Fayetteville St 7-17, Xi HIYaiMJUfflEDJLO JSUH N. C Park Bars Negroes But Admits All Foreigners CITY ELECTION SATURDAY, MAY 18 VOTEI VOTEI fltirCari yww«\iaiaay PRAYER PILCRIMACE FOR FREEDOM 12 Noon - May 17 WASHINGTON, D. C. VOLUMlf 33 — NUMBER 18 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1957 PRICE: TEN CENTS ExpKt 5,000 To Hear Jotkie Robinson At NAACP State Meeting ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Prayer Pilgrimage Site Named Charred Remains Of Young Baffles SHELBY Police and firemen of this City were baffled to determine the cause of a pre-dawn explo sion and fire that caused the of a young physician in iwrly Doctor’s Body Shelby Police ‘^barred body of Dr. 6. W. Singleton, 34j. was burned beyond recognition in the fire that was discovered about 1:30 A.M. in his office on the second floor of a two-story building located just three blocks from Shelby’s square. According to associates, Dr. r Singleton, who had crActice^ here since 1947, iiad planned a trip to Nashville, Tennessee to visit his wife and children. Mrs. Singleton is attending school at I DR. SINGLETON Tennessee State Teachers Col lege at Nashville. The physi cian’s car was parked in front of the building loaded with lug gage, children’s toys and cloth ing. Although Dr. Singleton had taken sides in a recent contro- (continued on page 8) Communist Fodder Club Quits Umstead State Park CHAPEL HILL A group of thirty-eight stu dents belonging to the Univer sity of North Carolina Univer sity Cosmopolitan Club refused to hold a picnic at the William B. Umstead Park last Sunday when one of the guest members of the club,Ti€roy Frasier, a sophomore from Duriiam, was requested to leave the segregat ed park. The disclosure was made by Sipra Rose, the club president. The group had gone to the park to hold its spring picnic, but when Frazier was denied admission on the basis of his color and told by an attendant that he would have to go to a Negro park not far away, the group decided that such a dis play of maniac prejudice was too much for them to stomach. They left, therefore, holding their picnic at Hogan’s lake. According to an on-the-scene witness, Fred Crawford, Frasier offered to leave so that the club could have its picnic. And other members stated that he tried to borrow a car so as to leave. But his efforts were vetoed when his fellow students decided ttiat if Frasier could not enter the William B. Umstead Park, they would not. p>mmenting on the incident editorially, The Daily Tar Heel stated last Tuesday; “It is in deed unfortunate that an inter national delegation must be submitted to and embarrassed by southern racial prejudice. Such was the case as the Uni versity Cosmopolitan Club at tempted to picnic at Umstead State Park over the week-end.” The editorial disclosed that iiSSfi- LEROY FRASIER 23 of the 38 students were from locales out of the continental United States and stated that the attendant explained to the international gathering that state law required barring Ne groes from equal usage of state parks. This, the comment states fur ther is “assuredly an odious im pression of the America we love.” so far as foreign students are concerned. Tliird Annual Rally Of Fighting Fund Set For Sunday, May 19 RALEIGH Local and state NAACP offi cials are making preparations to entertain an estimated crowd of 5000 NAACP workers and admirers of the world-famed Jackie Robinson, former Brook lyn Dodgers baseball star, when he speaks here at the 3rd an nual Fighting Fund for Free dom (4-F) rally to be held in the Memorial Auditorium, Sun day afternoon, May 10th, at 3:30 P.M. Mothers Drive For $10,000 Jackie Robinson is the 19S7 (hairman ot the NAACP .na tional .Frtedom Fund campai^ will crown as the 'Wj Mother of 1887” one of the score or more mothers who are out to "win the coveted honor by raising the highest amount of money over $300 through the cooperation of the citizens of their communities. It ia expected that Mrs. Bo^ binson will accompany her hus band here and add further gla mour to the occasion. During previous NAACP 4-F rallies, Roy Wilkins, NAACP executive secretary, spoke in 1055 shortly alter the death of tht! immortal Walter White. Thurgood Marshall, chief legal counsellor for NAACP, was the 19o6 speaker to 3000 people. Rocky Mount Choir Sings For the third time the noted St. James Baptist Church Gos pel Choir of Rocky Mount has accepted the principal musical assignment on the Freedom ral ly program. Director of the choir is William T. Grimes, minister of music at the St. James Baptist Church, which is pastorcd by the Rev. W. L. Ma son. Mesdames Alice D. Bailey and Ruth E. McLaurin are or ganist and assistant organist, respectively. State NAACP president Kelly M. Alexander of Charlotte, field secretary Charles A. Mc Lean, of Winston-Salem, Con ference treasurer N. L. Gregg Greensboro, and public rela tions man J. B. Harren of Rocky Mount, have worked with local NAACP leaders in the promo- (continued on page 8) rr LIBERAL ARTS LOAFERS" ARE SCORED IN VA. RICHMOND, Va. William R. Hudgins of New York said here last week (April 23) that too many Negro col leges are turning out preachers, tgachen, social workers and ‘Sbi*in arts loafers” and t MRS. R. L. VANN Lincoln Memorial To Be Scene Of 50,000 Gathering NEW YORK Now that the NAACP has been informed that the Lincoln Memorial in Washington will be available for the Prayer Pil grimage set for May- 17,. an ob jective sought by the. Pilgrimage promoters has been achieved. RevBwiiil Martin Hfca He added that the “ease which the Dixiecrats bottled up civil rights legislation adds great urgency to the Pilgri mage.” Regarding southern participa tion in th« Pilgrimage, Rev. King announced I The alMTe phete ia that ot tlw 1*M Qradaatlac elaa* of tke DeShaMr Baaatf CaUege, fal' Uwtag wrdaw ImM at Wktta ■Mk iMtM Ouvch her* laat Swdajr. eonmeBficnaiit af tkc laMttr, mm4 alfielala ar« aaated tai (roat. frm t« right; B«t. D. S. Mmm, iVMkar; Mrs. K. B. Anderson, clerk; Mta D. Marie AUiaon, Inatraetor; Mrs. iahn- sla Pippin, Dean; Mrs. g. BIdMtp Prasler, Inetreetec; Mra. i. D»- ghaaar Jaakaoa, pwrti—t; Mn. VcMa White, argaBiat awl Mrs. Ralty Smith, assistant instrnc tw. reers in buaine^ neglect as a threat to the cron- tinued prospi^rity and growth of Negro busings enterprises. The thanking executive con tended further that the colleges he had in mind are "masque rading” high school tiookkeep- "sprinkled witlvsome liberal arts studies”, as legitimate courses leading to a degree in business administration. “Mind you,” he stressed, “not a mumbling word is being said about accounting and budget control as tools of management; not the slightest gaze is being bent toward the jungle of fi nance and investments; nor is there even a whisper at>out the vast area of marketing, or the science of sound personnel management.” He prefaced his remarks about the first annual “Sales Institute" with two observa tions: first, that opportunities for Negroes in tiie business lile of America are opening wiui surprising rapidity; second, that the ijreat banks and insurance companies owned by Negroes need a ready reservoir of educa ted young people basically trained for business careers if the institutions themselves are to continue to prosper. ^ Mr. Hudgins is president of the Car\er Federal Savings and Loan Association and a former president of the American Sav ings and 'Loan League. He ad dressed close to 100 persons at tending the dinner winding up the Institute’s six-week lecture series on the “Golden Age of Selling.” The Institute is sponsored jointly by the Distributive Edu cation Advisory Committee and the Richmond Public Sciiools, and was attended b^ nearly 70 enroilees. 'Die guest speaker was introduced by B. T. Hra'.J Shaw, president of Virginia Mu tual Benefit Life tnsurunee Company, and John J. Ni"k’i-»» president o' the Consolid;it'.!d Bank and Trust Company, w,i6 toastmaster. On another point the spettker noted the growth of competition for and within the so-call'd Ne gro marki-t. He warned f'P' ciopnmic barriers too are com ing dovT in the Negro’s pres sure for e'jualltv^. The rr suit, he pr;-dlct‘’.i, will b" 1o a burden upon the Negro btisi iess man to operate more efficiently and to adope up-to-date business methods, as a matter of survi val. Finally, Mr. Hudgins cited the boldness of NegrMs in Alabama and Florida in the bus strikes, (continued on page 8) 0 3peai St. Josepli's AME Mrs. Robert L. Vann, Presi- dent-Treasurer of the burn Courier will be Women’s Day speaker at the St. Joseph’s AME Church, Sunday, May, 19, at both morning and evening services. Mrs. Vann, at the evening service, will direct her remarks to members of Women Organi zations who are especially in vited to be present, according to Mrs, B.A.J. Whitted, chair man of the program committee. Freedom of which he ia co- chairman along with Roy Wil kins of the NAACP and A. Philip Randolph of tho Hrother- hood of Sleeping Car Porters. These aims, as stated by Rev. King, are "to demonstrate unity of Negroes^ in the ? freedom and Justice, to provide a means for people in the north to act in common on a grenl issue witii the southern free dom fighters, to protest tlie crip- pling of the NAACP in the soutli who stand for equality and freedom and to press for civil rights legislation before Congress which stands a chance for tiie first time sinee Reeoti struction days of Ijeing enact ed.” uliw inuu«llz.ition ji.' Uking place In Atlanta, Bivmiiig'. tni, Tallahassee, Baton Rou,*-> unj Now ag o'.'i r citiesr^ In other sections of the coun try seven he.-idquarters have ii'ned a west coast organizer of the Pilgrimage as stating that 3,000 persons arc coming to Washing ton on May 17 all the way from California. Over 90,000 persons from all section) ot the country are expected to converge on Washltigton for tho Pilgrimage in chart(‘red buses, trains and planes, car pools and individu ally. R«v, King hairi lit; • - (continued on paU' : 'ri»e top photo shows a irroap of officers of the Interdenomi national Ushers Association of North Carolina, assemhted In front of the Kozboro Klmen- tary School last Snnday where the Slrd Annual Mid-year ses sion of the association was held, lha bottom pictnre shows the lonea Chapel Choir, foatnring Mra. -Annie Bowman, pia^at, as they rendered a selection tor the occasion.

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