PAGE SIX THE CABOUNA TIHE!3 SATURDAY, APBIL 27,1187 As part of annual Kappa Al-1 Scovel Richardson, Jadfe Ar-1 the fraternity, participated la a pha Pal Fraternity’s Guide Blfht mond W. Scott apd Attorney I Youth Conference at the Waah- Week observance in Washlnf-1 Julian Dncas, polemarch of the | Infton Kappa House. _ton, D. C., left to rif ht, Jndge I Washington Alumni chapter ol ——■ . Rev. N. A. Zimmerman To Highlight 7th Anniversary Program Of H. H. Hart Eiireita Bible Class April 28th The H. H. Hart Eurelca Bible Class of the First Calvary Bap tist Church on Morehead Ave nue will celebrate its seventh anniversary on April 28, at 3:00 o'cloclc in the afternoon. The Anniversary sermon will be de livered by The "Sevcrend M. A. Zimmerman,' pastor of ttie Cor- rinth Baptist Church of Union, South Carolina. Reverend Zimmerman is . widely luown throughout our city and our natioo, having gained recognition for his many accomplishments both as a dy namic Pastor and leader and as a very successful school prin cipal. It was because of these which led his superintendent of schools to proclaim: “Rev. Zim merman possesses the strength of character which x comes only as the result of a strong abiding faith in Christ. He has the in tellectual insight and mental ability which he uses for the preaching of the gospel and the teaching of th« children in the ways of righteousness." Benedict College, of Colum bia, S. C., was the scene of his college education,’ from which he received the A.B. Degree. Later, he earned additional de grees: the B.Th. Degree from Friendship College, Rockhill, S. C. the D.D. Degree also from Friendship College. In 1939 he marrl^ Miss Al berta L. Brown. In addition to other affili ations, he is a member of the Board of Trustee^ for Morris College; President of the Paco- let River Union; Vice Modera- tgr Pacojet River Asao- ^wttion; iPresident of the Plan ning Board of the Pacolet Asso ciation, Pmident of the Inter denominational Ministerial Al liance of Union County and Prhicipal of the Jonesvillc School. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the Male Cho-1 of Mrs. Mary Wood. rus of Morehead Avenue Bap-1 The public is. invited and ur- tist Church, under the direction ged to attend. Choice Making, Theme Discussed At Meet Of Crown And Scepter Club RALEIGH The twenty-sixth Annuil Meeting of the Crown and Scepter Club was held on the campus of St. Augustine’s. Col lege, Saturday, April 13, 1997. The general theme for the oc casion was; “Choice Making—A Challenge to Youth.” The meeting opened at 10:00 a.m. with Miss Gladys Johnson of the Shepard School in Zebu- lon, presiding. Music furnished by the St. Augustine’s College Choir, under the direction of John C. Moore, and devotions were conducted 1^^ .the J. S. Waters School of Goldston. Greetings on behalf of the Ebce- cutive Committee were offered by the Executive Secretary of the Committee, and greetings on behalf of Saint Augustine’s Qollege were offered by Dr. James A. Boyer, President of the College. Following the musical num ber by Central High School, the speaker of the hour was intro duced by the Executive Secre^ tary of th^ Crown and Sceplier. Dr. W. R. Strassner, President, Shaw University, delivered • very stimulating message on the general idea of “'What you wiU be, you are now bacomlng.” Leaders of the Workshops were introduced by the Execu tive Secretary of the Crown and Scepter Club. The area of Mar riage and Family was dlBcussed by Mr. C. L. Robinson, Shepard School, Z«lMilon. The area of use of leisure time was dis cussed by Mr. W. W. Johnson of St. Augustine’s College, a philosophy of life was discussed by the Rev. S. D. Rudder, Chap lain, St. Augustine's College. The area of Economic Activltiea was discussed by Dr. L. J. Har rison of North Carolina College at Durham. Dr. Marguerite Adams of Shaw University dis cussed the area of Eduction and Vocations, and Mrs. Lw H. Robinson of St., Augustine's College discussed the area of Manners and Dress. The newly elected officers for the ensuing year anrt Presi dent, Hepry Richardson, Shep ard High Sctiool, Zebulon; Vice President, Beachie Henderson, John R. Hawkins, Warrenton; Secretary: Hattie Holiday, Har nett High, Dunn, N. C.; Asst. Secretary: A^tta Honor, War ren County Training School, Wise; Treasurer; Betty Thomp son, Green County Training School, Snow Hill, and Repor ter; Ernestine Parks, Warren County Training School, Wise) North Carolina. CLYBURPrS GULF SERViqC WASH — OUAHB — SmONIZDfG 1401 E»0t FInt SteMt At CUwawt Phone PA. 4-4S72 WINSTON-SALKBI, N. C. look in your mirror today... and see your hair... lovely as fashion means it to be I Ttdmy, gorgeous new hair color it fssliion.., aod todtj', you cao look in your mirror ■ad lee the tame glowing, lut- troui color cboscn by models like tliii famous beauty becet Yet, with Godefroy't Larieuse Hair Coloring, you can give your bair exquiiilc new color, long-lasting, natarsi-lookiag color... eaty aa 1-2-31 Godefroy's Larieute Hair Colors ing it tbe famout, dependable brand in tbs red box, known and approved for more |han 50 yeart. Get it at your favorite cosmetic couotst^ today—and ice your bair lovely at fatiiioa meaot it to bet Just 18 txquU^ thadm .brieuse easy steps 1. Stwpco hair Nwr> eofWy. A* h Mai^ aria Oo4»tnr‘t larlmse as dlracSa^ 2. Apply 0«4«ff*y'( leilevw wHh baaAy •SSllCTif la 3. After color kat voia^Ml, iiiaai|Me Mrir Ofh and sat ki yew Sf 10 OUVS fT.lOUM 9, MO. Negro Student Hakes History AtTheU.N.C CHAPEL HILL On the campus of the Univer sity of North Carolina, a young Negro lias made history. Clifton 'Stone has held the position of Stockroom Manager of the School of Pharmacy for the past three years, the first Negro to hold such a position on the cam pus. Stone aasimes complete au thority of the stoclFTOom, in cluding ordering supplies, in ventory personnel service with students, bookkeeping and computing and collecting lab' brealuge fees. Stone finished high school at Horton School of Pittsboro, served two years In the Army, completed two years of techni cal training at The Bannaker Institute of Durham, did ad vance studies at Livingstone College and completed several Bible courses. He is the Chair man of The Deacon Board, Sun day School Teacher, President of BTU and Financial Secre tary of the Second Baptist diurch of Chapel Hill, and President of the Orange County Usher's Union. Mr. Stone, wife and three children reside at 303 Carr Street, Carrboro. Local Students Honored At Hampton Inst. HAMPTON, Va. Several North Carolina stu dents were among some 181 Hampton students honored last week at the “Scholarship Night” program sponsored by the school’s Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society. SOUTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY Complcl* Home Fumiabtrs FUIm aad G. B. T»1«tWm AmtMutte WadMM and BaCrlgentan Liow Prtca*—B««y Twmi — FBU FABIlNa Soadtcrn Furnitnre Coi N. 0. wnnnroiir-si “Shoes From Cradle To CoUefe %)ecieHring In CHILDBEirS AND LADIES SHOES Fleet Air Ardh Line ShoM 2M West Fourth Street PHONE PA. 3-2871 WINSTON-SALEBl, N. C. Forsyth Finance Company rVBNlTUU AND AUTO LOANS TO MM rim FA f-l«U m Nflrth Mata Stnat WlNtTON-Si^JDI. N. O. Mias Patrlele Trivers of Mt. Jeirell Baptist Chnroh of Waah* ington, D> C„ and Miss Velma Barge of Second Baptist of Los Angeles, Callfmiiia, are among tbe delegates to the S2nd Youth Congress of the National Snnday School anil B.T.U. Con- greas whleh convenes at Dallas, Texas beginning Jnne 11. A mammotti Youth Bally la sche duled during the convention on June 20 when young Baptists all over the country will take part Social Work Career Program North Carolina College’s soci ology department was co-spon sor of a Social Work Career Day program in Durham last week. Planned by Dr. J. S. Himes, NCC sociologist, in cooperation with the N. C. Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, the program sought to acquaint students with care«r possibilities and to inform so cial workers of expanding op portunities in the field. Participants attended the pro gram from North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Georgia. Miss Shirley Green, senior sociology major from Newport News, Va., was chairman of the student planning committee. Associated with her were Misses Alda Derr, Eunice Kirtou. Leo S. Morrison, senior from Winston-Salem, presented the awards. Morrison himself was recipient of several prized for scholarship. Tar Heel students receiving honors were Charles House, Goldsboro; Carolyn Boone, Wil mington; Evelyn Honor, Wise; Sarah RidgiU, Winston-Salem; Betty Tyson, Fayetteville; Cora Wiley, Weldon; Carolyn Martin, Charlotte; Mamie Reid, Hert ford; Beatrice Simmons, iJar- rellsville; Delores Utley, Ra leigh; Dolores Williams, Dur ham; fPaul Dusenberry, Ashe ville; Shirley Bacoate, Winston- Sale^; Minnie Best, Goldsboro; Bear Dulley, Morehead City; Bafbara Gripper, High Point; Mattie Hamlin, I.,eakaville; Bettye Hayes, Chfidborun; Edna Jones, Kinston; Ja^ueline Long, Rocicy Mount; Raymond Roddie, Tarboro; Enoch Butler, Fayetteville; Leroy Cannady, Kinston; Alonza Clarke, Scot land Neck; George Gatling, Conway; Hasker Sainuel, Win ston-Salem; and Jessie Reaves, Rocky Mount. MART’S GBHX BeoM Oeeked MmUb Gmd0 "A” Reatanant and Servlee Phone PA. S-»lll 1111 tost RfOi StTMt G&w SEVEN STAR 90 PROOF GiW SfVENSTAH m */§ ran */t qv. «YIH ITA*. UtND» WM1»K1V, *0 ftOO». aWlk STIAIOHT WWtSKtT. i TIAIB OtWOWOIK BWlWaHHlO. IRAL Wlim. 0000«HAM « WORTS tlO, KOIHA, KL ^; BERGAMOT »Vi* rCNDITIUNtR NEW MTHOD UUNBRY And Dry Cleaners Quality - Serrice 405 Roxb«ro St. DIAL 6959 “Believe me, Migter, 'iriun 80I7THBIM FIDILITT MUTUAL INSUBANCl COMPANY mitaa your General Insurance yoji ALWAYS fat nrcmDt pay- mention on a oalm. PHONE s-mi Southern Fidelity Mutual Insurance Gmqpany SST DURHAM, N. C. %-^i. A COMPLETE ELECTRIC AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DUKE POWER COMPANY DIAL 2151 Comer Mangam and ParriahStrccta in a panel pageant. ELLINGTON SNACK SHOP LllUe laiington, M«r. “Good Home Ceddag" Houn: 8 a. m. to 10:S0 p. m. SZS South CUremoat ATaaae Phone PA. 4-1375 Winston-Salem, N. C. One Account Clothe* The Entire family “E^sy TERMS** THE ROYAL CLOTHING COMPANY 330^ West Main St. FOR RBAL ESTATE, RENTING INSURANCE, REPil^ AND building'^ SUPPLIES See Union Insurance And Realty SU FAYETTEVnXJI ST. TELEPHONE S^21 DURHAM, N. C im 8$ If Iroa DaficUncy AbmhIo Has Sappsd Your Strtngtii S.S.S. Tonie builds better health ... strengthens weak blood. S.S.S. Tonic# made of Nativre’i own roots and herbs, has vital iron to build rich, red blood. So gtvt your whole family an energy lift ... get back your pep. , S.S.S. Tonic makes you feel good again fast... or your money back. Now in liquid or tablets ... at all counters. SAVEl Buy the large economy siztl CLARA WAII0 Pameus Oospel Sinfler, abye, “If jroa’ra wsaiy 1 di««*s ao song "II yt and tK in yo» slowed VODKA 4/S QUABT $3.95 $2.50 PTOT 80 Proof. Also 100 Proof. Msda from Grain by L. 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