$615,500 Budget For BenneH College Approved By The Board Of Trustees GREENSBORO Abudget of $815,500 for the 1957-68 academic year was ap proved by the executive com mittee of. the Bennett College board of trustees at a meeting held in New York City on Mon day. ' The figure represents an in crease of 149,300 over the |S88, 200 budget set for 1956-57. In past years, the meeting has been held in Greensboro. This year's meeting was held In the offices of Dr. Frederick D. Patterson, board chairman, in the offices of the Phelps-, Stokes Fund of which he is executive director. He is also president of the United Negro College Fund. A highlight of the meeting was the interim report made by Dr. WiUa B. Player, president. Mrs. Julius W. Cone and Dr. J. A. Tarpley of this city attended the sessions. Other members of the com mittee In attendance were; Mrr Harry James, of New York City; Mrs. J. G. Meldenbauer, of Buffalo, N. Y.; and Bishop Edgar A. Love of Baltimore. Absent was Mrs. H. C. Black of Johnson City, Tenn. Other board members in at-, tendance were: C. Everett Ba con, of New York City, chair-, man of the college’s investment committee) Miss Margaret For syth, Miss Muriel Day and Mrs. Millard Robinson,- all of New York City; Mrs. J. Ernest Wil-. kins of Washington and Mrs. C. P. Hardin of Chattanooga, Tenn. On Tuesday, Dr. Player at tended the meeting of the exe cutive committee of the Wo- Want to be FREE? Join NAACP 20 Wi-st 40fn . tro:'t N Y-.fV i - - Amders Grocery Native Western Meats . Fiae Fresh Oroctriii Phone FA. 5-M41 IISS Cameroa Aveiuie Wtnst«>ii-8aleni, N. C. Dr. /. M. Hubbard, Jr., den tist, back from overseaa after two years of senrlee in the army, has resumed practlee with his father. Dr. J. M. Hub bard, Sr., In offices located at 6*7 Fayetteville Street. Salute Carl Murphy; Afro American Editor BALTIMORE, IklD. Little folks and big folks, young and old, some 800 strong, they gathered here Sunday, April 7 to salute Carl J. Mur phy, journalist, publlc-servant, 40th Spingam Medalist and man’s Division of Christian Ser vice of the Methodist Church. Morgan Stato Coll«ge Trustee. Occasion of the salute was a testimonial dinner sponsored by the General Alumni Association of the college to honor the plo neer journalist and president of the Afro-American Newspaper Company for "distinguished and dedicated service to Morgan State College, his city, state and the nation.” “You have made me very happy” was the response Dr. Murphy gave at the conclusion of the capacity-packed dinner during which he had t>een hail ed by representative* of the col lege, of t)te City and State Governments, of the judiciary, by officers of the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People, of the KUcs, the Blasons, the Alumni, of hla Alma Blater, Howard Univer sity, and by friends. BirthslnDurham ForApril15To20 The following births were re' ported to the Durham City and County Health Department dur ing the week of April 15 through 20. Frank and Mildred Stubbs, girl. Walter and Sallie House, girl. Warren and Martha Jen kins, girl. Jefferson and Emma Gentry, boy. Willis and Minnie Smith, boy. James and Helen Daniel, girl. Leo and Lillie Par ker, boy. William and Eva Joy ner, boy. Don and LuclUe Wil liams, bojr. James and Earllne Thompson, girl. James - and Ca therine Alford, girl. Norman and Shirley Umstead, boy. John and Myrtle Love, boy. James and Augusta McEUichem, boy. Samuel and Thelma Dickinson, girl. WILLIAM lerrooF e YEARS ou BLENDED WHISKEY Penn FINT 4/«CMlAltT GOODERriAM » ^-^RTS. LTD.. WOaiA. ILL. Fifth Annual Senior High School Day Set For Shaw University, April 27th RALKIGH The Itfth an&ual Senior High School Day will be held at Shaw University on Saturday, April 27, and boys and girls from practically ^ery county in North Carolina‘are expected. The occasion Is the outgrowth of the over-all pre-college counseling program of the Uni versity to acquaint high school students with ShAw University and its offerings. Dr. Nelson H. Harris, director of the division of education will preside over the activitieB which will be high-lighted by events as follows: Registration will begbf 'at MO a.m. In Spaulding Gymna sium, followed by a special pro gram at 10:SO a.m. The pro gram will Include greetings by the President of Shaw Univer- •ity and the President of the Student Council. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the University Chorale Society and the Llgon Junior-Senior High School Band. At 11:00 ajn., there will be a tour of the campus followed by lunch at 1:00 p.m. in University Dining Hall. At 2:00 p.m. the SImw "Bears" will play Maryland State “Hawks” in a baseball game at Chavis Park. The series of acti vities will close in a fellowship hour beginning at 5:00 p.m. in Spaulding Gymnasium. -Watch- (continued from page 2) Impress upon you gentlemen here today. We live in a land of opportunity. God bless A- merical” Tears sprang to his eyes and his voice quavered as he asked his questioner, "Does that answer your question?” "It does,” the poor guy said and sat down. Old man Mayer sounds like “JUST WINDOW-SHOPPINGf No” the spokesman of a property-touring couple was recently heard to say, ‘Ve’ie shopping for an entire house!” Jocular as this remark may have been, it is significant. More and more, families in all walks of life ate deciding that owning a home is an attainable goal. How so? One important fsctor- is ^ ava^Mity of sooad, economical bank financing, bi 1956 alona, America’s banks extended over S7 bitUon in mortgage loans to help'families realize die dream of ownership. ir YOU AM THINKINO ABOUT MIYINO, ASK US AtQUT 1M nNANCnMI Mechanics And Farmers Bank DUBHAM AND RALKIGH. NOR’TH CABOLIMA SATURDAY, APRIL 27,1W7 THE CAROLINA TIMES PAGE SEVEN an ideal candidate for the U. S. Senate himself. Dr. W. Montague Cobb, pro fessor and head of the Depart ment of Anatomy in the How ard University School of Medi cine, was unanimously elected president of the American As- soelation of Physical Anthropo logists at the 26th Annual Meet ing of this society at the Univer sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Saturday, April IS, 19S7. The association is a profesalonal scientific organiia- tionNM about 450, with foreign membm scattered throughout the world. This is the first oc casion on which a Negro scien tist has headed a national scien tific society In the United Elates, in 1955 Dr. Cobb was ehairman of Section II (Anthro pology) and a vice president of the American Association (or the Advancement of Science, ft similar first. Evans Keynotes A&T Annual Career Confab GREENSBORO “Patient persistence” was de- acribed last Tuesday at A&T College as the key to success in careers in this day of automa tion. The speaker was Janil>s C. Kvans, assistant civilian aide to the Secretary of Defense at Washington, D. C. He was de livering the keynote address at the annual Career Conference held at the college all day Tues day. Speaking along the general theme of the conference, "Voca tional Opportunities in the Day of Automation”, he told the au dience which filled Harrison Auditorium, "this is a day of gpecialization-we need to know as much as we can about one-or two-things.” This, he said, re sults from a personal discipline of patient and persistent study. FREE carton off RC HOirS AIL YOU OOi I. Iwy a carton of RC crt rtgulor prico plus dspott). 9. EikImo i RC bonkoijgi^ ihswsciol wMoi b m ••H Omm. f. O. •m *5a. CUMf* M, yaw bf rvliini mI a cow- ^ foad Isr • hM sartsM •4 RC Only Om mi Cartsa pm taaif JACQUIN’S *2 PINT ivndka •iiriiti* MOM eiAiN - •• (NMUI MCMIN It III. IMh riHi.. Ps. Feed your baby CARNATION America’s ''healthy baby" milkl NEW! "SUPER RIGHT CORNED BEEF HASH CHILI CON CARNE WITH BEANS 1-Ib. Can 1-lb. 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For naooth, lailura-proof rwulta «v«ry time, uM Carnation in «v«vy redpe that call* (or milkl '*Mi cmmmM Com" World’s Leading Brand Evaporated Milk