V PAGE SIX THE CAltOLlNA TIMES SATUBDAT, MAT 11, 1IS7 Births In Durham For April 29*May 4 The ' loHowing ibinths were reported to the Durham City and County Health Department during the we6k of April 28 through May 4. Rufua and Margie Rochelle, boy. George and Callie Glenn, boy. Darnell and Cora Parker, girl. Joe and Annie Glaico, boy. Wilbert and . Pauline Hooker, boy. David and Juanita Salters, boy. Henry and Minnie Wil- liami, girl. James and Gwendo lyn Rankin, girl. Mack and Mary McCray, girl. Robert and Isabella Hester, girl. Charles and Betty Malloy, boy. Roose velt and Carol Weeks, Ijoy. Cur tis and Patricia Nicholson, girl. William and Margaret Allen, girl. James and Mary Jones, Maid Sacrifices Job Because "Jesus Needs Me In Washington" May 19 NEW YORK The care worn lady in her lilties walked out of the Bronx tenement building and sought the IRT Subway going down town to her “day’s work” Job. As she got to the yawning open ing with the clattering trains roaring below, she stopped and purchased a local weekly gaz ette. The headline read "WE'LL, MARCH”—King. She read the story slowly, spelling out the words as her bifocals scanned the page. At her job, she approached ' her boss, "Mr. Harry”. He had another name, but she’d been in the household now for over thirty years and in the course of time, he’d come to be known only as "Mr. Harry” and hii wife as "Mrs. Irene.” “Mr. Harry”, I'd like to take a day off,” she began. “When, today?” he asked almost shock ed. “No, no, on May 17,” she hastily replied. After thinking a while, he came back with, “Laura; you know that’s th« day our little girl is coming back home from school and we need you here and that’s all there is to that.” Laura looked at her boss of nearly half a century and Calm ly replied: “Jesus needs me in Washington much more than you need me here. If you won’t let me go. I’ll take the day.” The boss didn’t flinch: "Very well, Laura, then as I understand it, your services terminate on the sixteenth.” “Laura, what’s all this I hear about you leaving us,” "Mrs. Irene” inquired. “Well, 1 intend to go to Washington, that’s all.” The reply was soothing and genial, "Oh, Laura, you know we can’t live here without your help. Can I give you anything to help you get down there?'* The answer was firm, resoute and proud: "Thank you ma’am, NO.” This is a fight for man's rights that leads us all to Washington The lady, whose name we could not use although the story is absolutely valid, showed that she was ready to stand for her rights. This Is important in view of all the arguments advanced about how "ready” the Negro is for his rights. Using Laura as a measuring rod...we’re ready, Let’s go to Washington and show ’THEM that we are. OVERTONES ■Ttorsiswr fAtiSSSi F.S.T. Announces Commencement Speakers FAYETTEVILLE According to Dr. Rudolph Jones, President of the Fayette ville State Teachers College, the Fayetteville Class of ‘57 will hear at the finals this year dis tinguished leaders in their cho sen fields of religion and of education. The Class of '57 has chosen as the Cap and Gown Day speaker for Friday noon. May 31, W. R. Collins, for 28 years principal of the Jotuiston Coun ty Training School at Smlth- field. He holds several positions in education at the state and national levels. The speaker for the baccalau reate services on Sunday, June 2, at :400 o’clock in the after' noon is Dr. L. S. Holloman who has just rounded out a forty-year period as pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Washington, D. C. A dynamic pulpiteer of wide experience, he is active in the work of the bott Clfly B&ptUl' Timrdf the! Twister | is toniado tlnM. J In tfaa unstable transition from | winter cold (o Mtminn heat. , (r«at masses o and warm air eoUda. Wbm be heavierj oold air is forced above the light*, •r warm air, funnris sometlniM form to r«U*Ts ttie topsy-turvjr-.( situatiaa. This Is the twister. • • • BOMB IN TOKNADOU bofl Op each year in the United States. When they strike, local civil de> tense and the Red Cross speed to' the rescue. SpriBf Is the lime fer a apeolal weather ere to Ibe tomado-epawnliic soatliwest iMBt rear, (or Inslaace, every > major toniado eoonrrad be> ( twees Febmary a>d May. Oa one day—^AprU 1—fe" fiant twisters killed M persons, to- i I jared 415 aad caused an estt- { mated |U,760,0«0 damafe. There is no way to prevent a tornado. But early warning, prop er precautions and speedy reicue of victims can save lives. In ad- dltloo, disaster funds adminis tered by the Federal CivU Defense Administration can provide emergency repairs and restora tion of vital community facili ties when Federal assistance is authorized by the {^resident to augment State and local efforts. ment address will be delivered by Dr. Stephen J. Wright, Presi dent of the Bluefleld State Col' lege at Bluefleld, West Virginia and President-elect of Fisk University in Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Wright has held a number of administrative posts and Is one of the country’s foremost educators. TYPICAL TORNADO fomiel sweeps across the plains nesr Manhat- taa, Kan., locatad la the worst tornado belt in the world, according to Weather Bareaa records. Twisters such as this have figured prominently In the total of 7S major natural diaasters In which the Federal Civil Defense Admlnistratiwtt has directed relief sinoe FCDA got the job 9t coordinating Federal assistance In January UM. (U B. WMthar Photo Iqr H. B. Oals) lUCHERS FROM FIVE STATES TO AHEND SUHMEK INSTITUTE Fifty-eight teachers of science and mathematics from five "Poreliif Mission Convention, the New England Baptist Missionary Convention, and the National Baptist Convention. At the commencement exer cises on Tuesday, June 4 at 11:00 o’clock, the commence' Rev. Galloway And Church At Piney Grove WINSTON-SALEM Wednesday night, Piney Grove welcomed the Rev. Roosevelt Galloway and members of Rey nolds Community Church. Mrs. Nanie Covington acted as mis tress of ceremonies. Friendship Baptist Church and the Rev. William Franklin Stokes, Jr., will be worship guest Thursday, May 2nd. Mrs. Jessie Parks will be mistress of ceremonics With O. V. Smith delivering the welcome address and music by Mrs. Irene Black, soloist and the guest choir. On Friday, May 3rd, the Rev. W. A. Coleman and members of St. Mark Baptist Church, sponsored by the Sr. and Jr. Choirs of Piney Grove Church, will constitute the program, with Mrs. Helen Smith as M.C. Miss Shirley Kiser, Mrs. Doro thy Payne, soloists, and the guest choir will furnish music. The Rev. J. E. Wade and members of Pilgrim Baptist Church of Martinsville, .Va., (sponsored by the Trustee Board and Pastor’s Aid) will conclude the anniversary cele bration Sunday, May Sth, at 3 p.m. Mrs. S. Brown will serve as mistress of ceremonies; Jef ferson Joyce and David Miller, will each sing solos, while Fer' nell Black will deltver the wel come address. CLYBURN’g GUU* SERVICE WASH — GBIAI^ — SIMONIZING 1401 EMt FInt StiMt At Clanment Phone PA. 4-4572 WINSTON-SAI^M, N. C. Clip this coupon and lend for ■ FREE SAMPLE of this powdsr. OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. CO. 3«4f S. STATE STREET CHICAGO 9. nx. PIms* send me ■ FREE Sample (State Shade Desired) □ Nut-Brown □ High-Brown □ OIiv»-Tan □ Creole-Tan Name : Address. City SUte. ATLANTIC PHARMACY CITY-WIDB DELIVERY ON: • SICK ROOM SUPPLIES • PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ON PRESCRIPTIONS • REGISTERED PHARMACISTS ON DUTY AT ALL ALL TIMES ATLANTIC PHARMACY 301 J«.-CHURCH^ST. DIAL PA. 5-4371 PARK TILFORD REBERirE m PisrIOOIAm •iOaslHy W3HSJOT . luiifliar «« ntuTMi spiriti fARK A TILFORD DISTILLERS CORPORMIIONi'LOUISVILLE. KT SOUTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY Complete Home Furnishers Phlleo and O. E. Televisleii Antonatic Washers and BefrlgenUors Low Prices—Easy Terms — FBBB PAB^O — Southern Furnitiire Company DIAL PA. s-isoi IMl North UbertT Mreet ■ ■ liUf. ^ WENBTON-BAlil M. G. LEE'S SHOE STORE “Shoes From Cradle To College Rpn«»iaU»ino in CHttJ>BEN’^ AND LADIES SHOES Fleet Air Arch Line Shoes 213 West Fourth Street PHONE PA 3-2871 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Forsyth Finance Company FUKNTTCRB AND AUTO LOANS •1S.M TO $SN Phone PA. S-IUS 4SS Nerth Mahi Street WmSTON-BALBII. N. O. NEW METHOD LAUNDRY And Dry Cl^merfi Quality - Senriee 405 Roxboro St. DIAL 6959 “Believe me, Mistar, when SOUTHKBN FIDKLITT MUTUAL INSUBANCl COMPANY writw your General Insurance you ALWAYS get prom^ pay- mention on a claim. PHONE 3-3U1 Southon Fidelity Matuallnsnraiice Company S27 BLM SniR DUBHAM. N. C states will attend the Science and Mathematics Institute at North Carolina College, June 10 through July 20. The teachers come from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Teimessee, and Flori da. The National Science Founda tion awarded NCC a grant of $S5,700 for the institute. NCC is one of 55 colleges and univer sities throughout the country to receive such grants. Dr. W. H. Robinson, Profes sor of Physics, is in charge of the project. Three NCC professors. Dr. T. E. Malone, Biology, Dr. Mar jorie L. Browne, Mathematics, and Dr. Ezra Totton, Chemistry, will form the core of a teaching staff to be supplemented by four outstanding visiting professors in each field. Teachers who will participate in this summer’s program are: NOBTH CABOLINA—Durham: Frank H. Alston, Thurman D. Clark, Thomas M. Davis, Mar tha V. Dooms, and Joseph S. Parker. Baleigh: Benjamin T. Bullock, Virginia L. Newell, and Thomas Crumby. Fayette viUe: William T. Brown, Sarah R. Deberry, and Darliu John son, Jr. Greensboro: Clara H. Echols, and George J. Foster. Charlotte: Joseph C. Belton, Mattie L. Solice, Emma S. Jones, Theodore G. Stewart, Jerry H. Flack, and Paul W Johnson. Roxboro: Herman W. Smith, Jr., and Robert C. Wil liams. Oxford: Roy L. Bass and George R. King. Elisabeth City: Gloria M. Cooper. YanceyvUle Virginia A. Dixr Also, Supply: AUene Jotmson, Greenville: Alan E. Murrell. Ahoskle: Margaret W. Artis. Graham: Josetfti E. Belton. Gastonia: Moses A. E. Blair. Williamston: Bernard C. Brink ley. Wlnsten-Salem: Rachey J. Campbell. Hookerton: Leroy Connor. LeaksvUle: Clyde E. Fowlkes. Sunbury: Smith N. Knight. Burlington: John H. Malloy. High Folnt: Charles E. Morris, Jr.; Bethel: James A. Armlstead. Statesville; George F. Dalton. Wlnton: Richard E. Gadsden. Carthage: Narcissus H. Goins. New Bern: Warren G Keyes. The other states and their representatives are SOUTH CAROLINA—WilUe H. Barr. Anderson; James A. Blake, Ma rion; Lizzie Boyd, Newberry; Harold Jackson, Donalds; Mary E. Payton, Orangeburg: Jacque line Medford, Lanca^r; Wil liam C. Richardson, Conway; Adelle Stewart, Orangeburg; Elizabeth Truman, McCormick; and Elsie A. Wingfield, N. Au gusta. VIRGINIA—Fannie C. Owens, Danville; Floyd Con ard and Hunter D. Hamlett, Lynchburg. TENNESSEE—Con nie E. Dallis, Chattanooga. ITiORIDA—Samuel F. Smith, Orlando. About 4,500 United States teachers are expected to benefit from the program. G&W SEVEN STAR 90 PROOF u - ass G«W SEVEN m- «/l PINT «/■ or a ***** * *0 raoor GVBNEY P. HOOD Banker Elected Shaw Trustee RALEIGH Dr. William R. Strassner, president of Shaw University, has announced that Gumey P. Hood, president. Hood System Industrial Bank, Raleigh, has been elected to the University trustee board. Other appoint ments to the board are as fol lows: Judge Armond W. Scott, associate Judge of the Munici pal Court for the District of Co lumbia; Harold T. Graves, vice- president, Sumit Trust Com pany, Sumit, New Jersey. Dr. L. E. McCauley of Raleigh, who has served on the board for a number of years, was made general chairman in place of Dr. George O. Bullock of Washing ton, D. C. who was named Trus tee Emeritus. »IVIN JTAK. UINOeO WMISKIY, »0 moor. 37VMI »T«AIOHT WHISKEY. 6 YIAM OK MOU.OLO. 62W% ORAIN NEU- TKM (MMU. OOOOBHAM & WOKTS iTD, rEOIIA. ItL BERGAMOT CONDITIONER 10 iVBSTiTUTt A COMPLETE ELECTRIC AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DUKE POWER COMPANY DIAL 2151 Comer Mangmn and Parrish Street! Personal Loans S10.00 to $100.01) LINCOLN LOAN COMPANY LOANS ON PERSONAL SIGNATURE AND SECUBITY 229 North Main Street PHONE PA. 5-0471 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. A&T Alumni Meeting May 18 GREENSBORO The annual meeting of the A&T College Alumni Associ ation, Inc., will be held at the college on Saturday, May 18',* beginning at 10:00 A.M. The meeting will be held in Col- trane Hall auditorium. E. E. Waddell, Albemarle, is ^tional president of thfe group. The program calls for installa tion of new officers being elect ed for the first time by mail ball6i,'^ luncheon and general business of the Association. Winston-Salem Day Observed A. & T. College GREENSBORO Nearly 200-students, all na tives of Winston-Salem, atten ding colleges in North Caro lina and Virginia participated in annual "Winston-Salem Day” here recently. The event, sponsored by the A&T College Winston-Salem Club, featured a full day of ac tivity which included; a talent show, a band concert by the Carver High School Band of Winston-Salem, demonstration by the Army ROTC drill team and a dance. Jdyce Lorick, a senior in the A&T College of Nursing, was crowned as “Miss Winston-Salem." Arrangements for the event was handled tin der the direction of Robert L. Stephens, president of the Win ston-Salem Club. Amders Grocery NiOhe Weatem Meals Fine Fresh Groceries Phone PA. S-M47 11S5 Cameron Avenne Wlnaton-Salain, N. C. FOB In BEAL ESTATE, BENTING INSURANCE, BEPAIBS AND BUILDING SUPPLIES See Union Insurance And Realty Co. 814 FAYETTEVILLB ST. TELEPHONE 3-CS21 DUBHAM, N. C. VODKA 4/s QUABT $3.95 $2.50 PINT 80 Proof. Also 100 Proof. Made from Grain by L. Ralsky & Cie, Cockeysville, Md., U.S.A. 1 HOUR jMARTINIZING POB THB BUT fif DVT O^AMlIfO AMD anencs. 4f« WEST MAIN 8TBBBT riTl POIIfTS FUEL OIL - KEROSENE METf^lED DEUVERy ■" a L BONDia) 8-1217 ■■ DSIVEK£ «L imOMB m nfMAQM TANKS FOB eaw.* KBNAN OIL COMP ANT BANKERS’nRE IMJRANCE (XAIPANY Solid ConserTaiiye Dependable Dnrliam, North Carolina I

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