eniors Receive taps, Gowns Beniielf Rites Benmstt College seniors Friday were urgcil by President WiUo B (.’(aver takp u stand against ilijt wave of anti-intellectUaUpm which Armiflca has beea expprjencipg. ^ Tlio cljaHcngo was a part of Senior Pay address to the dasg qf 105H. after'they had re:uivud thoir aoodumic capa and gowns (rum tlieir sophomore “sisters" in a tra d(tlonal ccromony in I’feiffer Cliapcl., PoiotJnfi to tlie advance of sci- fincc which has rcvohiti«niied the art of war and ,to the era of pros perity which this nation has en joyed afe two main reasons for the presejic* of anti intelloctualism in our society, Dr. Player: said "Just whan arc gtttlnfl r«ady lo stttif dowri for bappy •xltttHct, rtusilt «h tk« hvrlien brijng- itw n*w ihrcMt and ftt«rs to all of u. S0; wa must rallnquUh aur draamt^f a futurt 4f easy happi* n««i and bUckla down to tha hard talk of Stra^hlng our mlndt to tha hilt to kaap paca with a coun try evan though it maintains an idaalogy to which w» do qot sub- seribe.'^ I Dr. Player urged the seniors to |)ccotne responsible citizens, eager become involved in seeking so lutions tg community and world problfems and committed to their convictions. Annbuncamant of tho 10 rank ing t«nh>rs| i^«4a by Pr. C. G. Win ston rovealed that Miu Josophinc Ralford, of Greansboro, is present ly leading her class, with a 2.82 out of a possibib 3.0Q, fol- IdWed cloiaJy'by Mistas Jamasena CHalmers, !f.76, Queen Esther Mur- piUlti ).i9,jbolih of Payettoville. The remaining seven, in de scending order are: Misses Jane Williaths, 2j>9, Winston-Salem; Iner, Jones, 2.58, I.«noir; Nannie Poolfe, 2:96, Baltimore, Md.; Elea nor Fields, 2.34, Uichmond, Va.; Rarbjilra Campbihl, 2.4U, Greens boro; (Jarolyn Martin, 2.40, Dur ham, and Veronica Dean, 2.43, Mi ami, Flu. Following the chapel program, the seniors plantM a magnolia | tree in honor of G Everett Bacon, t a membor of the college trustee' h'nar(J‘ The dedicatory statement was made hy Mis.s Dequineey .lohn- soh, IiAnoir. FUEL OIL - KEROSENE Metered Delivery' Telephone 8-1217. KENAN OIL COMPANY HILLSDORO ROAD DURHAM, N. C CLASSIFIED ADS 10 Shlrta re$, packed I or 2 Shlrta * 3 or more —11.90 -•a. _ea. 19c Deluxe packed shlrta ea. 20c (Cellophane) SANITARY I^underers And Cleaners DIAL 2-4831 CORNER PINE STREET AND LAKEWOOD AVRNtJE € Strviee CwragaM Speight’s Auto Service. Road Service ... Steam Cleaning Service .,. Recapping ... Wheel Alignment. PHONE: «-2»7l Pettigrew and Payettfevllla 8ta. INLAID LINOLEUM, ASlfHALT RUBBER AND WALL TILE —freeEitimatet— Hum Linofet^ Tile rdmpony, lh4>» PHONE 9-1985—NIGHT 3 J74; 8«n« roiTBORU ROAR , Union Electric Company, Inc. • Electrical Contracting • Electrical Supplies >i Electrical Appliancet • Lighting FMurei D^V PHONE: 2-6249 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD COAL *'OK In Every Weigh” nr. HrHead & Son trading «s McGhee Coal Co, CALL f-1941 FOR SALE $1,000 DOWN 8 Bedroom, Brick Home ^or Colored ^atkitra iMha Paying Rent Wallynt Village, Durham Tel. 9-1934 The foundation oi this batik 1? built upon sound, coii8ervativ& prin- cipl©B of good bgnklnO' practice. Our record of aervid© to our cus tomers and to this coflimunity has resulted in strength and stability. Our roots are here and they qre deep ... On Firm Ground—w© shall continu# to grow with your hwlp. Mechanics arid Farmers Bank IIB^. Parrish St Durham, N. C. WOODROW WILSON FELLOW —MIfs Jamesena Chalmers, Ben nett College senior of Fayette ville, N. C., who last weeic be came the first of her school to receive a fellowship from tha Woodrow Wilson Foundation. An English major, she will pur sue graduate work next fall at Syracuse University. TYPISTS AT NCC — John V. Turner, rifiht. North Carolina College's awards winning lypino toacher is shown here with two’ generations of NCC typing con test winners. Center It Miss Ernestine John son, teacher of commercial sub- iects at Eastman High School, Enfield, and one of Turner's former students. At left is Mis* Lynch, ono it Miss Johnson's former student*. Miss Lynch, business manager of the CAMPUS ECHO, .entered NCC last summer under 'iho collage's accelerated fresh man program. Miss Lynch won typing contect for students with two semesters of college typing. She was also a . high school winner prior to en tering NCC. — NCC photo by Qibsqn. Youth Days At Bennett 17-18 t ft. ^ V ♦ « V-f-*- tATv AFUIV 4, 1959 THUTH UN«AIQLfO^' LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CMDIT^ ! Please take notice that tfte ‘on- Hi"h school girl seniors and' dersi“nc! is the duly tlicir advisors from North Caro-: acting administralst lina. South Carolina and Virfiinia Elizabetfc JacRSon have Ijccii invited to the annual | deceased, and flii* is to all Youtli Days at Bennett College,) P«rsons having oJaims against the April 17 to 19, it was announced; estate of said d««eas«l to file this wcok ' I***"* undersisned ad-. . In addition to visiting classes'niiqi.strator at his offfce at aWi notice that an action rntit!e.f ^ and lalwratories, the students will i Wachovia Bank BuiWinj, Duriiam, above ha.s been commeneed m tM attend voc.->tional interest meeting*! f^orth Carolina, with one . ycor Durham County CivU Court of D»n| and tlieir advisors will attend from this date or this notice will bam County, North Car!>lina, bi workshops which will explore be pleaded in bar of their rec«v . the PlaiiUi'l to secure an alKr>tut^ ways and means of unifying the j fry; All person.? indebted to said; .jivorce It education of caali student as she I estate will please make lihmed nOKTH C*.ROLI».„ , DURHAM COlfMTY t IN THE DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COURT Norics JtlcCoy Lyons, Plaintiff Vs. Glady* Perkins Lyons, IVfeBilam ■ The above named «iffend3nt| Gbdys Perkins Lyons, Wil* taki “Our Service Starts With Your First Call” WE ESTIMAfE AND DELIVER ' DURHAM BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Building Materials Milton Av«. lit W. Main St. Phone 4967 MM moves from high school to college. Thd students will al.so make a tour of points of interest in Greensboro and will he guests at a dinner and dance in their honor. Members of the freshman class at Bfnnett will serve as hostes.ses. The closing session to be held Sunday, April 19, at 4 p.m. will feature an address l>y Dr. Benja min E. Mays; president of More house'College, Atlanta, Ga. ■ —O Bond to Rome Cultural Meet will iate payment of said indebtedness.; This the 19th day of March,: 1959.' i ROEINSON O. EVERETT, I Administrator of the iU i tate of Elizabeth Jackson Allen, Deceased. Mar. 2B; Apr, 4. 11, Ifl, 23; May 2 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS- the defendant upof the proar that Plaintiff and fendaot *ave live! separate ani apart .or more than two years nesi jwecedin-i the hrin"in3;i'of this ao- ticn; an;l the defendant will fur ther take notice that hi i.^ reiuired to appear at the office * the Clerk of the Durham County/Civil Cowt of Durham County in the Court House in Durham, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 11th day of April, 1959, and aa-fwer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand- •h Having qualified as the Admin istrator of the estate of Martha' ed in said coraplsint. ATI-ANTA, Ga. Langston, late of Durham County, | j North Carolina, this is to notify | I all persons having claims against | I said estate to exhibit them to the i Dr Horace!^ Parrish; This 18th day of April, I960. MARGARET B. BSST Clerk of th« Durham County Civil Court Howard Gives Physics Ph.D. WASHINGTON, D.' C.—Howard University of^|cia|s announced to day that a program leading lo the Hoctor of Philosophy degree in the field of physics will be offered by the University beginning in Sep tember.- Th* profrratn witi he the second to be offered at Howard above the level of the Master's Degree. A Ph.D. program in chemistry began in 1955, and the first two students to receive Doctoral degrees were graduated in June, 1^8. Five genera) requirenjents have been listed for sludcnt.s .seeking the Ph.D. in physics by Dr. Charles H. Thompson, dean of the Grad- uate School. They are t) completion of two full years of residence in the Grad- uqate School, 2) passing of exami nations in two foreign languages, 3) admi.ssion to candidacy for Itie degree, 4) acceptance of the dis- ■icrtation submitted for the degree by tlic Graduate Conncii, and ■'>) passing of a final* oral examina tion. Among the ctiidents experted to eui’g^l for - the I)o0.nr*'>l .program ^ttj;Ji«,.'|thre'ir«icif)feiits of grad- iiiife I?now.ihif)s iinfjisr the Nation al Defense Rdiioation Act. * You €«n’t Afford | To Mis« What We Offerl Accident And Health ln$urance llogpitalimiion y Inmrnnce Individual or Family Plan - Up To $10.00 Per Day Plus MisceK laneoiig Fees With Sur'. gical Benefits 70 Day« Per Year. AGENTS WANTED Local and Statewide Men or Women Southern Fidelity Mutual luaurauce Company PHQNE «.33S1 527 Elm Street Durham, IS. C. HOUR MARITNIZING (Incorporated) f6r the best in dry cleaning AND SERVICE 400 West Main Street — Five Points ^^isTomPmuj Union Insurance And Realty Co. 814 FAYETTEVILtE SJ. T EL.; 3-6251 .Mann IJond, Dean of the School of Education, University, has gone to tlorae to attend an eight-day conference on “The Uni ty and Re.sponsibility of Negro Af rican Culture.” This Second Con- i're.ss of Nefrro Writers and Art ists is sponsored by the Interna tional Society of African Culture, publishers of Presence Africaine. Dr. Bond, president of tTie Amer ican Society of African Culture, will be a member of the delega- lion of fourteen going from the United States for tho conference. O Fertillier can be either acid or neutral. PHONES: 2-7071 - S-6718 HUDSON WELl CO. Well Drilling Prices Are Reasonable Here’s why jrou should buy your appliance from Mont gomery & Aldridge! ... We offer Speciriized Service; the best equipped shop in Durham, jneluding pfirts for all the appliances we fell. Montgomeiry And Aldridge Appliance Company, Inc. Car. Morgan A Roney Sts. Phone G183 Opposite Carolina Theatre We Clos« Every Wednesday 0t 1 P. M. BUY NOW ALEXANDER’S Featuriixg . ;. Nearly New, Clean, GoodiLooking AutomabiUs 19S6 FORD 2 Dr. Victoria 1957 CHEVROLET 8-Cyl, Black—Fordomatic 4.^^., 2IO, 8-Cyl. Trans., R & H, Extra Clean Extra Clean—Only $1,595 11395 ALEXANDER MOTOR COMPANY 330 EAST MAIN STREET ! PHONE B-192I ir C. Dealer No. 1859 | Street, Durham. North Carolina on ^ ^ or before March 14, 1960 or thiS| . I ADMINISTRATOit'S NOTICE I NOTICE TO CREDITORS j Having qu.ilified as the Admin- I istrator of the estate of Earlie Spellings, late of Durham County^ I North Carolina, this is to notify I all persons having claims against i said estate to exhibit them to the I undersigned at 114 W- Parrish ' Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before March 21, I960, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons imlebfc- ed to said estate will plea.se make immediate payment. This 15th day of March, 195fl. Mechanics and Farmers Rank, Ad ministrator of the estate of Earlie Spellings, deceased. March 21, 28; April 4, 11, It, 25 THI MAYTAt CHWTAM frASI(*U-DI3TIUt»l eOMMNV. NCW YORK CITY BLFHD» WHISKLY. U PHOOf. 65% GRlia NEUTfKl 9PIIIIT& notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This eth day of March, 1959. Mechanics Si Farmers Bank, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Mar tha Langston, deceased. March 14, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18. . NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIEn as ex ecutrix of the estate of Callie Overby Jeffries, deceased, late of Durham County, North »'*rolina. EXECUTIVE OF ESTATE this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to exhibit them, to the undersigned at 622 Colfax Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or lx;fore March 1, 1960, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make ihiroediatc payment: ' . • This the 23rd day of February, 1959. (MRS) RUTH MITCHELL OF CALLIE OVERBY JEF FRIB:S, DECEASED. M. HUGH THOMPSON, ATTORNEY. 2-2^ 37r i4;"21. 28; I BOIlWro T Put yourself in this pctore... It may be easier than you think to own that dream home. Last year almost 1,000,000 fanulies did it through Insured Savings and Loan Associations like ours—the best of all placei^ to go^or a home loan. Save with us for your down payment, too. Then your savings record will be estaUished when you’re ready for your home loan. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION PHONE 112 W. Parrish St. 3-1151 Durham, N. C* MBMBBa or THI 9AVIKOS AND LOAM FOUNDATION l.NT . • r«.M>qaS OF THI9 AOVBaTI!lBMBNT.tN LUOl AND «yuu.»jB rosi;„.