LEfiiL NOTICES ptlRHAM COUNTY VM NDHTH CARO UN a . notice TO CREDITORS - The uHd^Mteneel haviiiR qiiollfi- e4 u esecutor of llie psfato of (Tiftnce Hudson, late of Durham County,. North Carolina, this is (n D(rtlfy *11 persons having claims aialnst ■ raid estate to pff^’nt them to the undersigned on or be- fote the 7th day of May, 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their #e«overy. An pwsons indebted lo said estate trill please make immediati p^«itior»t to (Ke un(ler6l“nert. This 28th day of April, 1900 Methaillfts- and Farmers Bank, EMcutor of the estate of CLAR ENCE HtTDSON, deceased W. G. P^ii'son n, Attorney. M*y 7. 14, 21, 28; June 4, 11 -0- NpRTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE TO CRIDITORS The undersigned having quali fied 8S executor of the estate of EMellc Wright Olive, late of Dur ham County, North Carolina, this ii to notify all persons having clliins agiinst saiJ e^itate to pre- Ittlt theM to the unaerSigned on or bdftre th« 7th cfay of May, 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in W of their rewvery. An persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate^ payment to the utidersigned. M^eHanics and Farmers Bank Admlolstra tor or the esc&te of Bstelli WMght Olive De«^as«d.- . 2^ay f, 21, 2S; Jifne 4, 11 nOHTH CAllOHl^ DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONERS UNDER ORDER OF COURT Under and virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Durham County, made in the Special Pro ceeding entitled “Mechanics and Farms Bank Durham, North Caro lina, Administrator of Bs,tate of 1 Sfephatt PohVille, Alias Cleo Hilli- *rd. Deceased, Plaintiff vs. Hill F)hTilIe and wife, Josephine Fon- Jille, et als, Defendants”, the un- ersigVied Commissioners will on ^Ihe 20th day of June, 1960, at 'tWelve o’clock, noon, at the Court house door in Durham. North Cairo- liiM, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Durham €bunty, North Carolina, Patterson Township, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING a*, a stake on the West side of the Durham Apex lload, being thft Northeast corner of a 10.93 acre tract of land owned by the said Cleo Hilliard as per pUt book 17 at Page 62, and rurt- nini! thence in a lioutherly dire«-| lion wilh and aloni; the West side of said Durham lind Apex Roaflj South S2 deg. 19’ West 250 feet! to a stake at, point In the othel'! fand of the siild ' Cleo ' Hilllafd;' thenfe in a westerly dtrectioh Ndrtit as defr 19’ West 349.4 feet to ^ stake; th^Uee North 82 defi. IS’ East 2^ foet to 8 stakei thenct in art easterly di):ection South 86 tfeg. lITEast 187.4 feet to a »Uk^, the point of place of beginning. The same being 2 acres, more or less, out of the 10.S2 acre ti'adt above meiitloned of the land dt Cleo Hitliilrd as pet flat of L. W. Berry January, 1947, Plat Bodk 1#, Page 90 Offiee of the Register tff Deeds of Durham County. Savins and excepting from th^ above described 2 acre tract df land that portion conveyed to Jo seph Z. Hunter et ux by deed r- ;orded lit Book 109 at Page (KB Durham County Hesr.’ster.. This 14 day of May, 19iB0. I W, G. PEARSON, U Coijimisfioher WILLIAM A. MARSH, JR. Commisaianer W. !G. Pearson, U Attorney ( , May 21, 28; June 4, 11, 1960 NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL FROPlRTY NOTICE Is ber^y given that Stephenso/j-tVilsi^n, ffic., city Of Durham, Durham Couaty, Nonh Carolina will on the 18th day of June, at twelve o’clock noon, sell at Public Auction for cash at the door of Steptietison-Wilson, inc., 823 Mnrsan Street, Durham, County, North Carolina, the follow ing described personal property: 19S2 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan motor no. W8WH-3927 SAID property having been stored with the Stephenson-W)lson, Inc. oh of before February 26, I960, arid the prescribed time by law having etiptred and ciiarges having not been paid, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. Dated the 18th day of May, 1960. STEPHEN90N-WILS0N, INC. Alvitt E. Loftes May 21, 28; June 4 NOH » CAROLINA DURtiAM COUNTY IN the DURHAM COUNTY CIVIL COURT Mervin O, Barton vs Katie S. Barton NOTICE OP S*:ftVICE OF “ PROCESS BY PUBLICATION To Katie S. Barton: Take notice that a pleading seek ing relief against you has been filed in the above named action. lifflSs^fed* ah**^dn li’tl ham Cgunty Civil Court to eec^re Off ab.wliHi,* (tlvorc^ wi llw grounds bt two yeai'.s i^rparatlun. . Vou are roquire) to make de- f(>hw to such plcaiiing not later than tht' imri May of July, liWO, and upon yi«r failure to do so, the pafiy seeking'dfivice again»> yon will apply Id the eourt for thf relief souyni. Tbts’ (he btli lav -of May, 1900. MARGARET S. BEST clcik ot U'jrtiam County Civil Cour* C. J. OATISS, Atty. May 14, 21, WI; June 4, I960. NORTH CAROLB^A DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Admin istrator of the EPtate of George Neal, deceased, k*“ of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 401 S. Rox- borp Street, Durham, North Caro- tini on or before the 15th day of May, 1961, or this notice will be (iiefetfed in bar of their recovery /U1 persons indebted to «aid estate will please make immediate pay ment. this loth day of May, 1960. ^ W. A, AMEY, SR. Adrainistrator of Estate of George Neftl, Deceased. M. HUGH THOMPSON Attorney May 14, 21, 28; June 4, 11, 18 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM QOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' The undersigned having qualified as adttiinistrator of the estate of Booker Washington Kennedy, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. Mechanics and Farmers Bank Administrator of the estate of Booker Washington Kennedy Deceased. May 28; June 4, 11, iC, 25; July 2, iUbO. O NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a cer tain defed of trust executed by James W. Price and wife, Marion S, Price, dated the 8th day of July, 195'(', and recorded in Book 587, at page 400, in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Durham County, korth Carolina, default having I ^een made in the payment of the; Indebtedness thereby secured and -feoi33Jo| oj laafqns joojaqi sur.wi lerwf.i ihefriif (.lijiject (o fdredlo*- ure, the umler.-ilRnetl Trustee will nITer for sale at putrfic auction to th(* highest bidder for cash «t the ,'otirlhouse door in Durliain, North ♦Jr.folina, it Noon, on the 25th clay ■)t June. 1980, the property con. veyed l/t; s«il deed of trust, the ^aine lyine and being In Durham rownsMp, Durham Coutity, North. Carolina, and more partlctllarly a; follows: B£G inning at a stake on the southwest side of Cecil Street, 686 ''eet in a Northwesterly direction fronj the - point of intersection of the Southwest siJe of Cecil Street and the Northwest side of Otis Street, extended, at the Northern must corMer.of Lot No. 7 in Block “C” and running from said be- sinning point South 03 deg. 39’ West with the line of Ixrt No. 7 a distance of J30.3 feet to a stake in the eastern line of the right-of- way of Norfolk and Southern Rail road; thence in a Northernly direc tion along and with the Eastern iin* of said right-of-way 82.2 feet to a stake; .thence North 72 deg. 37’ East 13t feet to a slake on the w>^8ternly side, cf Ceeil Street; thence in a .southerly direction along and with said line of Ceeil Street, 61 feet to the point of be ginning and being Lot No. 6 in Block “C” as shown on plat erf West College Heights dated Febru ary, 1946, and recorded in Plat Book 15, page 98, >of Registry of Durham County to which reference is hereby made. On this property is located House No. 1904 Cecil Street.' This sale will remain open for ten days to receive increase bids, as required by law. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1960 I. 0. FUNDERBURG Trustee M. HUGH THOMPSON Attorney May 28; June 4, 11, 18 U. s. Suit Aids Wade-in Effort NEW YORK—The filing of a suit by the Justice Department to open the beach at Biloxi, Miss., to Ne groes lends added suport to the “wade-in” campaign launched by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins said here this week. Moreover, the NAACP leader as serted, the Juftice Crpartment move is in line with federal court rullnia which have held that \’e- groe? may not be barred from, or segte^'aled on, ' publici>-j w n e d be ache j. i For the Ambitious Office Secretary Wiio Hopes to Get Aiiead, Here Are Some impsrtant Rules boRSif' Missourian In Graduating Class At West Point WEST POINT, N. Y.—(ANP)— Cadet Ira Dorsey, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. iVpty Dorsey, St. Louis, Mo., will be graduated June 8 from the U.S. Military Academy at West PoiBt, N.Y. Cadet Dorsey will be commis- iiened a second lieutenant in Artil lery and will receive a bachelor of science degree. At West Point he was active in the German lan guage club anc; the dance orches tra. He was also a member of*the staff of KDET, the academy’s radio station. Appointed to the academy by Representative Leonor K. Suiliv'an (D-Mo.), Dorsey was a cadet ser geant during his senior year. ' Dorsey is a 1955 graduate of Vashon High School and attended Harris Teachers- College. I t CHICAGO — (ANP) — Keepmg j pace with the increaahig demand I for trained employes In business, commerce and imhistry, an in creasing number of alert and ac tive young women are taking spe cial courses in office management and business administration to as sure their future job seenrity. For a young woman to aapire for the position of secretary in a modern office, there are positive rules, which, if closely observed, will help her attain her goal First, she should be a high school grad uate, well-poised and versatile, with a workable knowledge of English. To acquire the basic tools need ed for entrance into the world of business she should master both shorthand and typing and when she becomes proficient in these, she should learii how to operate modern office mechanical equip ment—such as adding machines, computers, electronic Film-A-Rec- ord Readers, inter-offlce communi cation systems; mimeograph ope ration, the cutting of stencils and other skills which must be mas tered by an efficient secretary. A brochure of great value to aspiring clerks and secretaries has been prepared by the National Sec retaries Association, which states that employment opportunities for the properly trained, capable see retary have never been so abun dant as they are today. In many areas of business, professional and governmental activity — at home and abroad—the demand for ex cellent secretaries exceeds the supply. There is also an inc.-ease in the use of office mechanization and automation and the skilled clerk or secretary will do well to learn how to operate these various ma chines. One young woman secretary, pro ficient in ofBce management and skilled in operation of the Rera- ington Electric typewriter. ,is at tractive Misa Jo«ie Cain secretary lo Major C. Udell Turpin, assigned to Retnlngtoir's C'hicago office. Miss Cain, whose photo sandql Misa Cain gives convincing proof that letters typed on the Reming ton Electric become personal sales men, carrying ihe message in words that are sharp, clean and easy to raad. In addition, Miss Cain’s machine, Irol, turns out 19 and more legible with its exclusive Impression Con- carbon copies (instead of the usual three or four), all with a single typing. This legibility is important on long, detailed oiBce reporta— because it results in a fmished job, consistently uniform thrinigh- out. Busy With Intarviaws af U. of i. Another indication of the trend upward in the demand for capable office teetmieiatta tttertUUtt, is a rrceni 'itrftrmenl Iqr Pr^ X L. Johnson, heart nt enmmmrtt placement. . at the VnffttMf Illinois College of ComMerie M4 Business Admir. str.i'ion. Prof. ./chnson saya that flte Mhool is now holding the MgpM Job interriewin" seaaiooa ia Ha hiatory and that some 290 CMB- panies have repfeseiitattfes on tte campu; tn infpr.iew the 279 nwB- bcrs of the June .?radua'iog elMS. Johnson said thai A7 of the W mid year ?rads who used tlw CMB- merce pl3c.?mrnt facilities, favad iiiprative employment, the aratag* starting salary being H42M a month. '“ In 1958 tM cash reeeipta from dairy productj ranked third among the agricultural commoditica Bur- keted in North Carolina. 100 PROOF 'MDt FROM GUAM BY L RELSKV t OE., HABTFOItO, COM. Oau. 2 4/n HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS mSSIfflBD laundry real estate serv ' e H* SERVICES offered OUR REPUTATION FOR FINE FOOD EXGEtLENT SERV4G& Is WIDELY KNOWN Let Ua Plan Tliat “Night To Rciii«nib«r” For Yo» We cater to DINNER PAHTliCS • CLUB MEETINGS • BANQUETS, ETC SeaUnir Capacity For '?0 BILIHOREHOmANDGRIlL Call LATH ALSTON — S-20tl FOR*FURTHER INFORMATION MONEY TO LOAN Need Money In a Hurry? CALL OR COME BY lermPlan ' ' INC. OF GREENSBORO Fast, Friendly, C^fideiitial Service CEORGE W. PHILLIPS, Manager 257 N. Greene Strcat BRoadway 4-2463 HELP WANTED! YOUNG MEN (OR WOMEN) FOR SALES POSITION PRIOR . EXPERIENCE HELPFUL. BUT NOT NECESSARY - mfSf 6E ABLE TO DRIVE ^ WOlik IN ’DURHAM AREA Wyte 307, Durham, N. C. 1 HOUR MARTINIZING (Incorporated) FOR THE BEST^IN DET CLEANING AND SERVICE 400 West Main Street — Five NEW METHOD LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners 40$ Roxboro Street BROAD ST. BRANCH 1106 Broad Stre*t QUICK . SERVICk! WASH TUB Roxborb Road at Avondale Drive 10 Shirts res. packed ......$1.96 1 or 2 Shirts ea. 20c 3 or more ea. iSc Deluxe packed shirts .... eh 2te (Ctllophana) SANITARY Laundefers and Cleaners • DIAL 2-4831 CORNER PINE STREET AND LAKEWOOb AVENUE REAL ESTATE f » istompvm Union Insurance And Realty Co. 814 FAYETTEVILLE ST* TEL. 3-6521 BUILDING HUl^PUEi “Our Service Starta WHh Yoltr CdT WE ESTIMATE AND DELIVEI^ DURHAM BUILDERS SUPPLt (30* Building Materials MatoaA^,# HW- 4tt7 The Carolina Times Wants Men & Woiften Who Can Sell Chisstfied & Dismay Advertimtig MEN AND WOMEN WITH SALES ABILITY TO II SELL ADVERTISING We need men and women for year round, full time repeat sales. Permanent connection, protected leads, liberal commission. ACT PROMPTLY, GIVE THREE REFERENCES, WRITi: THE CAROLINA TIMES Po«t Offic* Bex 307 Durham, North Carallna LOOKING . . . For Something to Buy, Sell, Rant, Exchange? Hava ■ sarvica you want to offer? For tha million* of llftia rtaadt that crop up dally, usa tha fif%S classified ad sec tion to fill them. Low rata* — fa*t r**ult*l COAL ‘OK In Every Weigh’ M. H. Head & trading aa McGhce Coal Cd. CALL 3-lMl FUEL OIL AND KEROSENE FIEL OIL-KEROSENE Metered Delivery TelepftoM 8-1217 KENAN OIL COMPANY IIIUJDORO HOAD DUHHAM, N. C Druggist supfues “Serving the Community fbr Good H*al^_ We Have Filled Ovel* Va Millidf PRESCRIPTIONS ' Boone Drug Company THE PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Where Quality Cofanta — Phone 4ill Cor. Mangam. Psrriah ft Orange Sta. DoilHuii, N. C. Slugical Appliances ft Elistie tUuUtj SiLE DAN THE MUFFLER MAN MUFFLERS FRtE INSTAllATION Strvice If Cxpsfts mp HIM iMmas MB gwninMia>ai T:l»-is* WBIK nav* MTUaOAY CHAMGE IT USE YOUR PCS CARD WANT MORE SUSINiSSt Use O^ LAkGE "SALE*' SIgNS It" X 14" dlft«raiil Celera—ftlicli LattaA itit fer aich. Afa«ti ^ro|>e«ltian. $1.M f*r 10 Sal able Slanplai. WilliinI 9ta#tian*. kox 307, Durham, N. UNION ELECTRIC CO., Inc. Blectrical Cantraelmg ■lectrlcal Supplies llectrical Appliance* Piaturea DAY PHONt; M24w 3M1 PAYITTEVILLI ROAD INLAID LINOLEUM, COUNTER TOPS. ASPHALT. RUMIR AND WALL TILl Free Eatlmatea— Himt Linoleum and Tfl« Companjf, Inc. PHONE »1S8»-N1QHT a«796 tsw JtoxBOBo ao^ You Can’t Afford To Miss What We Offer! Accident And lleidth Inaunmem UotpUtdiaatian Inmranee Ju«lividnal or Faoifly rUi - Up To $10.00 Per liay Plus Miacel> Innfoits Fer« With gical RenefitB 70 Dajg Per Year. AGENTS WANTED Loi^l and StatemUt or WotHen Southern Fidelity iVf ntiial Instiranee Company Phone 3-3331 527 Elm Street Durham, N. C. AUTO SERVKZS Service Gun^j^ sPEiGirrs AOTd ^ SERVKJfi Read Service — Staa* daaiA^ »anrt*e - ■>rt»pla> — *1