THE CAROLINA 4—"TNI TRUTN UNtftlDLICr TIMES SAT, OCT. K IW* Fashion Fair to be Held Uiban League in Twin City . WINSTON-SALEM — GUmorous fields of science, fabulous fashions and an ex- eveniiiK will be the menu P>c • p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10 at friw Auditorium on the campus pt Wiaaton-Satem Teachers Col- occasion will be the Ebony FaahioD Fair featuring 10 lovely | PkmMs and the latest creations of fkshion houses in Franco, Italy, i England and America. Mrs. Freda' Featured wear in the fair will The Wintt«a-S^^ thvw will be the only appearance of the Fbony Fashion Fair in North Ca rolina. Tickets may be purchased through any member of the spon -ioring groups, the Urban League i»r the Patterson Avenue YWcA 6- Mrs Martha Young is president of the Aides and co-chairman of the planning committee. Luix V. Overhea is planning chairman. “I have seen jTictures of the models and the fashions they will wear in the show,” Mrs. Young ! .said, “I am thrilled. I can hardly wait to see the show.” DeKnight who aelccted the gar- kwaU, will be narrator. Sponaors will be the Urban Leai^ Aides with the cooperation ^ local chapters of the National Asfn. of College Women, Della Mgma Thota Sorority, lota Phi ^mbda Sorority, the Links and Qk Beauticians Assn. •, Fund*, raised will become the Scholarship fund of the local TST ^oraorrow's Scientists and Tech- ^cians) program for high school ^Bd college students. The TST is B project of the National Urban League to help young people of Minority croups get better train- include both (he extreme and the practical in dresses, coats, loung mg and formal wear. These crea liuns will serve the style-consciou. woman from morning until night whether in the kitchen, on the beach or at a fashionable party.' This is the second year of the fair, which is now touring the na tion in a special bus. Models will demonstrate 20b different items during a two-hour program. Mu^ic wil be provided by the Bernard Foy combo. Linda Lowery Moss will dance during intermission. Door prizes will be given away teg and on-the-i3b training in i during intermission. ST. JOSEPH’S A. M. E. CHURCH "Serving a World Parish with Christ siure 18K9” FAYETTEVILLE STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MELVIN CHESTER SWANN, The MinisU r ■ , . MRS. a. A. WINSLOW, Minister of Music JAM£& H. ROBINSON, Director of Christian Education Sunday, October 4,1959 9:15 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Subject: “Witness Unto Me” Howard Wright, Superintendent 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Sermon by the Pastor MUSIC The Senior Choir Joseph T. Mitchell, directing Mrs. Minnie Gilmer at the organ 7:00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP Sermon by the Rev. James T. Robinson , MUSIC The Gospel Choir Mrs. Andrea Barnes at the organ FREE PARKING ON SAINT JOSEPH STREET NEW! SNOW FROST ICE MILK Carton 39 Special! Jane Parker Sliced-Enriched BUTTERMILK BREAD 24-oz. Loaves 2 39 •vt •tt«f ATlAMTIC • Mcmc TIA COMMNV “Super-Rijfht” Heavy Grain Fed Beef CHUCK ROAST LB. 39 Special! Jane Parker Apple PIES 39c Prices are effective thru Sat., Oct. 3rd DEATHS And FUNERALS EUGENE BARBEE Funeral services !■ for Eugene Barbee, who died September 22 at his residence, 333 Chapin street, have been scheduled for Saturday, September 26 at the Scarborougl; Funeral chapcl. Other arrange ments were incomplete at press time. O- EVERIDGE LONG Last rites for George Everidge Long, 74, of Apex, were held Sun day afternoon at ^wo o'clock at the Christian Chapel church of Apex, long died at St. Agnes hospital uf Raleigh. The Rev. J. E. Ste^ari officiat ed. Survivors Incluito .foiir neices, ■Mrs. Alma Hairi» and Mrs. Dora Jones, of Durham, Mrs. Minnie Minter, of New York, and Mrs. Dorothy Ingram, of Durham. Ellis D. Jones handled arrangements. O M.r LEE DAVID HAYES Lee David Hayes, 65, of 721 Carrington StreM, died Tuesday, 'September 22 at the Veteran Hos pital He was oorn in Clio, South Caro- lina. Amey handled th6 arrangements. KENRY JOHNSON Henry Johnson, !^, of 611 Hus band street, died at Lincoln hos pital on Monday, September 28. Funeral arrangemehW being hand led by Scarborough, were ineom plete at press time. CYNTHIA OWENS Funeral riles for Cynthia Ben nett Owens, 4 mdnths old daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. H.oward'Owens, of 515 S. Maiigum street, were held Tuesday aftprnoon, Septem- >)er 29, two p.m. WALTER PIPKIN Funeral services for Walter Pip- tin, 79, of 603 S. Rq^tboro street A’ill be held Saturday, October 3, It the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. Pipkin died on Saturday, Sep- eihber 26, at a local convalesent lome. ■ The Rev. E. T. Br0wne, Mt. Ver- ion puator, will conduct ^Ihe-iune. ■•al services. MACK JOHNSON Funeral services for Mack John on, 80, of Rt. 1, Rougemont, were leld Saturday afternoon, Septem- )cr 26, at the Kedi Mountain Bap ist Church of, ^^ug|mont. The lev. L. E. Daye officiated. Buri- il services were conducted >at the .•hurch cemetery. Johnson died at his home on .V’ednesday September 23 He was a native of North Caro- ina, and born in 1879, son or he late Henry and Anne Johnson, le is survived by his wife, Mrs. itary Johnson; five sons, Oscar, yiarvin, Connie, Vadar, and Ro- ell; and one daughter, Mrs. Emma tulock. Ellis D. Jones conducted ar- 'angements. O i6ieoeoeoeMee98t»eM8t8MeieieiGMeieiaeK| -THE CHAHERBOX- A little of this — and a little of that \VIXST0.\’-S.\LI-:M — .\ meeting of Negro barbers of -Vorth I'arolinu will l)o lield in \ Sunday. N'livcMn- bcr S, for the iturpdse of pcrfeclin}' a statewide orfjanization »f all iiicnihcrs of the prtncssion, it w:is announced Iktc this week l)_v Willi.s Uozelle, chairman of a coinniittec on orfjaniza- iion. •\t a previous meetinj; of a group of barbers held in Charlotte on September 20, it was agreed tliat an attempt would i)e made lo form a permanent organization at a later date, at which time an invitation wouhl lie e.\temled to every Xegro barber of the state. 'I'he exact place of the VViii.ston-.'-^alem meeting will be an nounced later according to Mr. Ri)/.elle. lie is urging all bar- ber.s who are interested in perfecting a statewide organization to meet in Winston-Salem on Xoveinber 8. * ♦ ' ♦ ♦ ♦ 'riionias lliibbard became tiie father of a baby girl, Jill Gri- zelle, recently, lie is married to the former Rita I'rances, a na tive of I'lorida, who is a graduate of N’CC. The Hubbards are living in Baltifiiore where pajia ,'ruin is profcs.sor of- Biology at Morgan State College. * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J. C. .Scarborough. Jr., and Tom I’ringle left Durham Tues day morning for the World Series. * * ♦ ♦ * On Suiula'y .\iigust 30, the fonner Miss Dorothy Briggs, daughter of ^ilrs. .Mice Briggs. 707 Ridgeway Avenue and a native of Durhani became the bride of J'dtiies Edward Gains of ijharlotte. The wedding took place in Brooklyn, N. * . ♦ * * * Mr. and Mrs. Saiida Brown, Jr., Mrs. Lottie McCurrv, ant Mr. and Mrs. William Stanton of Braddock, I’ennsylvania art the house gue.sls of Mrs. M. B. Warren. Mrs. McCurry and Mr. Broun are tiie sister anil brother of Mrs. Warren. They will accompany Mrs. Junie B. Thomas who is also’ XIr*‘. Brown’s sister back to Richmond this week. » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Gardeners: If your lawn is too gyod to dig up and too thin to lea\e as it is. thicken it with seed. With a steel rake, loosen surface as far down as you can without injuring grass. Seed at the rale of one pound to 500 s(|uare feet. Rake it in anil 'top- dress with }4 inch of screened loam to cover it. 'Wien keep lawn liioist. Such preparatit)!! now will insure strong, healthy spring growth. * ♦ . ♦ ♦ ♦ Whether you like baseball or not: whether you like thi N'ankees or not—there is an interesting and amusing story of t'asey Stengel, the “showman of the Series" in the October spceiul issue of SI’OKT. EX-DUftHAMITE HONORED BY N. Y. SOCIAL AGENCY XICW YORK - On Sejitcniber J.?, the Board of Diiectors )f the .Mushing lUaiid (,'omnumity Cenier sponsored a dinner honoring the years of devoted service uf its director, Mrs. Dorothy (). \Vheeler. Mrs. Wheeler is the former Dorothy O. Toole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iv X. 'I'oole of I’ekoe Street, Durhani. X. C. .\tlending tiie dinner which was held in the studio of First BIG SISTERS TO NCC FROSH COEOS — Th* above six North Carolina Coleg* coedi serve as •dvisort to first year city wo men this school yeaii. Front row, left to right, Edna Uziel, Durham; Amelia Thorpe, Dvr* ham.-Back row, left to righ:, Elli Pone, F«y*Hevlllc; Shirley Paitertor, , L • n o i r; Barbara Harding, Morrltville; and Vir* dell Tedder, Durham. Sgt. Little of Durham Is Wed To Native of Bermuda Island The marriage of L’.iss Dorothy Withaker, of BWI, to l^st. Thomas Little, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo dora' Little, of 307 Gray street, \Vas announced this week Dy Mr. and Mrs. Little. A quiet ceremony was performed t the home of the j,room’s par- mts,.Mr. and Mrs. Litile, on Sep- *mber 15. Sg( Little is a 13 year veteran of the Air Force. He has been in the United State for the paqt few weeks on leave. ' IMIowing the marriage 'cere- inony, the newlyweds left for a trip to Washington, D. C. and Bal timore, Md. where they 'Will visit relatives of the groom. Tb* following births war* reported to th* Durham County Health D*partement during th* w**k of S*p:embor 21 through Ch«rl*s and Billy Dunham, bey. Irvin and Annia, Whit*, girl. ■ Jam** and Goraldin* Vaughan, firl. Samual and Goneva Dillard, ■HI- Clark and Minnl* Tat*, boy. Frank and N*lli* McCraa, boy. Waitar and Paniola McMillion, girl. Jdmet and Lueill* Duffin, g!rl. L’liitanan i. lunch of I'lushing were ' Board members, |)rofes-' sional associates and many other persons whj have worked with Mrs. Wheeler Iroin time to time in her ixjsilion as direc tor of the Xew ^’ork Cit}' Housing .\uthority Community Cen ter'. For The Best In Funeral Service CALL BURTHEY Cadillac Fleet X BOB COLEY |iinal Tics for Bob Coley, 66 of l^ii Dawkins street, were held at Getiisemane Baptist Church on Sutiday, September 26, at 1:30 p.m. Coley, died at Lincoln hospital on Wednesday, September 23 ^fter.. a brief illness. He was a retired employee of Ligj^t-Myers Tobacco company. The Rev. N. A. Trice officiated at Sunday’s funeral services, and burial was held at Beech wood cemetery. • Coley is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ethel Coley: two sons, Roscoe Coley ajul Thomas Cibbs;^ one daughter, Mrs, Marie Graham; one sisteif. Miss Mattie Coley: one nephew and grandchildren. Out-of-town funerals fequirtf a specialized type of hand- liiig and direction and it is’>vis,e to selc'-t a funeral director experienced, in' (his ’type of s'^rvice. Our own experietK'e in even- singt'e detail of the out-of-tow®, funeral goes buck many years. .And the many families we have served will testify that we have spared them endless anxietv and worrv. AMEY FUNEIiAl HOME 401 S. ROXBGRO STREET PHONE 3.2971 Marriage of Former Tarheels In Philadelphia Is Revealed At Emanuel The Rev. Melvin C. Swann pas- or of St. Joseph’s A. M. E. church 11 be the main speaker at Eman lel Temple A. M. E. Church Sun- lay evening as the chutth cele- irates Holy Communion. The evening scrvice^ starts at seven. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — (T&T) — Mrs. Lillie Bond Levister, ot Mt. Vernon, N. .Y. and Atlantic City, N. J. and Mr. John T. Nichol son, of Philadelphia Pa. were married in a quret doub’c-ring ceremony prefo.-med August 4 at St. James Episcopal Church Bal timore, Md., with tl'e Rev. Fr. Robert A. Bennett officiating. Mrs. Helen Dixon was the ijriile’s sole attendant and Mr. Os 'lorne L'ixcn, of Baltimore, Md.. .vas .best man. Th« bride is the daughter of Mrs. Fannie G. Bond and th* late R*v. Lewis T. Bond, of Windsor, N. C. Sh* it i graduat* of North Carolina S at* Colleg* and attand- ed the New York School *f Social Work in N*w York. | Mrs. Nicholson taught school in No. Carolina and later became a social worker in Westchester County, New York. She is a. mem ber of Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror ity. I The bridegroom is the -stfn of Mrs. Florence Mosscll Holmes, the srandson of the late Dr. N. F Mossell, founder of the Douglass Hospital in Philadelphia, and a i.'ousin of the world renownet ' singer, Paul Robeson. SCARBOROUGH and HARGETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS D*p*ndabl*, •fflci*nt and continuous s*rvic* sine* 1888 24-Hr. AmbylaMce Service Oxygen-Squipp*d Anytim* • Any Day • Anywhar* '.ady Embilmer—Vlotary Public T*l. >3721 522 £. Pettifr^ St Ourham, N. C. “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” WIH FE ROCK I5APT1S I CHURCH WHITE ROCK SQUARE DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA ' ' MILES MARK FISHER. Pastor , Sunday, October 4, 1959 NINETY.THIRD ANNIVERSARY OuSCaVANCl 8:45 A.M. CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON, “Witnesses Unto Me”, Acts 1:1-14 Review of Lesson by Mrs. E. B. Artis’ Class Prof. J. M. Schooler, Superintendent 11:00 A.M. James E. Shepard Memorial Scholarship Fund Pay “The Old Time Rcli-^ion, XII” The Pastor Greetings from Doric Lodge No. 28, F. and A. M. Dorcas Lodge No. 461, F. and A. M. and President Holy Communion Alfonso Elder, North Carolina College. Senior Choir, Gospel Chorus, Young Peoples Choir, Junior Gospel Chorus, Male Chorus—John Gattis at the Organ * 6:30 P.M. Baptist Training Union Ira Murchison, Dirc'‘tor 7:30 P.M. Program p/escnted by the Board of Christian Edu cation ADDRESS — The Honorable Michael H. Newlin, Foreign Affairs Ofllcor, United Nations Political and Security .\ffairs, Department of State, Washington, D. C. ■ Music—Senior and Young Peoples Choirs, John II. ,Gat(ii!, fiirector. SPECIAL LOW PRICES! DETERGENT 3-D 4Ac IIDE Pkg. 19 Lg. Pkg. 13c Limit one Pk|f. with $5 Order COFFEE ■ 49c ” 39c Limit One Pound With $5.00 Order U. S. Gov’t Inspected FRYERS ■ ■ ■ ■ lb. 27c Freshly Ground MEATlOAF..Ib.69c Medium SHRIMP lb. 49c U. s. No. 1 White 25 lb. Basr POTATOES 65c Juicy New Crop Florida ORAPEfRUIT .4 lor 29c Carolina Maid Canned. BISCUITS Special Low, Low Price 5c Pe^ Can V O ll R T p T A L. FOOD BILL'15 ICSS WMtN VOU SMOR AT CS C O L.Q N I A l-«,STORES