fopA. TU CAaOLiNA nUM JSATUBDAY, AUG. 25, 1»S DURNM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NSWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. MRS. ULLIAN BUCHANAN, EDITOR PHONE 9-1480 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mbs. Mabu Powux — PeartonUnan, Phone 2-1922 Mim M. Lu St*ph*ms — West Durham, Phone 7-4184 Mks. N. J. Cua*Y — West End, Phone 7-8862 Miss Rachxl Nunn — Hickttovm IN NEW TOBK Mrs. Esther WUejr, 1220 Pine Street is vacationing in Newark, New Jersey. She is tl»e house- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tutt. VISITINO IN SOUTH CAROLINA Miss Carolyn Young of Roch ester, New York, who is spend ing the sununer in Durham with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Felder of Dunbai Street, is now in Beaufort, South Caro lina, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rob bie Goodloe Wright, but will re turn to Durham before leaving for her home in New York. HOSPITALIZED A. J. Mangum of Oxford is a patient at Lincoln Hospital. VISITING IN ROXBOBO Miss Jacqulyn Glenn, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Glenn of Dunbar Street and Miss Mary Loris Lipscombe, neice of BSrs. Sarah Felder, are spending a wee kin Roxboro, guests of the Misses Evelyn and Madeline Humphrey, cousins of Jacgulyn’s. LEAVE FOR WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Thompson of Gray Street ,and Miss Hen rietta Lyons of Fayetteville St., left last Thursday for Wilwaukee, Wisconsin to visit son, nephew and family, Mr. and Mri. C. T. Thompson. VISITING PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hayes and small son, Roland, Jr., of Winston-Salem are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Spaulding, 1503 Lincoln Street. * ^ HONORS NEPHEWS The spacious and beautiful lawn of Mrs. Elise B. Herrod of Price Street, made just the right setting for a party where she en- tained, honoring ^er ne{ritews. Perry and Theodore Horton of New York City who are visiting her. A large number the young er set had an enoyable time. HOUSE GUEST Mrs. Esther Smith of New York City is the house guest of Mrs. Elise Herrod of 603 Price Street. Mrs. Smith is being royal ly entertained by friends includ- iOK^Mrs. Denice Merritt, Sr., Mrs. Ada Horton, Mrs. Bessie Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farringtoi), Mrs. Eugenia Simmons, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Felder. VISITINO SON Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farrington of Pekoe Street, left last Satur day for Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, to spend a week with their son, L. M. Berry. EAST END CLUB MEETS' The East End Adult Education Club held their monthly meet ing at the home of Mrs. Mary Dove, 704 Gray Street, August 12. The meeting was opened by singing “Jesus Is Mine.” The scripture was read by Mrs. C. K. Brown. Mrs. M. Ferrell offered prayer. In addition to reports and routine matters, a special hour was held at which time refresh ments were served by the hos tess. Other members present were Mesdames Agnes Hinton, Annie Rogers, Marie Clayton, Rum Ford, Misses Snoda Bell, Cornelia Norwood, Pearl Gibson, and Rev. Rufus Moore. The club also en joyed a picnic at the Hillside Park recently. Special guests from Whitted Park were Mrs. Vine, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Daniels. MOTORS TO NEW YORK Little Miss Linda Jeffreys motored to New York for a three week visit with her mother, Mrs. Virginia Jeffreys. RETURNS FROM CAMP Little Miss Gloria Ann Evans of 619 Price Street, has returned from camp where she spent two weeks at Bricks. She made a nice report to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Weaver McLean Unit 175, American. Legion, who sponsored her camp trip. She is a junior member of this unit. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith of 604 Price Street had as their dinner guests last Thursday, Mrs. Hattie Dixon Dixon of Fayette ville and Mrs. Louise Spicey Las siter of Rocky Mount. Mrs. Dikon was in the city attending the Woman's Baptist Home and Fore ign Missionary Convention of North Carolina, which was held at the Mount Vernon Baptist Church on Pine Street. Mrs. Las siter was enroute to South Bos ton, Va., to attend a Golden An niversary. FROM CALIFORNIA Miss F. B. Rosser of 504 Dupree Street, has as her guest, her foster daughter, Mrs. Mattie Burton Myers of Fresno, Calif. VACATIONING Mrs. C. Ruth Edwards has just returned home after a visit with her sister and family in New port News, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Nortnant. She also had a visit with her brother and family. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Norris in their cottage at Top Sail Beach. Mrs. Edwards left Monday by plane for Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., for a visit with her son and family. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Edwards. VISITING HOMETOWN Mr. and Mrs. r. I. Bryant of East Orange, New Jersey are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James Meadows of Hillside Avenue. Mrs. Bryant is the form er Miss Addie Williamson. SIX-W SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. Virginia Pitchford enter tained members of the Six-W Social Club on Thursday night, August 9 at her Log Cabin on King Scott Road. During a short business session- the members presented their packages for the Lincoln Hospital Linen Drive. The hostess served delightful party plates to the members dur ing the social hour and presented prizes to Mrs. Ann Mitchell and Mrs. Lula Mae Royal. Other members present were Mrs. Lena Pearce, Mrs. Pearl Spearman, Mrs. Marie Penny and Mrs. mizat>eth Edwards. The look of trust in your youngster’s face . . . the way your wife’s eyes mirror her faith in you.. .these mean big responsibilities. Your life insurance helps you meet these responsibilities. See Your Local Agent Today UFEINSUUNCE COMPANY NORTH tmm MUTUAL 606V2 FAYETTEVILLE STREET W. L. COOK, District Manager BRUNCH Saturday, August IB at her home on Umstead Street, Mrs. C. E. Rivera entertained at Brunch, honoring Mrs. Rose Jackson of Newark, New Jersey, si^r of Mrs. Parepa Watkins. Other guests sharing the honoF- were Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Galatia Taylor, Mrs. Lillian Buchanan, and Mrs. C. Ruth Edwards. WEEK-END AT BEACH Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pearson, n of Masondale Avenue, spent the week-end at Topsail Beach, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beech of Kinston. DINNER GUESTS Mrs. Merma Dunigan of 610 Massey Avenue had dinner guests from Port Huron, Mich, ■niursday night. The guests from Port Huron were: Mrs. Bertha Sowell and Mrs. Gussie Turner. Durham guests enjoying Mrs. Dunigan’s hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods and Mrs. Hazel Covington. S. P. PERRY BUILDERS PLANS FOR OUTING The S. P. Perry Builders of St. Mark A. M. E. Zion Church met in the Church Parlor Monday, August 13. Plans were discussed fr an outing in the very near fu ture. Those present were: Mes dames Mabel Wilson, Hazel Ford, Neli C. Jones, Annie H. McLean, Annie Brunson, Nez- zie Johnson, Letha McDougald, Amanda Wallace, president; Mar garet Harvey, Houghie Satter field. Mrs. McLean who Avas hostess at this meeting served a delectable repast. MISSM. ELAINEMITCHELL AND FIRST LIEUTENANT JESSE R. NEWSOME WED FAYEnEVILLE AUGUST? 1 V LeeW. Smith, Jr. To Address Playground Club The Whitted Park-Playground Club met Tuesday evening for its second monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, 607 Ramsey Street. The club, and its affiliate, the Whitted Playground Advi^ry Committee, is intereseted par ticularly in Whitted Play ground and have its project for 1956-57 intensive improve ments to the playground, and an awakening of the civic pride of the Whitted Park community in general. I. R. Holmes met with the club and gave an informal talk on the part recreation can play in the moulding of character into the lives of the child who partici pates in the activities of the play ground, and how the activities of the playground-center today con tributes towards relieving the fear sand tensions held by older people in that playground-center activity participation gives the elder person many interests to follow and ney fields of en deavor. The club meets again August 27, at which time Lee W. Smith, Jr., director of the John Avery Boys’ Club, is ex pected to tell something of the club and what It means to the city, Whitted Park community in particular and the club’s part in building character in our youth. Residents of the Whitted Park MR. AND MRS. FRED ADAMS Miss Bessie Mae Moore And Fred D. Adams United In Holy Wedlock By DOROTHY L. ROBINSON WINSTON-SALEM Miss Bessie Mae. Moore, local beautician, and Fred Douglas Adams of New York City were married at 6:15 P. M., Sun day, August 12, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bruton, 416 North Woodland Avenue. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, of Route 6, Cole Road. Her hus band is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams, 56th St. Higt,reeRw, Daniel Brooks Apartments, High Point. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a sky blue lace over taffeta, after- five dress of street length, with a white head-piece and white accessories. She carried a pray er book, topped with a white orchid; and showered with baby’s breath and white streamers. The Maid of Honor, Miss Naomi Caldwell, who was the bride’s only attendant, wore a dress of pale pink, nylon over taffeta, also of street length, with a pink head band, and black accessories, and a cor sage of white carnations. Walter Logan, cousin of the groom, was best man. Shortly after the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and was set with cake, ice cream, Mrs, Moore. The bride’s table Community are asked to be present, Monday evening, Aug. 27, when the club meets at 607 Ramsey Street, with member, Mrs. Beaulah Vines, serving as hostess. party nuts, after dinner mints, and fruit punch. Miss Felicia Martin, of Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. Alma Frost, assisted in the serving. Mrs. Adams was graduated .from LaMae Beauty College in 1948 and has practiced her profession here for the past eight years. Her husband is employed as a shoe repairman, at Bowley’s Shoe Shop in New York City. Mr. Adams returned to New York August 19, where his bride will join him. They tioth will return here to make this their home at a later date. Mary E. Terry Weds Dr. Henry M. Eldridge The marriage of Mary E. Ter ry of Pittsburgh, Pa. and Dr. Henry M. Eldridge of Mont gomery, Ala. took place,Wed nesday, August 8, at 12:00^ noon al the home 61 the brtde with the pastor of Buleah Baptist Church, Rev. William R. Harris, performing the cere mony. The bride wore a Nettie Rosenstein creation of gray im ported embrodiate Irish linen, white tool hat pink trimmed, white chalk beaded bag with green orchids as a corsage. During the afternoon the couple left on a trip to Havana, Cuba. FAYETTEVILLE Miss M. Elaine Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and ^s. Paul H. Mitchell of Fayetteville, N. C., and First Lieutenant Jesse R. Newsome of Brooklyn, N. Y. were married in a lovely double ring cqremony at St. Ann’s Ca- tholic Church on Thursday, Au gust 9, at 4:30 in the afternoon, with Rev. Edward A. Moan offi ciating. The wedding was solem nized amid a profusion of palms, gladiolas, and candelabra. The calm and beauty of the setting added a touch of loveliness to the occasion. Serving also to heighten the affair were wedding numbers given by Miss Margaret Walker and Mrs. Sylvia Alien, both of Fayetteville. Rosa B. Smith of Fayetteville was the Best Man and Mrs. Alice McAllister the matron of honor. She wore blue silk lace and tulle. The bride’s mother was beautiful in a pink taffeta trimmed in lace with na vy blue accessories. In the absence of her father, the bride given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Samuel Drake,, was radiantly happy. She wore a ballerina length white chanti- ly lace gown over taffeta, with matching jacket. Her fingertip veil of silk tulle was attached to a contour queen’s crown of seeded pearls and i^equins. She carried a white prayer book with a purple- throated white orchid tied with satin ribbon. She is a graduate of Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C. holds the Master of Arts Degree in English from Howard Univer sity, Washington, D. C. and is currently a member of the teaching staff at the Fayette ville State Teachers College at Fayetteville, N. C, She holds membership in a number of re ligious and educational organi zations and in the local Epsilon Alpha Sigma Chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. The groom who hails from Brooklyn, N. Y. holds the rank of First Lieutenant in the Air Force and is currently statioiii'sd at Bartow Air Force Base in Bartow, Florida where he is in training to qualify for a pilot. Following the wedding cere mony, a reception was held at the bride’s residence at 535 E. Russell Street. Heading the re ceiving line which consisted of bridal party, the bride and groom received congratulations from relatives and friends. Those who participated in the reception included Mesdames Earlyne C. Mitchell, Sylvia Al len, Beatrice Watkins, Edwina Trent, Inez Easley, Cynthia Bend, M. L. Shropshire, Eunice Sherman. Mattie Andrews, and Misses Mary H. LeGrand, and Mamie W'iliterson. THE STORK .BROUGHT The following births were reported to the Durham City ’and County Health Department during the week of August 13 through August 18, 1956: Willie and Mary Richardson, girl; William and HalMe Massey, girl;'Thomas and Nannie Greene, boy; Clarence and Eva Suitt, girl; John and Lillie I^nnon, girl; Colon and Doris McRae, girl; Robie and Gladys Coffin, girl; William and Ruby Jenkins, girl; Alvin and Virginia Hart, boy. Consumer Demand Brings Large- Size S. S. S. Tonic Tablets 48's The Rite Spot Barber Shop • GRAY CONNELLY • ODESSA ROGERS • BRACY H. BONHAM • Prop. IT PAYS LOOK RITE PHONE 3-9362 S. S. S. Tonic Tablets will be available in two sizes when the new, large size bottle of 48 tablets is introduced Septem ber 1,1956 by the S. S. S. Com pany, it is announced by La mar Swift, executive vice president. Sales of the tabrit form of the 130-year old S. S. S. have clyimbed steadily since the regular siie ’Tablets 24*8 were introduced two years ago, ac cording to Mr. Swift. A tablet- sale increase of 25% Is seen for this year. A special introductory deal is being offered retailers on the new, large-size Tablets 48’s the month of September. Each retailers buying 3 bttles of the new Tablets _8’s will get one bottle free from his service wholsaler. Details of the deal, which offers the retailer a minimum profit of 50% are being mailed to all service wholesalers and retail outlets. Consumer prices of Uie new large-slie S. S. S. Tablets cor respond to those on the large- slie 20 Oz. Liquid; since the tonic quantity in the new 48- tablet bottle corresponds to that in the 20 Ox. Liquid. Re tail price of the 'Tablets 48’s, like that of the 20 Oi. Liquid, will be ¥2.45 List, $2.S5 at (Please turn to page 5) W. J. Kennedy IV Celebrates His Fifth Birthday William J. Kennedy IV cele-. brated his firth birthday at a party given for ■ him by his parents at his home, 1012 South Alston Avenue on Sat urday, August 11, 1956. His birthday was August 9 but the party ivas delayed until the week-end. His grandmother, Mrs. Lu cinda Copeland came down from New York City for the occasion. His other grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ken nedy, Jr., and his aunts, Mrs. Charlotte Sloan .and Mrs. Mar garet Goodwin were among those helping him to celebrate as well as the foUowng of his playmates: Renee’ Bolden, Edward Boyd, Judy Brown, Grover Burthey, Preston Green, Orpheus John son, Benjamin and Angela Page, William G. PearsQOv Renee’ Ricketts, Sylvia and Kennedy Sloan and Demetri Stewart. FUN FOR THE FAMILY Country Club Amusement Center Refreahmentt Comes Dancing - Prizes Pay and Play Pine Hall Road Walkertown, N. C. CARD OF THANKS This is to express my sincere thanks to ev eryone for the many acts of kindness, flow ers, cards and words of cheer during my re cent illness. MISS SALLIE E. WHITTED. We invite you to our exhibit of the very ttylea of Spring and Summer Clothing . . . You’ll find exceptional vfdues in the smartest styles or men, women and children, plus the . easiest terms in town. Visit us today, ONE ACCOUNT OUTFITS THE ENTIRE FAMILY. CREDn CLOmiNG COMPANY 419 NORTH MAIN STREET FIRST CALVARY BAPT. CHURCH REVEBEND A. L. THOMPSON, PASTOR SUNDAY, AUGU\ST 2 6 9:30 A. M * Sunday School Richard James, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON MUSIC Rev. A. L. Thovwson Senior Choir Miss Mary L. Stephens, Organist 6:30 P. M Baptist Training Union Denice Merritt, President 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Rev. A. L. Thompson MUSIC 1 Senior Choir MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH REV. E. T. BROWNE Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 9:30 A. M. Sunday School C. E. Richardson, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON : Pastor Browne MUSIC Senior Choir Number One Miss Rebecca^Peterson, Organist 6:00 P. M. Baptist Training Union 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Pastor Browne CHOIR HOUR Senior Choir No. Two “LITTLE OLD MOTHER WELCOMES YOU” ST. JOSEPH’S A. M. E. CHURCH REVEREND D. A. JOHNSTON, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 9:30 A. M. Sunday School W. A. Marsh, Supt. 11:00 A. MUSIC . M.—SERMON — Rev. D. A. Johnston Choir Number Two 6:00 P. M g League Winfred Martin, President 7:00 P^. M.—SERMON Rev. D. A. Johnston "A FRIENDLY CHURCH” WHITE ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH WHITE ROCK SQUARE MILES MARK FISHER, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 6 8:45 A. M.—CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M.-^UNDAY SCHOOL LESSON “Strength Through Trial”—Jsmea 1:2-18 Prof. J. M. Schooler, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Golden Age Club Sermon The Pastor Senior Choif, Mrs. V. W. Alston, Directress 6:30 P. M. Ira Murchison, Director Baptist Training Union 7:30 P. TA.—BAPTISMAL SERMON ' The Pastor BAPTISM — DISTRICT REPORTS Gospel Chorus, Miss Leana E. Roberson, Directress

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