Ubraiy St THREE MMTTED TO DUKE U Will Enroll inf Special Session Three Negroes are slated to attend Duke University this, summer. They are school teach ers who will be enrolled in ■ special session financed by a government educational foun dation. The three are Mrs. Lucy S. Herring, supervisor of elemen tary schools of Asheville; Mrs. Lucille Burton, teacher at Ste phens-Lee high in Asheville; and Robert B. McDowell, teach er at Langston high of Danville, Va. They were awarded scholar- MRS. HERRING slMps to attend a nine week in stitute for teachers of Science and Mathematics at Duke. Duke President Dr. Hollis Eklens told reporters early this week that admission of the three would not represent s change in administration policy Dr. Eden did not elaborate on Duke’s admission policy, ft is generally known -that the Me thodist school does not admit Negroes. Dr. Edens did explain to re porters that the University had entered into a contract with the National Science Foundation to sponsor Institutes for Teachers of Science ^and Mathematics He pointed out that since the foundation is a federal agency, the administrative policies are controlled by the government. “This is not new,” Duke’s (continued on page 8) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Race Players Force Issue Of Park Seating The first three Negro players to don the uniform of the Dur ham Bulls baseball team are pictured here. Left to right are pitcher Ted Richardson, Wen dell Antoine and VI(yollffe Mor ton. Richardson | was to have been the starting pitcher for the Bulls in their season's open er with Greensboro Wednesday The issue of -segregated seat ing at the Durham Athletic Park may be coming to a head, soon. Presence of three Negro play- ep in the Durham Bulls base- night Both Morton and Antoine ^ were tabbed for starting berths. “P Antoine U a catcher and Mor- . ton an inflelder-outfielder. ’> f - the Carolina League (class B), VOLUME 33 — NUMBER 16 . DURHAM, N, C., SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1957 PRICE: TEN CENTS Durham Pupils Forced To Travel 25 Miles To Segregated School Bragtown Kids Jim Crow At PatM An estimated 20 Negroes were turned away from Dur ham Athletic Park Wednes day night when they tried to purdiase ticltets to the grand stand sections to witneu the Durham Bulls’ home opening game. Ticket agents reportedly told them they could get seats in a special section of the grand stand, reserved for Negroes, and wouid have to enter by a side gate. Curtis Perry, Bulls business manager, upheld the ticket agents when the groof went to him and told them that the segregated policy was set by a Baseball Committee. National celebrities through out the conn^ have^ Joined in the appeal for funds during the current fond campaign for the United Negro College Fund. Pictured are (top row, left to right) Edward O. l^blnson, Garry Moore, Leontyne Price, Ed Sullivan, (bottom row, same, of Shaw University. H. M. Hoi- order) Milton Cross, William Warfield, John Henry Faulk and Duke Ellington. The UNCF drive in Durham got underway last Monday at a kick-off meeting addressed by Dr. W. B. Strassner, president mes Is chairman of the Durham area drive which will continue through June 17. Some 31 col leges throughout the country participate in the united lund appeal. Charleston To Receive Omeaas Of Sixth District CHARLESTON, S. C. Nearly SOO-Omegas and their guests from the two-Carolinas are expected here on the week end of April 26-28 for the an nual Sixth District Meeting of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. marshall, in charge of arrange ments for the local Mu Alpha Chapter, hosts for the meet, told resnorters this week that advance registrations assured a record turnout. A highlight of the meeting is Harleston Fleming, District the annual Talent Hunt to be State Beauticians To Convene In Four-Day Winston-Salem Confab WmSTON-SALBM Approximately 400 beauticians from over the state are expected here next week-end for tha State Beauticians Convention, which will run through four days fiext week. The convention will open on Sufaday with registration an4 continue through Tuesday, May| 1. Business sessions of the conn vention are scheduled for tha Patterson Avenue Branch of the) YWCA, and at least one publK meeting has been planned so tax for the Shiloh Baptist Church. A number of activities have appeared so far on the conven tion agenda to occupy delegates. Sntertainments planned for th« visiting beauticians are a Hair and dress rtjle show, dancM and banquets. Rev. Kelly O. P. Goodwin, pastor of Shiloh Baptist, will address the convention ai one of its early public sessions on opening day, Sunday, April 28, at Sn^Jn. Another public meeting on Monday night will hear Evander M. Mitchell, district manager of tbe North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, ‘ at the YWCA. On the following even ing, Attoniey Ann Kennedy will deliver a speech before the convention. Election of officers will be held at the climax of tbe ses sions on Wednesday, May 1. Mrs. Willie Smith of Greens boro currently serves as presi dent of the organisation. Host to the convention will be (continued on page 8) arrangements for the l6cal Mff Alpha Chapter, hosts for the meet, told reporters this week that advance registrations as sured a record turnout. A highlight of the meeting is the annual Talent Hunt to lie held on Saturday evening. Twenty-young musicians o£ high school age, who have won out in local chapter elimina tions held throughout the area will compete for District prizes opportunity for consideration for full scholarships offered by the District and an invitation to appear at the National Talent Demonstrations to be held at St. liouis. Mo., come December. The climax of the weekend sessions is expected at the an nual breakfast for Omega and their lady guests early Sunday morning. The main adless is to be delivered by Rev. Edgar A Love, Baltimore, Md., Bishop of the Methodist Church and ono of the lotmders of the fraternity. He and Mrs. Xx>ve are honored guests for the occasion. Besides tbe routine business sessions scheduled for all day on Satiurday, several social af fairs have beei; arranged. J. Alston Atkins, Winston.* Salem is District representa tive and will preside at tbe business sessions. Sent To ScIkn)! A school transportation, prob lem bearing the same earmarlcs of one Involving a situation in Old Fort was reveled here this week when the Carolina Times learned tiuit an undertermined number (some estimates place it at ISO) of Negro school child ren in the Bragtown (northern) vicinity of the Durham county are being forced to travel as much as 25 miles per day to at tend a Negro school. The Little River tiigh school normally serves the school population of the vicinity. How ever, an increase in the area's school population during the past few years has made it necessary to transfer students who would normally attend Little River high to Pearson- town schools one and two, lo cated in the southern end of the county, and Merrick-Moore school in the northeastern part, of the county. The school serving whites in the vicinity, Bragtown high, is located only a few hundred yards from most of the Negro students forced to transfer. Some of the parents inter- vlevtted by the TIMES seem somewhat resentful of the fact that their children are forced to undergo the hardship of traversing up to 25 miles per day solely to maintain segrega tion in the school system. A few feel that attempts should be nude to enter the children in the nearby Brag town high school, now exclu sively serving white school children of the area. They claim that they are l>e- ing discriminated against be cause of race. They also let it be known in clear terms that they itad little or no hope that any thing would be done to releive the situation. However, the TIBIES was told by a county school official that funds have already l>een appro priated and archit^’s plans completed for a new school for Negroes in the area. One of the factors which has delayed erec tion thus far on the school, it was revealed, was the difficulty the County Board of Education had in obtaining a site. It was learned that a definite locatioix Fence Row lias been settled upon and negotiations are now underway for its purchase. According to county school authorities, money was provid ed for the erection of both white and Negro elem«itary schools in the Bragtown area, with (continued on page 8) DR. BROWNE ANDRESS TAYLOR arrived In Durham early this week from Florida spring train ing sporting three players of color for the first time in the history of the club. All three are expected to play major rcAes in (continued on page 8) 3 Students Get Study Granb Three students and one mathe matics professor at North Caro lina College have won study grants totalling some $11,300 for the summer and next year. The students are Andress Taylor, Fountain (NO and Wel don Willoughby, Morehead City, both seniors and recipients of three year Southern Fellowship Fund awards for a basic $4,500 grants; and Lloyd Marvin Mit^ cheii. Walnut Cove senior, win ner of a summer study grant to the University of Oslo in Nor way. Dr. Marjorie Lee Browne, professor and chairman of the department of mathematics, re ceived a special $800 grant to attend an eight week Summer Institute on Mathematics in So cial Science at Stanford Univer sity, California, June 24-August 17. She previously studied in England as a Ford Faculty Fel low. Under terms of the grants awarded Taylor and Willough by, each will receive $1,000 for the first nine months of graduate (continued on page 8) Rev. Thomas Kilgore of New I for May 17, Is seen here reoelv- York, leader of the nation wide ing good wishes from New York march on Washington scheduled) Mayor Robert Wagner, Jr. Seek 50,000 For Nkirch On Capital .a«# NEW YORK Baptist (Shura^lfiii beiin ; national dlreotw of the Prayerl Pilgrimage for rreedom to take! and state imtt* 5T„ place May 17 in Washington, {tion to rill.v to th*” D. C This was announced today by the three co-leaders of the Pil grimage: The Rev. Martin Lu ther King, president of the Montgomery Improvement As sociation, A. Philip Randolph, President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Roy Wilkins, secretary of the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. Over 50,000 persons from all over the country are expected to converge on the nation's capi tal for the Pilgrimage. Its aims are to seek an end to the reocnt reign of terror by segregation ists in the deep South and to press for enactment of civil rights legislation now pending in Congress. Born in Woodruff, Southi Carolina, The Rev. Kilgoro at tended school there and later in Brevard and Asheville, North Carolina. He attended More house College, Howard Univer sity and Union Theological Seminary. His pastorates Included the New Bethel Baptist Church, Asheville, N. C.; Rising Star Baptist Church, Wlnston-Sal**m, Winston-Salem, Wilmington, Burlington Students Place High In Annual Trade Contest At A&T College GREENSBORO The Atkins High School of Winston-Salem, the Willlston High School of Wilmington and Jordan Sellars High School of Burlington tied for top honors in the State Trade Contests held here at A&T College last Fri day, April 5. Representetives from each school took three- first places in competitions in 16-trade areas. The local Dudley High School close behind with two-first places. The top individual prize, a cash award of $50 given by Brick and Tile Service, Inc., here in Greensboro, went to Charles Mills, a student in the Academy Heights High School at Pinehurst. ■the event, sponsored by North (Carolina Trade and In dustrial Teachers Organization, in cooperation with the State Department of Vocattonal Edu cation at A&T College, drew a few more than 200-competitors. Winners in the various com petitions, in order of placement, included: Auto-Body (metal)— John Robinson, Burlington Richmond Davis, Raleigh and Collie Jones, Greensboro. Auto Mechanics (team)—Price Mc Carthy and Robert Shields, Winston-Salem; Ronnie Jessup and Troy Kiser, Greensboro; and Bemis Beney and William Vaught, WUmington. Brick Ma sonry I — Odis Johnson, Rbck- ingham; Jethro Brown, Pine- burst and Randolph Bullock, Warrenton. Brick Masonry II — Charles Mills, Pinehurst; James Stew art, and James Dockery, South ern Pines., Carpentry — (team) Christopher Brown and James Whitfield, Goldsboro; Jsmes Lee and Ben J. Smith, Smith- field and William Misengelmer and Willis Love, Concord. Commercial Cooking — Mil dred Davis, Wilmington; Anita L. Tate. C^rlotte and Jevon the Prayer Pilgrimage for firte- dliili'lli WMhlKgtbn on Hay T7, the third anniversary of the his toric U.S. Supreme Court de cision banning racial segrega tion in public education. The NAACP executive is ser ving as co-chairman of the movement together with A. Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and a vice-president of the AFL-CiO, and tiie Ilev. Dr. Martin Lutlii r King, presi dent of the Southern Leadrrship Conference and lead?r oi. successful Montgomery, Ala' bama, bus protest muv>.mcii{ The Prayer Pilgrii'i.i^e r officially launched at a mc.‘ct - ing of '77 leaders of tmi.-, bor, civic and frat rnal n ^ . zations in Washini;*on > 5. The leaders unanimously ap proved a call to the nalur to gather in Washington in obser vance of the third anniversary of the Supreme Court decision, in support of pending civil rights legislation. In protest against terror and violence In the South, and in commemora tion of Abraham Lincoln. The Prayer Pilgrimage, the (continued on page 8) Enoch, Burlington. . Drawing—John -Caesar, Dur ham and Bennie Shivers, Bur lington, tie for first place and Claud Barnes, Goldsboro. Dry Cleaning—Walter Enoch, Bur lington; Alexander Rogers, Wil mington and Leroy Parson, Wilmington. Floral Design, Doris Hill, Wilmington and Stevie Wilder, Winston-Salem. Meat-Cutting—Carl Jarrett, Winston-Salem and Paul Bur nett, Burlington. Nurses Aide— Darlene Lewis, Greenstx>ro. Painting—Gerald Dozier, Wln- ston-Salem. Radio—Jackie Bur- rett, Winston-Salem; Jamea Wheeler, Wilmington and Carl Miller, Burlington. Shoe Repair' ing—Richard Mobley, GreenS' boro. Tailoring—Leon Oavii, Wilinlngton; James White. Dur ham and Phillip Richardson, Charlotte. Eugene Dula, above, an nounced this week his entry Into the race for board ef al dermen In Lenoir. This will be Data’s second try tor the office. He was unsuccessful la a bid two years ago. Father of eight, he is a native of Caldwell Cooa- ty. lie received his formal train ing at High Point Normal In dustrial College. It eleeted, Dula promises “to do everything In my power to render faithfal services to tbe eltisens ef Lteoir.”