PAGE TWO SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1»S7 THS CAROLINA TIMES HOW TO BE ElKIED TO PUBLIC OFFICE IN NOtlH CAROUNA In an editorial of Saturday, April 27, en- showed a lack of knowledge of affairs in titled “Civil Kights," the Dubuam Sun, Dur- this state that was enough to arouse think- hun’s evening newspaper, takes the attitude ing voters to the extent of casting their bal> that it is just grand and glorious that “North lots against him in all future elections. On the Carolina's Attorney General ha« added his contrary, we predict that if Ervin keeps on voice to that of Senator Snm Ervin,” who is frothing at the mouth against civil rights opposed to civil rights or any legislation that legislation, he will not only regain his senate has as its purpose the securing of a better seat but will win by one of the greatest citizenship status for Negroes. What, we majorities in the state’s political history, would like to ask the Sum, is there to be ex- North Carolina’s white voters are not in- pected of a North Carolina politician or any terested in being represented in Congress by other aspirant for public oiiice in the South? a real statesman. They showed their colors There is not now in office in this state or out about this when they went to the polls and of this state, from senator, governor on deliberately defeated the greatest statesman down to town constable, a single holder of North Cibolina has produced in the past half public office who has ever dared or would century. Dr. Frank F. Graham, for the sen- dare raise his voice in defense of even ele- ate in favor the late Senator Willis Smith mentary civil rights for Negroes. Such an act whose main qualification was his anti-Negro on his part, so far as his white constituency is stand. “Uatesmanship” for white southern concerned, would be pure political suicide, office seeJcers is always more important that What Senator En^ and the Attorney statesmanship. General are doing is building their political Both Senator Ervin and Attorney General fences with the one tool that all soutiiem Patton know that there is absolutely no dan- politicians know will always work and that ger of the federal government usurping the is an anti-Negro campaign. White southern powers delegated to state government be- voters are usually a Aimple lot, and politicians cause of civil rights legislation. They should know it and are quick to use anti-Negro know that the greatest danger to any gov- smoke screens to cover up their of ernment is the unequal dispensation of jus- knowledge about public issues. tice, such as has been going on for nearly a It is a sad state of affairs in the South when century in the South with regards to its Ne- the surest way to get elected to public office gro citizens. They know that behind all iii for a white office seek to scream nigger, their screaming about states rights, there is nigger the loudest and the longest We are the unholy desire of the South to continue to of the opinion that if Senator Ervin would exploit, murder, humiliate and otherwise run for the presidency of the United States, take advantages of its Negro citizens in every he would have only one opponent that would other manner it pleases without, what it keep him from running off with the white calls, outside interference, southern vote, lock, stock and barrel in a Because of what Senator Ervin has been walk, and that is John Kasper of Clinton, doing to preserve the southern way of life in Tennessee illfame. Dixie he is now the new darling of the Old When Ervin made the statement at a U. S. South, both of whom are as dead as an an- Senate hearing that he knew of no single in- cient Egyptian mummy. The only difference stance in North Carolina in which a qualified is the Egyptians knew how to embalm dead Negro had been prohibited from voting, he bodies so they would not stink. A SUUIE10 OUR GREENSBOKO MNBIEKS We congratulate the Negro miaisters of Such a statement was made solely for the GiMnsboro for tha ctand they hav^ taken in purpose of discouxaging the ministers Jn WASHINGTON REPORT By Alice A. Dunnlgan WASHINOTON, D. C. tilke a well organized foot ball team, the Southern lolons In Washington have initiated new technique for blocking civil rights legl«lation. Missis ■ippi’s controvertal Senator James O. Kaitland, captain of the "Down-Home” team is stay ing in the background and call ing the signals lor other trusty teammates. Reports around Capitol Hill are that Eastland has delegated North Carolina’s Senator Sam Ervin to carry the ball. And has unofficially appointed Senator John McClellan of Arkansas as the vicious hatchet man. Because Senator Ervin is con sidered a smart Constitutional lawyer, rumors have lt>that he has been instructed to oppose civil rights on a high legal level, arguing against this legislation in complicated technical terms. His Job is to seek tiny tech nicality which might be blown up with foul air of hysteria, thus frightening and intimida ting the witnesses. Then comes Senator McClel lan to puncture the inflated ball with some, sharp phrase of tiireat which might cause wit nesses to retract former bold statements and run with fright to shelter. This new play was recently put into action when Senator Ervin made an attempt in com mittee bearings to discredit some of the southern Negro wit nesses. Later Senator McClellan emerged from a closed-door meetmg of the full Senate Judi ciary Committee with informa tion for AP reporter that some of the NAACP-sponsored wit nesses had “committed perjury” in'their testimony before the subcommittee and the FBI was making a check on thm. This statement was obvious an attempt to frighten the NAACP into silence on condi tions of the South. But the NAACP doesn’t scare easily, so Roy Wilkins contacted the FBI to find out if they had made check on any of the civil rights witnesses. North Carolina Out Of Step With Many Other Progressive States The Association was informed that the FBI has made no inves tigation of any witnesses. When the NAACP executive backed McClellan into a comar he said 1mm ^>ycott of all thea^ that op. tbeic-«£(Mrt *nd that th^ will ' ' of that fact aad eoBtteua to feh6w- ticism we have is that the stand they have age their people to hold out whatever the taken has been so very long in comingnt is consequences. here however and we predict that it will be Add to the above incident the recent stand followed by Negro ministers in other cities taken by Negro doctors who are members of like Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Durham, the Old North State Medical Society and you fialeigh, Salisbury and elsewhere. will get a picture of what ia happening on The struggle for human dignity must be “"other professional front that heretofore made on all fronts, especially those we term as “luxury fronts,” such as theaters and membership in the North Carolina athleUc parks. In addition it certainly must Medical Society on a scientifid basis but re- be made in our churches and the ministers assertion frdm its president, who head the churches are the proper ones to Davis of Charlotte, that such take the lead. If they will do this we are acceptable. “Limtied membership satisfied that the masses will foUow. ^ enough,” said Dr. Davis. “Membership that differs from any type of regular mem- While we are on this subject we would bership or has any limitations is not accept- like to ask our lawyers to look into the mat- sble.” ter of states, counties and municipaliUes Far out in front of the parent white renting or leasing public buildings for segre- medical society of the state is the Mecklen- gated use. For a number of years we have burg unit that has voted Negro physicians had a doubt in our minds that if this question of that county the right to full membership, were taken before the U. S. Supreme Court n was to Asheville that the state body mov that it would stand up. After all the real ed its 103rd annual convention from Pine- quesUon is whether or not such governments hurst for the first thne in several years, with have a right to do indirectly what they do its president, Dr. V. K. Hart of Charlotte, not have a right to do directly. Or whether the county seat of Mecklenburg, taking the they have a right to encourage segregation by providing places where it may be carried xhis is racoturaging to those of us in North Carolina who want to see this state take the ■The ministers of Greensboro and their lead in the South to charting a new cour«, in jTwe^l! m foUowers may as weU prepare for a counter better race relations. It is the kind of lead- tributors, retaUer* and others, attack from the enemy. Very soon attempts ership seldom found in these parts whc;i% "There are approximately 18, will be made to minimize their efforts in the even liberal white persons are too often press and elsewhere. In fact that has al- afraid to face the reprisals that come when ready begun in that the story carried in the called upon to take a stand for Negro rights, daily newspapers was careful to state that Not only is the stand taken by the white and the manager of the theater said “the boycott Negro doctors Christian but it is democratic was not affecting business in any manner.” and true Americanism. „ He further explained that he “understood that the FBI had made a clieck on some incidents they had testified to and found their testimony to be untrue." Wilkins said the NAACP has “full confidence in tl>e integrity and veracity of all witnesses", adding that: ‘‘The record of civil rights violations is -such that it does not require any exaggeration, elaboration or tal sification.” Another example of the “new-look" maneuver being en gineered by Senator Eastland is seen in the theory advanced by Senator £rvln that “the civil rights bills are designed to de prive Americans of their his toric right of trial by Jury.” After Senator Ervin originat ed this argument it is being used by ail opponents of the bills In floor speeches almost every day in the Senate. In commenting on this theory, Congressman Adam Clayton Powell of New York said in a recent ^peeca ui Atlanta, Ga., that thin same Senator Ervin bad an exact opposite Judicial opinion when he was a member of the North Carolina Supreme Court. Under North Carolina sta tutes," said Powell, “an indivi dual accused of contempt does not receive a Jury triaL And while Senator Ervm was Jus tice Ervin, he militantly en forced that contempt law. In four different cases he voted to uphold the convictions of indi viduals charged with contempt of court, not one of whom had received a jury trial. All four of these cases involved textile mill workers. The trick of course in back of Senator Ervin’s new change of heart is that he knows that under a Jury system no southern white jury would con vict local officials who had de nied the right to vote to Negro people." Powell agreed tliat the rant- ings and raving of Eastland are now being soft pedaled and that Ervin is being pushed forward as the spokesman for the South. This is perhaps to Ervin’s liking because he has received more publicity in the past three montlis than he had received in his nearly three previous years in the Senate of the United States. ■ \ IHEie STALUNC ON CIVIL RIGHTS, MAKES HER ASHAMED" “POWER OVER EVIL” By REVIBKhO HAROLD ROLAND Pastw, Meoat M1—i Baptist Ghoivli B AIiBICtF - ‘‘North Carolina is out of step with other progressive states in the failure of many Tar Heel banks to clear checks of face value, and the public is un- neccessarily suffering because of it,” a par banking spokesman said here last week.'He further stated that “par banks would be derelict in their duty if they did not use every effort to elimi nate this costly and unjustified expense for their customers.” President A. D. Shackelford of the National Bank of Wilson is heading a recently-chartered group which is seeking to elimi nate by law the practice in which some banks charge the recipient of a check a fee for paying his checks when it is presented through the mai^. Shackelford’s group is the As sociation For Payment of Checks at Face Value. It was formed last month by “par” banks, which charge no such clearance SOO banks operating 21,200 banking offices throughout the 48 states,” Shackelford said. -Ninety per cent of. them levy no fee for clearing checks^ pre sented for payment through the mails. However, in North Caro lina the siory. is quite' different because we have a ^dispropor tionate number of^; ‘non-par’ banks which refuse to clear these checks at full value. “North Carolina has a total of 559 banks and branches but only 58 per cent of them clear checks at face value-, compared with the national percentage of 90. Our state is even out of step with her southern neighbors b cause the percentage of banks which pay in full for checks presented through the malls Is 99.6 in Virginia, 99.4 in West Virginia and 66.6 per cent in South Carolina, “Shackelford continued. “North Carolina is out of step with other progressive states In the failure of many Tar Heel banks to clear checks at face value, and the public Is un necessarily suffering because of it. Par banks would be derelict in their duty if they >did not use every effort to eliminate, this costly and unjustified ex pense for their customers,” he concluded. CkCa MAIN OFFICE — 431 EAST PETTIGREW STREET Phones 5-0671 and 2-2S1S — Durham, North Carolina Published At Durham, North Carolina Every Saturdav Bti THE UNITED PUBLISHERS, Inc. Entered as second class matter at the Post 0//ice of Durham, North Carolina der the Act of March 3,1879. Ij* E. AUSTIN, PublislMf CLATHAN ROSS, Editor JESSE GRAY, AdvertMna Mar M. E. JOHNSON, Controller ‘•HT- WINSTON-SALEM OFFICE — 3«4 N. CHURCH ST. — PHONE S-dltt MRS. VELMA HOPKINS, Monagtr SUBSCEIPTION BATES^ One Year Ten Cents Single Copy Six Months $4.00 — Foreign Countries. Anglican Bishop Sohres Boycott JOHANNESBURG, So. Afri ca—Anglican Bishop Richard Ambrose Reeves of Johaimes- burg played an important part in persuading Africans to end a three-month boycott of pub lic buses started after a fare raise. After he had conferred with boycott leaders and local Na tive Affairs officials, the Afri can workers agreed to a com promise proposed by the Jo hannesburg Chamber of Com merce, which offered to subsi dize the raise in fare. Earlier, they had erected a similar pro posal. The boycott began January 7 after the transit company an nounced a penny raise In fare for the ten-mlle ride between Johannesburg and Alexandra Township, a segregated area where 80,000 Africans have their dwellings. Leaders of the boycott contended that since the government forced them to live far from their work, it should bear transportation costs. They have agreed to buy from the Chamber of Commerce for four pence bus coupons worth five pence, the fare demanded by the bus line. Bishop Reeves’ part in ending the boycott Is re garded here as a triumph of peaceful reasoning over antago nlstlc coercion. "And he cast oat many de mons...” Hlark 1;S4. Christ has power over de mons or manifestations of the unholy spirit. All too often we allow the dark powers of the unholy spirit to dwell iii our minds, hearts and souls. And it is so easy for this unholy spirit to invade and occupy our souls. A fit of anger and the Holy Spirit is gone and the ugly de monic power is in our souls. My friends, it is a spiritual impossi bility to have the HOLY and the unholy spirit at the same time. One demon is bad enough. Sometimes several demons en ter and possesses our souls. Thank God Jesus has power over demons. And what a bles sing that he gives us teis same power over the ugly demonic powers which enter our souls. Those who really give them selves to Jesus are given pow er over the dark demonic for ces of evil. In the new birth or regeneration, the soul is purged of sin and evil. In this act, the Holy Spirit comes into the soul for sanctification. We are i>ar- doned. And we are given the power of Holy living. Christ gives to the redeemed soul pow er over demons. He promised the disciples power over all evil. In the act of giving our selves to God, we are given, God’s power to overcome e-vil demonic powers and influences.' How can I fight these dark, ugly powers in my soul? How can I overcome and rout the evil, demonic powers in others? The i>ower of the Holy Spirit helps us to cast out and over come demons. Only the mightier power of love can cast out and overcome the evil, demonie pewM« in our own souls and in the souls of others. The life of Jesus demon strated this great spiritual truth. The .Gospel teaches this great spiritual truth. Thank God that tBere is a power to rout and cast out evil. Love overcomes evil. Love drives out evil. Evil is blind and unreasoning. Evil enslaves and destroys. Evil in its blind unreasoning finally kills itself. It carries the seed of destruction in its very na ture. ’Thus the Love of God in Christ Jesus can cast out and defeat evil, lliie Love of God that offers itself on Calvary’s Cross is a power to defeat and cast out demons in our souls. Yes, God’s love, a love that loves the unlovely, has power to cast out demonic powers in our souls. He...“Cast out many de mons...” And we, too, in him, have the power to cast out and defeat demons. Demons make men mad, furi ous and destructive. Demons make your sool-tr battleground. The demons bring death to the soul. The Holy Spirit gives “LIFE AND PEACE" to the souls of men. The lo-ve of God drives out the demons and leaves God's ]>eace and Joy in your soul. • By R^kwt Sirivaek Watch on ilie Potomac FolWUlti !0 Civil Rights Join Mr. Spivaek THAT BIG, BAD BUDGET— Everybody wants taxes cut. Every politician wants credit for cutting taxes. But whosf taxes should be cut? Where is the fat in the national bugdet? Here we are barely six months after a bitter national eleOtion and we find Republi cans screaming “too big”, while the Democrats are busily defen ding “Ike” Eisenhower's tional budget. It sounds crazy and it is crazy. Certainly no well informed Washington correspondent will doubt that there is tremendous waste in many branches of federal operations. There have ben countless congressioiial in- vestlgatlons of this subject and the objective Inquiries always end up pointing the finger in one direction: the biggest source of waste is in the D^ense Dept. But there is hardly a member of Congress who will get up and talk about it. Yet 60 per cent of your tax dollar goes for “na tional aecurity” projects. How much military money is mis spent or sheer waste we shall probably never know. You invent an A-bomb and within a year or two it’s out- mod^. ThMi you invent an B bomb. Pretty soon it's out of date. 'Hien the guided mi«nn» and on and on and on. Does anyone propose taking a long, hard look at defense spending? Of course not. Ihe fear of Communist aggression and infiltration is real enough. But sometimes one wonders if the Soviet arms-makers and our armament manufacturers are in cahoots. Each seems to be say ing, "You’ll throw a scare into our country and we’ll throw a scare into yours and we’ll both be prosperous.” While the pace of the arms race quickens, the battle for better schools proceeds with the speed of a snalL We hear solemn warnings from such “statesmen” as Sen. Byrd of Virginia and Bridges of New Hampshire that welfare pro grams must be trimmed so that the “children of the future” will have a solvent government But Is that really the choice? LOOKING AT IT THBOCGH BANKKBS’ ms When Treasury Secretary George M. Humphrey and Un-: dersecretary Randolph Burgess talk of making cuts they are looking at the problem through bankers* eyes. Helping to build schools or raising the living standard in backward countries are not the kind of Investments which pay quick or certain dividends. Here again we return to this matter of armaments. Humph rey and Burgess, when spaaUng of foreign aid, do not incltide military “hardware”-jet planes to Kkig Saud or tanks for other Arab potentates. They m—« to cut down the things that mi^t eliminate disease, trachoma, and malnutrition in those countries. And ^~whefc—tfe*— right-'vrtag propagandist talk of tax cuts, they dtm’t necessarily mean you and me. A good medumic, with a wife and two chUdrea, who earns $5,000 a year pays $416 in taxes. But a stockholder in a big corporation with the same income would pay only $206 in taxes. And if he derived it from royalties on oil wells he’d pay less. IS THE BDDOET TOO BIG? Granted that there is con siderable waste and Inefficiency, not to mention special privileges for certain segments of big in dustry, is the budget too big? Most economists seem to think it has Just about kept pace with (1) our growing population and (2) our expanding economy. The fact seems to be that, per centage-wise, the 1958 budget has shrunk from one-fifth of national output in 1954 to one- sixth right now. None of this, of course, is con soling to people who f^l that their taxes are too hl^. But if we are going to cut, the place would appear to be In those military areas which were de scribed. as “operation rat-hole.” Certainly the place is not in schools, social security, old age pensions and similar projects where we now spend leas than a one-third of our tax dollar. The suggestion that military outlays could be made more efficient may stir up a brand new ocmtroversy, bnt we are in* cllaed to go along With the guy K^ho said of gnns and bombs, “Let’s get more bang for a buck.”

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