THC CAROLINA ‘THK ntUTH UNMtlDLf 0" TIMES SAT., MARCH 21, IfSf ,,V\ (Cflntinuwl fr*m P«9« 5) ' Mrganupu «i»e imfiprs. Willi ^ montlis llyilc's (tnmp liad '^11 teMdi hit riM’orU tith'd ‘ Mttnry, ;8w*y." followU bv "What You Do," BDil then Clydr's own •wnposition “lloiiry Clyd« was on liis way l« famr luid furtiinr ... he |)i(m;lit. Only VkIc Sam had anotlirr idea. One •fter he had organized The ■nd The Impeiiili, flit Crerti, Bo Dtddley and hla 'lirio, Hie Can- tells, Wade Plefflon*, Bobby l^en- dricks and Clay Tyson in the siiow set for the State Fair Arena. tt was during liis Anny days that i'lyde dctif^cd to resume his l an-er as a siii^rr. To lay at 27. Clyt^e has become (UK- of the iuo!it imitated singers, blit no one lias inntchcd Clyde's niii(|ue style. Clyde's current re leases arc "1 Can't Sland Up, Alons," "A Ixjver's Question,” > Louis Woods, Hank Monds, and Jim Chambers. giv« the N. C. College (CenliniMd (rmn Pa«« () -Penalfies ‘'l«et Mp Know," ‘‘(’onie What May;" "No l/ove Like Your Love," ■'Tlial'n Kiioii|;h,’’ "Hot'k ;iud Cry" to nirnliiin u few, Jin will ctKslar with 1/aVcrn (Conlinued Irofn Pag* 6) iiient. At the same time, it voted to return the basketball tourna- nient State finals at A&T Cullege for another year. Other legislation passed yester day tails for striet assignment of officials for conference football games by tile commissioner and Church, will air the >dewi of adults; and the clergyman’a point of view will be discussed by the Hev. T. Van Ithoe, pastor of Haw Kiver Baptist Church. I, ine pi isiueiit'd address will al so be made on Saturday, at tite 1:3U afternoon session. The Uev. Harold Roland, pastor uf Mt. Uil- uad Baptist Church, is president of the Union. Two sessions un Sunday will conclude the meeting. The Kev' raiicp and'»chwl» may I James Stewart wifi discuss the ’ ’ 'lot particii^ate in basketball tour-1 Bible lession at Sunday School I>rifW-rs, he found himself in the Baker, Lloyd Price,* The Coasters, Atmy. Krankic Lymon, Liltle Anthony MR. MOTORIST. ARE YOUR TIRES SAFE FOR WINTER DRIVING? IF NOT, DRIVE I N TODAY AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW LITTLE IT WILL COST TO RE NEW THE SAFETY IN niEM. WITH OUR COMPLETELY NEW MENT AND NEW TREAD DESIGNS. WE USE FISK 5 STAR PREMIUM 100% COLD PUBBER Kagle lepth at this'spot. As a matter of fact, Itiddick has converted Iasi year's regular, Paul Winslow, to the backfield to take advanlaKc of his great speed and power as a ball-cartier. . The guard slot isyffic weakest thing on the forward wall, with only the incxpcrienced duo of Harvey Hamseur and Arthur Grier returning along with the 255 pound veteran, James Williams. The tackle spot, |>ack?d with the, likes of Jim Brewington. all-con ference choice last season, Capt. ‘Nick” Ceralds, Charles “Bobo" linton. Bob McAdam, and Frank Gardner, will probably lose some )f its beef in Riddick’s attempt to )olstcr the guard position. neys within the week prior to the 1 services which start at ten o'clock district playoffs. ja.m., and the Rev. William H The group also voted to sponsor Fuller will deliver the mcAing's •t Durham next May fb* National! feature sermon. lnt«r-Scholatt4c T • n n 11 Tourna ment. New Officers elected and In stalled at the closing .session, in cluded: J. H. Twitty, Cherryville, president; John Lucas, Oxford, vice president; John Carson, Mor- ganton, recording sccrctary; W. M. Reinhardt, Goldsboro, financial sccrctary and B. >T. Washington, Wilmington, treasurer. i ' O— Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, the Rev. Fuller will Ix heard at the afternoon meeting which opens at 1;30 p.m. O The Youth March For Integrated Schools •grated Schools may detirniine H'liether the wtii 14 sliull be a placje iiirwhkli men shall rule (he slate or the slate rule men. The Voutli March for lutegratfcd Schuols is in reality a (Centlniwd from Pag* 2) march for thp future of your country. Wiia you do between now aiili April 18 may de terniine the cuursc events for mankind fo ciMituiies to conie. -Decline -(Continued from Page 1) that’s the cause Dur- -lawyers (Continued from Page I) Easy Terms FISK Rigsbee Tire Sales for The Best Tire Deal In 1 'lAvn . . . Always Huy 108 LAKEWOOD AVE. DIAL 5-141 At ccntcr with the massive 260 j bracket. Alier uac'a of these talks lound Ernest Bames manning the j followed a discussion per- >ivot, everything appears in fitwhjj^ lands. To back UP Barnes is tne| group then viewed a film nueh lighter, but just as "eame”j^hich explained the opcraUon of ... T.-—4 - -• *■" ’ Slock market. Jimmy Bryant, a 176 pound sopho more. "If I can ivtl get tome tchelar- ^hip aid to lure **m» tf those top-, flight prep backs in the state here, it may help to holster our very limited buckfieM m«t«rlal," said Riddick.’ "If this; i« tal^n .o*re of, we may have a bvttor tlwm aver age football soafofl: nft#r all." : ^ 0---^-- -Insight (ContinuH^rom Pag* 1) j migiity power brings Hgbt darkness. God biings ^ife out of death. Karly on the third day morning Christ rises from the dead, 'llicre' is the livins Christ standing iii tHe njatehless glory of his Resurrection on the first tester morntng:Hasler thank (ifd there is a living Ch|rlst stand ing above the empty toml». Easter, thank God, we can Join 4n the jny ims song of victory . ./. “HAI.iLE- t.lMAlI, CHRIfJT TUB LORO IS hiSEN ‘ •' ;■ yi 11k* Minister, Officers and Members St. Joseph's A.M.E. Church Durham, North Carolina t f Cordially Invite You and Your Fmnds To A , \ i Vesper Service Sunday. Afurch 2H. V)59 At 5:00 P.M. ■ I. . f - nniiuriiif^^ , * 1 ; t North Carolina Mutual Lite Insurance Company •11 'llic nicasiuii Of Its 60th Anniversary tiiirsi .‘^)« al(cr : I )r, Monlpcai'W. JiilinsfO). I'rp^iilent Il»\vaid I iiivci'^ity."^\ ahhinjjioii, I). ( The final ever\t of the meelin" was a banquet on Saturday even ing at which time Dean T. Rob- ‘lay’s 'ss>'c and given a three gal years, ham.’ ” Clay wrote further; “ ‘A well-known public official said: ‘Regardless of which side you’re on, it is apparent that Durham’s reputation has not been improved by its political climate. “ ‘Rightly or wrongly, our sit uation in which the Negro is the fulehrum of local government has been unsavory to people else where.’ ” Clay’s article, whicn was feat ured on the front page of Mon St, Joseph's f**turlnt Dr.; JthnsM, J, H. Wh**i*r, pr**ll*nt *f M*- :hanics and Fsrmars Bank, ^11 preside. Spocial rAvsIc by th* church senior choir, dlr*«(*d by Joseph Mitcholl, will b* r*nd*r*d. North Carolina Mutual Was or- 4anizcd on October 20, 1808 by the late John Merrick, Dr. A. M. Moore, P. W. Dawkins,- 0. T. Wat son, W. G. Pearson, E. A. Johnson and Dr. J. E. Shepard. Merrick became >he firm's first president, M**re it's treasurer and Wistseui, secrofary-manager. The election of Asa T. Spauld ing last Dcccmbcr as i>residont marked the fifth change in the office since the company’s found ing. The late Dr. Moore succeeded Merrick. He ip tuiTi was succeeded by the late Dt-. C. C. Spaulding. W. J. Kennedy, Jr., who. is now chairman of the board, took over 'rom Spaulding and served Until .^is retirement from the post' last year. The company m«ii|t*h«s offices in nln* stales and the District of Columbia. According to its current *tat*m*nt, it has a total of $254,- •26,619 of Insurance in force and admitted assats of $61,104,149.23. It is the largest Negro owned business in the worlrd. O (Continued from Page 1) al of Durham School Board to as sign plaintiffs to white schools? 3. Have plaintiffs exhausted ad ministrative remedies? The case was brought' by Mrs. Kachaet lUcliardson and Floyd Mc- Kissick on behalf of their daught ers who were refitsed assignment to previously white schools by the. school board. Their attorney* in the .action are C. O. Pearson, J. U. Wheeler, M. Hugh Thompson and W. A. Marsh. Defense attorneys arc Marshall T. Spears ai)d State Assistant At torney General R«lph Moody. ert Gay. of the School of Law, South C^iirolina State College, •spoke on the five professional responsibililies of lawyers in our democratic society. The officers of this association are Kloyd McKis.sick, Durham, N. I’ro.sident; Matthew J. I’erry, Spartanburg, S. C., Viec President; Major High, Cireensboro, N. C., Kxoculive Secretary; Williaju A; Marsh, Trea.surer, Durham, N. C.; and Krnesl A. i'"inney, Jr., Conway, S. C. Ueeording Secretary. O “Science Fair (Continued from Page 1) mention for their displays. Tiie three blue ribb(m winners in the Biology exhiliits were Wini frcd McQueen (display showing ef fect of cociisone'and insuline on weight gain of rats); WilUa Jay Walker (dispiayeil mechanical cir culatory system with plywood mod ol and plastic tul)C veins with hlnc and red liquid rep'rc.senting I blood flow): Cornelia Weatherford I (di.splay showing comparison of cells in domestic cat.. In SjianVslDj, top cxluhits were displayed by Belly Goodloe (ex hibit showing five common water problems in U. S. households); James Stevens (exhibit of quantita tive anlysis of silver in a coin); and Major Geer (display showing chemicals used in water purifica- ,'tion). O ley run-over, devoted 00 percent] of its spaco to the Negro vote, and the Atkins "machine.” ■ .0 ‘ "Anniversary (Continued from Page 1) employees, gue.sls and visitors will assenilde at the company's audi-| torium on Orange Street for the| service. Following the auditorium pro ■vam, employees ,gnests and visi tors will be treated to the liOth | anniversary dinner. At Sunday afternoon's vesper at I -Topic (Continued from Page 1) by three speakers at the 11 o’clock Saturday morning session. Mrs. lola Mason of Northeast Baptist will discuss the young peo ple's point of view; Levi Mitchell, deacon of Mt. Gilead Baptist Easter Dance Durham Armory Sat., March 28 8;0a P.M. ’Til 12 Adv. Tickets $1.50 At Door $2.00 On Stage— In person * Little Buddy Mc- Knight • Preston Coving ton Barbara “Cookie” Gladden The Blue Flames —Plus— AL SMITH and his GLOBE COMBO $25 CASH DOOR PRIZE! 1 HOUR MARTINIZING (Incorporated) rOR THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING AND SERVICE 400 West Main Street — Five Points SPRING CLEARANCE SALE 195.J Dodge 2 dr. $ 495.( 1956 Dodjre Hardtop , .. 1445.00 1950 Dod^e 4 dr. .. 295.00 1956 Plymouth 4 dr .. 1195.00 1954 Plymouth 4 dr .. 545.00 1958 Plymouth Spprt Coupe .. .. 2495.00 1953 Plymouth 4 dr, .. 545.00 1952 Dodge Pick Up .. 500.00 1949 Chevrolet 4 dr! 1951 Buick 4 dr. .. 295.00 1956 Ford 4 dr. .. 1445.00 1953 Pontiac Hardtop 595.00 UNIVERSITY MOTORS, INC. 806 W. Main St. Tel. 9-1931 Opes Til 9:00 P.M. THIS EASTER SUNDAY MAKE IT A TRULY SPECIAL ^ FAftfllLY DAY After church, bring the entire family (o I conveniently located TWO SPOT RESTAU* RANT and enjoy a bountiful, traditional Easter Dinner with us. Our delicious meals will be served continuously from 12:30 p.m., and you'll find our service courteous, mstcliing the quiet elegance of our warm atmosphere. THE 2 SPOT RESTAURANT SOS Payettevllle St. Open Under New OwntiShlp Open 6:30 A.M. John Plummer Proprietor I^JEPORT OF CONDITION OF : HEWICS AND FARMERS BANK Ejfarha'm 4n the State of North ('arolina at the r close'of business on March 12, 1959. ASSETS Cash, balaii^cstwithiother banks, incliidinC reserve. , baldtitesi. aiiij items in >f collei lion $ %7,785.95 t’liiled *iP}uvty'iuneiii: ubii(;alii>ns. dirfcl' '. ' ; 2.(X.W,yM.-8 Obligations of Slate.s and ]Kilitica1 subdivisimis Otln'r bohdsi uotivs. and debeiitwrfs .^>^.0((2.50 { uriioratc .stOolo^ 7(K).(XJ I.o.'Iiis and di.'st'oont.s J.625.1(i5.i'J Bank prpniises yuhed $J18,724.04 Jurfiilure mid fixtun'n .y ... 2t7.70l.82 Keaf'estuitf owned oilier than bank premises ... ;■ 12.1K.) Otiier as.svts .; ; 27,229.'/l ,\SSETS h...... .T777rT7r~T77r|7Zu3^^ LIABILITIES Demantf deposits of iiidivtduals, partiicrsliips. and corporatioi»s $2,4 4'>, K)4.44 ' Time dcpgijits of iiidividuals, parUiersliii)s, j i and'corporations .'.... 3,1'X).624.7j Deposits'of United .States Government (in'cludinj? jjostal savings) 1.S(Vj00.87 Deposits'’of States and political subdivisions 1,188,.%7.42 Deposits of banks ' 10.977.45 Other deposits ('cettified and officers’ checks, etc.) 63,648.35 TOTAL UEl’OSlTS .$7,083,623.26 ' Other liabilities 91,742.80 TOTAL LlAIilUTIES $7,175,366.06 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital* $ 315.000.00 Surplus -. l'J5.000.00 LTndivided profits If),001.25 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUXT.S r, .’ 520,001.25 TOTAL LIABILITJES AXU CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $7,695,367.31 ■ , ‘ ' Thi.s. bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $315,000.00 Total deposits to the credit of the State of , ^ North Carolina or any official thereof $302,010.70 MEMORANDA - ' Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ' $1,393,436.00 (aj Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 33,8*/.>.(iO (b) Securities as shown above arc after, dedutlioti of reserves of ;. .\ 22,500.K) 1, 1. O. FIiNDERBUKC, Cashier of ihc above-named bank, do solemnly' swci’ir that the above stati'nienl is true, and lli;il it fully and correctl)’ represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set fcjrlh, to the best of my knowledjje and belief. I. O. EU'NDKHBUKC CorreiH—Attest: J.H. WHEELER W. [.KENNEDY, |K. J. S, STEVVAKT Directors State of Norih CaroliJia. County of Durham, s.s; ' , " ^ _,Sw(irn til and Subscribed before im- this 25th , i r March, l'>5‘), :nul I hereby certify (hat I - ' •' ' am mil an oiriccr or director (if U»is liank, >iNE ^ "T'foi% Public' ‘ - ^ . .(2 My co)iini(s.sK/n e.xpires December 10, 1959.

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