( PAGE SEC Marine Fvt. Evans L. Hamil ton, MU of Mr. and Mrs. E. ti. Hamilton o( 113 GtbiM St., Hen dersonville, la coBfratulated py his battalion commander, Lt. Col. O. T. Jensen, ufion Inteicra- tlnf into the regular Marine Corps April S. A former student of Hender- sonvlllc High School, Hamilton enlisted in the Marine Corps Re- ^rve In January and Joined the “regular” upon completion of recruit training. BISHOP J. W. L BOWEN FINA15 SPEAKER FOR BENNEHCOUEGE GREENSBORO One ot the nation’s outstand ing Methodist bishops and the president of the nation'!! leading Methodist-related institutions of higher learning will deliver the major addresses during the 84th commencement exer4f^s at Bennett Cbliege, May 26 and 27 Speaker at the baccalaurcate exercises at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 26, will be BmIiop J. W. E Bowen of Atlanta, Georgia. The commencement address will be delivered by Dr. Arthur S Fleming, president of Ohio Wes- 1- y?n Univenity, Delawnre, Ohio. Both programs will be held in Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel. This year’s class, with a pre sent potential of 108 candidates, will be the largest in the his tory of the college. Commencement Week activi ties will begin on Friday, May 25, with class day exercises at 3 p.m. At 8 p.m., there will l>e the Theatre Guild production of Sophocles’ "EUectra,” from the translation by Francis Fergu son. On Saturday, May 25, the Graduate Association will meet at 10 a.m., followed at 1 p.m. THE CAROLINA TIME.« SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1957 ‘oday. I The countywide drive is sche uled to open May 1, and is de igned to bring jl maximum o 'aik vaccine protMtion t( housands of children am idults before the crippling dis ■ase can stage its 1957 appear jnce. The mass immunization pro '{ram is sponsored by the mem bers of the Dwrham Count; Chapter, National Foundatior for Infantile Paralysis. It de veloped as a result of theii alarm over the number of resi dents of susceptible age in Dur ham County who are still un vaccinated against paralytic polio. The vaccination program has the wholehearted endorse ment of the Polio Committee, Durham-Orange County Medi cal Society and the Durham County Health D>»partment. Business, professional, civic and social leaders are expected to help organize the program and urge vaccinations within their own groups throughout the community. Many private con cerns have already started pro grams within their own compa nies—others will follow. W. P. Budd, Jr., chairman of the Durham County Chapter, NFIP pledged an all out effort of the local chapter. He said, "We are conviced this is one of the most urgent efforts ever un dertaken by our community. We’ve simply got to make the people aware of the danger they are In without Salk shots.” Mr. Budd said that the coun ty heailh department records showed that 74 per cent of the white children and 47 per cent of the Negro children of our county have had at least one shot. We must get 100 per cent immunization ol our children. Then there is the group be tween 20 and 40. During 1956 this group was hard hit by polio. In Durham County over 30 per cent of the cases reported were 20 years and over. by the -All-Bennett Luncheon which will highlight the unions of the classes of 1932 1937, 19i7, and 1952. The an nual concert by the senior choir will be heard at 8 p.m. in Pfeif fer Chapel. This will be follewed at 0:30 by the traditional cam pus illumination. Members of the National Council of Bennett Parents will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday May 26 and Alpha Kappa Mu honor society will meet at 10 a.m. Following the baccalau reate sermon at 4 p.m., there will be the President’s Recep tion, Tiie commencement program on Monday, May 27, will begin at 10:30 a.m. in Pleiifer Chapel. Vaccinate Before It's Too Late Doctor Says A “saturation-goal” polio vac cination program for Durham County was announced here CLYBURN’S GULF SERVICE WASH — OEEASE — SIMONlZmC 1401 Eaat Vint Sinmt At ClarMnmt Phone PA. 4-4S72 WINSTON-SALEBf, N. C. Roland Williams, fireman, VSN, is serving In the Engi neering Department aboard the Anti-Submarine Warfare sup port aircraft carriw IfSS Antietam, which is undergoing alterations at the Naval Ship yards, Portsmouth, Va., and will move to Mayport, Fla., in April. Williams is the sen of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Williams of Route 3, Box 840, and husband of the former Miss Mary Mc Pherson, all of Elizabeth City BMore entering the aervice In March 1956, he attended P. W. Moore High School and was employed by the Tidewater Con- stmotion Company. A. & T. College Student Killed In Auto Mishap An A&T College student was killed in an auto crash in Florida on Friday, April 10. Walker Stewart, East Bra denton, Fla., a senior in Soci ology at the college, was fatally injured in an accident involving the car he was driving and a heavy truck used in the trans portation of fruit. Scant details reaching the college indicate that his 1955 Pontiac crashed into the rear of the truck at Brooksville, Fla., Kentucky Bourbon $275 PINT years old 4/5 QT, STEA16HT KENTQCR BOOIBON OKTIUIO • ■omxo IV ANCIINT AOt DISTII.LINO CO niANKFORT KOmiOW SOUTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY Complete Home Furnishers Phlleo and G. E. l^vlilen Antonatle Wndien and BaCrlgccston Low Pricei—Easy Tkrms — FREE PARKING — Southern Fnmd^iire CompanT \ DIAL rA. s-itn 12*1 Nora Ubirtr Street WIN8T0N-SALIM. N. O. LEE'S SHOE STORE “Shoes From Cradle t To €!oUiege Specializing in chAoken’^ and LADIES SHOES Fleet Air Arch Line Shoes Z13 West Fomth Street PHONE PA. 3-2871 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY, 86 PROOF ANCIENT AGE DISTIUING CO, FRANKFORT. KY. Forsyth Finance Company FUBNiniRB AND AUTO LOANS tl5.M TO fSM Ph^ PA. s-im 4SS North Main Street WDfSTON-SALnH, N. O. Just- 100-miles north of his hometown. He died Instantly. Stewart was alone at the time A thv awJidout. lie l*ad left the college on the previous day foi the trip home over the holidays. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Stewart, Sr., who live at 636 Third Street hi East Bra dcnton. A popular student about the pampas, young Stewart en tered the college a few years back and had his training in terrupted by a military stint. 15,000 Expected For State Band Festival May 2 GREENSBORO The annual State School Band Festival, to be held here at A&T College on Thursday, May 2, will draw more than 1,500 young musicians from through out North Carolina. Waiter F. Carlson, Jr., direc tor of bands at A&T College and in charge of local arrangements for the meet, told reporters that the youngsters represent 54 school bands and 4 orchestras wiiicii huve earned high ratings in recent District Festivals held about the State. The one-day meet is being sponsored by the North Caro lina Band Directors Assoclatit)n. The youngsters will begin blowing horns and beating drums at 8:00 A.M., and will continue through most of the day, all aimed at gaining “I” ratings for their respective units. Bands of “A” and “C” classi fications will perform in the Harrison Auditorium and bands of "B” classifications, solo in- strucentalists and ensembles will perform in the adjacent Crosby Hall. The late afternoon program calls for a critique conference between judges and band direc tors and a social hour for the Sgt. James R. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Jr.i and husband of the former Mias B. Wyite, all of 509 Cham berlain St., Raleigh, took part in a desert field exercise at Twentynlne Palms, Calif., on March 21-28. An artillery man with the 1st Marine Division’s 11th Regi ment, he helped provide artillery support for Infantrymen of the division daring training maneu- vers. After the exercise he returned to Camp Pendleton, Calif., home of the 1st Division. participants. Judges lor the event include: H. E. Pickard, director ol bands, Winston-Salem Teachers Col lege, Winston-Salem; R. H. L. Jones, assistant director ol bands, A&T College; Herbert Hazelman, director of instru mental music, Greensboro Pub lic Schools and Dr. F. N. Gat lin, head, Music Department, Virginia State College, Peters burg, Virginia. MABT’S GBILL Hease Ceeked Meala Grade “A” Bwtaanmt and Service Phone FA. 5-9111 1117 Bast rath Street' Virginia Buys Land From Hampton Inst. HAMPTON. Va Hampton Institute, which sought an immediate injunction last September against the Vir ginia State Highway .Depart ment to halt construction of the Hampton Roads bridge-tunnel access road across its property, has reached an agreement deed ing 93.93 acres to the State tor $290,000. In the* petition for an injunct ion, the institute originally named Nello L. Teer and the Bower Construction Co., both of North Carolina, as co-defen dants. The school based its ac tion on an old State statute that prevents condemnation for highway purposes any, educa tional institutional land within, 500 feet of a buUding used for educational purposes. ELLINGTON SNACK SHOP LUlie Ellington, Mgr. “Oeed Hobm Oertdag” Hours: 6 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. S23 Soath Olareaieat Atmm Phone PA. 4-1375 WInaton-Salem, N. C. SEVEN STAR 90 PROOF G*W SEVEN S1AR 4/5 WNT «/i *«*)»*** »o rRoer SEVEN STAII, »UNDEO WHISKEY, 90 ntoor. 37H% STKAIOHT WHISKFf. 6 VEAlS on MO«f OID. OMtH NH> THAI Wimn. OOODEIHAM t WORTS ITD.. PEORIA, IlL NEW METHOD UINDRY And Dry Cl^nerw Quality - Service 405 Roxltoro St. DIAL (»959 “Believe me, Mister, when SOUTHBBN FIDELITY MUTUAL INSUBANCX COMPANT write* Tour General Intarance'you ALWAYS get pnm^ pay- mention on a claim. PHONE S^l Southmi Fidelity Mutual Insuraiice Gimpaiiy 527 EUI STBER DUBHAM, N. C. A COMPLETE ELECTRIC AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DUKE POWER COMPANY DIAL2151 Comer Mangnm and Parriih Streets Chie Account Clothes The Entire Family **EASY TERMS*' THE ROYAL CLOTHING COMPANY 330^ West Main St. FOB BEAL ESTATE, RENTING INSURANCE, REPAIRS AND BUILDING SUPPLIES See Union Insurance And Realty Co. 814 FATBTTEVHUC ST. TELEPHONE S^WZl DUBHAM, N. C. The upshot ol the matter was a deed recorded last'week in the office ol C. M. Gibson, Hamp ton clerk of courts, which shows the State bought the property. The deed merely states the sale was consumated “for $1 and other good and valuable con sideration.” The bridge-tunnel access ro&d .now will become the east boun dary of Hampton Institute. X>iscussing the settlement price, Hampton" Institute’s Presi dent Alonzo G. Moron said that consideration was given to the damage to the fruit trees and to ,the dairy farm on the land in question. The dairy farm was part of the agriculture school, discontinued two years ago. Dr. Moron said that the dairy will be abandoned, but the adjacent land will be maintained as a horticultural farm. “We hate to give up the land”, commented Dr. Mor(Sl), “but we recognize it is for a public purpose and public use.” if Iron Deficltncy Ah«mIo Hat Sapped Yovr Straagth 5.5.5. Tonic builds better health .. . strengthens weak blood. S.S.S. Tonic/ made of Nature’s own rooti and herbs, has vital iron to build rich, red blood. So givt your whole family an energy lift . . . get back your -pep. 5.5.5. Tonic makes yoii feel good again iEast... or your money back. Now io liquid or taUets ... at all drug counters. SAVE I Buy the large economy size! CLARA WARD Famous Gospel Sinser, Miya, "II yoa'r* wtary and uure’i no song in your htart, you may be tired and slowed down bo- komieeflto^ DdMNOCy Anemia. Try Tooii to budd blood. VODKA 4/i QUABT $3.9S $2.50 PINT 80 Proof. Also 100 Proof. Mede from Grain by L. Relsky & Cie. Cockeysville, Md., U.S.A. 1 HOW martin IZINC FOB m mg yfCLBANPtO AMD MEBiTlCB. *** STBBBt FIVB POINTS FUEL OH, - KEROSgMi >■1217 ■■ MUYiau met^bed DEUViaiY " vAina HnxgBOBO BOAB BANKERS’ FIRE I^JRAIVCE COMPANY Solid ConserTatiTe l^ependable Dnrham, Nmtli Catellaa