KftACPnow ReadyrtQiTestfliaia/ Nning Ofganizatibn in Ala. NEW YORK—The United States Supreme Couft's unanimous) rul ing setting aside for a secontl lime tlie SlOO.OOp contempt fine levied ^agaitist the NAACP by an Alabama court opens the way for a testing, on tlie merits, of tiu.* Alabama oiistei', Rol)ert L. (’arter, tlie As- noclition’s general counsel, said here today. The cflToct of the decision, hand ed down on June. 8, Mr. Carter assortofl, is to bar the Supreme Conrt of Alabama from fiirther delay in sending the mandate of the U. S. Supreme Court down to the trial court for disposition on its merits. Also, the opinion makes it difllcult for the courts of Ala- •bamn to seek to su.stain the $100,- 000 fine as b^ing based on any \ailure on the part of the NAACP to comply with the court’s order other than refusing to disclose the list of members. The U. S. Supreme Court first set the fine aside last year hold ing that the Alabama circuit or der to turn the names of NAACP members ovej: to the state’s At torney General was a violalBin of the right of freedom of as.socia- tion. When the ca.se returned to. Altibama, the state Supreme CouMf refused to send the man date' down to the trial court al-J though repeatedly petitioned to do| so. Finally in February of thi.=, year, the Supreme Court of Ala bama re-affirmed the $100,000 con tempt judgment on the .t;round that the U. S. Supreme Court, in deciding that the contempt was ba.seii on the failure of the NAA CP to produce its membership iist, was in error and that the NAACP' had failed substantially to comply with other parts of the court order. The case went back to the iiigh tribunal which, in its June 8 de cision, pointed out that the state, in its briefs and in its argument before the Supreine Court, had conooded that the only issue in volved was the question ot thie As.sociation’s right to withhold its merabcrship list. Mr.- Carter, who handled the case iMjfor.e the Sui»reiiie Court, indicated that there “will undoubt- wily bo many more hurdles to surmount before we will lie suc cessful in testing the validity of the ouster from Alabama, llow- evpr, this decision will surely help to bring us closer to that point.” -O- At Voorhees IIALRIOII—Di. James A. noyer. President of St. Augustine’s Col lege will speak at the Tenth An nual Suntmer Scho«)l of Religious Education at Voorhees Junior Col lege, Donmark, Souih ('arolina on Welnesrtay, June 17, 1959, at 7:00 p.m. Dr. lliiyot will s|)^k oti /The Challenge of Mulual Understand ing.” er at ike banoHet Music will b« furniiih«l by gome of the Rak-igh Jack and Jill chil dren and mother!). Activities are planned for out- ^-town fathers and chiliircn who plan to attend the regional. Mrs. Eva Hamlin Miller of Greensboro is regional director. Mrs. Elizabeth Cofield ii president uf the Raleigh Chapter. Visits Niece After a five month stay in San Francisco, California, Miss Frances Brook.shire Is visiting her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Williams of 1307 Avalon street, Greensboro. JACQUINlS OYALE *2 PINT eKATN - ‘BO hoOV CNARUS JACaUIN tt Cie, Inc., Phil?., Pa. Planning That Party? TT^ CALL us • We cater to DINNER PARTIES e CLUB MEETINGS • BANQUETS, ETC. SeaMng Capacity For 70 BILTMORE HOTEL AND GRILL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Call LATH ALSTON — 5-2071 GET DECREE —Mrs. Katie E. Whlckam, Preildfent of the 'Na tional Baauty Culturists' League, cantlnuaf to set new precedents and forge ahead in history-mak ing evertts. It is believed the cel* cbrated . Cosmetologist Is among the few In the field to hold an Honorary Doctorate. The Beau ticians' League officer was gran ted the Honorary Doctor of Let ters (honoris causa) at the elsthty* ninth Commencement of Leland Collage in Baker, Louis- slana. The degree was conferred by President Dr. R. Douglas Tho. mas. The College, whar* mfnyef tho members of har family have graduated and earned pars^al honors, cited Dr. Whickam for her spirit and Influence. In reaching youth and aduHs in the nation and for her contribu tion to l>eaytifying the tan Wo men via her administrative ^iid- gifted ability. '' Mrs. Whickam in her capacity as President ° of the National Beauty Culturiats' League, Ihc., represents some 10,000 l>ers. It is the largest orfartlta- tion of Its kind in the country. Events Planned for Jack and Jill Regional Meet in Raleigh Listed B^ Thelma M. Keck RALEIGH—The Raleigh Chap ter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., will be host to the first bi ennial Mid-Atlantic Mothers Reg ional Conference'! on June 19 and 20, 1959. The theme of the con ference is ‘‘Building Programs for Today’s Youth—Tomorrow’s Citi zens. The schedule of events is as follows; B'riday, June 19, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.—registration on the West Campus of Shaw Uni versity in tho student center. A Get-Acquaiqted Social will be heW Friday night at B:30 p>m. at the Tuttle Center. Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. registriition will continue. Plenary bysihess sessions will be held Saturday morning beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the West Campus Auditorium. Luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. in the Shaw University Campus Inn, and at 2:30 p.m. the business sessions will continue. A banquet is scheduled for 8. p.m. Saturcjay at Cheshire Hall on St. Augustine’s College Campusi t At torney Eire t a Alexander,', of Qrcensbora i» the featwed. ^ak- ’5-^CLA SSI FlEDTfiF-:- 10 Shtrtt reR, packed 1 or a Shirts 8 or more $1.9fl ..ea. 20c e«. 19c ~)eluxe packed.ahirta —ea. 20r (Cellophane ^ SANITARY Laimd^rers And Cleaners DIAL 2-4831 CORNER PINE STREET AND LAKEWOOD AyeaJUE 9 Service Gara$e» Speight’s Auto Service Road Sendee ■.. Steam Cleaning Servire .,, Recapping ,,. Wheel Alianment. PHONE: fl-aS'il Pattlgrew «nd Fayetteville Sta. INLAID LINOLKUM. ASrHALV RUBBER ASD WALL TILE —free E.itimotM— AI Union Ki^ctric'^ Company, Inc. • tClectrlcal Contractlno » Electrical Supplies • Electrical Apptittncea • Lighting Fixture* VAY PHONE: 2-6248 2241 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD FEMALE HELP MAIDS, NEW YORK JOBS, WAIT- ing. Free room and board. High est pay to $220 month. Write im mediately giving age, axperience and reference, name and address. Car fare advanced. HAV-A-MAID AGENCY, 4 Bond Street; Great Neck, ti. Y. CO A L “OK in Every Weigh” Al. H. Head & Son tTadUbtuc.ak' ’ McGhee Co^ Co. CALL S-lMl. FOR SALE Muc* Ui Tile Company^ Inc. raONC 1806JIOXftORO ROAD Beautiful 3 Bedroom Brick H*n;i«s $500 Down B«i||nc#, Terihs Can Arrf«^«d ELLOnVbEAL*^, Call 9-1934 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 4/5 or. PINT vv» Special Trains To Make Trips to Baptist Meeting MEMPHIS, TENN —Dr. James B. Cayce, Piltsburglj, l‘a., Direc tor General of the National Sun day School anti Baptist Training Union Congress, announced a large numljcr of trains will converge on Memphis, bringing thousands of delegates to the Congro.ss mcc\, a school of methods, and the Board meeting of the National Baptist Convention, .June 22-28, 195C'.t Dr. Cayce stated that among the specials will be the Dr. Max well’s Presidents Special, leaving New York, Chicago Special, Texas Special, conducted l>y Dr. S. T. Alexander, Alabama Special, Lou isiana Special, Dr. K. I), iiilloups, Mississippi Special, l!ev. ,1. W, Gay- den, Georgia Special, Ilcv. L. A. Pinkston. The Congress has an improve ment in its organizational set up inciudiog Fine Arts Division, Chil dren’s leaders Division, Youth Leaders’ Division, Pastors Divi sion, laboratory School, Skill Shop, Administration Workshop, Adult Division, General Division, Ministers Wives Division and Ad ministration Division. The general session of the Con gress will be held in the Ellis Auditorium eaclv day and the (80) special classes In Christian Ed ucation will be held in the Book er T. Washington High School, Mississippi and Lauderdale streets and the Junior High School in •Lauderdale Street. O The Carolina Times is published every Saturday by United Publish ers, Inc. of Durham. 5T!ajrr2>* li-wfes SAT, JUHi Wa WUFM UNtWDUEO" > LEGAL NOTICES PHONES: 2-7071 - 5-6718 HUDSON WELL ro. Well Drilling Prices Are Rcasonablel You Can’t Afforci To Miss What Wc Offer! Accident And Health Inmrance. Hospitalization I';, i.' Inmrance Individual or Family Plan - Up To $10.00 Per Day Plus Miscel* laneous Feos Wiih Sur gical Benefits 70 Days Per Year. AGENTS WANTED Local and Statewide Men or Women Southern Fidelity Mutual Insurance Company PHONE 3-3331 527 Elm Street Durham, iV. C, Jolia N. GIcmm Boys Club Head To Visit New Avery Plant The national director of Boy Clubs of America is scheduled to confer with John Avery Boys Club officials in Durham on Thursday. John M. Oleason. director of tho Boys Club movement since 1956, will mfeet with meihbcrs of tho board of directors of the Avery Boys Club at four o’clock Thurs day. The meeting will l>o held at (he new club building on Branch Place. Earlier Thursday, at tw> o’clock p.m., he will he guest at a lunch- con at North Carolina Mutual Lif9 In.surance Company. A New Yorker who resides in Greenwich, Conn, Gleason started his career in law enforcement and has been long identified with civic and service organizations. . A career police gfficer since 1929, he is a graduate of numerous advanced courses in all phases of law enforcement and administra tion given by leading universities, including Harvard, Northwestern, Rutgers, Yale and New York, He has been active as an in structor and guest lecturer on the university level and is author of many articles and publications on law enforcement. In 1944, he graduated with honors from the National Police Academy of the FBI. A former member of the Greens wich Boys Club, Gleason in later years served as a member of the club’s board of directors and chairman of its program and per sonnel activities. north CAROLINA DURHAM COUMTY ADMUNISTRATRIX MOTICt Havini; qualified as administra trix of tlie estate at Eugene Pafe, deceased, lale of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to r^ify all persons having cialms agaitlst said estate to exhibit them to the un dersigned at 504 Elmira Avenue, Durham, North Carolina, on or be fore the 17th day of June, IteO, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estjte will please make immediate payment This Uth day of May, 1959. Mrs. Jessie Atwater, adminis tratrix of the estate of Ku;;ene Paiie, decease*). M. Hugh Thompson Attorney May 16, 23. 30; Juno fi. 13. 20. Honor Roll H. M. Holmes, principal of Hill side High School, has.released the n5iSes‘brTHF'iPoinbWrng sFuiJenls who are on the Honor Roll for the six week period. They, are: 12th Grade - Willene Jackin, Marjorie Lenhon, and Shirley Wil- cher. lUh Grade -. Eldee Brawn, Betty Goodloe, MArsha Gooidwin and Claude Verbal. 10th Grade - Claudine Dayc, Doris Schooler, and Willa Jaye Walkef. Doris Schooler, )10th Grade, was the only student listed on the sei-^ ond semester Honor Roll. ^ NEW METHOD • IjiUIVDRY /Vnd Dry Cleaners 405 Itoxboro Street BROAD ST. BRANCH IIM Broad Street QVICK ■ SERVICE WASH TUB Roxboro Rc^ at Avondale Drive FUEL OIL - KEROSENE Metered I Telephone I Deliveryg.1217 | ' KENAN OR COMPANY HILLSBORO ROAD DURHAM, N. C I-EGAL NOTICE IN THE DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COURT NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Willie Junior Stephpn.'son, Plain tiff vs. Mary Lee Stephenson, De fendant. The bove named defendant, Mary Lee Stephenson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commencel in the Dur ham County Civil Court, Durham, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce frum| the defendant upon the grounds ofi two years separation; that the dc- fandant will further takt notice! that she is required to appear at. the office of the Clerk of the Dur ■ ham County Civil Court of Dur-' ham. North Carolina, in the Court- ^ hou.se in Durham, (wi or before' thirty (30) days after the 10th day! of July, 1959 and an.swer to the > complaint in sail action.s or the | nlainfiff will apply to the Court, for the relief demamled- in said complaint. This, the 9th day of June, 1959. Margaret B. Best Clerk of the Durham County Civil Court C. O. Pear.son, Attorney June 13, 20, 27, July 4 O NOTICE OF ;.O.V.MISSI0NER'S SALE NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT In the Matter of Lewis A. Wright and wife, Luciilc Wright; L. Ernest Wright and wife, Emma Wright; Isaac Wright and wife, Inez Wright. Petitioners -vs- Lettie King, (Single), Anna King, (Single), Sam Kennedy, Joe Kennedy, Will Kennedy, et al. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of sale of the Superior Court of Durham County, made in a spec ial pcoceeding No. 7584, ejititled “In the Matter of Lewis A. Wright and wife, Lucille Wright; L. Ernest Wright and wife, Emma Wright; Isaac Wright and wife; Inez UUght, petitioners, vs. Lettie I^g, Single, Anna King, Single, Sara Kennedy, Joe Kennedy, Will Kennedy; et al. The undersigned, commissioner, will on the 10th day of July, 1959, at 12:00 o’clock p.m., at the Court house door in Durham, North Car olina, offer for public sale to the hish^l bidder or bidders for cash tTie following *descrT5ed land BEGINNING at arf iron stake on the West side of Pine Street and running in westerly direc tion with the south side of Lips comb’s lot 140 feet to an iron stake; thence in an easterly di rection 140 feet to an iron stake the west side of Pine Street; thence in a southern direction with the west side of Pine Street Teachers Named For In^tute 50 levt to an iron .Uakr liu- be- ■;mnin‘.; comer. C. T GATES, June 13, 20. 27r July 4 NORTH CAROUMA DURHAM COUMTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA TOR C. T. A :iavm£ qualified a^ administrator C. T. A. o' tiie estate of Ceeelia Evans, deceasc-rf, late of Dorltam CiHiBty, North CarfHtM, tbw i* to notify all pt r='having claim.^ a.^inst said estat»^ to txhil.it them to the undersin"ert at 520 Cecil Street. Durham North Carolina, on (M* before the 1st dav of Juae. I960, or this notire will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebtp^l to said P3tat» are asked to make immediate paymeflt. Thi^i 27th dav of Msy, 195». Charles II. I.as,iiler. Admin- i.strator c. t. a, of the estate of Tpcplia Ev.nn.s, Deceased. M. IIu"h Thompson, Aftomey May .30: June «. 13. 20. 27; Jnly 4. 0 NOTICE TO CREUIl'ORS The undersigned having quali fied as Exccutrix of the E-s- lale of Mmnie P. Turner, deceased, thi.s is to notify persons having claims ag.”.inst the estate of said deceased lo file them with the undersi^'nerl tm or before May 26, I960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebtefi to said estate are re quested to make immediate pay ment. This May 26, 1959. Daisy Barnes Turner, executrix for the estate of Minnie Turner, decea.sed, Everette. Evcrctte and Everette, Attorneys. May 30; June (5. 13, 20, 27; July 4 NORTH CAROLINA , ^ DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra- tri.x of the estate of JOHN E. TUCK, deceased, late of Durham County, .\orth Carolina, this is t« notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigner' at 403 LawMO Street. Durham. North Carolina,’ on or before June 1, 1960, or this notice will be plead in bar of iheir recovery. All persons in det>ted to said estate are asked to make immediate payment. This 27tn day if May, 1959. (Mrs. Edna R. Tuck, admiiiis- M. Hugh ’Thompson, tratrlx of the estate of John E. Tuck, deceased. Attorney — May 30: June, 6, 13. 20. 27; July 4. 0 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COURT NOTICE Australia Easterling. PlaintifI vs. Claudius Nelson Sasterlmg, De^ fendant. THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND ANT, Claudius Nelson Easterling, will take notice that an action en titled as alwve has been com menced in the Durham County Civil Court. Durham. North Caro lina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from tike defesd ant upon the grounds of two yean separation: that the defendant will further take notice that be is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Durham County Civil Court of Durham, North Car olina, in the Courthouse in Dur ham, on or befote thirty (30) days after the 27th day of June. 13M, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 2ith day of May. 1959. Jas. R. Stone, E.\-Officio Clerk of . the Durham County ’ ., = •- CMl»rRurt • ■\yiiltam Ai M.ti^h; Jr., Attorney M-iy SO: June 6, 13, ?>. GREENSBORO, — Announce ment of the- names of eigbt vis- isting. lecturers for the Na'^ional Science Foundation’s summer training program in mathematics and science for high school stu dents to be held at Bennett Col lege, June 2^ to July 31, was an nounced this week by Dr. J. Henry Sayles, director. Augmenting the local staff of seven teachers will be the follow ing: Dr. Leigh C. Anderson, chair man of the department of chem istry at the University of Mich igan; Dr. Jam^ S. Lee, chairman of the department of chemistry. Dr. Harold W. Lewis, associate professor of physics and Dr. Hen ry S. Roberts, associate professtur of zoology, all of Duke University; Dr. Kelso B» Morris, professor of chemistry at HowaVd University; Dr. Walter R. Tall>ot, chairman ofj the department of mathematics; at Lincoln (Mo.) Universty, andj Dr. Maurice Whittinghill, profes-l sor of zoology at the University oi; North Carolina. | The following members of the! Bennett College faculty compose | the local teaching staff in addition, to Dr. Sayles, namely: j Dr. Chauncey G. Winston. asso-| ciate director and professor ot chemistry: Dr. Roy Lee, physics i and chemistry: Van S. Allen, bio logy; James J. Scarlette, mathema- tics.and WlUie L. Youn& bioloQjr; matliemaijKS ax^fie iTOiaifi Hisk Seho^ in High Point, rounds 'biil-W staff, aie is a ipecialiat in ■ The Carolina Times is published .ey^ry Saturday by limited Putitisk-' eri inc. of bflrliSfn. mt MATTM CHKTTAM why yon should boy your appliance from Mont- eomery & Aldridge! ... W* offer SpecicUxed Service; the best equipped skop in Durham, inchidiac parta for all the appliaaces wa seU. Montgomery And . Aidiidge A{>pliance Company. Inc. Cor. Morgan A Roaoy Sts. •Its mm-