SATUBDAT, JAN. 5, IfW THB CABOUNA TIMES FAGS roVB DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE TEN A. U. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. MRS. LILLIAN B'UCHANAN, EDITOR PHONE i-14S0 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Mm Powsbl — PmrtotUovm, Phone 2-1922 Mm M. L. SnpnMB — West Durham, Phone 7-4164 Maa N. J. Cvaar — Wut End, Phime 7-8882 Rachil Numm — HickMtoum ito. and Mn. Denum Farring ton ol Fayetteville Rd. cpeat the Cbriftmas hoUdaya in Miami, and K«y Weit, Ha. Hie Far- rington'i reported a very plea> HQt trip. Ml Ml s Frt«B^y Circle Meets ik On Sunday December 16 the Friradly CiKle club ol St. Marie AME Zion Church held its pte Christmas meeting at the* church. Devotion was led by the president, Mrs. Odessa Alexan der. Christmag carols were sung alter which members and trioids Vv^e invited into the dining room and served a pre- Christmas lUnner. Members pre sent to erijoy this wjpderful meeting and dinner were Miss Eva Satterwhite, Miss Florence Fletcher, Mrs. Lol^ie Cochran, rs. Sara Cameron, Mrs. Helen McNeil, BIrs. Docia Skinner, Mrs. Ida Robinson, Mrs. .^inle Thompson, Mrs. Corina Brown, Mn. Elizabeth - Brown, Mrs. lioulse Frazier, Mrs. Juanita Barnes, Hn. Lena Thompson, Mrs. Fannie Greep, James Bar den, Guy Myz#cl^ and Grover Burthey. Guests presmt were Mrs. R. L. Speaks, Mrs. Mar garet Burnett, Mrs. Minnie Als ton, Mias Jacqueline ^rown, Le roy Robinson, Matthew Gr«en, W. L. Thompson, William T. Fletcher and WUlie liiterell. Thct Secret Pals were revealed with Guy Mj^eck, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, and Mrs. Alexander playing the role of Santa-Claus Everyone left declaring a per fect evening. The o«ct meetlm will be with Mrs. Lottls Coch ran 823 Maplewood Ave. *•••* Virits BelaUves Mrs. Lailmard Ricks of Rose wood Ave., retunied Mtme for the Christmas holidays aftm _l)avln^«pent more tfa«n twci ftontlp in Kings Mountains, visiting her tUtuflbt^Mrs. Doro^ Mrs. Riclcs left last Ffiday for Charlottesville, Va., where she will join her sieters, brothers and other relatives in a family reunion. Home For. Christmas Among the college studehts, who we(e home for the holidays were Misses Ruth Baines; Yvonne lAlUer; Ruby'Johnson' Spejlman College; Miss Shar- line Andrews-St. Phillips Hos pital, Richmond, Va.; Carol WilUs-Emmitt Pratt, Ohio Wes leyan College; JohtL borough froiverslty; Miss^Carolyn Mirtin, Gladys Wox$me, Icelean Davis-Bennett College; Misses Marie Curry, Eth«l MXrie Stewart, Beverly rigiit-H o tr-a r d ' UniveiMty; MisMS Catherine South^rland- Va. State College. Holiday Gneats Mrs. Etta Anthony Crutch- uUlU vS maf in her hometown, Durtiam, visitiqft her sister Mrs. Lov^ A. Mc^y and tether C. E. An thony of Umitead Street, r Guesto From Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Me Leod of 413 Lawson St. had as their guests for the Clu-istmas holidays his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbon Tyiee of Baltimore, Md, They also visited their aunt Mrs. Ger^ trude Gibson -and uncles the Revs. E. M. McLeod and W. W. McLeod in Laurinburg. Mr. and Blrs. Fred Hines of 70S Pine Street are spending the Christmas Holidays with their daugbte»-«Dd son-in-law, Ifir. and Mrs. Nuchurch; Mr. and Mrs. Sims and,their eight grmndchildren. / ^ Vltftlng Sister Mrs. Eula Prince of Daytona Beach, Fla.,, arrived in Durham in tinie for Christmas and is spending the rest of the' winter here with her sisrar, Mrs. G. A Winslow, 1806 Fayetteville St Aaiwal Chrtotmas Dinner The older member of St. Jo seph AME Church were enter tained on Thursday evening Dec. 20th with the annual Christmas dinner held in tlie as sembly room of the Educational Building. The pastor. Rev. D. A. Jolinston presided. Caro)s*were led by. choir No. 2. Greeting* were^^ought from the Steward boards by J. J. Henderson. Mr*. Chat Rivera brought greetings from the Stewardess Boards. After enjoying a delightful din ner served buffet style, the honored guests were presented gifts, money and Christmas bags. Other shut in membi^ of the church also received gifts. ITiis lovely affair is six>nsored by the church’s local social com mittee headed by Mrs. Clydie F. Scarborough and her strong helpers, Mesdames Cora' I,ee Brown, Sylvia Markluun, Susie Martin, Stella Austin, Delom McCall, Celeste Smith, Evelyn Rogers, Emma Butler, Eulai Harris and Miss Mary Holloway, Mrs. L. Buchanan, general tiostess. Called Home lil^ and Mrs. Joe Graves and brother James of Newark, N. J. were called to Durham because of the serious illness of their father, Joseph Graves of Scout Drive. , Dinner Gneats Mrs. The^osia Robinson and Miss Mary Holloway of Mebane St., had as their dinner guests on Saturday Dec. 29th Missoi Lil Burton, Mary Jane Harris, Mary B. Baines, Lucille Baines, Ruth Baines, Geraldine Barbee, Annie ikiae Tucker, Dr. Ruth Horry, Mrs. Minerva W, Evans, Mrs. Edythe Scarborough Stan ford and small son Pete and Mrs. Lil Buchanan. Vliits Aunt Mrs. Clara Burton. Lilly of Washington, D. C. spent Christ mas with her aunt, Mis^ Li! Burton, 1010 Fayetteville St. Guest Of Daughters Mrs. Minnie Ampld of Holly Splringa, spent the Christmas holidays .with her two daugh ters andythelr families, Mr. and Mr^^'~ Elbert Dawkins and Kfr. and 'Mrs. James G. TTiompson, Lawson Street. Neighborhood Clay Aetlvltles The Price Stre^ Neighbor hood Club has been in full swing since they opened in September after a long vaca tion. This club has met at the following homes, Mesdames Laura Bumett, Fidelia i&rooks, .Rosa Burch Branch, and Laura Bailey. In the month of October the club sponsored Ute usual hollowed party for Children of the near-by vicinity. Tlje month of November was carried out in the usual manner also by taldng tMxes of fruit to all shut-ins and elder members of ti>e club. In the month of December the club again remembered the shut-ins by sending tliem jreetings fmd small donations. The annual Christmas party was held at the home of &ln. Dawsm dn Dunbar St. Alter devotitms games Were play^ and enjoyed by all. Guests pre sent were Mrs. J. Speaics and daughter, Jowi, Mrs. Cora Mc Adams, Syl\jUi Gil^, Mrs. Mc- ICinney and Mrs. Coleman. Members present were Mes dames E. Flintall, H. McBroom, R. Fortune, M. Brewington, G. Felders, Palmer F: Brooks and Brenda B. Sdmunson. Miss An nie Dunegan and Mrs. Dawson swved a delicious repast and Miss Dunegan told a beautilul Christmas story which was en joyed by all. DiUilla GudenAn Meet The Dahlia Gerdeners had their Ann^ Christmas Party at the home ol Gardener Geneva Love, 916 3rd St., Dec. 26. The dinner consisted of Turkey and all the trimmings. Gilts were presented by secret pals. Mem^ bers present were Mrs. Louise Thompson, Mrs. Hannah Hin son, Mrs. Lessie Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, Mrs. Mary Moore, Mrs. F. C. Brewer, Mrs, Annie Jdangimi, Mrs. Ruth Me- Cowan, Miss Lillie Rogers, Miss Victoria Moore and Mrs. Gen eva Love. Guests present were James Rogers and Mrs. Col%. Whitmore, Burlington. Mrs. Es sie Walker, Hackensack, N. J., Mrs. Edith Whitted, Robert Me- Cowan, Clarence Moore, Hawl- thla Lyon and BIrs. Carrie Atex- ander. * ” ) Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor and^ George Carrington motored to visits friei^itor two weeks. The couplet }0. Tuesday morning December 18th. ^ j" -A- Sunday Sciiooi Class Holdi Its Christanas Party On Tuesday evening, Deo.)^, the Faithful Redeemed Sunday School Class of Mt. Vemon Baptist Church held its annual Christmas party in- the church Fellowship Hall. The class members and their guests turn ed out in large numbers to usher in the Yuletide season. It was a very colorful afialr. Re corded Christmas carols formed a musical background for the party, along with the traditional Christmas lighting effects. Laughter and merrymkaing filled the air, and there was evidence that the true spirit of "Goodwill toward men" , pre- vaded. During the evening, a variety of games were playfd and pre sentations were made to several members of the class in recogni.' tion 'of their loyal and faithful service to the class over the years. Two of the classmembers, Mrs. Rosa Davis, teacher, and Mrs. Deloris DaVis, secretary. A New Year’s SPECIAL ★ ★ ★ 'k 'k 'k i( A no NAME BRAND HAT WILL4»E GIVEN AWAY i ■ FREE TO ANY CUSTOMER WITH A PURqHASE OF A MAN’S OVERCOAT OR SHORTY (SUBURBAN COAT.) ' LADIES, LOOK: SHORT TOPPERS, Qli||.Y 910.00 ... Large Variety of Colors . . . Ideal for Sprlaig dr Fall! ALSO, VAST SELECTION OF WOMEN’S > SHOES ... PRICE. LONGFOSTER’S also carries a complete line of clothing for the entire family. We have special . values in the Children’s Department. LONCFOSTER’S PHONE 7130 IOC E. FOURTH ST. WlNSTON-SALHf Dr. P. B. Boblnsmi> Actin# Dedl at St. Aogastine’s Ctrilege has annoonoed that the follow ing stadeats have been w- proved and selected for listing In th el956-57 edition ot Wio'u Who la American Colleges* and Universities: Flrat Row, left to right: Mary Arline-Ahodde; Beatrice Bryant, SmiOificU; Mable J. Wynn, italeigh; John King, CharlestMi, S. C.f Top Row, Mt to right: Don ald E. Morgan, Baleigh; Tyree Foweil. Boeky Mount; Violet Armstrong and N«mnan James, St Croix, Virgin bland; Engene Schnmpert, Newberry, S. C.; diown Is Marlon Inman, Goldsboro. Wedding Rites For Miss Margaret Brown And NCC Student Are Solemnized At Hidory Methodist Church HICKORY ' Saturday afternoon, Decem ber 22, at , 4 o’clock, Hartzell Memorial Methodist . Church here was the scene of a Christ mas wading when Mias Mar garet Lynne Brown, daughter of Mrs. J. B. Brown, 813 First Avenue, S.W., became the bride of Garland Burton,* son of Mrs. 'Beulah Burton and the late Dor- sie Burton in an impressive double-ring ceremony. Both bride and groom are residents of Hickory. The Rev. R. D. Siiarpe officiated. The church was decorated with large Florida Palms in the baekground. Candelabras with low candlelights and large flo ral baskets filled with Margaret Wilson white gladiolas and ad ded greenery. Wedding music was present ed by Mrs.jD. E. Fom«;^unt of the bridbgr^m, who following (mectl( traum” by LIszst, A Wild Rose, By McDowell aha ‘^j-'Iove Thee”, by Grieg. Mi^;. portia Derr sang "The Sweetert Story had birthdays this month. The class also took this occaslcm to extend to these persons birth: day greetings. Refreshments were served, and there was an exchange of gifts. Approximately 65 persons attend^ the party. Mrs. Ruth I. Cami>bell had charge of ar rangements. Ei^er Told, by Shutts. Miss Derr was accompanied at the organ by her brother, James E. Derr “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life", by Victor Herbert was sung by Miss Doris Bost, accompanied by Mrs. Fomey, The wedding march by Mendelssohn and the Bridal Chonis from Lohengrin by Rottert Wagner were also played. llie bride was given in mar^ riage by Robert Chambm. She wore a ballerina leng& white satin dress of white silk taffeta, chantUly lace, with a “V” neck line and a stand/up collar with a fingertip veil of white illu sion and a single strand ~o7 pearls ‘ and white- satin shoes. She carried an arm bouquet of white carnations arranged in colonial style. Mrs. Catherine Bryce of Hlctory. and Charlotte was the itron ot h^mr juad carried aj siinilar colonial bouquet/ Bridesmaids were Miss Delores Jame^ cousin of the bride, Co-i lumbla, S. C„ Mrs. Ava Cain, schoolmate of the bride, Colum bia, S. C. and Miss Martha Ann Burton of Hickory and New York City, sister of the ^^m, ^ftey also carried colonial bou-^ quets. . Judy Primus served as flower girl and carried a basket filled with American^eauty Rose Pe tals. Terry Bumgarner served as ring bearer. James C. KiUiam of Hickory was best man. Uriiers Included Franklin Derr and Oliver-Pope, Jr., cousins of the groom and Joto Killian. The bride’s mO' ther wore a brunt pink lace over taffeta dress with matcliing ac cessories and an orchid corsage. The groom’s mother wore i black and pink rayon and ace tate dress andorchid TOr- sage._ Immediately following the wedding reception was held at the home of the brlde*s mother, the newly weds wUI|' make their home in Durham at/il09 Fay~ ettevUlc Street. Hie bride is a graduate of Ridgeview High School, class of 1950 where she was a member of the band and of the Columbia School of Nursing, Columbia, S. C. She attended Catholic versity, Washington, D. C. and is a registered _ muse. The groom is a&> a graduate ol Ridgeview High School, class ol 1950 and is now pursuing his studies at the N. C. College in Durham. Miss Mahala Carter of Washington, D. C., directed the wedding. Out-of-town guests attmding th« wedding were Mta. Na thaniel Davis, Washington, D. C:, Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Joyner, Mrs. Jean Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. William Harp^i:, John. W Woodwin, dolumfiia, S. G. and Jessup Melvin of Fayetteville. In One Day Session At Boonviile . WINSTON-SALEM The Baptist missionaries of Winston-Salem and vicinity met at the Phyllis Wheatley Home at 707 East Fourth Street, at 8 a.m. Friday December 28. A short prayer meeting was held after which the missionaries got into several automobiles, headed for Boonviile. There, a one-day ses sion of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Roan Baptist Association was held at Clark’s Chapel Bap tist Church of which the Rev. Gv W. Campbell of MocksvUle is pastor. Devotional service, led by Mesdames Pearline Pack, Ma bel Brent, Amelia Tyson and Bennie, Stevwis, began at 10 a.m. Following this, Mrs. F. R. Mason, president of the auxili ary, made opening remarks. Mrs. Avatna Gam^, chairman of the auxiliary executive board also made remarks. Tlie Auxili ary chbrus, directed by Mrs. Cornelia Masten, furnished mu sic tot the session. Rev, j. E. Melton made a re port on'the Mason-Halrston As sembly gro|||ds, which is a Bap- tist-support^l pr6ject Rev. R. M. Pitts, pastor of Shiloh Bap tist Church, delivered a ^cial sermon, and was introduced by the Rev. W. M. Adams. The Reverends E. L. Kirby and W. M. Wyatt took charge of the offering, which concluded the meeting. Luncheon was served by the host church, fol lowing. the session. TWIN CITY DEATHS Mrs. Lula Rice, lormerly of this tity who died of a heart attack in Wilmington, Dela ware, Sunday Dece^ljer 23, was funeralized from the Hanes CME Church, Friitey, Dec. 28 at 3 p. m. Rev. J. S. Blaine, as sisted by Rev. W. A. McEwai^ officiated. Burial ^followed in the Evergreen Cemetery. ' fhmeral services for Mrs. Carrie B. Parker of 1506 Ghol- son Street, who died unexpect edly at bw home Monday, Dec. 24 was held ’Thursday, Dec^- ber 27 at 2 pan., from the Goler Metropolitan AME Zion Chur ch, conducted by Rev. F. R. Blakey. Interment followed in the Evergreen Cemetery. How- ard-Robinsm Funeral Home in charge. Final rites for Nelson R. Por- chia of 1015 Gray Avenue, who died Monday, December .24 at a local hospital, were held Sat, Dec^ber 29, at 1 p. m., from the New Bethel Church, with tlie Rev. Jerry Drayton officia ting. Burial followed in the Evargrera Conetery. Mrs. Por- chla was a native of Sumter, S. C.i having lived in this city lor 35 years. Mrs. Viola Newlin* of 162 Granville Street died WednM- day, Deconber 26 at a local hos pital. Slie was a native of Greensboro and had resided in this city fbr' 60 yekrs, and was a member of the St. Paul’i Methodist Church. Funeral ser- rvlces for Mrs. Newlin were held ^iday, December 28 at 2 p.m. from the Chapel of thei Howard Robinson BHmeral Home. Rev. W. R. Crawford, Ifnn^ . Rev. Gilbert Douglas were offi ciating ministers. Interment fol lowed in the Evergreen Ceme tery. Robert F. lilartin, of 610 East Eighth Street was fo\md dead at his home Wednesday, December' 26.' Mr. Martin was a native of Leaksville, having lived in this city for 80 years. Final rites were held Saturday, December 29 at 2:30 p.m. from the Hoop er’s Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev. William Crawford offi ciating. Interment followed in the Evergreen Cemetery. Final rites for Mrs. Pauline H. Lyons of 1524 East Eighth Street, who died at a local hos pital, Tuesday, December 25, were held Saturday, Dec 29 at 1 p.m. from the Mars Hill Bap tist Church with the Rev. W. E. Samuels oHiciating. Burial fol lowed in the Evergreen Ceme tery. Ryans Funeral Home in charge. Last Rites For John D. Paylor Funeral servlcfes for John D. Paylor, resident of Burlington were held Sunday afternoon at the Allen’s Chapel Baptist Church, Caswell County. Mr." Paylor died December 20th af ter a long lingering illn^. Rev. Spencer Woods, pastor of Al len’s Chapel Baptist Church of ficiated. I^aylor bad been a member oil the QUve HiU Baptist CharAii^f*^| for a Vumber of years and wrf. servihi; on its Board of Deacons at the time of his death. He was bom April 19th 1883 in Peraon County, son of the late Jack and Charlotte Paylor. His Inffiiedl- ate family includes his wife, 'S- Sula Paylor, one son, Amos of ^Surham, w»e brother, ,JaH»r-ot Danville, Va., one sister, Mrs. Allie P. Dick of Durham, three . neices, Mrs. Bessie Leach, Miss Ada Wiley and Miss Dorothy S^iddleton, all of New York City. • A&P’s Own Brand Of Pure A&P H^S All YOUR GROCERY NEEDSII Special Low Wee! Packer’s Label Cdiiiied Mockeral Special Low Price! A&P Brand Tomato Juice 15c Instant' Coffee Ann Page Sparkle Regular \ 2-OZ. JAB 49c 4C-OZ. CAN 25c Assorted Pudding SPECIAL LOW price;! GREEN GIANT BRANDI — PKG. 5c GREEN PEAS 2 NO. 303 16-02. CANS -SPECIAL LOW PRICE! BURRY CRISP- VANIIIA WAFERS ? 19c ■SPECIAL LOW PRICE! JAJME PARKER GOLD- POUNDCAKE EACH CAKE 25c “OUR FINEST QUALITT” JANE PARKER ENBICHED A&P Apple Sauce 2 ^ 29c Brend^‘:;^i5c SPECIAL LOW PRICE A*P Light Meat Tuna •H-OZ. CAN 25c Mees This Ad ttfeetive Tlnii g*t, Jan. 5