tOflCCfnOf caletftoteade . The Greensboro Men’s Glee^club celebrated their 25th anniv^ersary with a coKccrl Thursday j night. May 14, at the Saint Stephens Christian church. The contort was dHicated to Mrs. H. B. Lpgan of T^xas, mother of the director. A capacity audiencc o^ mlisic lovers enjoyed selections ,Tiot only by the glefe club but by two piano sriections by Miss Myrtle, Cunning ham, accompanist; (hree numbers by the mal6 ensemble, directed by Samuel Penn and ^ bass solo by William Mebane. The Glee Chib which was organ- is»d in 1934 by the late Dr. J. C. Waddy, presented tiveir director, Mrs. Uloise Logan t^enn, With an inscribed silver tray for her ^un tiring devotioih to |,the club for twetity flve j^jtars. She also receiv- ed floral tributes. I The glee club received a doria> tion in memory of the late pt. J. C Waddy. ft was made throfjrghwist Sallie Jones and will be usett to-' furnish the club wit(i more nttisic. Members of the glee club are william Mebane, president, 6am‘ uel jGuy, .vice president, GItover Waller, secretary, UfVoy LinUsay, Samual Penn, Horace V. Hbme, Jamw Neal, T. E. Neal, IsaiaH En^ och, Julius Fulmore, Fleetwood Howell, Thomas Murphy, Qewis Richards, James Sttoffner ahd James Tonkins. Leroy Lindsay^ and Samuel Petin are charter glee club members. O Exptrtt eitimaW . that wiW th« ttchiwlo«y now •vaiiatil* thi averifed per acr* yUld MH«ri in North Carolina can bt doubltdi riEL OIL - KEROSENE Metered |)elivei*y * Telephone 8-1217 66 KENilV OIL COMPANY HILLSBORO ROAD DURHAM. Ni C. ' OLD MlNTUCKT tfStMKM ■oonMifiimisKBT • 99 pRoor: 6 WMMnuan.»‘«tt rimmoi V mNo B nwiMr iMmu. ^tLASSIFlED ADS-:4 10 Sblrta teg, packed lor^aSMrt* I or mar*. M. 19c Stluxc 20c (CmophiiH*) SANITARY Launderers And Cleaners DIAL 2-4831 CORNEh t»lNE STREEt AND LAKEWOOD AVENUE »r-: 1 0 Service CaragM Speight’s Auto Service ftoad S«rttir« ... Steam Ctmmins ScrtHM ... Heeapplng ... Wheel AUantiient. PHONG: 0-20n FjHWeww intf St* nvLj^O UNOLEVM, ASifHALT j^l^BER AND WALL TJLE Hum LtmUnxm And TOk Company:, Inc. mionib t>«747 tiflB Union Eieeti^i^ Compan^^, • electrical Ctilitr4ckHg ^ • Electrical Suppliei '■■■. • Electrical Applianctiti • Lighting Fixture* \ DAY PHONE: 2-624® 1 2241 FAYETTEVILLE 4. BnT53T ing. Free room and board. Nl#t‘ tit pay. Writ* immediately glMnt age and experience and referAitk, name and addreu. Car far* ad vanced. HAV-A-MAIO AStfNCV, 4 Bend Sit., Great- N*ck, N. Y. C O A L “OK In Evry Weigh?’ I^. H. Head ^ Son* tradilif ■» McGhee Coal Co. CALL FOR SALE $1,600 DOWN 3 f^room, Bricfc Homt For CelaiVd Balanc* Lite ftiyln| Ant 109 Wellont Vtll)W T#l. I-1W4 'I It M M> *.»■* »l, Wl $A?V tmY », IH* "THB TRUTH Extenskms Wortters Hold Nedhg EUZABETH CITY The am- M .-e tha:» I.>) i: -r.ibey* tint '■ nual State Con/er«,iice o* Exten- ytaff will be brwi'*':’ up to (tefe I Sion Workers connected with the ^ developmrp.fs aOt I A*T College Extension Service ^ •II 1. 1- 71 1. . practice* m fe.xt^r!sion at Hir litre I will be i»eld here at Elizabetli I City State Teaihers College, May meet. 25-2C. ■ AKLSN' li; HONORBfiS^Ailen UnMMty. ^lOmbla; SoUtH Car olina, has aiNidMockd that hbnor- ary^d*flr««s wilt'be given to'four outvtaiMllnB'tterten* dwriitg the hMM(Vtl6h'» , 89fh •commence ment ekerclnt at 10:00 AM, Wedhesdy, May 2f. Aetoriikig to Or. F'rantc tt. Veal, X1|e^t^‘f president, leih at extreme rl^t, Biianch Rlcbey, baseball '4x)Mu- tivc, Pittiburgh, will recelv* a Doctor of Humanities deglree. To the right of Mr. Ricfcif t* Rabbi Rvdolph M. Rosenthal, Temple on the Heights, Cleve- ■ land^ wito wli> aito be iionored by a degree of Doctbr of Human ities. Moss H. Kc-ndrix, third , from left, Washington, D. C., public relations‘Counselor, is re ceiving the Doctor ot Laws de gree, with Willis Johnson, sec ond from right, Columbia lM*si- ncssman and civic leader, being given the Doctor of Humanities degree.. Award from U.S. Agricuiture Department in Wash. GilEENSBOItO — The State Agent of the A&T College Exten sion Service was to l>e cited today (Tuesday, May 26) by the USDA Department of Agriculture. F B, E. Jones, in charge of the Ex tension'Service here at the college jSiftce. 194^ was scheduled to re- t)^ive>>the .'Superior Service Award, one, .of highest honors avail- ^able of professional woricers in Agriculture,; in special ceremonies at Washingtoh, D. C., this morn- ingi - ' llie presentation ceremonies .were set for Sylvian Theatre on '^he ' Washington Monument GVounds beginning at 10:30 A. M. Jones, a 1933 graduate of A&T X)ollege, holds the- M. S. Decree in Agricultural Eklucation from Cornell' IJniversity. He lias served through, the ranks in Extension as county agent in Craven County, '1933-36 and as 4-H Club specia list, 1936-43 prior to assuming his present post. Teadiers Pick NEA Delegates Election of delegate^ to the Na tional Education Association con vention and installation of officers were held at the final meeting of the Durham ' association of Public School Tepchers on May 11. The meeting was held at Pear- so» achool, •New officers, who will serve for the next biennium, are Spencer Wynn, president; L. S. Knox, vice (Presideijt,* Mrs. R. R. Thomas, treasuer'; Sfrs. Dorothy Mewberh. secretary; and Mrs. Mary Baldwin, asSiqtqnt secretary. The leader of one of the ta^es^ ^ thus maicing the North Cai;olina Extensioni programs with s{)ecii LOTS For sale , TfltMS TO SUIT rOU 'l’«nek Road, Stratford, Hills, Redwood and Milton Road. H. L. NOELL IOI 1/2 ParrUh Strtot ili|)stairt Behind Duko Power Co.) ' toiophono 2-1098 i fian’^ Afford &Mis# What Ve And Hiiftithf Insurance '> UmpikSiMtion 4niiwtihce or Family Pi*i - ITti To 810.00 j^ek* 1^ Plus Miscel> With Sur- ^ciol Benefit^ 70 Days Per Year, AGENTS WANTED Lorcei oruf ^atewida Men or Women Southern Fidelitj Mutual Insuranc# Con^>ony PHGNi; 3.3331 Sitr JEtm Street “ ■ Durham, JV. C. j | reference to Negroes in the nation* Joiies is credited with havMg oon^ tributed much tbward’ lifting; thd living dtandards of .riiral famili^ in North Carolina thr6u^ Mfic- ient supervision of, a staff of more than 150 trained personnel. The award is being given fjr.h»s “ejt,- ceptional leadership in 4fvelop( ing and guiding Exterisioni* ^orlr among Negroes to a high pofpt of efficiency, strength and prestige, program one of the strongest in the nation.” Jones spearheaded a campaign for more than $150,000 for the construction of a recently com pleted camp for 4-H Club in On flow County in North Carolina. T^e^; camp is considered' one of the most modern of its type. ' He is married to the former Miss Mamie Ycargin of Raleigh and the couple has one son, Rob ert, Jr. Old North State Medical Wiety Convention Dates Set June 9-11 GREENSBORO, —The 72nd an-Lincoln Hospital, Durham; Dr. J. nual meeting of the Old North State Medical Society to be held here at A&T College, June ,9-llv will draw the largest delegation A. Demaria, Dr. Doris A. Howell, both associate professors .of Ped iatries and Dr. Franic Engel, asso ciate professor of Medicine, all of in the history of the orgoniza- the Duke Medical School, Dur tion. Meeting simultaneously "“with the medics are the Pharmacy Section and their \yoman’s Aujt' iliary and the total turnfi^t koT' tiie three groups is expected 'W exceed 300 persons. i- An outstanding array of proM- inent physicans and surgeons will appear before the medics in gcieit' tific sessions set for the siBCobd ham; Dr. William H. Bulloclc, as sociate professor of Medicine, Howard University Med ic a 1 School, Washington, D. C., "and Dr. R: ‘L. Swift, chief of Obster- IricS and Gynecology Service at the Litlcoln Hospital Durham. On Thursday the doctors and pharmacists will hear lectures on “Death Taxes • State and Federal” l>y James J. Sanson, Jr., assistant day of the mieet on Wedj>osda)>,' i cashier. Mechanics and Farmers June 10. ; 'Durham and “Rising Costs Amp,US tl\e ;}i;wri^ns.,wiw. will appear are: Dr. William ^A,,iCl^' land, attending pediatrician at : ^—t of Hospital Care" 'by John; -G> %ott, Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill. R«T*ii *2 PINT / oisinitD non 9itAiH -7 *» MOOr mRLEi JACQUiN It ct«, inc., Mi!*., r>. ir|i^ IF SOrCALL US We cater to DINNER PARTIES • CLUB MEETINGS # MNQUETS, ETC. Seating Capiacity For 70 BIlIHOIitHOlEUNbGlilll FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Call LATH ALSTON — 5-2071 mm mmm Union InswiiMR^tv Co, Perkins Heads Odd Fellows Jaclcsonville, Florida—Attorney Daniel Wiebster Peritins, was re- elepted Grand Master of the Gran^ Ijodge'of jthe Grand United Order of'. Odd Fellows, District, NO. 27, of the United States of America in its session heire. *' Attdsnejf Pericins has been iden tified' with tlie National Business League-sittce 1905.-He became a life Member *. .0nder Dr. Horace Suddati), President. is secretary of the Executive Boa^d and Board of Truste>s of Betiiune Cooicman College aiid Florida Normal Indus trial Memorial College; Vice Chair man of the Alumni Association of Shaw University; Chairman of the legal-sUb-committee of the Duval County United’ Negro College Fund", |f«J|\mder:president of Clara White Mission, Incorporated and its subsidiaries. LEGAL NOliCES DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COMRfi NOTICE OF SERVICE OP jjated this 18th day of May, 1899 J. J. HENDERSO.M, Trustee. OV Biiki irATinM Hu»h Thompson, Attorney PROCESS BY PUBLICATION 23 30; June 6, 13. NORTH CAROUNA) -- „ CAROLINA DURHAM COU.NTV) j DURHAM COUNTY TO .MAGGIE R. BLAKENEY: NOTICE OF SALE Taice notice that a pleading, ^ ^ ^ VIRTUE of scCicing relief agamst you has power of sale contamed in a . been filed on the above named ac-1 cerum Deed 'tt Trust executed by tion Artiiur Sitinner ^ . .. .• . u.Ukiniipr dated the 22nd day of and recorded _in Uook 814, the /\riiiur The nature of the relief ^ouiht ‘H* ^^,d,d m is an absolute divorce from the 1,14^ page 428, in U»e office bonds of matrimony grounds of two years separation. You are required to malce de fense to ruch pleading on or be fore the 6th dav of July, 1959, and upon your tanure to do so, the party seeking service upon you will apply to the Court for the rehef sought. This 5th day of May, 1959. Margaret B. Best Clerk, Durham County Civil Court F. B. McKissick Attorney May 9, 16, 23, 30 NEW METHOD iJtUNDRY \nd Di'*)' Cleaners 405 Hoxboro Street 9BOAD ST. BRANCH 1106 Broad Street QLiaOK - SERVICE WASH TUB ftoxboro Road at Avondale Drive NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed ot trust executed by HU IE A. EUBANKS, JR. et ux, .MARY U. EUBANKS, dated November 1, 1957, and recorded in Book 602, I Page 145, in the Office of the ' Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned, trus tee will offer for sale at public on to the highest bidder for at the Courthouse door in j pr»i»rtiin*i nt rcfcrcncG PHONES: 2-7071 - S-6718 HUDSON WELl CO. Well Drillittg Prices Are Reasonable Ll.U I \m m reasons tor .jurham. North Carolina, at NOON, on the 25th day of June, 1959 the property conveyed in said deed of of the iiegister of Deeds of Dur ham County, North Carolina, d^ fault having been made in the payment of the ii^eWedness thereby secured and said Deed of uf Trust being by the terms there of subject to forciosure, the un dersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the hi*^ eat bidder for cash at the Court ioiise door in Durham. Nortn Carolina, at noon, on tnt loiii iay of June, 1959, the property jonveyed in said deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Durham and State of .N’orth Carolina, in Patterson township, and in the City of D^ ham, and more particular desmbed js follows: BEGINNING at a point on the West side of Hoover Road, said point being 250 feet in a south eastern direction from the soiith- Avenue and Hoover Road; thence South 34 degs. 41 mins. Ea.'»t M feet to a stake; thence South 55 degs. 19 mins. West 150 feet to a stake; thence North a4 degs. 41 mins. West 50 feet to a stake; thence North 55 degs. 19 mns. East 150 feet to the point of be ginning and being all of lot No. 6. Block C, as shown by the plat of Pine View, and surveyed ana platted by R. M. Pickard, Eng., March, 1929, and copied by J. Ralph Weaver, Reg. Sur., Octob er, 1945, (formerly The Pickette Estate) . and duly recorded in Plat Book 15. at Page 80, Dur ham County Registry, to ^ich hereby Tiade for a more particular description, be ing the oropertv conveyed to Mrs. Hattie Bass by W. E. Dark and trust the same jyihg and l^ing in | dated D^ember 10, the County of Durham and State j recorded in Deed Book of North Carolina, in Durham | ^na recorneu Township, and more particulafly. THIS SALE will be made described as follows: onhwt to all outstanding liens BEGIWING at a f ^^e u^airtlxes aid mu- East side of First Avenue, 7d.d . : , assessments feet in a Northerly direction f?om dTv of May 1959. the point where the East side of This First Avenue, extended, intersectfi' McKissick the Nefth side of Canterbury Cir- « McKissict cle, at the Northwest corner of Lot No. 195, and mnntng from .said beginning point North 21 deg. 17’ East, along and with East side of First Avenue, 65 feet to a stake; thence South 75 deg. 36’ East 118.7 feet to a stake, at the North east corner of Lot No. 195; thence North'IS df.g. 36’ West, 119.3 feet to a stake, the point of beginning, and being Lot No. 194, in Section Three, as shown on plat of “Sher- Attomey May 23. May 30; June 6, June 13. O DURm^M COUNr/- CIVIL COURt mOKIH CAaOLlKlA UUKHAM COUNfY NOI'ICE Floyd Thomas Amey, Plaintiff vs. lieairice uunon Aiiiey, Ueitiu*- aiic. rhc above named defendiUiL Beatrice iiorion Amey, will i.wpod Fwest, Marcn. ^ that an aciiur and of Tecofd in Pl3t Bfwk 14, *i | aoyve has been L-oniiii acuun entiiled^ L-oniiiienceu in Hkti page 77, of the Registry of Durham 1 »jouuiy Civil vjoort, l>ur- County, to which plat reference is , Carolina, by the plain hereby made lit! to secure an ateoiute divorce choosing Mayta^l Here’s why you should bay your applitince from Mont gomery & Aldridge! ... We offer Specielized Service; the best equipped sliop in Durham, including, parts for all the appliances we sell. Montgomery And Aldtidge Appliance Company, Inc. Cor. .Aforgsn ft Roney Sis. Plioni 6183 Opposite Carolina Theatec We Close This willjie _s_oW defendant upon the grounds of two years ^paratioo; mat the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of tne Cleric ot Durham, North Carolina, in me qof Durham, North Carolina, In tfte Courthouse in Durham, uu or be fore thirty (30) days after the 13th day ot June, 1969, and answer or demur to the complaiat in saiu ac tion. or the plaifttilf will ap^ily to tor; thie rcliei Uemi*i^i ip sani Cofiifdaibt. This, the-Hthi of Mu, 18S0. Cterfc the ptu^suit Margaret E Best ! - Cuunty Citil Court WSIia^ AXft«u|^, ^rJ Attorney May 16, 23, 30; June 6. O “NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as adniinistra- tri.x of the estate of Eugene Page^ deceased, late of Durham Counisr, .Vorth Carolina, this is to notify all :>ersons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the un dersigned at 504 Elmira Avenue, Durham, North Carolina, on or ^ fore the 17th day of June, 19to, cr this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of May, 1966. Mrs. Jessie Atwater, admiais- trairix of the esta.o of Eiuene ject to all prior encumbrances and all prior and 1959 Ad Valorem taxes. This sale will remain open for ten (10) days to receive increased bids as required by law. J. J. HENDERSON Trustee William A. Marsh, Jr., Attorney This 20th day of May, 1959. May 23, 30, June 6. 13. -• . ,— TRUSTE1B NldT^E t>F SALB: ' NORTH CA50UW ' dukham cOUnw UNDER AKDiBY Vl^UE,of,th« pdwer of sdlo 'contains In'm- Ifett- tain deed of trust execiited tty JOHN PRINCE and wife, ANNIE STROUD PRINCE, dated the 19th day of July, 1953, and recorded in Book 506, page 39, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham C' anty. North Carolina, default !• ving been made in the payment t. the indebtedness thereby se- cared and said deed of trust be ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the liighest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Durham, North Carolina, at Noon, on the 25th day of June. 1959, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being iiti the County of Durham, and State of North Carolina, in Durham Township, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit; ' BEGINNING at a stake on the Pase, deceased. West side of Second Street, same! Thompson being 100 feet North of the North- . r 11 on west intersection of Second anu May 16. 23. ,TO. June 6. 13. 20. “C” Streets, thence in a westerly ■ * direction 140 feet to a stake in the | DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COUKT easterifr side of a 20 fooi alley; 1 NORTH CAROLINA thence in northerly direction DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE.OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION! George T. Brown, Plaintiff vs. Irene J. Brown. DcfendanL To Irene J. Brown: Take notice that a pleading sakk- ing relief against you has been filed in the above named acti»i The nature of the relief souAt is an absolute divorce from Rw twnds (rf matrimony on the grouids of two years separation. You are hereby requii*ed to defense to such pleading 00 or fore the 13th dav of Julte, II ence is hereby made and had for> and upon your failure to do a more particular description the pwty seeking service upoa ton same. See deed from W. C. PouA-1 will apply to the Court for Um 'lexter, unmarried, to Rayford lief sought. Stroud et ux Luella Stroud, both! This Uth day of Migr, 198B now deceased, deed book SB. pagei Martaiat % Bast *i|L Upon which is situated a housei Clark ot.Mt DwMm UMad as 1QB5 Second Street. Coafeto cUm Cottrt TTUS SA]:.E win reaAidn opaal r^. E. for t«k di^ to racaiva liii iiiiarillfaigi' rly with the eastern side ot said alley, 50 feet to a stake; thence in an easterly direction 140 teet to a stake in the western sicie of Sec ond Street; thence in a southerly direction along the western side of Second Street 50 feet to the pqhit or place of beginning, same being Lot -No. 20 in Bloek 31 of the B. J. Parrish West Durham Property, according to the plat thereof, dated June 3. 1907, and now re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book 2, page 108, to which refer-