THE CAKOLINA TIMES SAT^ jam. 9, 19M 'THI IHUTH A POINT FROM JACKie MAI,CH OF DIMES. Former 1 n#,-aow ticepresldent ‘ ' d vrjces yo supportliiL rata pf The National Foundation iiiclud«t Titis and birth defects as urell as solioa MAY WALK SOOH vith an open spine (called spiu hlllda). jft^pet'has been paralyzed all her life. Th«nki to ady«QCM .no# made in modern medical science, she looks th«' Sr.y tvhen she will walk alone^ ' ' ^ MORE NURSES NiEtittf'B ‘‘"-The training 9nd skill of nurse, Patricia Kinr, helps to s»v* '12te: life of Oscar William.s, onc-^year-old polio victim of Kansas City. A shortage of over 5(i,000 professional nnrses and a mount* Imr shortage of related health workers seriously threatens th'« .quality of the nation’s patient care. To help incjrease th^i supaljr 0t trained' professional health workers. The National Foundation iy allocating: $12,000,000 in New March of Dlities funds tb be us(d in grants and gcholarshllis in the field of health ov«r.,tho tsxt ten years, PLANNING MOTHERS MARCH t'AND9 r.'EFDK'). Thousands of mothers are still hee^sd to . up tile task force of one million pothers who will marcli in t!ie fight against crippling arthritis, birth defMts and polio Jununry 23. Mrs. Kurina- Whittcd, of Jack and Jill of Amtriea; j Mri'i Thclmii Avslin of tiie Links, Inc.; Mrs. Jacqueline Gut- .willljr III The National Foundation and Mrs. J. A. Jackson ‘ ttio Orner of the Kastem Star pause brlcny for a pictnro white jjanning for National Mothers March night. Join thousands Of ^)h women from all over the natlbii lit ^Vlat ;}Uirt T'6af 6t tervire to U>* Mew Marob ol Oii^ Joia tt* MuiAi Jan. XL Annual Appeal Conducted This Month For Broader Attacks on ills The March of Dimes which has conducted its campaign, against polio each January for the past twenty-one years begins its twenty second years with a new name: “The New March of Dimes.” Sine* January is traditionally known li March of Dimes Month, til* drive will continue DEFORMED BY ARTHRITIS . Severe and painful rheuma- > (oid arthritis has left its mark Of crippling; and deformity on t«nisa Hopkins above. lU.OOO |iivehile arthrltics like Louise cfttt benefit from treatment of- Mred by the New March of etimes. 11,000,000 Americans ow suffering from some form M arthritis can take new hope from new research now being conducted by The National AID i^Thc I National Foundation I'flnances modarn hcare and treatment I )o prevent the tragic results of crippling diseases birth defects arthritis polio in January when hope* are high . for the new year. The New March of Dimes brings new hope net only to those crippled by polio but also to victimj in two new areas o( crippling. New research brings new liope for 11.000,000 sufferers of arthri tis and to the 250,000 children born annual with significant birth defects. New patient aid will bring medi cal care to children under 19 suf fering from arthritis, and certain birth dcfects (open spine, open sicull and water on the brain) as well as paralytic polio vTctims of all ages. New health scholarshiDt of $2,000 each will assist mor^.i than 500 promising students to train for professional careers in health each year. To seriously get started in this ambitious n^w program, the two million volunteers in 3,100 Na tional Foundation chapters will need to raise S65,000,000 in the Now March of Dimes. More than Iwenty-five per ceht of this amount is expccted to be raised by a million marching mothers on .lanuary 28 in the New Mother’s March. 0 Inventions of American oil scien tists durinj! recent years have averaged out to about five or six of every working day of a week. DOUBLE APPEAL s I! 01 DIMES Teaming up with a life slie likeness of himself, Darrell Atkins, poster boy for the New March of Dimes in 1980 makes a double appeal to you. Give twice as mnch in the New March of Dim^ to help prevent crippling arthritis, birth defects and polio. HeJp double the efforts of The National Foundation in research, patient aid and education for tho health professions. PLEA FOk DIMES COfmiBUTIOMS Bishop Stephen G. Spottswood, Washin^on, D.C., of tbe A.M.E. Zion Church; Mrs. E. C. Hedgeman, ^(roit, president of the Women’s Auxiliary to the National Medical Association; and rhomas F. Harris, Chicago, president of the National InsonuKC .Association, make this plea for your generous eontribntioai to the New March of Dimes. "Perform your democratic, Christlaa luty for yourself and your fellow man ” Dr. Edward C. Mazique, Washington, D.C., president of Na tional Medical Association; Mrs. Bettye Steele Tunier, ToskMeo Institute, vicc-pre.sident of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority; and LtMnj W. Jeffries, Chicago, president of National Assoriation of Market Developers, urge your support of the New March of Dimes campaign a.;ainst crippling diseases. With your support The National Foundation attacks crippling arthritis and birtli do- ferts as \vell as polio^ IN NORTH CAROLINA: P^OINTS ARE POTENT Take the inf to work, some of the } running a «,t over 55 miles of Charlie CardettdriTer hera. Charlie’s walk* n’t drive (legally) becaaie he chose to ignore §ic rules for staying alive jn tmffic-things like > sign, failing t« gilre the right-of>way, speeding n hour. Charlie pMd a few fines, grumbled, and drove on-still indifferent, still dangerously. Until one day WHAM! he h^d 12 points against his record * and it was good- by driver licensie* ' Don’t get yourself in Charlie’s fix. Know how_North Car»> Una’s Point System affects you. Start now. *// lu^d bttn rmd tmari Cha^"wctM Asm ^ b*ededthtiMurmbi0UUerk»totatfoiirp^iiiM, "Olympics _ | Continucti from pa'ro I that hotels at Vc-;as havi'j S'j-eed to drop the color biir fm ; ihe duration of t’.ie Olympics. Hoy. *;vcr, in not too far distant I!i>no. j thf color line is still being m&in- tained rigidly. A large number^ of colored ath • Ictes is not anticipated for thci actual spoits competition- since| competition will be limited to such | ■vinler sports as hoelviy. skiing,' bob sledding, ice-skatin," ami the ii'ce. Oulsi e of the U. S.. tlio. "olored population is concentrated In warm areas-of the world where | the lack of snow and ice preventsi con.sistent participation in ■ such i sports events. i 0. W^ b the ^Siu^oliiia PM Syoloio ^ for driveta? ) ▲. la brief, the Poiat Syitera Is dsslfnsd to protcet law abiding motorists from the reckless acts of ethers (by ramorinc such drivers from tha roads) and to keep the conxcientioiis driver constantly awara of the importance of — a clean driving record. ^ ^ U .h' i»i iiMK III III II I Q. Haw does the aystesi affect aM? ^ A. A capable, Intelligent drWer need hm no concern over the Point System what ever, although it is wiso to remember that points are assessed againat drivars convicted of traffic violations. A schsdule of offenses and points charged for each appears elsewhere in this advertisement. Thiis, if you accumulate as many as 12 points within a two year period, your .driving privileges may b# suspended, ^ ft. Are there say iotermediate stepat ’ A. Tea, the critical levels are daaeribed as 4-7-12, the first two levels offering en- couragement toward seU-improvament, the third meaning suspension. It works like this: A driver with FOUR points ^ IMainst him receives from the Depart ment of Motor Vehicles an oOieial warn ing letter; SEVEN' points acainat a driver means he may be called in by liceniiing officials for a.diseussioB ef his troubles, at which time he may bo in- vited to a Driver Improvement CUnic; TWELVE points are grounds fee sus- pensioa. - 0> rWhtwIsM* A. SI ^ «oftPT* V 9. Oiaso ssy lesMe b 4» I W wllb • dean sWoT ^ A. Tm, hot bo eKtrn earsM. VsnMeat ’ 1^ eorslessaass nMans your lieansa auy Vi Ofsin bo suspended, tUa timo apoa ^ aecanwlatien af S peinta in two jaars— not U;C«sddiMBchaUta win keep yen > MSI e daacaw end • pasi^lo rix asnth i Ji , to fsiMsdT*, A. Tei; and eafo drivinc wiH do It Polnta aio antooMktieally atricken vksn they becesia two years eld. Thoa ne points aeeraad wittln that tiaM auana a clean slat^ Border-Uaa driteia any also, hsva S pointa MBsoved from thdr reeard by attsadbw 0 Drfvar Issprevaauat Clinic eoaioetad hr the Deportewt ti Mater # la nanMMlatbn of pebrfa the ariy I ^ way say Masnoa ssay ba aoapandedT A. No, eavaral athar offeesask iaelsding dnmk drivinc, require' a mandatory \ sritkdtawai ed drivioK piivSefaa. Such 1 vieiatisna os« hanAad oodae a^btiag ^^lawa aM aaO —affssted hr paM tstsla. WWa aan t lal farther dstaHi — the >. PeM Syala* aisi haw tt untritnf to 1^ ; aofeo Mestfc CaseMna raada. A. Wiita to tka PaUia tsIaMeno DIriaioa. I. Slalo fispaitassnk ad Kalsr Vehicles. lUlalAltaPl.. - — , SCHEDULE OF POINTS CONVICTIONS POINT V.XLVES Psssing stepped school bos 5 ReeUeaa driving' ‘ 4 Hit and ran. property damage only 4 Speeding in asceea at 55 mph 3 Illegal passing . i Fsiliag to yield right tt wkj t BsBBiag throagh red light > Ne eperatora Ucense or Uv 'N« expired mate than eae year S Faifanra to atep far red light er siren 3 Drivhiy throagh aafety oene 3 Driviac an wrang side af road I Na Uahility lasaraan ' * Failare to report accident where each report is re«Hired 3 BaanlaK throagh atap aiga 2 Faiiara to give proper algnal 2 Speedins fas city Kauta ,. 2 Speedinc In restricted aano 3 Imprapar taraiac . 3 » An ether asaviag vieUtieaa 1 NORTH CAROLINA’DE^ARTMENTiOF*MOTOR .VEHICLES