P THE CA no LINA - "TMI ntUTH UNMIOLIir TIMES »AT^ JOUY 4. IfSt iiO PROM PAOI ONI rifhtt Icvlslttion Fwltral CwntHtiflenal nt. *7W« call upon loyal wtM bcli««« I(mI fft* fr««- all United S>atoi CHiiatn prlaclxi avvrywliari in tha State*, t* waric and vata all who Bupperled iuch tlvMalian. -NODEm CONTINUED FROM PAOE ONE WTthing constructive to combat ilife evil of racial segrcizalion?” “Doe* the community regard your Church as an effeclive social force?" Is the Church interested in international affairs? ‘'What is your Church doin# to improve th* ecobomic life of .the communty?’’ and "Do you have • tocUl educa tion and action committee in your Church?” As the first order of business Thursday morninl, the Rev. J. W. Smith. Jr., minister, Ck>venant Presbyterian Church, Durham, was elected modtritor, add the^ Rev. J. H. Costen, Rocky Mount' was appointed vice moderator. Out of the evangelism report •;ame quite a hassle which was precipiUted by a lengthy di^us sicn and tactical maneuvering de signed to drop Dr. Abraham H, Prince of Columbia, S. C., from the directorship of evangelism In Catawba Synod. Finally, after an appeal by more sympathetic pres byters, it was voted to pay $99 due on his pension and carry the matter over for later disposition. JACQUIN'S ■OYALI *2 PINT eiSTl'ltO fKOM GRAIN - *0 MOOf CHARUS «l CIC l«e.. Mil*.. HEllOLADBI When You Feel the Need of Hiffhlijcht in Your-Beauty Call Us. 'DEBBY'S HOUSE OF BEAUTY" 4 Competent Operators Misa Mary Parker, Mrs. Josephine Jonet, Mis* ChrUtinc Static, Miss Ruchel McWilliun*. MaiiAg^r 92S £. MariMt St. BR 4-7JU CONTINUED PROM PAfif ONI; m«intaitis 9 private practice in N. V. and OT»o0e, N. J. Dr. CoNice pasi«d 'th« oral and the Board of ThM-aeic Surgery at its April meeting in Los Angeles The Board of Thoracic Surgery IS a subsidiary of the Amercan Speci^ty board in . general sur gery. The chest specialist already holds membership in several dis-, tinguished medical bodies. He is ) diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners and the American Board of Surgery, and is a fellow of the New York Acad emy df Medicine. In 1M2, he was given an “hon orable mention" citation by the Medical Society of New York; In 1956. the title at “AasisUht Estranger” was conlerred upon iiim by the faculty of Medicine the University of Paris for vork on ser».ifb of Professor Francois de Gavadart D’Allaines 4t a Paris hospital. Dr. Cordice is‘the son of the late Dr. J. W. V. iand Mrs. Cor- lice of Durham, He. trained at N.Y.U., both n M undergradu ate and as a Mudent. He interned' at Harlem Hospi- tat, did residence work in Path ology at Montefibre and has been a He’seiirch Fellow *t Columbia University. \j Cordice. served , w | captain in the Ait Force ^lng Wwld War 11. \ Be fas marjrierf .io the‘former Mi» Biiargu^rite McGill of Ne^v Yfffk. They live 272 RoSemont Place, Englewi^, N; i., with their threie diaghtiS'B. -MORON coNTiNvep PAQe one Durham re'd-haptdM with one of- the forgeries.’' ' > Durham Bupplied information' teiding to th* Wtest' of. the others. ; — . CONTI WED FROM PAO| ONE to administer Hampton’s Virgin Islands program 4his summer »nd to prepare, during the coming year, a report for the trustees on the Institute's structure and futurt development.” The flye-year-rtd Virgin Islands program, devoted to improving the professional abilities of public school teachers in the islands, was underwritten during its first three years by a Ford Foundation grant and has been underwritten since by the Vlrgiii Isl«nd|i government. .Dr. Maron's raslmatlan offer wa* consldartd In a special IMard qiettinf Thursday In New York's Hotel' Baltlmera, called te hMr a rap»rt from a beard cmnmittea yvhlch had haen appoint^ earlier to Inveatlfate (he ItsW* behind the president^ action. In their regular mee^ag April 24, at the campus which Is situat ed on Virginia lower peninsula, the board tabled further .consid eration of the matter following « day-long executive sessio^ Dr. Moron, 90, has b^ presi dent of Hampton ^Insti^M^ since 1949 following a year’s service as business manager of, the col lege. Hp is an alumnus of Brown Uni versity and earned the masters degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He was awarded the degree bachelor of laws Jt/eom Har- vwd University, which he attend ed, as » Rosenwald Fellow. Wilber- forc? and Brown U»ivei|sltle« have honored him with the doctorate of laws. , : Earlier this year Dr. Moron made a. two-montij _ lecture tour of bnlia, as a U. S. sprci&list ui^er the auspices of the Department of State. In ,1956, he was il member of-a study tour^ of ihe Middle East, jointly sponsWed by the American Christian Falestlnf Committee and iNational Confer^ ehce of Christians 4 Jews. CONTINUED PAOE ONE Uia fattl bl^st, iiid hid under the frdnt pwrb of the' house. Wheii Turrenttoe approached her hiding. , place', she said she (ired u hfe s^oopM ovn. A&P WILL CLOSE SATURDAY, July 4 b. 29c BIRTHDlAy NO LIMIT—Stock Up HEARTY ANU VIGOROUS—WR OWN 5 TEA BAGS 48 P?. S CAROLINA BEAUTY KOSHER DILL ilPICKlES TRUSTEE' NOf ICI OP SALE north CAItoLTOA f DMHAM COUNTY UJIDER Al!|D PY VffiTUE of the power of s^e contained in a certain Deed 'ot Wust Executed by HOME MODimNiaSA’^N AND SUPPLY COMPANY to E. R. Mef rick, Trustep, dated the 13th day ot January, 19W, wn recorded la Book 534, pa^e w, in the WBce ot the Register of Deeds of pur- Coi^rty; .and undeir, and by vSitie of -the «jrth»Wty -v«»ted-lli the undersigned as Substituted Trustee by ap thstruinent of writ ing dated the 14Ui 4ay of Febru ary, 1958, and K)^4^d in Bapk 252, page 253; in We ofBce of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, default having been made ia the payment'' tne indebted ness thereby secured aiid the said deed oif truit by the tent^ thereof subject to forecloswe u[id the homer rf ihe indebiM ness thereby secitf^ having de manded a fottchnoie thereof for the purjHMerof satijfyiog said in debtedness, the s ua|miined sub sUtuted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Durham, North Carolina at TWELVE O’CLOCK, NOON, on the 5th day of AUGUST, 1969, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Durham Township, Durham Cotiqty, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING, at a Stake on Fay etteville Street in Bobert Pode’s line, and runninf thence along the line of Fayotteville Street, 22.9’ feet North 23 degrees 58 minutes E^st to a stake in line of Lot No. 2; theiica in an easter ly direction aldng the line of Lot No. 2, 90.4 feet iouth 86 degrees 06' to a stake iii • 16 foot alley; thence along said «lley 21.6 feet South 11 degrees 28 mmutes West to a stake in the line of Robert Poole; thence along the line of ftobert Poole, South $6 degrees 08 i^nutes Eart 845 feet to the point of beginning, The same be ing Lot No. 1 of ^e OilEEN BAR BEE ESTATE recced in Plat of the Itegister Of‘l>eeds of Dur- Book 7, at page US, in the office ham County. Furtlier reference is liereby made td dffd from Hosea Barbee et al. to C. C. Spaulding et al recorded in Book of Deeds 86, at pases 149-90- THIS SALE will remain open for ten (lO)- days to receive in crease bids, as raqulred by law. Dated this 1st ^y. of July, 1959. J. S. STEWART, Substituted Trustee M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attorney. July 4, II, 18, 25. ANN PAGE REALLY FRESH HAYONiUISE QUART JAR -PATROL Pieturad' above U Virgil Mc- Cpy, Durham resident, who was fwneralized Thursday at St^ Jo seph's A.M.E. Church. See paga four,, for details. Results Of Linen Drive Complete results of the reccrrtly climaxed linen drive lor Lincoln iiospital were disclosed Ihi.s week. . "Lincoln hospital is very frratc- ful fpr the continued interest, of the women of several churclics, in . and out side of Durham, who have made this drive a suot'i'ss,” a hospital official said in inakin;; the disclosure. An annual project, the drive %eks to raise funds and collect linen for the hospital. Amounts and iiidiviJuals .group raising tlie aiuuunts are |oUpws; Mrs. Mary Smith, New Bethel Baptist Church, $30.c0; Mi’s. Eliza- ■" Jones, Union Baptist Church Josephine Harris, Eidn Bapti.st Church, $87.- ;' Mrs. Christine Page, Oak Grove te ' Will Baptist, $i5.12 Mrs. Cflafitha Suggs, Ebene7cr Baptist 'Clhotth, $12fi.69; and Mrs. Shirley dprans, Markham Chapel Baptist {Ghttteh, $31.10. I fa/additioD to this amount, the (Mc^lng sums were doi’ated by the following groups: Arts and Ci^afts, Simmon , Street. $3.00; Pefrsohtown Benefit Club $1.00; S.i.i'Vlark Mission A. M. E. Zion .Cnilr'ch, $5.00; Arts and Crafts, 'Duri)am Ushers Union, $5.00; 'Women’s Auxiliary, Lincoln Hos pital, $25.00; Shilo’i Sunday 'Schopl and Missionary Circle, $11. ’TS'Bpck Sprin.a Baptist Church, ‘(f.S5; Cosmetologist Club No, 1, 8:804 and other donations, !S9.82 Deaths in Greensl)dro WILLIAM D. JACKSON William Douglas Jackson, age 75, of Route 1, Jamestown, North Carolina, died Monday at his home. Funeral service was held Thurs day, 2:30 p. m. at Turner’s Chapel A. M. E. Church in High Point, North Carolina. Rev, M. L. John son, pastor officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edna Jaqkson, two brothers, Jun- lous Jackson, of Jamestown and Curtis Jackson of High Point. North Carolina. LEROY SNUCGS Leroy Snuggs, age 41, of 600 Leach street, Asheboro, Nortl Carolina, died Monday at Randolpl County floSpital. Funeral services was held Thursday, 2:30 p.m. at the First ilaptist church in Norwood, North Carolina. Burial was in the church cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mae H. Snuggs; three sisters Mrs. Mozelle Snuggs of Alexandria, Va., Mrs. Hattie Seagrove of Baltimore, Aid., and Mrs. Nello Freeland'of Asheboro; three brothers, John Snuggs of Asheboro, Dallas Snuggs of Norwood and Homer Snuggs of Boston, Mass. Plenty Food, Fun At Sliriners' Picnjc-Juiy ^Baldwin's Farm MRS. ETHEL HUNTER Funeral service for Mrs, Ethel" . liimter, age 41, of 7111/2^E. Mar- j ket street who died Tuesday, June ***®|23 at L. Richardson Memorial | Jlospital was held Monday, June 29, 1:00 p.m. at United Institu-j tional Baptist church with the pas tor, Rev. C. W. Anderson, official-1 ing. Burial was in Raleigh, North Carolina. | ed, clubs of churchs donated linen with a cash Value of $104.01. The Total Cash and Linen Received Amounted to $572.30. AT CUT-JIATE SUPER MARKET FEATURING LOW, LOW FRIGES AA Choice Dreaaed FRYER S —29c 3wift Sweet Rasher BACON . Lb. 39c Freah Ground B E E F .. ■.. Lb. 39c Fresh Meaty SPARE RIBS ■ Lb. 39c Fillabury FLOU R 25 Ib. bag $1.89 Lut^a PURE L ARD 4 lb. ctn. 49c CUT-liATE SUKR MARKH OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY 4 904 FiyetteviOe Si. Tel 9>5629 SHOP AT CUT RATE AND SAVE CONTINUED FfcOM ^AOl ONE and not aiiy toilet facilities in it.” One of the patrolmen then —vjto ajidition to the money dbnat- him, “the one we Have is out'ofi^^-^ — r_ ^rder.” ! I Thep Westdii retorted: “Some body's iying.”^ “Get him out' ,of here,” the pa trolmen siwpped:' Weston, isaid when he comment ed that such treatment was notf ‘Harvard and at the University supposed to be a part of the Qj-ujinois. -ON SIAFF COMTINUED FROM PAGE ON5 jthen.University of Michigan. He has done pre doctomil work American way, the patrolman re plied: . "Why don’t you go back to Af- •rtca.*^ - Weston told the Times he in tends to file a formal protest with the Highway Patrol and the Civil Rights Commission. Contacted at patrol headquar ters in Raleigh Wrfnesday, Col. Smith pointed out that he had' not received a complaiAt, a!nd de-| fended the state patrol. ‘ When the incident was recount ] ed. to him, he etplained that Weston should have taken his son ! to a doctor or to a hospital. | In the telephone conversation, Col. Smith went on to i say: j The highway patrol first aid! and patrol station Nvas'hnilt there' ten years ago for the -purpose of rendering first aid treatment to all races, white, black, red or what have you. They are there to assist in first aid not for practic ing medicine. There are restroom facUties for, white and colored and he did not believe that a patrolman would refuse anybody first aid or per mission to the bathroom just be cause of his race. The patrolmen are public serv ants for the state and they are to do everything possible to help not to cause any racial conflicts. Mr. Weston was trying to create an incident. In checking the records you would find that the patrolmen were rated the highest in the na tion, they are genUemen. They do everything to take care of peo pie in that they, take people tf the hospital, give them theii blood, save their lives, direct traf flc, and is conceme*! about the well being of all people regard less of their color. At various times he has taught in high schools in I'ainpton and Fredericksburg, Vir'.iinia, and “StatesBofb “ and rhomsville, tloor- ' prom rl955 to 1P57' he was Dean 6f- Boys and later Principal at Li- gon High School in Raleigh. Do You Own A Lol? Let Us Build You A Home— * Any Size * Any Style ISSELL'S CRISP, FRESH — V-A-N-l.L-L.A Z».OZ. Tb«M ptfcek «re «A^«ctiv« thro«rh Saturday, July 4th. s WESIERBAND'S SHOP Ck>roplete Home & BuUdinjar Maintenance “All Workmanship Expertly Guaranteed” Dial BR 2-6985 After 10 P.M. 190I’E. Market St ^.Dial BR 5-1734 Easy Financing Phone 2-7154 Jhe Builder BOTTLK ANCIE D1STILL8D DKY jpBaODMECI%: DfftTILLCO ANd TOTTLCD LAWfteNCriuffO AMERICAN CAAIN pftoor Stagrams Golden Gin $035 2 PINT. 3 70 ‘AQT. 8t»QII»«-BISTlUH8 COMPIINY,ll.y.C.04 PROOf, WSriltlD DKY OIK, DISTIlLtS FROM »MIRIC»N GRAD. SPRING CLIANING f irst tiM f „5t Easy Xer»in Trcde in Allowance begiiii with your CAR,.. Equip your car with ^ FISK muon SAFE TIRES TUBKD, or TUBELE8* CVSTOM DELUXE Protectkm from • Blowouta • Hot Roads • Hifh Speed Drl^iaf MGSBEE TIRE SALES 108 Lakewood Ave. Stewart RIgtbee Phone 5141 Cloicd Wed. 1:M p.m. J. D, Brothen Convenient Free Parking Area NEW! Compleie Fnpt End Aligamenl aad Balancing Service