■^''*liittfSard t WajB^n Xdtararjr Pajretterilla St 7-1/., -.r- •ii- Scenes frmn > baaqtiet whidi honored WtaHtoB-Salem’a "Mui ot tlie Teur” Me depicted abave. Charles 'W. Gadaon, yoniig' tailnew man of the city, w«a —ieeted for the coveted honor. iMet at top left shows Asa T. Spavldlng, Tlee president -ol North Carolina Mntmtl and for- ipw bdtan and Liberian envoy, deliverlnr main address. Seated at his left is Winston-Salem mayor Marshall Knrfees. Inset at top left shows Oadswn Inune- dlately after his s^eUon ai “Man ot the Tear” was announ ced. StandlBf beside him Is B. B. Brower, chairman of the co sponsoring Winston-Salem busi ness and profesdonal chain, who served as toaatmaster for the banquet. Inset at bottom center shows A. L. Newsom, prealdmt of the Winrtwi-Salem Innior Chamber ot Commeree, whteh sponsored the affabr la eonjnnctlon with the Chala. Seated at his left Is Brower Large pietare la an overall view of the ban^net. Standinf, cMBtar, In large pietare is Dr, W. L. At kin, president of wfiiaten-Saleai Teamen CoU^re. X, A&T, W STC Units Governor’s PARADE MAKE-UP REVEALED , RALEIGH I Baniis firom North Carolina lCbllege and Wtndton-Salem Teachers College and a. march ing ROTC imit from A and T College will participate in the^ l^rade for the Inaugiu'ation of "oMh Carolina’s chief execu- ive, Gov. Luther Hodges, on eb. 7. This waa. made public thia by inauguration commit- officials Some SO marching units will T. M. HABVET srDuriiain Held rites for Mrs. Toreaths Harvey, 87, wile of A. Harvey were held at Mark AMZ Zion Church Wednesday Jfamury 30 at PM. with the Bev. R. L. nWiMaUng Mrs. Harvey at Lincoln Hospital here , January 27 as the re- coBtiBtied m page 8) comprise the parade which will proceed down Fayetteville St., from Memorial auditorium where the Governor will take the path of office. North Carolina College’s band is scheduled to be positioned as the second unit in the parade, following th 440th Army band of the XVIII Airborne Corps and the 1st Battalion of the (continued on page 8) , ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Big Cases Near Trial ^ Integration ^ts To Come In Next Month \Wlthin the next two months, t^aJ of three important cases baring on segregation in public fMlUtles will be before Federal Oomrts in North Carolina. Altogether, there are five such actions pending within the staW. Four of them are school (nits, at Chapel Hill, Person. CJaswell, and Montgomery Counties. The other U in the l^meral area of municipal re- e^tional facilities. The other action. In the gene- r|il area of municipal recrea- tlimal faot^esj is seeking to ailellsh segregation at the ^ Gillespie golf course in Giraensboro. tn the school actions, Negro plaintiffs are seeking compli' ance with the recent U.S. Su- p(We Court decision outlawing ••legation in public schools. Ho action in the near future has been scheduled for the cases in^ Caswell and Montgomery^ Cbunties. ;I>re-trial hearings in the Cha- pti Hill and Person county sito may be held by Feb. 4 in tlM Durham division of the fMaral court which is head- quartered in Greensboro. Both aations are also on the docket fdr the regular term of the fede- iti cwrt in March in Durham. ’7en plaintlfte have directed a» action In Qiapel Hill agalaat s4bppl officials. In Person coun- 40 piaintlfts are seeking thai ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Many View Remains City’s Largest Man Pictured here in hla specially bidlt overslse coffin Is Simon (Blimp) Williams, SI year-old Dnrhamlte whoae unoommonly NEARLY 5,000 PASS BIER OF large sise attracted thrmgs of I officials estimated thirt aaarijr the eurious at final rites held 5,000 persons passed hla Mer tor him at the Scarborough while he lay in state at the Funeral chapel. Funeral home I funeral home Friday evmteg . . I and Saturday BMmlng. Man Decapitated trial hearings has been Kh«- duled for Feb. 7, in Greensboro in a suit directed against the city and the Gillespie Park golf ^oiurse. In this action, ten plain tiff are seekmg to have segre- gation outlawed at an^ golf couns.suHurk eftablifhsL ope-| rated or maintained by the city of Greensboro. NCC VESPERS Dr. J. Neal Hughl^, North Carolina College minister, will speak at the college vespers ser vice Sunday afternoon at 3:15 Sunday’s services will be held in the auditorium of the Educa tion Building instead of B. N. Duke Auditorium as usual. The college choir will furnish music. mated tor some sources up to 5,000 crowded the confines of Scarborough’s Funeral home chapel, the sidewBlks and street outside Friday afternoon and Saturday to get a glimpse of the corpse of a man reputed to wAigh nvor ffQQ pniinrfg ^ A huge throng packed itself into the tiny chapel Saturday to witness final rites for Simon (Blimp) Williams, conductcd by Rev. C. E. McLester. Funeral home officials esti mated that nearly S,QOO persons passed his specially constructed bier while Williams lay in state from Friday noon until Satur day afternoon. Regular policemen assigned to the area claim they had seen nothing like the mobs which gathered and lined up outside the funeral home waiting for a chance to get in all Friday af ternoon and Saturday morning. Williams died at his residence at 806 Maplewood avenue Jan. 23. Overweight was listed as (continued on page 8) College Women Plan For Conference In Durham Announcement was made thia week by Miss Mary Nugent, Head of the Department of Home Economics of Virginia State Ck>Uege and Southeastern Sectional Director of the Na tional Association of College Womm, that the Southeastern Sectional Conference will con vene in Durham, Saturday, Feb. 16 at North Carolina College. Besides national officers, dele gates are expected from Vir ginia, North Carolina, South (^aroUna, (Seorgla, and Florida. Special guests will be a group of ladies from Ahoskie, North who will be jnducted during the Conference as^ m branch of the NACW. A ’ donftroctlve and luforma- tive program has been arranged. Mrs. Ethelyn Thomas, Speeds Therapist, Durham City Schools, presidMit of th« Durham Bran ch, will chair the morning ses sion, during whidi tlie ddegate* and visitors will bear greeting* from Dr. Alfonso Elder, Presi dent of North C^oeUna College, A Workriiop Is planned lor the forenoon. Prior to the !»•- sentatfam of Dean Louise L»- ♦tMin, North Carolina College, wha explore ttie Crafwew* (e»iteaai *> The lives of four persons were snuffed out—three instan> taneously—last week in the state’s bloodiest wreck of the year. One man was decapitated and two automobiles rendered a shamWei-'of tom «esh amf twisted steel, as a result of a head on collision about eight miles frqm here on highway 401 lait i'riday. Dead were Simon McLean, 56, of Laurinburg, Mrs. Wilii- menla Lorraine Hardie, 24, Mrs. S. M. Trouzerl, 46, and Albert Mclver, 30. All except McLean were teachers at Upchurch high in Raeford. McLcan’s head was complete ly shorn from his body by the force of the impact. According to reports, Mclver was driving an automobile carrying Mrs. Hardie and Mrs. Trouzerl to school. McLean’s car, in which he was the only occupant, was headed in the op posite direction on 401. Immediately after the col lision, a welter of reports circu lated throughout the area cun- cerning the accident. One un- of the automobiles was atteiny ting to pass a tractor-trailer on a curve and that both cars wei-e traveling at such speed timt uit:y could not .avoid the coiUsion. Reports say that thu en^uie of McLean’s car was discovered In tiw TCHT-seat of the vehicle ■ by officers Investigating the scene of horror. An investigating highway pa trolman reported tiut a wal paveipent also contrlbatad to the accident sitmtloa. All except Mclver diad lo- stantly. He wm takm to Umi Cape Fear Valley hoapital at Fayetteville where lie died a few hours later. Funeral servioas for Mrs. Hardie were held Tuesday at Portsmouth, Va., for Mrs. Trou- url Wednesday at Dauglas high school In Wanaw, and for Uo^ Iver, Thursday at Spring Lake. McLean’s funeral was scheduled for later in the week at Baeford. Mrs. Hardie was a 1B55 gra duate of North Carolina C^Uege She had taught at Upchurch hl|^ for two years. Mrs. Trou zerl had worked at Updiurdi for 22 years. Mclver had iMen at (he sciiool for two years. NEWS IN BRIEF— Attend Eisenliower's Inaugural Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Spaul ding attended the Inauguration of President Eisenhower last week in the nation’s capital. Among the highlights of the week-end affair, the Spauldings reported the Nationalities Ban quet at .the Hotel Statler Sun* day evening, Jan. 20. The Spauldings recently re turned from New Delhi, India where Spaulding was a member of the United States delegation to the ninth UNESCO general conference. The nationalities banquet fare included foods from most of the land areas in the world which had representative at the inau guration, ihcluding dishes from Israel, Ukrainla, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Rus sia, Greece, Slovakia, Armenia, and Syria. Other North Carolinians who attended the inauguration in cluded Attorney arid Mrs. C. O. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Alexan der Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Austin of Durham and Dr. Helen Edmonds. Institution Reports Year's Gains The Dariuua Jtraaeh of the NatlMMl Asseetotiea ef College womem will fee beet te the sec- tie^ meetlag of tte aatleiial body. Shewa here plaaaiag for ttif aseetteg are aisibers ef tte steeriag eeanalttee, etffeer and committee duUrmen ef the Dur ham aait ef NACW. Sealed, left te tl|^ an Ita. C. Batt Bd- wardi, viee f rarideat; Mtss Bel la Merrias^u reeerMag seere- tey; Mbs nuritae Newtea, MIse 'Dlaaa Dent, Dr. Bose Bntler Brown, Mta Bettye , Foster, general dialnnan; and Miss Saow Bailey. Standlnc. in ssom order, are Mn. Carlotta Holmes, Mrs. Estelle Blmes, Mrs. Marie M^itt, treasnier; Mrs. Etbdya nomas, prestdent; Miss Louise Lattuua, Mrs. lohaaie McLester, Mrs. Mariaa SpaaMIng, e rei^ndiag secretary; aad Mrs. Fraaeee Cagleeea. WINSTCm-SALEM A total of $596,789.47 in as sets was reported ^ the Victory Credit Union in its year «id re port here at the Mt. Zion Bap tist Cniurch recently. A brief program, Indudhtg vocal renditions and a welcmne by E. N. Neal, proceeded ttie ac tual financial repMta. made at the meeting by T. C. Hairston, Sr., chairman of ttu^... credit committee; R. A. Miller, chairman of the supervisory committee: W. M, Nesby, trea surer; J. D. Ashely', Board of di rectors; and Bev. Leroy Davii^- nominating committee. Hie organisation was loimed In April, 1946, and at the end of that year's aetivitics report^ assets of some $88,000. In years It has grown to over halt a ««hhmi The meeting was conducted by ^ Credit Union's president, Bev. WUsm. It»porta were idso