I fit CntiiUiLiKH iMk THUtM riMUS fcAlr., MMtt W, H« Has Week's CoMe To TeMsiM ari Rafc-PngniK MtU (CH. 5) I SUfWKOAV. MNE • •M Bis Picln»e •:M The Compass "From France with U>ve irOO Howoy Uoody [0:30 Ruff *n Reddy !:» Flmthne ;i:3# 1>ei«ag« Frolic 1:00 Fiil Ftlm 1:16 The On DecJc Circle 135 Major League Baseball S:SO Uovie Minature 9:00 Detective’s Diary 4:30 Championship Wrestling 8:30 Ostie & Harriet 7«) TBA TM Booanza t-M Man * The Challenge {'M The Deputy :3b tj. S. Open Golf Tourney :30 Amos 'n Andy "Kingfish At the Ballgame’ UiM Dateline ll:iO Nigtiunare 'I)iana Barrymore, Brian ®«lev> 10 j, >*> SUNDAY, JUH« !♦ 10:30 Contemporary 60 llflO Church Service l*:eO Industry on Parade It: 15 America’s Newsreel ' Album 12:30 Oral Roberts “Looking Uno Christ Who I* Our Abundant Life” 1«) Major League Baseball 4KM It is Written •'Your Day In Court” 4:30 Facts of the Matter 4:46 Carolina News Review 5:00 Championship Golf 6i00 Walt Disney Presents 7:00 Maverick 8:00 Music on Ice A:M Chevy Mystery Show M:00 LoretU Young Show 10:30 Million Dollar Movie “Prelude to Fame” Guy Rolfe, Kathleen Byron MONDAY, JUNE 20 8:30 Farm Show 7:08 Today »:58 PoUticaW^awell 9:00 Bonier Room 10:00 Dough Re Mi M:3D Hay Your Hunch U.-OO Ptice Is Right 11:30 Concentration 12:00 Truth or Consequences 12:3D It Could Be You 1:00. Anos 'n Andy S.-00 Queen For A Day 2:30 Loretta Young Theater 8:00 Young Dr. Malone 1'^ From These Roots 4!M Comedy Theater 4^ Adventure Theater SiOO C^p'n Five—“Abbott and S48 Abbott ’n Costello 8:05 Political—Sanford 6:10 Stateline 8:25 Weather . 8:30 Reeve 8:4S NBC News 7:00 Flight “Show of Force” 7:30 Untouchables 8:30 Wells Fargo ' *^*00 Guon 9:30 Alcoa Theatre 10:00 Emmy Awar--s Story 11:00 Dateline 11:10 Sportsline 11:15 Jack Paar TUESDAY, JUNE 71 '' 8:30 Farm Show 7:00 Today 7:55 PdUUcal—Sanford 9-'00 Romper Rx>om 10:00 Dough Re Mi 10:30 Play Your Hunch U.'OO Price Is Right 11-.30 Concentration 12:00 Truth of Consequences |2;30 K. Cwild Be ,Yoi» ’ i . 11-:00 1%enaee FtoliQ 4-'00 Qu^en Du . /V '^SO Lamta 'YbHag' Ivelitar. J:00 Young Dt Halotiev ' y8:3Q From Vic^e Ro^a- W i 1:00 Comedf-Keiter^ ' ^ ’ 4:M Adventure Theater 8:00 Cap’n Five 8:30 Quick Draw McGraw 8:00 ^p’n Five 8:05 L Beverly Uke—PoUUcal 8:10 Stateline «rS> Weather &90 Reeve 11:15 Political—Twr Sanford Jack Paar TNUHSDAY, 23 0:30 Farm SUow Today 9K)0 Romper Room 10:00 Doug Se l|i M:30 Play Y«ar Hiwli 11:00 Price U lIsSO Concentrate 12:00 Truth or OonaaqntncM 12:M it C«uM fie You 1:00 Itanage Fnrtlc 2:00 Quecm Par A 2:30 Loretta Young Tbaatu 3:00 Young Dr. iHUona 3.'S0 Fran Tlieae *cm t:00 Conedy , 4:30 Adventure Ibaatie 9:00 PoUUcal—Buford 9:06 Cap’ll live 8:30 HtKkfefterrr UotM 8:00 ^’n Fiw 6:10 SUtallne 6:25 Weather „ \ 8:20 Reeve 6:48 »»C Newi • 7:00 Tomhatmie Tanitaqr 7:30 Locki^ No. 1089 Master* 8.-0D But 8:88 nodiKer’i ^oioe 8:M te^elor Fiiter >. 9:30 Tennesiee £taiier> 10:80 10:80 11:00 Dattfine. U:10 S^rtline 11:15 Jack Pau 7:48 Tlirpvgh 8:80 9:00 Roy Rogei^ ' ’ 10:00 HecUf • , iL^ *' * 12:80 Out4i(Jr| , 12:45 Bajjeball^itieadin , V 1:00 4:00 ABC 9:30 £dmM|r 6:00 6:M Award’ 7:00 Hobert f:46 NBC News ^'{X> The Lone Ranger 7:30 The Beal McC^a 8:00 Donna Reed I ' 8:30 Journey to Understanding l'.'»^:30 Rifleman Wm M Sauad Strifes 'n Sparei .1:00 Dateline 11:10 Spmtsline Jack Paar ^V, JUNI 22 8ho» Boom INu^ Be Mi I flay Your Bsnch ifritt Ii Riitiit I CoBoentration Truth «r Cooasqveiioaa It Could Be Vm 'b Andy “Madame Qv^’a Voiee” For A YoHBf tmmttr Dr. Malone Tbeee ftaota Tlmrter Theater our Ufa Tfi VbO* ot'AU«i MiM 8:30 Wan) 8:00 l(r. Ltttlii 9:30 Have Ottti). IthOO G4idsi^(^ hOrU 10:30 Caniei'a 11:00 11:30 'JJopjc I 11:48 Meq Towi^ 12:00 Ttiis iat^{ 12:30 Casey Jotwt 1:00 School StaW,, 1:30 Tbit ‘ 2:00 Elt^t ^4i*i.i»f .^c4 2:18 Sunday Moiii* ' 4:30 Brok«n Ad6r^‘ A’ 9K)0 Fa« the Nation 5:30 Hawaiian Ejr* 8;30 20th Century 7:00 Alaskans 8:00 Bd 8:00 G. E. Ilieatra , 9:30 Hitchcock \ 10:00 Jack Benny 10:30 What'a Hy 11:00 Sunday News Spcelal 11:15 Sunday Star UMiMl* *• 8KW Readteg Proflrafli 7:00 Morniag 3u3ke»*$ 8:00 CBS Xewa 8:10 Carolina Nem 8:15 Capt 8:00 Cartoon 10:00 Be4 10:80 On ttie ^ 11:« I Love 11;98 DeeeatM 12:08 Uwe of 12:80 Boms 1:88 P«ggjr ijeiutitaliMfi laMi 2:88 rat »m MiSianaii* 8:88 Venlkt'^^ Bn 11a FRIDAY, JONI >4 6:30 Farm Show 7:30 Political Saoford 7:00 Todi^ 9:00 Komper So4m 10«0 Dough Re Mi 10:80 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price Is Rl^bt 11:30 Coneetatratlon 12:00 Truth or Coosequenccs 12:30 It Could Be You 1:00 Amos'n Andy • 2:00 taeen ?pr A pv . 2:30 Loretta .Youngi^iliaatet 8.00 yei|i«'Di>..Mtolone 3:30 Fr^ Thm #A9t« 4:00 Comedy ne|^ ' 4:M Adventnne TfaetiM 5.-00 Five 6:00 ^ii’« 5 7:00 Hhe eacly show ' if “Fort Yuiw« , Peter Graves, Je^p Hoi 9:60 Ohaai|»itasW > ■Jadkpot Bowling 10:00 NflC Special ; *11:00 ii^liiie . 'i ?v'. 11:10 IHil^ j.' A’ 11:10 Spott^ i 11:19 Jaek Pm JliNI 18 SATURDAY, fl:4* BiwaHia ?M Caaey Jones 7M eawrBnne SdM> FadMW Sno«M Bnft 8.-80 Dewey tWeeue 8:88 Ann JaWwa’n WiM XenncMef 18 JO Jane AHyawi lt.80 EleveMii. iKMr ItapMt U:U Mrrie , , NoaritfAs Umm WoK nW8MV, iWNC 21 8.-08 ItsaAng PMVnm 7)08 Moeaing JaaibarM 8)68 NewB 8:18 CaroUM Mem 8:18 Capt. KHHania 8:8b C^ilooii SbM 48.HB0 Red Howe Skmt M:80 On Hw in i£M i ham tMCf urn Daoernbitmie am U«e fl( Uia lt:IB Bum* * A&8 1«8 Peggr Mann 1J8 As tke WnriW Varna *m tow Mtar «r W«M S J8 H4nae faMr , 3:30 Verdict is Yourt 4:00 Summertiine • 4:H5 Sacret Storm of Nyrt idltanB 8:80 « Mi« Frlanda ,Pennts the Menace 4!# vm5^ EAwairla ?7:0O To Tiell the Truth Bronco 8:M BoWe QiRis 9:00 l^trope 8^30 Red fikelton 10:00 Garry Moore 11)00 PMllilM 66 News 1|:I5 Movie' Men Without Souls WBDIM8DAY, ItmC 22 '7:00 MomAig JamtKiree 8:00 O^S Newt ,8:18 CiuNtlina Ne^i >8:15 ^yt. Kaitgaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 10:00 Red Rowe ^ow 10:30 Ofa the Go 11:00 I Il4>ve Lucy 11:80 Dlewmher BHle 12:00 Love of Lit* 12:30 Bums & Allen IKM feggy Mann 1.'^ As die World Titnu 2.-M Bettor or Worse 2:30 House Party 3:00 MiUionaire 3:30 Verdict is Youn i 4:60 SutfHRertime . 4:19 'Sejeret Storm 4;W £^e ,9f Night • 5K» B«ndlit«ha 8:80 iVeka . ee 6to«ges Weather p(wgls ISdWardc W ^$et item Utto 8]^ce 9i00 iiUioMiM r»i^ Got A Secret Aiinstrong I Cifecle Theatre P|MlUj^i^^^|iewa AdrgentiAe «Nlght THURiOAY. 'JUNI 23 'i:*' ■„ J' 4^ Proivam Aaw*: ;•» . CaNtliU M6p \ fWvlBiMe ^SBow on i^e 00^ ^^jiier BrUle hivb « KTorM l^irM ar Wone »*i88 iniltouire ‘i- »ii;rMcl li*To8la iTiendt $toom 8:30 i;|o VftMter - ■ a ®Wi|l*s E^anls ^ iWiiiae 8i)6 B4tty ^ttOD • Btotfo' psc££;;f 10.09 Secr«t World o EMie Hodges 11:00 PMllips Newa 11:18 Star Theatre The Halfbreei ntlDAY, JUNE 24 6:00 Reading Program 7:00 Monilqg Jamboree 8:00 CBS Newa 8:10 Caroliu New 8:18 Capt ungaroo 8)00 Cartoon &iop 10,00 Red Rowe Show 10:30 M the Go 11:001 Love Liicy 11:M December Bride 12:00 Love of Life 12:30-Burnt * Allen 1:00 Peggy llann 1:30 As the World Tuna 2:00 For Better or Worse 2:30 Houae PMty 8:08 MUUootfae 3J0 Verdict ic Yoon 4:00 Summertime 4:18 SMMt SIWK 4-JO of Ni^t 9.D0 Bandstand 9:30 Rio na Tin lUIO Tttree Stoogea 8:80 iaa6 9:40 Weather 849 Douglas Edwards 7:08 U, CMarabaU 7:30 Rawhide 8:30 HbUl Dc Pacaa 9:00 Desilu 10:00 TwUiilht 2;oim 10:30 BUck, SadIU STATION WAAA Winston-Sideiii SATMKDAY Sa«M as daily ontil SM p.m. $M Tiiple A Oub at lUannic Temple 8:00 RoU Jordan 8WN0AV 9:00 Sign on 7:00 Sensational SouthlAnOfers 7:80 In the Gat>den (Rev. Hajrward) 7:48 Qnartet Tfana 8)00 Hm CmsaiMeiii «:98 A VMt Ite SknMni t:8fe AHMm tlnM 8:4B fMhiile Trtie Vine flalinew Chnrch (Be¥. Venean) 9:88 GeW«n Marwaweew UflB YMCA YWCAJtWofM 10:18 JduiMn * Mineral H&ih'e ProsAflB 10:30 Pet Milk Pfo^^p • 1. Il:()p Hyinn of the D|M[ tl:Ci M^aini; WdrshW X^ ' Qi^a^ 9^i^tfClinrch) 12:00 Songs ‘for "^dly. 1)1:80 Weatker Begbrt^ 12.81 Sootal Seeivit»"IVb|«*ai 12:W Chrtst Templd lloUneas ' CHuvoh 'ii 1)00 Echoes W Caivary 1«0 Bftl L8Bdford.!filMW 3:30 Cliurch of Uto lioud Jesas Christ (Bish(«.flK C. Johnson) 3:38 Mutic'for Sundey 4.'45 Mrs. Jo Ann ISIement 4:00 Gate of Zion ,Ji«Uneis 0»un% i„„. 8:80 Musk for Siin^w 5:45 Orgiui Reveriiea 6:00 Sign off , MONOAY-fftVAY 5:00 Wake K> j'i'ime with Beh R(iuttdM^> > 7D0 Big Breakfast wUt Bob Roundtree ’ 9.-00 Home ConvaitiBn Mth Os(»r Alexander lOKX) Momtag Devotiena > . 10:15 Obituary C(diteii lft30 ■ ■ ■ 11:00 BUMN BUBCT AMD LOV1BG CUP . ; '‘Mkf TUMnnM Slata“\ elaef bkams brifMly as ttm > kc- Mfti »h* Alpha Kappa' Mu aM4rd l;|r sorarity. TMims- ase. kt«to :|H*i)varalty iPratident, Dr.i)|W.''8.' Davis (lefT) cali0l-a- •ifatli D»«d aMd har ‘ nweHty.'deite Sisina Thnta, for ' winnint the trophy for thf ond itraisht ya^r. Given by jhe .Alpha Kapp Mu honor, soctfty, the foW cup h' pr«senH|d.^eh year Ip.tlie^ttarnily 6r U(>*rlty With -ttte h>8hksr tcNvtahtic' a4er- Vfla ama^g its. membars., If, the OeHat can. win ttMt ,'^a^.' Vflay can ratlM ♦his JewMry., , ^ ABaim by Sam Cooke Is Ready For Release on RCA 10t30 Bill LandA>r4.£tew , 11:00 Lan* .WiUiM^ Iwow 1:00 Daday-0 Altn^iiwef Show Mamo sMm wmg ■ * • ■. 'i., ■ f ■: 1410KC (MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 5:00 itm Henne^ Sidw 7:00 The Nbrfley fitted 8how 8:30 nie Hour - 9.-S0 BelU ^ M. 16:00 Dr. Jiye Show 11:00 Mother of the We^ 11:1B airiritual .Eonoei . Ut05"Bn»«, JgaiUlgr, fttOfU 12:15 Farm OHiuarW 12:|0 Pap ShoV, 1:80 Dr, JiHcltuW . . SiOO £ar(^ttl Baiio Show 4:30 Oosp^l Tnla ■' 6)00 Rtwi^ ^ B Sign Off ' -r' ■' • t'--. '■ 8i|it?W^,Y,;.-. ' ’ i ■ , ■ ' ‘*-i^. ' 5:00 Bill : 7:00 tie NOI^I 9:00 The Dinmm-Ornglt' Fiinn Bour- 8:ft Sne^.q>iM6iiHHi;Blll ' BiHHeitim^ . i0)00 Bhowpase" •. , m is satui^/ nolte Mth Sfll H( 12:00 Ni^g .. ^tua 12:10 ^i> ,1:18 (3vil 1:30 Part} 3:Sp Oa^ 4:30 Qoapel 6:00 WSRG , Sign 01 ^ ‘lltiuf wii^df8«{Ve»ed‘^ few' yerfS 'and “Th^ Foc^ siting*. S^m Cooke, the, good-looking, twraty*three year old singin)! sen sation from Chicago, makes his album debut on RCA Victor with Cooke's Tour.” In his smooth, meaningful style, Sam takes a vocal trip around the world. He sings of the City of Light in “Under Paris Skies,” of the South Pacific in “‘Bali Ha’i,” the Eternal City in “Arriceder- ic, Roma,” aiid then gives Latin ,^erica a whirl with “The Cof-. fee Song.” and “South of the Border.” Add a musical touch of London, the BahiuiMs, ^d hre- Und and you have been around ihf world ip 33 and l/3rd RPM. 1 The new RCA Vietor, recording ago. at the Los Angeles auditorium singing with a gospel group xnbwn as the “Soul Stirrers.” His first tMording, “You send Me,” made the record world sit up and take notice in 1958. His background Binging of theme music ic the Cary Grant/Sophia Loren success “Houseboat,” skyrocketed J hi* career. eveA higher. %nce^ being signed by Hugo & V^gi' of RCA Victor, Cooke’s recordings “Teen age Sonata” and ‘"You Under stand Me” have added to Ms col lection of hits. A second album by Della Reese has recently been released by RCA Victor in response to the tre mendous reception of her first L. P. which was issued last Janu ary. This second recording. "Del la by Starlight” includes a host of torch standards, old and mel The artist conjures up ^o7ely starlit imfges with "That _ Old Feeling,” “I Had the Crajuest Dream,” "Mor* T*an You Know,” HMiy t#irie 10 Nie Tor II Ae Far fast M Sum Btaro' Belmonte, «**ie ccnoert their two and a lialf year -old son, «Mt« «l 1i«e Oniwid tta*e« and David, wBl 1»e Phil Stein, ®icecu- Mnpe Havw becwne ene rf the »ive Producer, in complete Aarge •MXt artistlcatiy and linsieially of the program, four aecomj^uta, noeetrfiri ventnres of Its type, /ill ifHwflwee Iba one nian" even-. three and singers, musical atage miffager OMiducter. kMiiu Bg” to aome rtf the leadmg «a* Merrick, BcUfeHte's long-tim^ puV ions in the rjri" East this summer, licist, Will 'advance the towf. The show will play both ^okyo Beginning ivith a five day ap- learance at. the Hawaiian Centen nial celebration in Honolulu July' InA (after two "brert in” dates in Denver June 7tt and IjOS Angeles rune MKh). JBelafonte then swings 7Ut teward Jlpan, the PhilUpines, Australia, larari, Indi^ anid Greece. Offering a tw« aOt 4»t>gram.of ijSsentiiUy the same stmctMre that te 1^re»ented t« New Yortc Palace aMBenoea tot Smtfteen wvAb iart sQ^son, 3alaf(mte will tr^el with « relatioely llgltt comiwny.. Accompanying ihiita o;i.. the trip, Jn addition to Mrs. Belafonte and and Osaka in Japan; Metbaurne and Sydney in Austr^; Tel'Aviv in Israel and Athenk in Ciieece. The contemplated atap in Jhdia will be for non-professianal pur- poBSfc. At the end ,tKis tour, ln ,eariy SeptembtT, B«4afonte andt i\ii troupe will head or (x>ndon, Eng land, for their annual BBC4^ ap- t>earance. During Ms .«aty in lnaay of these countries Belafonte hopes to add to his ever increasing.i^eptr: toire of folk material toy 1“tape capturing” some local iolk 'tunia, New Fraternity Della’s pure, ilrtense, uninue style is till with her, but she has added something else . . . some '^hing deep. As the producers Hugo and Luigi, say on the album liner notes, “Della has turned out all the lights. She has hung a cloud over the moon.” appeijred to keep up with the* steady de- triand' tliat has existed since her debut package, The Lata, Lata Among the others were the best-selling'bynamici and Tima fo 9t»(ni.^ ' ' bi Bi|Jla^ and Uuas,'Dakota for (or tM jirtt . time on record sings 6:00 Spiritual Ei^aaa . 8:00 AMey lingen,- 'i , '8:15 Music far SnMy 8:30 Susie Wekver IHiiiKm 8:45 Gethsenume Xfle^orul 9:00 The Pet Milk PtoBram 9:80 Ceoper Foui 8:49 Harps of fla 10:00 Music for Sii 11:00 Church Servike^l 12KM News, Weathir' 12:10 iOWtuaciea 12:10 Album of Stan 2:00 Gospel Train d:UO Eisliop S. Cj 4:30 Bishop SauiT 4:30 Thie Way 9:00 Hi-Ways to «:M Evening Sign Off An estimated 7.1 million * per sons were ct work on the nation’s farms during the week beginning With'a, J*rge ’orchestra. Sid Feller' April 17. This was three j>er-cent t;ondih^ t{ie strings, harp and i less than late April of 1958. nson less ChMtdi Why'^eod^ €baiSe’’Siifim rtlaifier TMHM ante-gfiMii, tot aa|u>MlM lllfl—They 1 Lady SofAistkatioH, Low-Down Blues Sung by Dakota on New Records Dakota Station’s handling ,'of rhythm on "Some to Watch evar sophisticated ballads is contrasted with her feeling for low-down blues in her new Capital album, Dalnfta Staton Sings Ballads and tha riluas. We," "Why Don't You Think Things Over," I'll Know and "Tima Was." In the remaining tracks, Dakota is heard in her more familiar «et- T4iis is the seventh of Capitol’s ting of small-band backing con Dakota StaUoty.^lbui^s, which have ducted by Eddie Wilco)c. d'Tn a' rapi4-ftre series H Two numbers from tl>e> ‘A^ha Tm Chi Jcatonity,. Inc., which was reoepntly oisanited and intended to"be ,natioul and inter national, is the first and only fraternity to embrace all profes sional men, inclading physicians, ^ntists, lawyers, chiropodists and ciui-opractors. Although it was organized by Negroes, its Constittuion provides that it may be interracial. Its national headquarters and birthplace is 2279 E. 00th Street, -Cleveland 6, Ohio. R$ national officers and found ers are Atty. Eugeni F. Oheeks, President; Judge Perry B. Jack son, 1st Vite^’res.; Dr. R. T. Wise, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Atty. Wm. B. laun ders, 3rd VicC'Pres.; Dr. J. D. MeKda, Treasurer; Atty. Stanford S. Smith, Financial Sec’y; Atty. Carl A. Hunt, Rec.'-Correspondinff Sec’y,; ^tty Wyatt C. Brownlee, ParHamentarian and Atty. Rich ard JL. Gunn, Sgt.-at-arms. Hippd expansion the frater- ttHv' ii 4XPMMI wtlii the -Mtablish- nteUt of cha|(4efs iq cities 'through- o«D>^ ' Judge Perry' B. Jackson' tt'ho is one of tiM fchuiders and first Ne- gi^ to be elected Judge in Ohio is Grind Treasurer of Elks, a 33rd degree Mason; chairman of - Judi cial Council of A.M.E. Church; head of the largest Sunday School in the U.S.; member of six bar aysDciations including Am. Bar and Nattonal Bw /rntTh lormer prosecutor and member of Ohio Legistature and Cleveland City Council. ■ ■ . V Elected Continued on pa|e 3-b album- My Babe,”~and| Hanvwd^^ir. Dark’' - aife''currently making their way up best seller lists a single record. / -. 0 —^ and place and Shaphard High Sehaoi of Eal»ul«n, ftiirid placa. Merrill Flood of Winton took top State honors in the talent run off with>a truinpet itolo end finish- um- > •*®*>ind were Jo|hnny yjgj,Washington, Wilson, a singer and Francis Kennedy, Yadkin, piano solo. Winners in ttia quii^ contact, IncludtM in aHar of placing: Carey Bell, Jadnen; Louis Caatafc Lawndala; Carlton Kaar* nay, Conatoa and Frail Bro#n Shallot!*. A livestock jtidging team from Dubois High Sc,hoi, Wake Forest, took first place; . Dunbar High School, East Spencer, second and North Warren High Schpo) team, Wise, third. Her fnother or Her si&teof? •OTH BIMOY YOUTNTOL, NATt|RAL4MNIN«HAIR CBLOR Whathar you want tha adtaoMnt at a dlffenant hair Bhada, or want to give new Ufe to dull 6V gray iMdr.. .Snaiat on thaloog^laating haircoior tntto'finnoi:* red packa«a—OoSelroy’a f lartaiiai It's aaay to apjdy, and oomplata in anaipnfkaja" thnre's WoWdng ilM to buf. TS LOWLY COLOKt ‘‘Rise Up Singing^ Fred Directs Singers in Spkiluajs' The long association of (japitol Records with Fred Wating and the Pennsylvanians had never'jaroduc- ed an album of spirituala| until the release today of Risa Uft Sing- in'. Since the Pennsylvanians^jendi- tion of Negro spirituals, si^h as the ones contained in this lAbum, often prove show-stopperf on their coast-to-coast concert'^ours, it is no surprise that WariqR him self calls'this collection "Om- all- time l»est.” The album displays some «f the greatest selections of tlSls special type of choral mush:: “JJfabody Knows the Trouble I’ve “Swing Low Sweet Chariot;V and Joshua Fit the Battle of JertchQ." Some are performed a cappella, others with orchestral accompani ment. Says..Waring of the album: '"The process of learn^; to sing this j|jreat ipusie is mppt OQ* of under standing ^at one'of^hearsal. The- song mw'f be perfected teetaiical- ly, of course, 'but from the moment the .notes and balance are correct,- all thought of them must be lost in the far more difficult quality Of sincerity.” ^ Earlie Parker of Raleigh,Wt 8, i& buildins -op his doiQUbliD^ unit by unit. j STOMAC l»U«H io tht 0 ifitten, and otomae aut canallpa Mt tha Niria alia box Waih. 2, d!c tviPPW THI fHAVINO POWOla CO. P.O. Bex 3457*C Savannah, Oa. , BERGAMOT WATPR RERELl.KN’ CONDiTlONIR MILLIONS of iati *rl^d HEADS

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