Bailey of New York city is visiting her mother, Mrs. Effie Edwards of East En terprise. Return To Tennessee Dr. and Mrs. E, G. High and four daughters, Wanda, Sandra and Miranda, of Nashville, Ten nessee, have returned home af ter spending a very enjoyable week with parents and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Toole. Recuperating Mrs. Rosa ^uitt of 111 Um- stead St., who has been ill at her home for more than two weeks is much improved, and hopes to be out soon. Returns From Bermuda Manley And Branch Reunion - The Manley and Branch faml lies held th^r annual family re union oo July 1, 1956 at tbs Mrs. Gladys Swift oi Fayette ville St., has retiiiTied home from Bermuda^ where she spent a grand vacation. Home From Vacation BSr. and Mrs. Marvin O. Ro berts, have returned to their home on Alston Ave., after an extended vacation in Pennsylva nia, New Jersey and New York. To Chicago Mrs. Mabel Davis and Mrsi Georgia Whitted left last Satur day by plane for Chicago, 111., where they will visit relatives and friends. Visited Parent* Mr. and Mrs. WUUe Kennedy of New York City have return ed home after a very pleasant two weelis visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rob bins of 804 Walton Ave. Home From Louisiana Mrs. Geneva Cheek has re turned home from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Aman da Robinson. Vi*it* ln-Loto» Mrs. Eddie Belle Fogle has returned to her home on Pine Street after a very pleasant visit with her brother in-law, the Rev. E. C. Fogle and family of Richmond, Va. Leaves For New York Irvin Whitted left Saturday night for New York City. Mr. Whitted will spend his vacation there visiting relatives and friends. He will be guest of the Sparkman family. in Hospital Mrs. Julia Adkins of 1204 Fayetteville St. is a patient at Lincoln Hospital for a rest and check-up. Mrs. Hessie Mitchell of Fay etteville St., is a patient at Lin coln Hospital. Mrs. Ford Hostess The East-End Adult Educa tion Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ruth Ford 508 E. iSnterprise Street, Sunday July 8. The meeting was presided over by the vice-president, Mrs. Agnes Hinton. Following a hymn, the scripture was read and prayer presented by the Rev. Rufus Moore. Mrs. C. K. Brown, brought thanks to the club from Mr. Holmes for a donation of $15 given to Day Camp for child ren. A palatable collation was served by the hostess to guest and members. Guests, Mr. Henderson Jones of Hillsboro, Mesdames Bertha Allen, Agnes Hinton, C, K. Brown, Cylonia Jones, Rev. Moore and Mr. Richard Patter son. A Visit From Mother Mrs. C. B. Tatum of Florence, S. C., is visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Lakin of 1401 S. Alston ^e. House Guests Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Speigner and son, Theodore of 2114 Otis St. have as their guests Mrs. Speigner’s parents Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jordon of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Crusoe Geer of Fayetteville St., entertained at a dinner party on Wednesday Jul^ 11 at their home honoring Mrs. Irene H. Harris of Lexing ton, N. C. Mrs. Harris is attending sum mer school here at N. C. Col lege. Other guests sharing the honors were Mrs. W. C. Peace and son Leon of Yonkers, N. Y., sister and nephew of Mrs. Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Wortham Pratt, sister and brother-in-law, Mr. E. J. Coley, Mrs. Lil Buchanan, Messrs. N. A. Cheek and Her man L. Forbes is also attending summer school here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Davis of Dupree St., have returned to the city after spending their.va- cation in Atlantic City, N. J. During their stay they were joined by their son, Harrison, who is now employed in New MR. AND MRS. THOMAS NICHOLS Nichols-PoeWedding'Rites Are Solemnized in Duriiam The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mills, sister of the bride was the setting of the Nichols— Poe wedding on Saturday, June 30th, at 2 o'clock. The bride, the former Miss Viola Poe, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burma Poe of Washington, D. C., and the groom, Thomas Nichols, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haynes Nichols of Lum- berton. Preceding the ceremony, per formed by the Rev. Henry G. Hockett, of Washington, D. C., a program of nuptial music was played. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white nylon toUe and lace, caught up in the back by bows of nylon toile. She wore a cir cular veil of nylon tuUe with deep lace topped with a tier of pearls and satin, both being made and designed by Mrs. Eva Satterfield gt Roxboro, N. C. In her hands she carried a white prayer book topped with pink roses. Miss Thomassine Ruffin of Durham, who was her maid of honor, wore a blue waltz length gown of lace and nylon tulle. She carried an old fashion of pink roses trimmed with blue. Howard Poe of Washington, D. C., brother of the bride, ser ved as best man. He chose as his attire a white dinner jacket and tuxedo pants with all accesso ries to correspond with the groom. Immediately following the closed ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols entertained at a recep tion. The bride is on the staff of the Stanford L. Warren Public Library, and the groom is em ployed by the Southern 5'idelity Mutual Insurance Company. Out of town guests included: Mrs. D. E. Moore, Mrs. Gladys Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Freeland, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Parker, Mrs. Helen Ballard, sister of the bride, Claude and Dorthea Green, neice and ne phew of the bride all of Dur ham, Mrs. Hattie Poe, mother of the bride, Mrs. Dorothy Williams, Miss Dorothy Adams, Mrs. Henry H. Hockett aU ol Washington, D. The other guest were from Baltimore. York City. Azalea Garden Club On Monday July 9, Mi’s. Re becca Clark entertained the Azalea Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Effie Cotton on Carroll Street. The garden gate was opened by Mrs. Virgie Davis, she read a thought for the day on the topic “A tree planted by the water bringeth forth good fruit’’ Mrs. Cotton presided over the business session during which officers for the coming year were elected. The two guests ex pressed their thankfulness and pleasure at having an opportu nity to visit the club meeting. Officers for 1956-57 are: Pre sident, Mrs. Effie Cotton, vice- president, Mrs. Virgie Davis, secretary, Mrs. Banetta Peele, assistant secretary Mrs. Mary land McCollum, treasurer, Mrs. Julia Lucas. Mrs. Clark served her guest and club members a very tasty menu. The guests were Mrs. Flora K. Moore of Winston-Sa- .lem and Mrs. Reese Wilson of New York City. Club members were Misses Mary Baines, Cleo Russell, Mesdames Effie Cotton, Virgie Davis, Minnie Forte, Sal- lie Harris, Cornelia Johnson, Amanda Long, Julia Lucas, Gladys McNeill, Maryland Mc Collum, Banetta Peele, Lena Richardson, Margaret Marsh, Charlotte Miller, Hazel Me- Broom and Janie Wheeler. Mrs. Peele thanked Mrs. Clark for a very pleasitnt evening. We invite you to our exhibit of the very Imteat styles of Spring and Summer Clothing ... YotCll find exceptional values in the smartest styles or men, women and children, plus the easiest term* in toum. Visit us today. ONE ACCOUNT OUTFITS THE ENTIRE FAMILY. CREDIT CLOTHING COWANY 419 NORTH MAIN STREET Leaves Durham Mrs. E. B. Tutt (Brodie) who has made her home in Durham for many years and was con nected with the North Carolina Mutual Insurance, Company during her stay, left the city last week for Newark, N. J. where she will join her husl>and E. B. Tutt. She will still be with the N. C. Mutual Insurance Com pany there. Among the many courtesies extended Mrs. Tutt before her departure were-a party with lonely gifts from the department in which she was connected-she was dinner guest with the following friends, Mrs. Mrs. Coyle Williams, Mrs. Ethel Wiley, Mrs. Janie Wheeler, Mrs. Rufus Wi^tkins imd family, Mr. and Mrs. Connel Tutt—A lovely party was given her by her gar den club meihbers. The Azaleas. Mrs. Tutt was the recipient of many nice gifts and she is appreciative of everything and the wonderful fellowship. Dinner Guest* Mrs. Hattie Meadows and daughter of Llnwood Ave., had as their dinner guests last Thursday, Mrs. Lucy Boyd of Oxford, who is attending sum mer school at N. C. College, and her hostess, Mrs. Lena Richard son of George Street and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moore and little Ricky of Llnwood Ave. Mr. Roy G. Trice Sr., vice president of Tobacco Workers International Union is attending the Board meeting which con venes in the Seneca Hotel, Ro chester, N. Y., Tuesday July 17. Cord Ol Thanks The family wishes to thank their many friend* for their kin&nets, prayers, flowers and card*. Respectfully, the John*on and Rigsbee family. Entertained Club Members The Lyon Park Rose Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Roberson on Fair View Street Monday July 9. The Gar den gate was opened by the president, Mrs. M, W. Webb with a poem and the Lords Prayer was repeated by all. The meeting was then presided over by the president which consist ed of a short business, session. Mrs. Fannie Tapp made an ar rangement to be used for a man tle or side table. Mrs. A. H. Jones gave some points on seed to be sown now for your spring garden. The club will hold their annual picnic Monday, July 23 at the home of Mrs. Annie B. Green, Oxford Highway. The hostess served a delicious repast to the following mem bers: Mesdames M. W. Webb, E. Smith, M. Freeland, M. Hardy, E. Bullock, A. H. Jones, F. Tapp, V. M. Joyner, P. Brown, F. Cozart, B. Thompson, S. Green, M. Canty, J. Hoskin, H. C. McClain, N. J. Curry and Miss Allene Mebane. Mrs. Bul lock thanked the hostess. Thad Hogan of Philadelphia, Pa., has returned home after spending two weeks with his mother, Mrs. Mary Hogan of 1011 Kent Street. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jones of Carrol Street report a pleasant vacation trip to Washington, D. C., visiting Miss Tilda HaU and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams and to New York to visit Miss Betty Thompson. iDurham Hampton Alumni Association members will ga ther at Baldwin’s farm Satur day afternoon for the associa tion’s annual picnic. Yarnell Grigsby, president of the association, said the assem bly point for the picnickers will be at the W. D. Hill Recreation Center at 1:30 p.m. Music, softball, badminton, horseshoes, and volley ball will “LITTLE OLD MOTHER WELCOMES YOU” ST. JOSEPH’S A. M. E. CHURCH REVEREND D. A. JOHNSTON, l^ASTOB SUNDAY, JULY 21 9:30 A. Bl W. A. MAB8H, aVPT. SuiCDAT School 11 rOCf A. M.—“A More Excellent Way" Pastor Music ] Skniob Choib 8:00 P. M. A. C. E. Lxaoue wmrRiD MABTnr, pruidknt 7:30 P. M.—"The House of the Lord” Pastor FIRST CALVARY BAPT. CHURCH REVEREND A. L. THOMPSON, PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 21 9:30 A. M SinfDAT Schooi. RICHARD JAMES, SVPT. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Pastor MUSIC Senior Choik MISS MARY L. STEPHENS, ORGANIST 0:30 P. M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Denice Merritt, President 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Pastor YWCA Sunyner Camp Opens Juiy22 At Crabtree Creelt The Summer Camp of the Harriet Tubman Branch of the YWCA starts next week July 22 and remains in session until August 4, it was announced by Mrs. E. M. King, camp director. The two week camp will be held at Whispering Pines, a part of the Crabtre^ Creek State Park, and girls between the ages of 9 and fs are eligible and urged to attend. The camp site is conveniently located on highway 70 between Durham and Raleigh. The facili ties are modern and the cabins are substantially built. Practi cally all of the comforts of home are provided. All living quar ters are screened in and all have electricity and modern plumbing. For the health and safety of the campers a trained dletition, a registered nurse and an A- merican- Red Cross Water Safety instructor are on duty at all times. The general staff in cludes a camp director and several well trained counselors with loads of personality who know how to make a camp va cation an unforgettable experi ence. The well balanced program is composed of music, dramatics, dancing, swimming, nature study, hiking, evening camp fires, worship, arts, crafts and all kind of games and land sports. A Red Cross approved life saver is assigned to pro tect every ten girls. To protect the health of the camp commu nity a health certificate not more than a month old must be presented by each camper. In addition a Typhoid vaccine is a must. Applications for either of the two weeks periods, July 22 or July 28 may be picked up in person at the YWCA, 312 Um- stead Street, or by applying by mail. A camper may enjoy both weeks but no registration for less than a week will be accep ted. The cost for the wonderful camp experience is actually less than it costs to live at home. A one week period costs $15 and the two weeks period will cost only $25 if paid in advance. If for a reason of ill health a cam per is unable to attend the second week, a refund for the second week will be paid upon request. There is an additional fee of $3 which covers a $2 membership, health examina tion and insurance and $1 for transportation. This last Item can be saved it parents take their own (;hll(ben. -I'oc- moments to remember,- girls don’t wait. Get your appli cations in today. If you know be part of the fare for the pic nickers. of a girl who wants to go to camp but doesn’t have the re gistration fee get your club to give her a scholarship. The fee is so small that individuals can easily give a scholarship or two without feeling it. And besides the'money is deductable. y To get a registration blank all you have to do is write Mrs. E. M. King, Harriet Tubman Branch of the YWCA 312 Um- stead Street. If you want some additional information just call Mrs. King at 4-4151. idttreii Is Selected For AME Retreat Bishop Frank Madison Reid, prelate of the Second Episcopal District, announced that the Annual Religious Educational Retreat of the AME Church will be held at Kittrell Junior Col lege August 14-17. All pastors, presiding Elders, Laymen, young people and grown-ups of the denomination are invited and urged to attend. The Second Episcopal District is composed of Baftimore, Wash ington, Virginia, North Carolina and Western North Carolina conferences. The Educational Retreat will feature workshops and lectures covering pertinent subjects of special interest in these chal lenging times. Serving with Bishop Reid will be Mrs. Beatrice V. Reid, The Rev. S. S. Morris, general secretary of the Division of Christian Education, The Rev. C. C. Scott and Rev. S. E. Guiles, directors. Mrs. R. W. Wisner, director of Missionary Departments, Miss Sadie Hooper and Mrs. Lucille Dale, regis trars. Mrs. Leola Quinn Brown will direct the Retreat choir. NINTH STREET BEER ANT> SOFT DRINKS Of AU Ktads “DINE AND DANCE” 732 E. NINTH STREET TWIN CITY BARBER For “A” Number One Service VISIT US 323 N. CHURCH ST. MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH REV. E. T. BROWNE Pastor ~ . SUNDAY, JULY 21 9:30 A. M. C. E. Richardson, Supt. SinniAT ScHOOt 11:00 A. M.—SERMON MUSIC MRS. E. H. FOGLE, ORGANIST Pastor Browits ... Senior Choir No. 1 «:30 P. M. Baptxr Tbainino Umoir 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Pastor Brown* CHOIR HOUR Young People’s Choir “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” WHITE ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH WHITE BOCK SQUARE MILES FISHER, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 21 8:45 A. M.—CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON “A Great Company” Hebrews 11:32-40; 12:1, 2 PHor. J. M. schooler, supt. 11:00 A. M.—GOD’S VICTORY IN TRIBULATION The Pastor ^.senior choir, mbs. V. W. ALSTON, DIRECTRESS 6:30 P. M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION IBA MURCHISON, DIRECTOB 7:30 P. M.—DISTRICT REPORT, BAPTISM GOSPEL CHORUS, MISS LXANNA ROBERSON, DIRECTRESS