!QB POUK. ta« CAMMJNA macs Saturday, sept. 8. i»se DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED before ten a. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. MRS. LILLIAN BUCHANAN, EDITOR PHONE 9-1480 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mrs. Mablk Powell — PeartonUwm, Phone 2-1922 Mraa M. L. STEPHENS — Wwt Dwhom, PhoiM 7-4164 Mrs. N. J. Cubkt — West End, Phime 7-8862 MT.«ta Rachel Nun» — Hickttoum On Monday August 27, Mr*. Queen Blsther Toon entertained members of the A and B Mis sionary Circle at her home on St. Joseph St. The living room was beautifully decorated with summer cut flowers. The devo- tionals were conducted by Mrs. Connie Saunders, followed by Bible verses by all, beginning with the letter T. President IJl- lian McKay presided over the business session. The main busi ness for the evening was com pleting plans for the Julius Cae sar” singer, sponsored by the club which will be held at Ky le* Temple Church on Sunday September 9, at 7:30 P.M. The public is invited. After com pleting the business, the hostess served a delectable dinner. Mrs. Saunders assisted the hostess in serving. Members present were Misses Mary Alston, leora Dolson, Mesdames Lucille Starks, Alease McKinnie, ^appy Gallaway, Mary Hayes, C^wyg, Saunders, Lillian McKay, Glad' ys McKinnie,' Mary Taylor. Magdalene Llewellyn, Virginia Pitchford and Mrs. Mabel Po well. The group adoumed to meet next week with Mrs. Mil dred Williams on Lawson St. Mrs. Lillian Wilson Battle and daughter Wilma, of Long Island, New York, spent three weeks here in the city, visiting rela tives and friends. While here she stopped at the home of Mrs. Helen Womack on Pine St. Several other social courtesies were extended the Battles while they were here. They also spent a few days In the home of the following friends: Mrs. Bever- ous P. Anderson of Fifth St., Mrs. Maggie Thompson of Fer rell St., Mr. and Mrs. James Powell of Tayetteville St., all of the city, and Mrs. Betty P. Mc Allister of Hillsboro. Before leaving the city they visited friends in Burlington, Chapel Hill, FrankUnton, and Mrs. Bet ty P. McAllister of Hillsboro. Master Major Geer Jr., enter tained guests at a welner roast at hlls home on Dunstan St., on Monday evening. This affair was held on the lawn honoring Master Edward Donalson Jr. of Philadelphia, Pa. Those atten ding were Vernetta and Yvonne Pratt, Leon Fowler, Austin and Necoda Washington, Eldee Brown, Charles Stanback, Bon nie Battle, Joseph Toomer and Woodrow Brown. Mrs. Marlon Alston and Mrs. ikldye Belle Fogle spent last week visiting friends In Ashe ville. While there they went to Cherokee and attended a show ing of the historical drama, “Unto These Hills.” Visited Relative* Mrs. Margaret B. Johnson MUUgan, Mrs. Adllne Clark and Mrs. Annie Williams all of Dur ham motored to New York last weeqend to visit relatives. They also visited Brooklyn, Jamaica, and Patterson, N. J. and return ed to Durham August 2n. Returns To Canton Ohio Mrs. Mary F. Roberts Holt has returned to her home in' Canton, Ohio after spending a week In Durham visiting her grwd- parents Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts, Sr. of Ferrell St. Vi«itin0 From Illinoi* Mr. and Mrs. James Darwin of Taylorsville, lU., and Mrs Eva Darwin Wright of Chicago have returned to their respec ^ive homes attep> a most plea sant 1e5r''3sy’’^it here with their sister, Mrs. Mary D. Sat terfield and Mr. Satterfield of Powe St. On Thursday the group motored to WlUlamston, where they spent a few days visiting Mrs. Barlssa D. Slade, another sister who lives there. • * * * • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Curtis and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Bumpers of the city have retimied home after visiting Mrs. Curtis’ son, Lawrence who is In Metroplltan Hospital In. New York. While vacationing North they stopped in Hartford, Conn., New Jersey and Phllad^lihia. • * • • • RETURNS FROM BEACH Mrs. B. A. J. Whltted has re turned home Iropi Capahosic where she enjoyed a nice cjuiet vacation at Holly Knoll Beach. • • • * • VISITINO Mrs. Eliza Michaux of Um- stead Street, has as her guest Miss Beatrice Watkins of Roan oke, Virginia. * • • • • CROWNED QUEEN Little Miss Helen Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Davis of- Club Boulevard, was recently crowned queen of the Mardl Gras at the annual Costume Festival at Camp A.t- water Ifl Brookfield, Mass., where she Is a camper. • • * • • RETURN HOME Dr. and Mrs. J. IS. Thompson of Umstead Street, have return ed home from Capahosic wh«re they spent a restful ten day vaca tion at Holly Knoll Beach. • • * • • Mr. and Mrs. Van Sombeek, VOTE AGAINST THE PEARSALL PLAN! 1. The Pearsall Plan was designed in defiance of, rather than in compliance with, the United States Supreme Court’s decision of May 14,1954. 2. The Pearsall Plan could lead to destruction of, rather than preservation of, North Carolina’s public school system. 3. The Pearsall Plan is undemocratic, it is. unchris tian and is contrary toihe ideals and concepts of progressive education. 4. The Pearsall Plan enables 15% of the voters in a school district to close the school when they think conditions are “intolerable.” That makes it unfair to the other 85%. 5. The Pearsall Plan could destroy our present uni form system of public education and set up a heterogeneous system ,of ungradad, unaccredit ed, fly by night private schools. 6. If public schools are close4 and tutitiod grants are given by the state to private schools, then the state would be supporting private schools. 7. The proposed grants to private schools are inade quate to maintain our present school standards. 8. Teachers would have less job security because there would be no permanancy to jobs under un predictable local control. 9. Passage of the Pearsall Plan could lead to.a break down of uniforjn teachers pay scale, because each private school could set up Its own system of rating and paying. The salaries likely would be lower. 10. The legality of the Pearsall Plan is doubtful. CAN A STATE DO INDIBECTLY, WHAT IT IS FORBIDDEN TO DO DISECTLY? 11. Passage of the Pearsall Plan would place in the t hands of a few (15%) a weapon potentially dan gerous to the preservation of any school In North Carolina. 12. Passage of the Pearsall Plan would encourage . some communities to take backward, instead of forward steps in the matter of public education. 13. Passage of the Pearsall Plan will not engender better race relations but will likely create bitterr no(M. 14. Every voter sbovld vote against the Pearsall Plan because it Is undemocratic, unchristian, un necessary and is designed to break down rather than uphold the law of the land. 15. Passage of the Peanall Plan will turn North Caroliiui around from Ite fdrw^d marching step of progress in public educatioa to a bae^ard miuiiag pace of retn^easion. VOTE AGAINST THE PEARSALL PLANI ■Sponsored by The United Civic Organization of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. 1903 Essex Road, and their house guest, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Snyder-of Chicago, are laaving on August 24 for Black Moun tain to attend th« yearly Blue 'Ridge Conference of the Baha’is of the Southern States, to be held on August SB-S8 lor the promotion ol World Fmm and Unttgr. | [ Mrs. Ludmila Van Bombed Is one of the speakers on In ternational Relations. Vititor* From D. C. Janies and Tilman Davis of Washington, D. C. are spending a few days in Durham visiting thein father Mr. Adolphus Davis of Third Street. Returns from Vacation Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Graham have returned, to their home on Rowan St. after vacationing in Philadelphia, Pa., and other pointspolnts north. En route home they stopped In Winston- Salem last week where they at tended the Lott Carey Conven tion. En Route To Winston Salem Mrs. Josephine Pratt John son, formerly of Durham, but now residing at 2450 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Md., was in Durham last week for a few days visiting friends. Mrs. John son was en route to Winston Salem to attend the Lott Carey Convention. Attended Lott Carey Convention Mrs. Lala Williams, Presi dent of the East Cedar Grove Union, was delegate to the Lott Carey Convention which was held recently at Winston-Salem. Mrs. Williams, President of the East Cedar Grove Union was appointed delegate by the Wo man’s Home and Foreign Mis sionary Convention, Auxiliary to the National Convention which convened In Durham re cently. Guest From Michigan Matthew Ramsey from Upsl- lantl, Michigan is visiting In Durham as guest of the follow ing couples: Mr. and Mrs. Willi am H. Bullock, Lincoln St., Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harris, Um stead St., and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Graidy, Formosa Avenue. Attends Family Reunion Mrs. Vlrgle 1. Davis reported having a good time In Fabor, Virginia last week, at the late Walker and Minnie Jones fami ly reunion. Returns Home Mrs. Gladys Dawkins has re turned from New York where she spent a pleasant vacation. Visited Sister Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Dalton and daugTiter Ffancliie Tiiave retuni- ed home from Washington, D. C. where they vi^ted Mrs. Dal ton’s sister Mrs. Mildred Grady Betts. Visited Parents Mr. and Mrs. James King have returned to their home in Washington, D. C. after visiting his parents Rev. and Mrs. J. T. King of Umstead St. Peter McLaren of Hamburg, N. Y., and Bernard Streets of South Bend, Indiana, are spen ding some time in the city as guests of Mrs. L. Van Sombeek on Essex Road. They attended the Baha’i Conference held re cently in the.Blue Ridge area of North Carolina. McNEIt-JONES NUPTIAL VOWS SPOKEN AT BURGAW CHURCH BtJKGAW The Mount Pisgah Baptist Church was the setting Satur day August 18 at 6:00 p.m. of the wedding of Miss Myrtle Jones, daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. John W. Jones, and Fred McNeill Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNeill of Durham. Rev. Grady L. Fennell offi ciated. Music was presented by Mrs. Leon Johnson, organist and soloist. Given in marriage by George Jacobs, brother-in-law, the bride wore a floor length gown of nylon tulle with lace inser-, tion over satin, fashioned with bodice, white satin jacket with long sleeves tapering to points over the hands. She carried a prayer book topped by a bou quet of white carnations. Jesse L. Allen of Durham was best man. Ushers were Frank Henry, Frederick Johnson, Al- fonzio Jacobs and Robert Wal ker, of Burgaw. The matron of Honor, Mrs. 9ertha M. Furlow, sister of the bride, wore a ballerina length dress of pink lace and nylon tulle over taffeta. The bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Coston of Burgaw, Miss Arlen#of Warsaw, cou sin of the groom. Miss Louise Lewis of Baltimore and Miss Delores Shaw of Burgaw. The bridesmaids wore dresses of varying shades of pink taf feta and nylon tulle. Flower girls were Glenda Furlow of Willard, Ethel Jacobs of Burgaw, Rene Peoples of New York, nieces’ of the bride. The groom’s mother wore a dress of light blue imported lace with matching accessories. Immediately after the recep tion, the couple left for Wash ington, D. C. and Baltimore, Md. The bride and groom are graduates of North Carolina College At Durham. The groom was recently released from the U. S. Army. Out of town guests included Mrs. Ruth Shaw of Goldsboro, Mrs. Francfs Levlngston of Warsaw, aunts of the groom, Mrs. Carolyn McNeill, slster-in law of the groom; Miss Addie Zimmerman, Miss Norma Mc Coy of Durham; Mrs. Mary Mc Allister of Belhaven; Mrs. Eliza beth Furlow, Mrs. Thelma Peo ples of New York. Dupree St., announced the birth of a son, Reginald, their second child, bom August 20, at Lin coln Hospital. Mrs. Mabel Davis of Dunbar St., motored to Atlanta, Ga., last week and spent the week end. She went especially to take her sister-in-law home. Mrs. E. W. Mattison who had been visi ting Mrs. Davis foe two weeks. Mrs. Mattison Is the sister of the late H. C. (Jake) Davis. Miss Mary Holloway and Mrs. Theodosia Robinson of Mebane St., had as their guests last week, Mrs. Sarah Sparrow of Montclair, N. J. and Mrs. Eve lyn Ford of Jersey City, IT'S A BOY Mrs. Cora T. Russell has re- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. George of turned to her home on Pine St. KEELER FOOD CENTER 111 WEST PROCTOR STRICT Bacon Square Sliced lb. 29c T-BONE STEAK lb. 59c SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 49c Veal Shoulder CHOPS Ib. 29c Barbecue Chicken ; $139 Country EGGS (SmaU) „ 3 doz. $L00 SUGAR 5 lb. 39c PET MILK (3 Cans) 39c PUREURDBULK . „ 4 lbs. 59c COLLARD GREENS 3 lb. 25c WE INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS TO VISIT US - WE DELIVER PHONE 6-2041 after an extended trip to Wash ington and other cities of In terest. Miss Mabel Powell of Clin ton, was in the city last week, attending the Williams—Gilmer wedding. Visiting Relatives Mrs. Commie F. Walker and daughter Eleanor and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shelley of Atlanta, Ga., are visiting their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Msuney of lOOB S. Alston Ave., and other relatives and frltods. Returns From Vocotion Mrs. Blfle Cotton has return ed home from Alantic City where she spent three pleasant weeks with her sisters, Mrs. Berta Gramby. Mrs. Cotton also visited her neice In Philadel phia, Pa., Miss Lola AUen who is head Laboratory Technician at the Mercy Douglas Hospital. Blany courtesies were tendered Mrs. Cotton. Bass Family Reunion The Willma Brammer Bass annual family reunion was held at his home, Rougemont on Sunday August 26. His childreii, Mrs. gleanor Harris, Mrs. Ola Moore and Howard Bass, toge ther with grandchildren, neices, nephews, sons and daughters-in law and a host of specially in vited friends, brought well fill ed picnic baskets and much good cheer to help him celebrate his 82nd birthday. He was the re cipient of many nice gifts in cluding thirty and one-half dollars in money. A few weeks ago Mr. Bass and his grand daughter, Mrs. Louise Scott and her little daughter spent two weeks in Lorman, Mississippi with her brother, Benjamin Harris, who is on the faculty of Alcom College. They reported a very pleasant trip and a de lightful time in Lorman. Attended Homecoming Mrs. Janie Spaulding, her son- in-law, W. L. Dooms, Mrs. Mag gie Lennon and Mrs. LUlian Buchanan, guest of Mrs. Spaul ding’s motored to Clarkton last Sunday and attended the home coming day at their former hometown held at Rehobath AME Church. The Rev. I. H. Boykin, pastor. A. T. Spaulding of Lincoln St., was the gu'est speaker and in his usual fine way, delivered a wonderful message which was inspiring, Informative and enjoyable. Mr. Spaulding was received in his hometown with wide opened arms. He was accompanied there by his wife and three children. Others from Durham were Mr. Spaulding’s sister, Mrs. Lula S. Jackson and Mr. Jackson. They were guests of their mother, Mrs. Annie Spaulding, who is 92 years old. She was also present af the affair. A large number of relatives and friends from other towps and cities were present. It was a day of rejoicing and HELP WANTED—FEMALE Experienced Housekeeper and Cook. Attractive, Fidl Time Job. Reply By Letter Only To: THE CAROLINA TIMES, 304 North Church Streat, Winston-Salem, N. C. FOR SALE 2132 N. PARK AVENUE PHILADLEPHIA, PENNA. THREE STORY, FIVE APART MENTS, Two Extra Rooms, Aatomaiic Gas Hot Watw, Oil Bnmer, Copper Pipes throngh- ont. Weekly Income %1t, Pnce 16,500. Reason for selltaig, owner lives too far away. Wonderful Investment. For Information, Write: S. W. Leatherbury 352 SOUTH NEW ROAD PLEASANTVnXE, N. J. FIRST CALVARY BAPT. CHURCH Reverend A. L. Thompson, Peutor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 9:30 A. M. ^ Sunday School Richard James, Supt. ll'OO A. M.—SERMON Rev. A. L. Thompson MUSIC Senior Choir Miss Mary L. Stephens, Organist 6:30 P. M Baptist Training Union Denice Merritt, President 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Rev. A. L. Thompson MUSIC * Senior Choir feastinS- Usher Board Meets The Usher Board of White Rock Baptist Church held its monthly meeting Saturday- night September 1 at the home of Mr. and Frs. Herbert Hines on Cook Road. The scripture was read by C. B. Nowel Jr., Prayer was offered by Lewis Jones. The president, Lonnie Frazier presided over the business ses sion. The high light of the meet ing was the report given by a delegate, Mrs. Odell Fields, which was well received. Re freshments were served. Other members present were Clyde Moore, McKinnie Allen, Ber nice Ray, Willie Hamat, Arthur Brown, Lewis Ewing, and C. B. Sr. Reverend J. A. Brown, pas tor of Ebenezer Baptist Church and wife, Mrs. Mattie Brown, left Sunday for Denver, Colo rado. The couple is vacationing and will be away for about three weeks. They will attend the Na tional Baptist Convention In Denver, which begins 'Wednes day morning and closes Sunday. B. M. Fleming, the father of Mr*. Zelma Adams of Apex Road recently returned to Cleveland, Ohio after spending a month here with her. Thomas Perry and twin sis ters Faylaen and Faydeen of Montclair, N. j., motored here to spend the weekend at the bedside of their grandmother, Frs. Lelia Perry who has been ill for several weeks here at the home of her daughter Frs. Mary Graham at 1208 Olenn St. Little Mistress Torchy and Pamelia Mi^ell have returned to Riclimond, Va., after spen ding the summer with grand parents Mr. and Mrs. John Fayo of 1406 Olenn St. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hayes of Fayetteville Rd., Gager Sleigh and Rufus Sleigh, motored to New York City'la^ Tuesday to attend the graduation service of James B. Hayes, son and ne phew of Cager and Bulus Sleigh. James, a former student of Hillside High School, graduated from Byrd S. Cole Hospital on August 30'. They returned to Durham Sunday night. Mr. Hayes will be here for a couple of weeks and is supposed to re turn to the Hospital for his in ternship beginning September 16. Fr. John WlillSms of 1102 Rosedale Ave and the Reverend John Dap are patients at Lin coln Hospital. TWENTIETH CENTURY BEAUTY SHOP. A SHOP FOB THE MOST BEAUTIFICATION Experienced and Licensed Operators to serve you. MRS. RUTH BELCHER, Owner and Proprietor MRS. CRAWFORD JOHNSON, Operator 917 EAST EIGHTH STREET PHONE 5-9898 We’re the Authorized Headquarters JOHNSON BROS. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS APEX ROAD PHOm 2.2767 IHOAII^MH)ciPIa|irlOAI6- $10.00 TO $100.00 SAlEM FINANCE COMPANY Locally Owned On Security and Personal Signature 226 North Main Street Phone 3-2456 MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. T. Brown0 Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 9:30 A. M. C. E. Richardson, Supt. 11:00 A. M.-~SERMON MUSIC „ Sunday School . Pastor Brovme _ Young People's Choir Mrs. E. H. Fogle, Organist 8:30 P. M. Baptist Training Union 7:30 P. JA.—SERMON Pastor Brovme CHOIR HOUR Mole Chorus **LUde Old Mother Welcomes You*’ ST. JOSEPH’S A. E E. CHURCH Reverend D. A. Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER • 9:30 A. M. W. A. Marsh, Supt. Sunday School 11:00 A. M.—“The Cry From The Cross” _ Pastor MUSIC — : Senior Choir 6:00 P. M. . A. C. E. LEAGUE Winfred Martin, President 7:00 P. M.—“Stand Up Like A Man” . Pastor *‘A FRIENDLY CHVRCW* WHITE RWK BAPTIST CHURCH White Rock Square Reverend Miles Mark Fisher, Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 8:45 A. M.—CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON “Christian Fellowship,** 1 John 1:1-0. Prof. J. M. Sc?iool«r, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—"Lift Him Up- Pastor Fisher 11:00 A. M.—SERMON The Rev. H. A. Smith Senior Choir, Mrs. V, W. Alston, Directress Jill ' 'V* UpM*/ K V 6:30 P. M. ; Baptist Training Union 7:30 Ira Murchison, Director P. M.—Annual Observance of District Fourteen, SERMON Rev. Mr. Smith Gospel Chorus, Miss Leana E. Roberson, Directress

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