yAROi^tKA TP4ES - fit 198$; 14P^ «!» Your Money," Wilkins Adyises Florida Solon Proposed Million Dollar Segregalion Campaign Four Schools Get m,m For Science MIAMI, Fla. cavisr Harry Moore worked for^ A F^ori^ legislator who pro- the NAACP? Would he sell the, tlie'raising of « million- slaughter of a Negro prisoner, [ -fund to spread pro-segrc- -already blinded by tear ga*, at Uon propaganda in the North Homestead, Fla., last Tuesday?” j been udvlscd "to save the The Florida legislator, he. cy." arscrted, “will have to come up ■ The advicc was given to State with something else. He cot|ld| ttcprescntative W. H. Rcody ol find a public relations firm—^you^ X^eesburgh by Roy Wilkins, can fuid anything when you Executive secretary of th.' Na- have a million dollars to spend.j tiMial Asaociation for the Ad- But the firm could not deliver vancement of Colored Play On Themes) Of DeliRquency At HKS te. 11959, and tipo^ your failure to eWoi> dennil. to the peaticfi do go, the pferty seeking ser- li} said proceeding, within vice upon you! will apply to the tmwm lUed i . . ^ ten dayi after the 3rd day of court for the 'veliet sought, ^anugry, ttSg, o? the plaintiff This 21 day of Nov. 195' * ' ■ ■■ " tTfo- *■-- - Stcmp, Clerk of the nor Coyrt. ^is^lck & Berry Attorneys At Law Dec. a, 18, 20, 27; Jan. 3, 10. Trustee Notice Of Sale Under and by virtue pf the i ty, 58. Margaret B. Best, CTerk, Durham County Civ" McKisslck & Berry Attorneys Nov. 29; Dec. 4, 11, 18 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the l^tate of J. T. Pierce, deceased, late of Durham Coun- North Carolijui, this is to I Four area colleges announced PcojJle, the goods. Making garbage smelli jjjjg week receipt of a total of sponsoring the prej^tatipn. during the eoursa of an addrcs.'s like ChaneJ No. 5 is a task b»-j $285,300 from the National Sci-i . .. . _ ! ■ .. deiivwed at a mass meeting of dering on the impossible. Be sides, too many people arc in on the Miami NAACP branch htro trutij.” on Nov. 23. Representative Reedy, tha Wilkins further urged Gover- NAACP leader noted, had ••pro- ' nor Leroy Collins, who has been po«ed that ?l,000,000j{) be advocating a national coi nised in the Soutli to engage a' on the desegregation public relations fii^ to s ir Jie take steps within his North on why tiie South needs to assemble counsellors and to wgregation. 1 advise i^oprcstn- devise a pian" on how to pro- t*tive Reedy to save the money. | ceed with desegregation of The North is pretty well in-; Florida's public schools, formed as to what segregation I “Here Is a proper place to SMBna in the South... j exercise state sovefeignty,” he What would Repres?ntativo said. “Why wait for a federal commisrion or a southern com- mission, or an act of Congress? We sincerely suggest to Gover nor Collins (because we assume he' is sincere) that he call to gether the wisdom of the , re sponsible white and colored citizens of Florida and proceed to a plan that will place this great state on the side of sanity and observance of law.” l^Md “seir to the Kortii?” Wilkins asked. “Would he sell the nvage segregated justico represented by Shcrifi Willis McCall. who shot a handcuffed Negro prisoner as he trans ferring him from Ilaiford for a new trial ordered b3' the Su preme Court? Would he sell tlia bomb-murdcf of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Moore at r.Iims, Fla., on Christmas day, 1951, just be-1 Virginia State One Site For National Teacher Examinations PETERSBURG, Va. Virginia State College has been designated as a testing center for the 1959 nationwide administration of the National Teacher Examination next February, P. C. Johnson, Direc tor of Testing, announced last we^. College seniors preparing to teach and teachers applying for peiitions in school systems which encourage or require ap- irticants to submit their scores M the National Teacher Exami nations along with their other credentials are eligible to take the tests. The examinations are pi^arcd anil administered an- aually by Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey. I The designation of Virginia estate College astesting center for these examinations will give ' “Iwospective teachers in this area ~WJ up^rtufiity lo compare Iheir performance on the examina tions with approximately 10,000 candidates throughout the country who will be participa ting in the nationwide adminis tration on February 7, 1959, Dr. Johnson said. At the one-day tasting session a candidate may take the Com- mbn Ebcaminations, which in state College, Petersburg, Va., or directly from the National Teacher Examinations, Educa tional Testing Service, 20 Nassau street, Princeton, New Jersey. Prospective teachers plailning to take the test should ^ure an Application Blank and a Bulle tin of Information promptly, the Director of Testing advised. Changes Make Parents^ Job (f Advising Harder OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. “Changing employment and educational opportunities makes it absolutely necessary for Ne- ■gps~pareTrtgTOTTaKe a m&fe fieitvs $285,300 from the National Sci ence Foundation for summer institutes for high school Science and Mathematics teachers. North Carolina College re ceived jeO,50D; Virginia State, $76,800; St. Augustine’s $51,Q00; and Hampton Institute, $97,000 Dr. W. F. Robinson, chairman of the Physics Department at North Carolina College, will di rect NCC's summer institute. It will begin about Juno 8. This ,is NCC’s third NSF grant.' In 1956 the College was awarded $57,500 followed by a $53,000 grant in 195?! Dr. Robinson and NCC Presi dent Alfonso Elder announced today that the grants are “to provide opportunities ^Or the science teacher to attend courses in the subject matter of science and mathematics especiallf de signed ior him and conducted by faculty members noted for competence in their fields and for skill in presentation.” More than 50 teachers arc ex pected to receive the grants which carry stipends of $75 for each dependent in addition to fees and tuition are included in the total grants. Persons interested in the grant should apply directly to Dr. Robinson. Dr. James A. Boyer, president of St. Augustine’s announced that St. Augustine’s wiU be under the direction of Dr. Prezell R. Robinson;’ Aca demic Dean of the college. "Th(3 Persecuted Boy,“’ »n original play on the tH*nne’ >t • 'juvenile delinquency by a CAROLINA side high school teacher^ witf DURHAM^ COUNTY^ presented at the high school pn,! Thiwsday evening Dec. ll. ita® ^wer of s"aie contained ln*a c^r-i notify all persons'having claims eight p,m. . i . Itain deed of trust executed by! against said estate to exhibit The drama was written aM Curlester Baldwin (widower).! them to the undersigned At 114 T J 2nd day of October, w. Parrish Street, Durham, directed by J. W. Barnes, jdvijor. ipsf, and recorded in Book of I North Carolina, on or before the to the Juvenile Delinquency Re- Mortgages 532, page 173, in the 32 day ol November,. 1959 or scarch Club of Hillside whicW'Ss, of the Register of Deeds this notice will be plead in bar of Durham County, North Caro- of their recovery. All perfions in- lin*, default having been made^debted to said estate will please in the payment of the indebted- make immediate payment. thereby secured and saidj This the 17th day of Novem- * * 1. li. tnereby secured and said This the ts to show ^low the hom^,| jjeed of trust being by the terms 1 ber, 1958. and community condemn thereof subject to foreclosure,! Mechanics According to Baines, the pUy attempt; school and the behavior Of youths while at,*'*}® undersigned trustee — the same time contributlna to'*t pubic auction to pierce, deceased, ine wme time coniriouung w. the highest bidder for cash at Nov. 22, 29; Dec. the delinquency. |the courthouse door in Durham, . . and Farmers Bank, will Executor of the Estate of J. T. 6, 13, 20, 27. ■■me NORTH .CAKQugA boy who Is the p- nist, is a typicall; lincfuent whose yi tillty terrorizes the y^ot w pro' «ic .Itc ul t^s mun|ty; jivhen the |I8 /to, rpi Ejt|ie najn^i |ig dc!ll}i> The conflict ari; community takes move what it coni^i* ace posed by ’ the quent. ; Barnes said he tp iiicmr in the ‘drama how ' tbf lai ‘ imderstanding,, loy« and'' tion on the part th* tfqiine, community have contMbUted to the aggressive behavior of: the “Defendant.” I - Anderson Council will be s^en in the feature role as the “D^en^ dant.” James White and Wesley- Brown will be seiiij as ^osffiM-' ting and defense ii^i^i^%ys, re spectively. 1 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY , , Ih The Superi^.i^urt S. P. No. Notice Of Service!.'® Procefs By Publication 4ft Special Proceeding By AOTw^trdtor to Sell Real Estat^f?!> L. C. Berry, Jr., Adiiltoistratdr of the Estate 9f Louvenia Jpneif St. Augustine's Choir On Tour Deceased, Petitioner Institute^! Josephine Harris (^glJ^Wad- dell Hoskins (Sinu^ £$br#ne Hoskins and wife, SWR^lirekins, Children of Cora Let J. liaskins. Deceased; Major Joi^«nd wife, Sarah Jones, Nero Jones, Jr., and wife, Ophelia Jq^es, ^sper Jones (single); Maiw J. wbrk- man ajid husband, Mmes Work-|it;i 29th day of December, 1958, the property conveyed In said deed pf trust, the same lying and be fog the County of Durham and iState of North Carolina, and more particularly described fbllows; BE^ilNNING at a stake on the lorthwly side of South Park ^(>rtb 48 deg, 30’ East 104 !eet the easterly side of Altoh Street ait the corner of Lot |(o. 8, 91ock 10, as shoWn on niap hereinafter referred to, and nmnfiAg thence North 49 deg. 30” West 158.5 feet to a stake i(i Ihe line of Lot No. 4; thence North 40 deg. 30” East 60 feet to a stake; thence South 49 deg. 30” East 168.5 fwt to a stake in the northerly side of South Park Lfine; thence along and witl) the northerly side of South Park Lane. South 40 deg. 30” West 60 feet to a staka, the raint of be- ^ii)flin^ and l^ing LOT NO the Fayet^ille 1. V. Tjaw- Road property of M rence, as per plat and survey now on file in the office of the Register of Deeds for Durham County in Book 17, at page 8, to which reference is hereby made for it more particular description of same. ' THIS SALE will be made subject to a certain other deed of trust executed by Curlester Baldwin (widower), dated the 2nd day of October, 1954, and recorded ih Book 532, page 175, in .the office of the Register of Of Purham County, lforth 2Stl} day of November, istee ley man; Euzelle J. Hards anil hus band Boykins Harris; Stnh jtTil CAROLINA) H4M CQUf NTY.) RALEIGH The St. Augu^ine’s College menced in the Superior Choir left last Friday, for a tour Durham County, North ■which will lake them to the ex- by the pla^tiff as a Lawson (Unmarri belle White (Sit^l*?), tent. Daughter of Annie White, Deceased, Defcndan THE DEFENDANTS " WOSKMAN and WHITE (Single), will''te: notice that a Special ProceMlng entitled as above has been eom^ Qt PLARA s. lee. Plaintiff) vs. WINSLOW LEE, Defendant) , Ta.WlNSl^W LEE: Tfwe nqtiCs that a pleading part in encouraging and motiva ting our youth to raise their vo cational sights and increase their academic achievements,” Her bert L. Wright, NAACP youth seceretary, stated in an address to a youth mass meeting held here on November 23. The meeting which attracted 450 persons was sponsored by elude tests in Professional Inf or-1 the Oklahoma City Youth Coun- mation. General Culture, Eng-|Cil as a victory rally in celebra- li*h Expression, and Non-Verbal] of the Oklahoma City Youth Henning. In . addition, each i Ppyncil’s distinction as now the «n«datb may take one or two (if NAACP yputh group in treme part of Florida. On Sun- tUy, Noy^ernber 30, in Miama, Florida and the choir was slated to appear on television at 9:3p a.nl., and give a concert at 4:30 p.m. On Monday, December 1, it was to be heard at the four area High Schools in Miami. of Louvenia Jones, deceas^, sell the real estate of the d«- ceased, or iiO UUlch- tbcrCtDl may be necessary for tfce la ments of th* dfUt* of the'qfe- ceased. AND SAID defendant* ' will further take notice that thef hre required to appear at the ofjftce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Durham County, his office in the Courthouse in/Dur- ham, Nortn Carolina, and the nation. Th: recruited 2,000 ^9 junior life council ,ar«d . lers. )n addition, the coun' |be eleven Optional Examina- tKMU which are designed to de monstrate mastery of subject ^lembc ^tte^4|i. Jieldp in which he' may be assigned :o teach. reported that 37 restaurants. Applications for the examina- lunch counters and drug stores tions and a Bulletin of Informa- in the city have now been opan- tlon describing registration pro- cd to Negro customers as a re- ceduree and containing sample suit of the council’s sit-down test questions may be obtainetf protest.” from Dr. P. C. Johnson, Virginia reserve I ^ J.T.8. BKowtra BQN COMP^HT MfwM Wlttiltsf W* •*«* t tftmn tU »>1 t2«H ^ '/S. "tixriw a'rr- Busmss YOU! Union Insuranoe And Realty Co.' «14 FAYgTTEVHXE TEL.: 3-«K5t I* re been filed action. you has in the above-named ' • The nature of the relief sought is an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the gl^lfids of tw» ^laara separatton. ou are required to make de- m or be- January, S." te Swh ^ili^^ing on or be- DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE Under and by virtue of atl order of the Superior Court erf Durham County, made in the special proceedings entitled Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator of Judson Dooley, deceased, vs. Guy Dooley, Ethal McNeil, Guy Dooley, Sr. and all other persons in esse who m3y. be heirs at law of the deceased or interested' in the subject matter, the undersigned com-* missioner will on the 17th day of December, 1958, at twelve o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Durham, North Carolina, offer to sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Dur ham County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the East property line of Blast Maplewood Drive, the south east corner of Lot No. 7 Block L of plat hereinafter mention ed, property of Malissa fiay, and running thence in an easterly direction North 80 deg. 07’ East 333.7 feet to a stake, the southeast corner Of said Lot No. 7 Block L of same plat; thence in a norther ly direction North 0 deg. 53’ West 225 feet to a stake; thence !n an easterly direction South 84 deg. 30’ East 735 feet to a stake; thence in a southerly direction. South 0 deg. 53’ Ea.st 275.6 feet to a stak^; thence in a westerly di rection North 84 deg.'30’ west 735 feet to a stake, the north east corner of Lot No. 9 Block L of plat hereinaftSlr referred to; thence continuing in a westerly direction along the northern boundary line of Lot No. 9 Block L j^outh 80 deg. or West 325.8 feet to a stake | in the property line of the east side of East Maplewood Drive, I thence In a northerly direction! along said East Maplewood Drive, North 6 deg. WJ' West 50 feet to 9 stake, ttie point NWfen iv^apiawood. Incorporate^ as per plat recorded in Plat Book 15,' pUf 41, .office 'of the Regbrer of Deeds of Durham' County, an4 Four and sixty, four hundrOTths (4.64) acres,: more or less, or land adjacent to said Lot.No. 8 Block L. The said 4.64 acres, more or less,, bfeing a portion of the original tract of land conveyed to said cprporation, paH o* wWc|t wiia later subdivided and rdookoM in Plat Book above mentioned, and tl\e remaining portly be ing yet not subdjvidM,: to which plat reference is npr^y made for a more particular de- scl-iptlon of ame. See Deed to Willie W. Bass et ux, Pook 192, page 410, Durham County Registry. Thfc lltt fja0at3008»i000a0aiiX3eiw»t^ NEW METHtW lAUNDRY And Dry Cleaners 405 Roxboro Street BROAD ST. BRANCH 1106 Broad Street QUICK - SERVICE WASH TUB Roxboro. Road at Avondale Drive Feeling The Holiday Spirit? Planning That Party? IF SO! CALL US We eater to DINNER PARTIES • CLUB MEETINGS • BANQUETS, ETC. Q^apadty For 70; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Call LATH ALSTON — 6-2071 You Can’t Afford To Miss What We Offerl Accident /ind Health Insurance Hospitalisation insurance Individual or Family PJan-Up To $10.00 per Day Plus Miscel- Iftneons Fees With Sur- fgical Benefit 70 Days Per Yeftr. AGEIStS WANTED Local and Stateuiide Men or Women Southern Fidelity Afutual Insurance Company PHONE 3-3331 527 Elm Street Durham, IS. C, llth day of November, 1958. William A. Marsh, Jr, Com missioner Nov. 15, 22, 29; Dfec. 6 THi MAYTAO CHItfTAM Here’s why you should buy your appliance frfl^ Mvnt* gomory & Aldridg^ ... We offer Specialized Service; the best equipped sho{> in Durham, including ^iirtii for all the appUancei| wto Mil. t Montgomery And Aldridge Appliance Company, Inc. Cor. Morgan & Roney Sts. Phone 6183 Opposite Carolina Theatre We Close Every Wednesday 8t 1 P. M. VODKA 4/s QUAIT ' $3.$S PINT , $2-50 100 Proof. Made from Grain by L. R^lsky & Cie, Cockeysville, Md., U.S.A.' J. 1 HOIR MARTINIZING (Incorporated) FOR THE BEST IN AND SERVICE 400 West Main Street orated) • ^ i DRY CLEANKG ERVICE T reet — Five Points CLASSIFIED ADS-:- Christmas Cards name imprinted 50...,12.50 WRITE: DEPT. C, pox 307, Durham, N. C. 10 Shirts reg, packed 1 or 2 Slurts 3 6f tnoji'a - —$1.90 .ea. 20c _ea. 19c Dftluite packed thirls ^ea. 20c (Cellophafte\ SANITARY . I4iw40rer8 And Cleaners DIAL. *-4831 OOmiSIt PINl STREET AND f ^m^et Speight’f Ai^to Servioe Service ... Steiftfi Cleaning ftrvifit.,. ... Whecj Sta. Union Electric Company, Inc. • Electrical Contracting • Electrical Supplies • Electrical Appliances • Lighting t'ixturet DAY PHONE: 2-6246 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD INLAID LINOLEUM, ASPHALT RUS'BER and wall TILE —Free Estimate*— Hunt linoleum And Tile rompany. Inc. I PHONE 9-1983—NIGHT 3-374) 3505 noXBORO ROAD C O A t “OK In Every Wfigh'' M. II. Head ^ Son trading aa McGhee Coal Co. CALL S-lMl KENTUCKY STKAIGOIT BOURBON WHISKEY • 86 PROOF 6 WHtHW » w W8BCT H mam itmmLmm w i

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