ChiimMn Is Elected Head Of Natio# Ikntists' Body th. ‘ o#fi«cr* ol Utt Vf» 11* rlfht, MeadanMs E. C. V«ald«ii, Bkrnes, 2nd vice presideat, AmlUary of the Natl«iul|lit yl«e pretideat, B«ltimore; T. Lanrel, Miss.; H. B. Moore, re- SMIMI AMMiKliM took tiaM 3. , Caller, prcsidant, Hoi cordlof secretary, South Pltts- •■I* f>» C»h» hnak dtoiBC laiil Sfrihfs; B. Chester He^enan, biirf, Tenn.; and A. A. Daltoo, grtu ImiMm at Mllinutke%] 9»esl4«iit-elect, Deiroit; T. J. put president, Liaia, Ohio. ladtM are. lelti i SM Opening Conference Of A&T Facuhy To Hear Official Pran ynBe^Skitei Office Of Educatioi convention ! a; nil ' IW, GRKENSBOHO A pror|ili>ant government ofll- cial 1* ■ ed«cati^ wHl keynote the annua) Pre-Session FacnHy- Sftlf Orientation CDufereoce at Aie!r. C61)«8e, Saptembat Dti Ambrose Caliver, chief, Adul^Section, Office i of Educa- _ * tion, p. 9. Department of Heaith, 2 Hehn^io* and WeUare, Wash- iagtoo, D, C.r will spealc to the ' *grovq;} on Monday, September 8. ..lAj, A native of Virginia, he ii a Ijraduate oi Knoxville College 0k,. and h«lds the Master's- degree KS'ip tl>e^jtrnive*«ity «£ Wiscon- - and the Doctorate degree Ccdiunbia University. He' entered the U. S. Department of ^ Jlduc§,ti09 in 1S30 and was olo vated to his present post in 1950. i>oUfiwiB8 the address a series ol inuiUer ^oup conferences 1)1^. be toadueted along the JiU . the conference, “By '^hal Meihs May AftT College perform Most Bfftetively Its- Prima^ Functions: Instruction, Reseaijjw and Public Service.” The conference gets underway earty Saturday with the annual message by Dr. Warmoth T Otbbs, preiiid6nt of' the colleae The Saturday pn/gram also ca)l|^ for a tonr of the campus fa^ilitie» ’ and the qjty^or new faculty and staff meiifil^rs add a Get-Ac- ,;^ainted Social that evening. The President’s Dinner, honoring the group, will be held la Muririiy Hall on Sunday, afCern«>on at 5:00 o’clock. Oratorloal Excellence.-bronght Qrand Lodge F&AM of Teim. ■■ Thfi pnnferpnpp rtrnwa close OB Tuesday afternoon fol^ lowing meetings of the faculties of .'the several Schools. A.&T. Teacher Earns Degree IniducaiMi J OnBBNSBORO Allwrt Wi Spruill, Assistant Prodbssor of Eduration in the Gmduat« School at North Cato- ^ lin* A. St T. College will reeeive , the Doctor of Bducation Degree j ,y iratk Cornell Univ^sity In ‘ SeitMnber at the close of t)ie ^^''T’/Sumnifcr' S*m I 1 ' Sumnibr' Semester. SjpruUl, who sAK^sl^ed in >1 Agrt^Hu^al B|ucatt^n with exT. 'c,, t«()lfve mimm in ^u^ation«I Adifeisl^ion and RavM, o&3^ ompleted all j^uire* /neats on July 18. A native of Columbia, NmMh Gan^na, Spruill gradoeted trom the. TVrrell County Trataing ^cMffJ'in 1944. lit Ic !(/ i ^ ^iftniU’s dissertation which wap done in Sociology has been ii^;!6u^cd by his professors as * si;iS>incant «orM in race rel». tbiMi The title of the study. 'fCoWsqtt^ces Encountered' By> Neflto-IVechers In The Process of Des^egation of Scheels In FoM Southern States.” Frefcbsor Spruill has held for> me» teaching positions with the North, Carolina Agricultural Ex' tcnitoti Service, Mississippi Vo cational College, Tuskegee In stitute, and graduate assistant at CfoinW University. He is a mem ber Ml Theta Chapter of Phi Del^ ta I^ppa, a national, sdueatlonel honorary fraternity. Who’s Who' in Ajnerican Education, and The American Association oif Uaiver- s^y professors. t|Urty-two old AVf tavUfuet iir married to the eiiarming former Flordelia Kav' rMi^a#lU)Xfaore. Thej^ have eti» •on, Albert Jr. pinauot uniles to the faces of the three 4-B’ers, currently attending the 4-d Short Course at Tennessee State University, wAo won the first, second and third place Annual Prince Ball Masonic Scholarship. Awards, being pre^ sentcd'by Tennessee State Uni versity’s spee^ and drama head Dr. Hionus E. Poag, (right) edttcotloii conimisslon director of MhHWwt 'WesaMpfol prince Hall (Left to right) S'econd place win ner Hattie Jackson, Somerviile; Erma Porter, MHlington, first pfaee; and Betty Jean Moore Nashville, third place winner will attend Tennessee State in the fall, as did the three winners from 1957 who completed their Ires^hman year at Tennessee State tills past regular school year. ^skegee NaFseSchooi Gets CM Dimes Grant TUSKEGEE, ALA. - A. March' ot .Dlroea grant-Jm: $110,090 antMwneed .today will make it possible for Tuskegie^ instittite to improve iis school of nursing and increase its fall en rollment. The grant, effective immedi ately, was announced by Dr. L. H. Poster, president of Tuskegee, and Basil O’Connor, president of the National Foun^tion ^(origi nally the National FounHation for Infantile Paralysis). The Ttukegee Institute School of fining was found^ in .1891. Jts Itasic prbgram in nursing was fully accredited by the National League for Nursing last year. It is the only ' collegiate nursing' school for Negroes in Alabama,, supplying an increasing numben of graduate nurses to the South. Dean Lillian H. Harvey, di rector of the program and dean of the school of nursing, said that Tuskegee will now be able to make a greater contribution to the field of nursing. It is hoped, she said, that it will be possible to increase enrollment in the nlirsing school to 160 students and possibly to 180 in the nqar future. "' ^ WASHINGTON, D. C. ’ Dr. (3ha»lss E. Williams, Chi cago, lUineis, was elevated to I the Presidency of the National Dentel Afcsociation at its 45h| innual convention in th« Pena- Sh'^i'atO'T Hotol. PittsburKh, Pa., Dr. WUliams*’--’''’--’*!!;^^^^’**?^ •Ua .icrved for’ nine years i Chairman of t* Executive board and has held many rcsponsi bio positions that qualify him for heading thi: orgonhsatlon. » Attending the were 4 women dentists among the 400 practitioners present. The youngest. Dr. Yvonne Jones and her father, both dentists from Springfield. Massachusetts. Dr. Ruth Carter, her three children and mother, originally from St. Louis, now living in Los Angeles. Dr. Westanna O. BryoQ, Wariiington, D. C., a den tal operator in the public schools also in private practice. Dr. Clarisa Wimbush, Lynchburg, Virginia, who finislied Howard University Dental School class of 1926. Dean Russell A. Dixon, How ard University College of Den tistry, oldest Dean in point of service in the United States starting his-30th year, addressed the members at a business meet ing. Farmers' Roie tit World ToM iH Encampmenl WASHINGTON, D. C. Dr. Mordecai W. Johnson, •jrcsidcnt of Howard University >nd host to the 11th. Annual Re gional 4-H Club Camp, August 10-18, told the delegates Sunday that farmers have an Important rote to play in the achievement of world peace. “Man has never been certain,” the educator declared, “thot there was enough food to go around, and so he has never risen above the animal level, fighting, killing, and taking to try to make sure that he has enough for himself and friends. “But farmers and scientists now have the means o| produ cing enough for everyone,” ' Dri i Johnson continued, "and you 4-H club boys and girls and your parents must continue to u^ili*e tiie results of research to help give assurance of abundance and of world peace.” Listening were 128 rural people from 17 Southern States who were here representing 354,000 fellcfw 4-H’ers. They were accompanied by 43 adult leaders. itColeie JippHli^S MDfreetar THE,CAR0^IN^,TJMES 'mmmgmrn Dr. lean Nobte, New York Cotiege Teaelier, Delta Prexy WASHINGTON, D. C. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority climaxed its week-long 25th na tional convention—c entered around public service projects— by electing as president of the Greek-letter organization Dr. Jeanne L. Noble, a professor'at the City College of New Yo^k. Elected as first vice presidtint was D#. Geraldine Pittman Woods, a former instructor 'at Howard Uni'versity, Washington, D. C., who is now a Los Angeles /louseiyife. ''' The new secondvice pr^i- cront is Miss Gloria Randall, a junior at the University of In diana. Secretary is Dt. Ann Lu cille Camtrtsell, chairman of the department of English St Prairj^e View A. & M. College, of Prairie View, Texas and treasurer is Mrs. Vivian E. Washington, a so cial worker in the Baltimore public school system. iwill, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one. —Lord Francis Jcffray TAKE UP TO 12 MONTHS TO PAY REVOLVING CREDIT Member Of We Fit Tall BjleiVjTr^ We Fit Shor^ Men PEOPLE’S STORE 2rrNrMangiimStnet^ D«rlia«»K.C. A former U. S. Navy trom bonist has been named director of the North Carolina College band- Richard Henry Lee Jones, Sun^erfield (NO native and graduate of A and T College (B.S., 1941) and Northwestern University (M.M., 1942), will take ovw band chorcs at NGC on Sept. 1. Ho will be coming from a position at A and T. Prior to joining the A and T staff in 1955, Jones taught and directed bands at Epps High School, Greenville, N. C; West Virginia State College, Institute, W.VA., and Alabama State Col lege. Jones played first trombone in the U.S. Navy band stationed at Chapel Hill and later at Pearl Harbor in 1942-40. MISSING PERSON THE FAMILY LOCATION SER VICE, a social work, legal aid, non'-profit agency, is anxious to communicate with Moses Lyn wood Harrison, to discuss a mat ter of urgent importance to him self. Moses Lynwood Harrison, a native of Rocky Mount, N. C., was bom on June 2, 1914. He is 5 feet, 7 inches tall, weights about 155 pounds, had dark browm hair and dark brown eyes, scar on cheek; worked as labor er. Anyone aware of this man’tf present whereabouts is request ed to communicate with the FAMILY LOCATION SERVICE, 31 UNION SQUARE. WEST, NEW YORK 3, NEW YORK. .1 .1 HOUR MARTINIZING (Itacorporated) FOR THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING AND SERV1(CE 400 We^t Main Street — Five Points mp mi Union Insurance SxtA Realty Co. 914 FAYETTEVILLE ST. TEL.: 3-B51 US’ A»AZtN€. .. How Your Savings Will Grow And Grow And* Grow Hundreds of savers have found our savings plan the beat for their needs. You open an account with us—^you malte regular weekly or monthly savings according to your own circumstances — and we pay you a guaranteed dividend at-the rate of 3V^ per cent. Dividends com pounded semi-annually. Whei« else can you get such a high yield with lucl^perfect safety? RlUTU/y. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSTN. i ALL ACCOUNTS IJB. TO $10,000 INSURED BY AGENCY OF I^DEBAL GOVEm»ONV :iH2l|4itnuui'fi(iimw, Nn m DfiPtM Male %Ip Wanted CIVIL SERVICE JOBS— 1J« Sv A., Overseas — me chanical, clerical, profes sional. Send $1.00 for list. Civil Service Bulletin, 115 Haypath ^load, Plainview 8, New York. fNEED MONEY? SEE Uncle Sam • AT " . PROVIDENCE LOAN DIAL 2-4431 106 E. Muin St Durham, N. C. reserve 'V M mmmm > ssnrooF iitiK ^u.« MMNnaM «t. laHnMiMM. n. GRAW LW PBCE! KMA TOBMTOES 2 No. .103 m CANS 4Ki m % Special Price! A&P Fruit COCKTAIL 2 No. 303 # CANS SPEOAL PRICE! A4P FANCY WHITE ilEAT TUNA FISH 29c 7-OZ. CAN SPECIAL PRICE! A&P FANCY Pmeopple Jvke SPECIAL PRICE! A&I^ FANCY Gitqiefrait 2 SPECIAL PRICE! ANN PACK PURE Plum Preserves 2 SPECIAL PRICE! JANE PARKER SpanbhBor ea. 27c Si^BClAL PmCB! NABISCO SUGAR Mmmv 6niii0ni5'" 3Sc 46-«z. Can ie~oz. Cans Lb. Jar 25f 35c 39c T Sr£CIAl»! PICK CAUFeflfllA m Jaor 29c sn.€3M.i YOlim €H0k:e sau Wwdhwe Cm Br«|» m (MIKE SIKB ^25c ‘WPBiHWBirr* smm ALL mMt BOLWSMUk 1.1b. IM