Des^^tion Problem Licked, Ctialiners fells Bennett Event _ Gltr.KfiSliOIlO—"A porgon’s ro lliUoii cnnsi.'it! of the few things that III! h? assured of and has no need or effort for belief.” Dr. Al lan KniRtit Chalmers dcctarcd hi Way of Tliinking CRtyaNanO^O—the business «f hoin.n a ^phulur is iiol only a m;tt ter of Indivriiial choice but it is a habit of thinldni; and actin>, Miss Wilhclmina Giltot declared in her address hero Monday when the IJcnnelt CidleE** eliapter of Alpha Kai^pa Mu, national honor society, held its annual Student Pifcognition Day rxpreises. IWiss Gilbert, instructor in busi ness education qt (he cotleRp, spoko a^t an all-eolloGP assembly in Pfeiffpr Chapol at which lime the 123 students who earned places on the firsi semester honor roll were cited for sc'iolarship and present ed eertifeatos cif acliievemenf. Officers of Alplia Kappa Mu are Misses Rloanor Fields, Itiehmond, Va., prcsiflent; Inez Jones, Lenoir, vice presld-nt; Josephine Itaiford, Orftenshoro, seerlary treasurer, and Barbara Canipbell, (trernsboro, corresponding secretary. his address which marked the olosi^iU of tlK- 3,1rd ^iniuiul ilonu- making Institute at Hennett Col lege Sunday. Dr. Clialmers, a member of the fnculty uf the Uosttin University School uf Thei)lo£y and iur many years a champion of civil rights, has (inly roctntly completed a 0,- (M)0-ndlc tour o( some 11 southern states in the intorfBt of deserse:;a- tion. U'uferrin^ to this problem, ho said; ■ “We’ve Rot it licked. The victory is in our hands and there isn’t any question in our minds rejfardln" Hrhat is sains to hap pen,” I'l!. Cha?mers nddressel him self to the question: "Wliot di) you know for sure?” and treated it on two plane.s—the ^i.seeral and the cerebral. ‘To .simplify the former," he, ex plained, -1 mean ‘guls’ or the phys ical body and by tlie second, of, I mean tho mind.” He then proceedel by example to show how men of ‘giits’ in the South have faced certain death in their effort to obtain civil rifihts, and how In other instances men have used their minds to ihstire human pro,"ress as in the case of the Kreneh Itevolution and in the long campaign to eliminate slav ery from tlic British Kmpire. “Our Service Starts With Your First C«U” WE ESTIMATE AND DELIVER DURHAM BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. M U A Materials MUtoii Avc. at W. Mam St. Plione 4967 ^CLASSIFIED ADS-:- 10 Shirts reg, packed $1.90 1 or 2 Shirts ea. 20c 3 or more ea. 19c Deluxe packcd ahlrta ea. 20c (Cellophane) SANITARY Thunderers And Cleaners DIAL 2^4831 CORNER PINE STREET AND LAKKWOOn.AVF.NlIK ^ Service Garage* Speiglit’s Auto Servitee Road Service .., Sfeatn Cleaning Service .,: Recapping .., Wheel ■ Alignment. PHONE: 6-2571 f'ettlffrew »n4 Fsv^ttevlll* Sta. INLAID LINOLEUM, ASfHALT RUBBER AND WALL TIL« —Free Ketlmatet— Hunt Linoieuik Andi Tile C.ompany. Inr. PHONE 9-1B85—NIOHT S-374? 350S BOXBORO ROAD Union Electric Company, Inc. '• Electrical Contracting • Electrical Supplies • Electrical ApplianccB • Lighting Fixtures DAV PHONE: 2-6248 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD COAL “OK In Every Weigh JIL H. Head & Son trading as McGhee Coal Co, CALL S.M41 FOR SALE $1,000 DOWN 3 Bt^room, Brick Home Par Colored . Bat«nc« Lilt* Paying-Rent 104 Wellons Village, Durham Tel. 9-1934 Feel Better—Sleep Better c-look Better ^ Open a Savings Account My Emotions, like worry, anxiety, insecurity can make us feel bad sleep poorly and look be- dcsggled. Having money in the bank gives one a feeling of security. It's a tonic for the emotions. Start yours or keep adding t« yours >-> today. You’ll feel bettett. Mechanics and Farmers Bank 116 W. Farrish St: Diirliain, ^ ■II, « fa. I rt I.* V ty* A i 4 - 8AT., MAftCM Danville, Va. Girl One of Two Spelman Cc^ Designated to Receive Grants for Foreinn w 4-H^ CLUBBERS SHOW PRO JECTS — Typical of Dwrttam Ceunty'f 4-H Clum Memt»er« who took paft In olntrvance of 4-H Club WMk are these young- tiart, plclyrad in (rent of an axhiiill ef ititir oro|ecl. Laft to right are Marian Johnton, tina Parker, Judith Bullock Samira Parker. • Merrick-Moore and Little River Students Seen in Programs Depicting 4-H Units Work The fifth grade at Mcrrick Moore School gave a chopel program on the History of 4-H Club Work in North Carolina and Durham Coun ty recently. Tliis program was un der the leadership of the teacher- Icaders, Mmes. C. Thompson and C. H. liBwrence. It was given in oh.servancn of National 4-H ('luh Wtek. The main program was giv en in the form of a radio skit. The entire school participated in the observance in other ways such as sponsoring bulletin board dis plays; the use ef table napkins and 'cards announcing the obser vance and themes. Many children securcd a copy of| Hub Week with a special program, a special issue of a local news-1 Theme for the program was paper to take home and to keep as “Salute to the Alumni.” Miss Mar- u rccord of 4-U Club work in the i|in Johnson, 4-lI’er, presided over State and County omong Negroes|me affair. The.audiencc sang the for the past 50 years. Two 4-11 Clubbers who attended the Sweet Potato Judging Contest in WadesboTo recently gave a very detailed report to the audience. They were Constance Hicks and Robert Owen; both are very active 4-H t;iub Members. LITTLE RIVER The 4-11 Clubs of the LiUle River School celebrated National 4-H ATl>A!tfA. Ga. — In momin?, chapel President A. E. Manley con- "ralulated- Miss Dclorc* Dctts and Miss Herschtllc Sullivan who have been choscn by Spclman College to rcccive forciia (ravel grantj for 15 montlics bcjjinnint! in June. The gift for establishing these awards have l>cen made by Char4c.'i K. Merrill, Jr. who feeU that the Unito'l Slates is in need of young i people witli as broa.l an oflin-j liun as j|>o.i.sil>le to si-rvc tlie tom- munily b)tli in liii.s country ami abroad. Miss I)f lores Kvelyn net!s. a ijraduate of .I ’in M. I.aiigslon lli"l: Stliool, Danville, Virginia, i.'i at prc.sent a junior at Spelman t!ol- le"e. Her major is English an.1 her minoi, history. During her hi?h school career, Miss netts wa.'t an honor SHidertt iind participatfd in both dramtir ind literary-sroii|w. At Spelman. Miss Betts has been active in stu- Je.nt government and in the F.nj- |ish (iubf and ha.s continued to l>e an honor student. M'3j Sitlli an. a native of Pitu i in vjrwn arri fnr-t'nj bursh. Pa., ii a /traduatc of SouU>! well is Jthv iEU:rjrHl!."'i3tc Mills Hi';:i S'-ho«>l whl’re> sbi- won Council She sr:.’.; i-i tt:i' (rhc variou.s award.*! f;ir schoUir?!)!? amJ Club f'.r tnrce fenri, ha^ '.vorkcd was active in exira erricular acfiv on the collet ae-A•'pirirr. sr^t has ities in b«)th jchool and church. bt> n nctrra bo!. iniltcn an;l Her major at Spclman is social in varimts e!i»hi. Mi-f Sitllivan »l- sciencc, and s!ic liai l»ceii very so haaj belrf »af!ott^ c!»s.( f ffid^. aetiv( .in this arrra. particip.iti.i;' lltjr rcirrHnI t* hr;Si. FUEL OIL-KEROSENE Tetephone 8-1217 Motriod ^ Delivery KENAN OIL COMPANY iiii.i.snoKO ROAD nunn.A.M, n. c. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Please take ilotice that the un dersigned is the duly appointed and acting administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jackson Allen, deceased, and this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to file them with the undersigned ad ministrator at his office at 219 Wachovia Bank Building, Durham; North Carolina, with one year fr^m this date or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said e.statc will please wake immed iate payment of saul indebtedness. This the 10th day of March, 1950. nOBINSON O. EVEUETT, talc of Elizabeth Jackson Allen, Deceased. Mar. 2J1; Apr. 4, 1*1, 18, 25; May 2 _0 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM ^bUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qMalified as the Admin istrator of the estate of Martha Langston, late of Din-ham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at ll4 W. Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina on or before March 14, 1060 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thi.s. Gth day of March, 1959. Mechanics & Farmers Bank, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Mar tha I.,angston, decea.sed. March 14, 21, 28; April 4. 11, 18. EXECUTIVE OF ESTATE this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 622 Colfax Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before March 1, 1960, or this notice will be plead in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will pleasf make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of February, 1959. (MRS) RUTH MPrCHElJU OF CALUE OVERBY JFJ" FRIES, DECEASED. M. HUGH THOMPSON, ATTORNEY. 2 2B; 3-7, 14, 21, 2fl; 44 —— ^O— NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY IN THE DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COURT NOTICE McCoy Lyons, Plaintiff Vs., Gladys Perkins Lyons, Defendant The above named defendant, Gladys PerhJns Lyons, will take notice that an.actibn enlllled as above has been ccjlnmencejrt In the Durham County Civil Court of Dur ham County, North Carolina, by the Plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce lr»m the ' defendatit upon the smiB''' that Plaintiff and de fendant ave lived ;separate and apart fur more than two years next preceding the bringing of this ac tion; and the defendant will fur ther take notic^ that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Durham County Civil Co^irt of Durham County; in the Court in Durham, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 11th day of April, 1959, and an.swer 'or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This 18th day of April, 1959. MARGARET B. BEST Clerk of the Durham County Civil Court 4-11 llymn and was then seated as t'aroiyn 'Jones read the scripture. A .scng, "This Little 4-II Light of Mine,” followed prayer. Reasons fV)r celebrating l^ational 4-H Club Week were related by John son. Mildred Carrington gave the National 4-H Creed. “Happy Anniversary” was sungi a group of 5th and 0th grade 4-1 H’crs around a table covcred inj white with 4 green candles andi Iwo anniversary cakes baked ^ by j 41{’ers. Rosolyn Glenn recited the; 4 H Pastorial Pcem. Fifth grade j 4-H’ers sang “The Wide Fields.” A' short skit, “The Green Years to I the Golden Years,” was presented i by 5 members of the 8th grade 4-| II Club. I "The Gift of Love” was describ ed by seven 4-H Club members. This gift, they said, is to be shar ed with others; made more per fect with use, and has many parts which include unselfishness, pa- liencc, humility, kindness, forgive ness, and sincerity. The whole (Gift Of Love), can only be as great as its parts. Mrs. D. S. Moore, former 4-H Club member and a present teach- er-leader, and Mrs. Erwin Johnson, teacher, presented Mrs. E. T. Nix on, retired Home Agent, with a lovely corsage and an engraved silver tray. -The- foHowtng teachers worki with the 4-H’ers in preparing th^ program; Mesdames L. E. Rich ardson, D. S. Moore, E. T. Swann, M. W. Evans, E. W. Hudson and K. Kalker; Mr. E. B. Palmer and E. Johnson. O In selecting seed sweet potatoes use only those It/^ inches in diam eter or larger, dip in vwater to re- mo'vA rUst' and' dirt, examine care fully, ditcard light-colored roots, and nick to examine flesh, saving only tho*e with salmon pink to arangefleth color. i Founder's Day ITTA RENA, Miss. — Mi.ssissippi Vocational College will observe the Ninth Anniversary of its fotmd- ing in. a week long celebration be ginning March 31 and concluding April 5, with Founders’ Day Con vocation, April 5, at 3;00 p.m. in the College Auditorium. The celebration has as its theme “How shall wc meet the (Jhal- lenqo in a Missile Age.” Addressing the occasion will be the much lettered Dr. R. O’Hara Lanier, former President of Texas Southern University and presently with tho Phelps-Stokes Founda tion. miK INI ouk sumiss IS TO HtlP yOU! Union Bi.surance And Really Co. 814 FAYETTEVILLE ST. T EL.: 3-S2SI PHONES: 2-7071 - S-6718 HUDSON WEiJ ro. Well Drilling Prices Are Reasonable NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Mrs. Mary Clark Hop son, deceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 109 East | March 21, 28; April 4 and 11, 19591 Hillside Avenue, Durham, Nofth / O Carolina on or before the 23rd ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE day of January, 1960, or this no-| NOTICE TO CREDITORS tice win be pleaded in bar of their I Having qualified as the Admin- recovery. I.istrator pf the estate of Earlie All persons indebted to said es- spellings, late of Durham County, late are requested to make lmme-| North CaroliM, this is to notify diate payment. lall persons having claims against This the 23rd day of Janiury, 1059. ANNIE JAlSfE HOPSON Executrix of the estate of Mrs. Mary Clark H6pson, deceased. Feb. 21-28. Mar. 714-21-28. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY » HAVING QUALIFIED aa «x ecutrix of the estate of CIUc overb'y Jef^ei,'iae^iiea,^liw Durham County, N«rth said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 114 W. Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before March 21, 1950, or this notice will be plead in bar of their'recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate «dll please make immediate payment. Thi$ 15th day of March, 1059. Mechanics artd Farmers Ilank, Ad ministrator of the estate of Earlie Mtrdi 11, A^rll 4, 11, li U You Can’t Afford To Miss What We Offer! Accident And Health Insurance Ho$pitalization Insurance Indivitlual or Family Plan — Up To $10.00 Per Day Plus Miscel laneous Fees With Sur gical Benefits 70 Days Per Year. AGENTS WANTED Local and Statewide liten or Women Southern Fidelity Mutual Insurance Company PHONE 3-3331 527 Elm Street iOurham, N. C, Ml MATT AS CKICTTAM Here’s why you should buy your apiiliance from Mont gomery & Aldridge! .,. We offer Specirlized Service; the best equipped shop in Durham, including parts for all the appliances we »ell. Montgomery And Aldridge Appliance Company, Inc. -Cor. Morgan & Roney Sts. Phone C183 Opposite Carolina Theatre We Close Every Wednesday 8t 1 P. M. Newin town...and all paid for... An addition to the family or a«y other special event is easier to pay for when you save in advance. Then you hav* the cash to pay your bills promptly. No debts. No worriet. You pay no interest or carrying chargesi , . Andthe ideal place to savje Is at our Insured ^vings and Loan Association. Your savings. v- rpa^a*|Kt by otperts in home financing under goveHiment ^ sifpervision... are safe and earn excellent returns. ’ ^ MUIUAl SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 3-1151 Durham, N. C. MBMBEK OF THE SAVINGS AND LO\N FOUNDATION INC SrU.NSOHS OF T«IS A UVE E FI !> E M E T IN LOO» A-U * SATUttDAY EVE.MNG foST PHONE 112 W. Parrish St. ALE)tANDER’S Featuring , . . Nearly New, Clean, Good«Looking Automobiles ■ BUY NOW 1956 FORD 2 Dr. Victoria 1957 CHEVROLET 8-Cyl. Black—Fordomatic 4.1^ ^ 2IO, 8-Cyl. Trans., R & H, Extra Clean CIeaft-~Only $1,595 $1395 ALEXANDER MOTOR COMPANY 330 EAST MAIN STREET . , PHONE S-1A21 « • _ . N. C. Dealer No.