First CalvaiY Homecoming Speaker Warns Against Illusions The Firjt Calvary Baptist Church celebrated its 6th annual homecoming on Sunday, Septem ber 27. The Homecoming sermon was delivered at U;00 by the Ilcvcr- end P. E. Green, v;ho spoke from the subject “God’s Call to the Sleepers.” ' “Goi is calling on those who slumber to 'awaken and arise from the dead.’ Too raany church mem bers sleep and slumber while the "faithful few" cajry the load”, he said Dreams are'TOuSfons which keap us from ddns oiu' great things when in reality we are slumbering and sleeping. Awaken and come home lo God and do something,” Kev. Green concluded, “and Gnd shall give thee light.” Following the morning service, dinner was served to gue.sts, mem bers and frienuS in the spacious dining room of the church. At 2:30 p.m., Lie ciuirch de- dicato.ini message was very elo- q,uently delivctod by J. S. Stewart, member of the City Council. Dur ing his discourse, Stewart refer- rfed to the c'ymanic work of the Tate Pr. H. II. Hart, who led in t^e 'erecfiin of the First Calvary e'lurch. He ai.;o pnid tribute to tfn' present minister Reverend A. L|. Tliompson,- v,’ho has labpred so wirne ;tly and conscientiously and who vviiiiin I'le short time of his a"Iniinist at ion. has let his copgre- gjalio’i ii p;yin;' o't llio church lien and "Ijurning the mortgage.” TOOTH^ ACHE Whin you dftpirati with pain, you can rtly on ORA-iU for fist. tivt rdtef. Just I squaeze from hube. Psin oev ;r ondi. thousands. 9$e Professor Frank O. Burnett brought remarks on behalf of the Lyon Park School Faculty and student body. Music throughout the day was rendered by the Seiiior Choir di rected by Miss M. L. Stephens. Mrs. Bessie Thpmpson rendered a special solo. Mrs. N. J. Curry sCTved as 'hairman of the Homecoming ob servance. 0- Mrs. Stanley Is Clisb Hostess The Missionary Bible Sunday jchool class meet at the home of .■Wrs. Martha Stanley, 22 C Wabash \venue, Sunday, September 13 at 2:30. M-'s. Annie Mayo and Mrs Mary Morris led the devotionals, then ■Mrs. Ruth Seate, the president iwesided at the meeting. Plans for the Annual Christmas party were planned. Suggestions A'cre also made for the vacation outing for 1960. Ice cream and cookies were served the class by the hostesses, Mrs. Ronie P.imus and Stanley. Mrtiibers were: Mrs. Leona Seate, teacher, Mrs. Ruth Seate, nresidcnt, Mesdames Helen Lash, Kthel Howard, Dicie Morgan, Ly- lia McClain, Effie Chavis, Helen Lash, Minnie Rainey, Annie Mayo, Mary Morris, Mary Saunders, Flee- ta Brown, Flora Pi'ear, Brodie Royster, anti Mrs. Josephine Day •vho had been confined due to ill ness. Mack’s iQuack (Teenage ^ppenings) NEWi.1.4 r>ONUS.VOTE BALLOT 54.09 On? Year’s Subscription $4.00 GGOD FOR 15,000 POINTS CARCL’riA TIMES BEAUTICIANS POPULARITY CONTEST I Vfjtc for Miss, .Mis X'aine df :'ti')scn'l)t'r Xo. .1 ik! Slrcct or I’. O. liox Xo (.'ity State Clu-ck (II- M()iu'\- (,)r\U'r Must .Nccoinpany Suljscription I] f| [| if yoyr heat goesff^ YOUR FUEL BILLS GOm pots the heat|H^^ over your floors... AND YOUR FUEL BILLS Ordinary’ heaters pile the' ',ip on the ceiling until some of it finally seeps down to the living level. If you own an ordinary heater, you know how costly and uncomfortable that system isl Siepler does just tlie opposite ... your floors in every room get heated firet. Heat is not wasted on the ceiling and out the chim- ncy. Don't close off rooms this winter and pay high fuel bills to boot... order your new Siegler now. Oil HOMi aiftTERSl riEGLER GUARANTEES MORE AND HOTTER HEAT OVER YOXJR FLOORS out(tandin|| Si«gl«r horn* h«at«r newl CGLGKUL FURNIIURE CO. 410 W. Mi.!n St. Piione 6-709 Shepard Fund Speaker Listed White Rock bapiisi Church be gins the month long celebration of its ninety-third anniversary Sunday. This is James E. Shepard Memorial Scholarship Fund Day. Contributions will be received for the Scholarship Fund which aids students attending North Carolina College. The Rev. Miles Mark Fisher will preach on “Tlie Old Time Reli gion, XII.” This sermon which will depict through spiritual phases of the Negro’s life in this country is dedicated to the late Dr. Shepard founder and first president of N. C. College. All musical groups will participate in the service accon^ianied by John H. Gattis, Ar^iifst. Greetings will be extended by the local Masonic Lodges and the president of North Carolina Col lege. At 7:30 p.m. the Board of Chris ian Eduction will be in charge of ■f the service. The feature address will be de- ivered by the Honorable Michael I. Newlin, Foreign Affairs Officer, Jnited Nations Political atid Se- urity Affairs, Department of itate, Washington, D. C. He will >e presented by Asa T. Spaulding, ’.esident of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Baha'is Mark Proclamation Anniversary Proclamation Day was obesrved iy members^ the nufhafn Baha^ ■roup as well as by members of he faith in over 150 cities and [ owns in the western hemisphere, .Irs. Ludmilla Van Sombeek, lead- r of the Durham group said last veek. Proclamation Day marks the 66th nniversary of the introduction of 'le rcli"io'.is faith in this country. Mrs. Van Sombeo'k issued the ollowing statement in connection vith the observance: “A Christian clergyman at the ,Vorld Parliament of Religions, Jhicago’s Columbia Exposition in ieptember 189.3 called the atten- ,ion of that body of high digni aries, representing meet of the /orld’s followers of the Baha’i aith believe that by trust in God ind love for mankind, peace can le estalilised in the world, when lan lives according to His teach- ngs, given to the world by Hij aessencers or propliets down hrough the ages. , “Now science has made of the .'orld a neighborhood, but not a irotherhood. The intellect of man, onquering the earth through the 'ower of science, seemed to assure tnd secure humanity an ever-ad- 'ancing civilization, since World War II. ■‘How much all this now seems I dream. Today there is ao sec urity anywhere. Why is it man vith his superb intellect, his 'mazing scientific abilities finds limself helpless to maintain a table civilization? Because human 'ower is limited in its influence, 'nly divine power ui^ites nations nd peoples and cements them to- ether in the bond of brother- mod and real peace, not cessation of war. Therefore this Proclamation of he Baha'i World Faith. I's toun- er Baha'iu’llah is not only the fulfillment of the prophecy of the 'ewish Faith in "the cornin’ of the Lord of Hest”, but also the fulfillment for Christians who too are looking for the “return of Christ” in the glory of the Fa ther”. Ba^a’u’Ilah mean.s the ■'Glory of God”. Ch rist’s prayer ■‘Thy kingdom eqhie’,', will be ful filled, in His wordii, ‘‘When He the Spirit of Truth is conu*. He j^'\ill ,"uide you unto all Truth”. By JOYCELYN McKISSICK Hi Teens . . . now tliat tht- si'ri'^on is clumfjine; and the clays are {jetting shorter, you v.ill find the leaves turninf;. 'I'hese nre not the only chani'c-. trikln-f ])lace. The older teen age society is clian'jiiifj slowly from ‘‘iiock 'ii Roll” to cooler sounds of the ’‘Heat" (Iener:itio:i. In other words, they are heeoniiiig fir;t class "lUCA'l .\'i K;l'‘ One might classify a beatnik as that ‘‘sonie'.iung” tliat wears wild hair styles, and “tough” sport clothes, ligs cool sounds and also down right sini|)ltcitv. r.eatniks nuiy l>e fnuiul walking nl)to^vn, at school, or anywhere tliat his attire ni'iy he worn. There is one ])recau- tion ; liowever, if yt)it plan to lu'coiue a heatnik. di/n't forget to wear rfark glasses and X() nia!ie-iip! If you do not take this ])recaution in con.sideration, you nuiy never get to be a first class beatnik. ‘^BEATilII^” LA'JGUAGE 'I'he second step in learning to bp beutnik is the vocabulary. So far, a beatnik seems simiile ('iiong'n to be: ht)wever. if you ire not devoted enough to the re t of tlie Heat (leneration, to learn the vocabulary of these \\ ir 1 ehriraeters, then you will never be a first class loeatnik. WIk'H y‘ou hear sneh things as “Daddy-o”, Dig tint banrnia aiu! ctit a rug! “Shof)t it cat, lets iiit the flik and dig tliost* cnr/l \’v'hat you really hear or u ii >t is really beii'g said is. “ b'lin, why don't vou and vour girl dance." or ‘‘Run John, tuin i:i the le'.ord jilayer so 1 can listen to my favorit»s." Such terms as "Stereo Xoises", “'S’l u Hug Me Piaby'’ and ‘‘M^ake v.ith the l aste", can S(jnu :imv-i l>e riiisinterpret‘_d ar> insults to the human race. So. hui you s e a beatnik he?ded your way, take out your ear-pln s or e’-." ' '.take It”! The beatniks at l-lillside ol;s,^i \ e/1 ‘ l!catnik Day”, Mohday jy weari;ig all b!:ic’. in'.luditig Mack st^ckingi^. no make-up, md white tennis s' ors. t)nly ('t:e things was missing from their native garb, that inerednlui’e .irannlin.nrv. mvstifving, shoe'.in},- languar.e. I gue.^s the c'l'ij-.c wr.s ‘‘.Ml Stoppers” for iheir language or “Make It” f.'jni t!:eir teacl.ers, anti school •f^icials. Some of the e I’.catnil.s an : Mar :ha (ioodwin, Betty Goodlre, Klciinor Hinton, l‘',ve!yn kennady, Helen Davis,. Ju- ilith IiUrton, Catherine I’ratt, I,:Kc^i Turner, and June Rosser. ‘'BEATNi:’ CA^XZ “A I’eati'.ik Party*’ wi'l be viv^-n i-rtia_.- night at \V. D. Hill recieation center, by the Mo(!ir:i I an e t lub. This just goes tu show that the inodein trend i - to l.e al.le to dan^e “UEAT- .'\IK15H”. Hillside is tiot the only place w hi : e members of the "Beat Generation” hide-out. Some can also be found at Du ham Ili^^h. T’roof of this waj- ,iven fnesday.'n the Studei I ('ouucil pre en'ted a pl.ivlet ■>hich depicted lile (■'.mong llie b:atn:l s. I he program wa; ,iven to urge student linanciai ^.ij^jxirt, for the Stude;it Couni-il. BACK TO CIV L-ZAIION Sunday will mark the dale ol t^,,) meelin:vs where the origi nal nilegrators will be .\t ]’, M. the “Yontii Want,'-. To Know” forum v.ill serve as t! eir host. At 4:00 1’. M. the XA'AC I’ will serve as host Ihe tin:e of the forum will be tno^icd 111) one liait hour. Ml members of l)oih organi-/;ifinn.^ are urged to be present. Lawsons" Piano Studio n -cntly released its honor roll for .S('ptend)er. hirst Ibn’or K '.l—-I’ianna Ihll: Second Honor K'll! -Corina .X’ston. James 11,11, \ aleria jornien. Linda Mc- \uley, and Carolyn Marlin. I l.e studio is su[)ervised bv Miss llallie Lawson. ** j Lrend.'i lulwards recently returned fr^iji a summer vacation' in X. Brenda will be a Irs man at Xorth Carolina Cidlege—^ John Ldv.jards, ju,-t relnriu-(l foiti Alljptie fity, .\'ew Jersey. I John will also be a at Xorilii■Carolina Colle.'je this I .e;ir. I II dig you nc'it week, as lor now, i've, got to “make it.” “Hurrah", for Hillside Hi;.;!! aijd Duih.-.m High for their victories week. Hillside i.lriyed l-'ayetteville ami Durham playi'd High Point, (lood luck lor continued success, to both of you. This week sehoi>l pictures were taken at Durham High. To the sur|)rise of the facrtUy and slndeiits, none of the cameras were broken. “Our Service Starts With Your First Call" WE ESTIMATE AND DELIVER DURHAM HUH DKRS SUPPLY CO. Building Materials Milton Ave. at W. Mhln St. Phone 4967 Scout Board Meets At Kerr Lake Campsite The Board of Directors of the Bright Leaf Girl Scout CouncU of N. C. Inc., met in the staff home at Camp Graham, KA1- Lake. Sep tember Iff. Miss Patricia Markas, Executive Director, re^dv several letters of praise from j^pple who had visit cd Camp Graham during its first summer. Dr. Incia - Morgan reported that plans are being completed for a Senior Science Conference for Senior Scouts and Explorer Scouts who live within the radius of the Research Triange, to be held De cember 4, S, and 6th. Mrs. G. 0. Ooak announced that a program institute to train vol unteers for Scout work will be held at Fort Bragg in November. THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT., OCT. J, TH« TmiTH UHWBOtW'—f Dunstan Street Club Yot^ Donation to SdHwl Lund ^ The opening fall season of the Neighborhood club was held at the residence of Mrs. A. W. Morris m Dun.stan .Street, Monday night. ■kJtpember 21 with Reverend Eli; Thompson presiding. fhiring the business fiesaion, the club voted that a donation be nade to the School Lunch Fund, hat a cheek be mailed to the Durham Women's Club in Durham. i Cards of thanks and letters of! ipprfelalion we.'e read from the' Higgins. Perry, and Waahlngtoa families. We extend our congratulatieaa to .Mr. and Mrs. James Carrinftoa who have moved into their beauti ful new home on Cecil Street. We wish to congratulalf Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMillan, tli* parents of another baby girl, Dv- frese Alana. The next meeting was schednled be at the home of Mrs. Jo**- phlne Perry on Concord Street FIEL OIL-KEROSENE Last l^ites Held For Wm. A. Blackwell, Jr. ROXBORO — Funeral services for William Arthur Blackwell, Jf, vere held at the Shady Hill Bap 1st Church on Sunday. Seoteniher 3 Blackwell a fornier Roxboro] resident died in a Baltimore, Md. hospital on September 8 following a lengthy illness. J The Rev. If. Albeil Smith, pas- 01 of Shady Hill, officiated at the 'uneral service. He was assisted tv the Reverned Daye, of Rox boro. A native of Roxboro, Blackwell I '.ad been living in Baltimore fo/! he past 15 year*. I The deceased' is survived by his I vife. Mrs. Alice Blackwell, of Bai- imore, Md.; one daughter. Miss Jeatrice Blackwell, of t he home; us father, William A. Blackwell, 'if Roxboro; f* 'ir sisters, Mrs. Maude Ratler, of Roxboro. Mrs. Sthel Newsome, of Cleveland Ohi9, Mrs. Minnie Pettiford, and Mrs. Cleo Ford, of Ballimore; and 'ive brothers, Herbert, of Green- I’e, Geor?e. of Baltimore, .'hamp of Louisburg, ahd Cobert. Interment was held at the llaekwell family cemetery. Mt'lcretl T fie phone 8-1217 KEN.\[V OIL tOMl'ANY IMI.I.SIt(lli> liOMI DIKIIAM, !>. C from GRAY to GLORIOUS! ..f LARIEUSE Haircolor Today • • • have hair u rich and natural-looking as •he profcMional model shown here! One hour, and Ooaefroy’s Larieuse brings back youth to drab, over-processed or graving hair., it's easy to use. • s DO extra purchases needed. Get long-lasting Codefroy's Larieuse nowl pa 1. Mi cspsuls conlsiits tii4 2. Apply lo liair witli sppUcstor. a. 1st w«lo»... Mm sksmiiM. L MOOmOY MKX CXX • UIO Oh'n Sn« • St. Looiib Himamti larieuse i y firaviMMm ciffivwn lOMW PRICES PIUS WE GlVfc OREfcJ^ STAMPS Save 14c—For Salads or Cooking WESSON OIL & Save 17c—^Thrifty-Maid 39c EVAP. MILK 9 199c sconiissuE f co"fTee”'i I NEW DAY I I 'i.i,'- 3»i ! 49 c! I l-lb.Ba» I Toilet Tissue Rejf. Roll With Food Order IQc Thrifty Maid flour . . ^ IK I SANBORN 4 A lb. rQp ' 1 - lb. BaK I V Bek Limit 1 of your ehoic. with $5 or mor* erd«r | 49ci Fresh Dressed-Carolina Grown FRYERS U. s. Gov’t Inspected for Wholesomeness Whole Pound 27« Juicy Rod Jonathan APPLES 5lb.bagS9c Prices Good Thm 10ci.‘ IN DURHAM STORES O^ILY Llbvrty Strt«t at Ahten Avmhw 22M Roxboro RMd ■) i