AH AM jiaiiiiil' -UfiV/ illoL ul&O «sa .■ illivi-i' siliv'- Ustfi..' snsi'-t lOnaii miff ifsofl bioii- ttirta msH tgi tl i»T Chapel Hill News m*. JOYCe WINSTON OWiN$ o»Tw- . •ysH . ‘ni»rfn ydtd ' tdi ii listftu llUn- .bnu) •ut* lo3 aitf ••d io oi I. On Friday night June 10, the JfoXay^s Dsy Nursery presented ^ ciosiMt exercises at the' Cein- Cenjev- The program open' ed with a song by the children toUowad by the Lord's Prayer and three other action songs after- whioh a play, “Cinderella” was given by the older children. The lut number was a selection by tbe Rhythm Band. The graduates, Were attired in blue caps and fowns were as foUowg; Linda At water, Patsy Bajrbee, Jerome Coo ky, Larry CaJdwell, Vedney Cot ton, Mona Edwards, Ashley Fous- hee, Wayne Furrow Diane Farring ton, Frankie Gladden, James Gold en, Charles (Henn, Hugh Hunter, plane Hargrfves, J. D. Farring ton, Avon Lassiter, John Man- Ity, Kenneth Man^, Rochelle Par rish, Mandel Purefoy and Michael Weaver. The diploma^ were pre- fented by Mrs. Hubert Robinson, Sr. The entire audience was serv- 4i refereshments presented by Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Weaver. The teacheiy of the school are Mrs. Alberta Watson, in charge of the play, Mrs. Lattice Vickers, ac companist, and Mrs. Addie M. G61den, in change of the band. **** Mrs. Jessie 0. Coleman of S. Roberson Street has returned to Chapel Hill aft^r having spent a ' month visiting her sister. Mrs. CaJilie Sesscmis in Washington,, Georgia, Mrs. Coleman informed ywv reporter that she spent t^e jijtire time resting and is feeling 9>uch better. We, .are glad to wel- TOme her back home and hope ■be will continue to improve. Miss Mary Ann Council, a June Ipraduate of Lincoln High School k attending summer school at NMrth Carolina Collage, Duchain xyhere she is taking some college preparatory courses before enter- itig Fisk University m the fall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Minor of N. Merrit ViUPoinli . :|Ii. a«d Mfs, StanWr Holi%Qd apd Mrs. Afintf Itf. M«^n Hutib»rd 'VMk Ui*8 Debpr«h Ann'Holland mot()re4 #wn fropi New York Ci^ to att«ad the uation exercises of their Miss Amelia Ann Masoii, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mason Cajrrboro. Mrs. Holland is the for mer Miss Marene Mason. Your reporter, along with b^r sister, Mrs. Juanita Mins, and her nephew Jimmy Llttle^Jr., spent last T|]iursday fishing at the beau tiful farn} home of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Snipes. Although they weren't biting too well that day, we* managed to “haul in a large catch” of bjass and bream.- We ar.e. most gratrful to Mr. and Mrs.. Snipes for tlieir, generosity in al lowing us to fiish and we, plpn t«j return sometime soon. Florbts to Hold: Convention In Ctiicago in July TAMPA, Fla. — The eight an nual convention of the Internation al Florists Association, Inc., (IFA) will be held in Chicago, 111.-, July 10-13, with the Windy City Flojrists Association as ,host. Walter Kyle, 4511, South Parkway, Cbicago florist and member of the IFA Board, is convention chairman. Wesley Lee, Pittsburg, Penn., IFA Secretary, has released com munication to all known florists in the United States, uiging their attendance W. 0. Peri^-, Miami, Fla., is president of the Associa tion. —^—_—^p Let us give thanks to the inven tor of Venetian blinds. Without him, it wouldr be ewrtain» for all of us. FQR LADIES ONLY . . . Ce^ speosored Women's Day at Tfn- n*«*M Stalls UnJ^rslty th* t«|enU of Cornell Uiiiver- tUy't Or. p. Corinh* Brown Gal> vtn (center) who numboriMl several challenves of woman hood to the campus charmors in her role at main speaker. Shown are {I. to r.) University Dean of Witmen AArs. Ma^l B. Crooks, Senior ^iolosy major Bobbie Billinss of Macon, Georgia, Dr. Galvin, Mr*. W. S. Davis (Mni- Senjor English meior Anneti(| Jones, also of Macon. ivet F D .Tp WELCOME HCC Summer School Teadlen Sweater Drees SCRMN's fabulous sweator-dr^.t.bi Amol and cotton multicolor pattol strip* on virhit* ground. Sleeveleu and softly tailored, with ^an collar and very full r«l«aiod ploot ildrt... Delectablo pastel blu«. bvK^biit Otios cardi(|gl| Is bow'touched in matching fabric SPECIAL $30 & $35 DR£^SE)3 114.9a Open Every Wednesday Aft Day Friday Nigrht UntH 9 Wee Shop 20S WEST MAIN PHONE S-tWl Alunapice County Beau :icians Hre planning a visit to the beautic ians home at Dixie Shore the first Sunday in July. A welcome is ex tended to friends who would like to go. They plan to leave the re creation center at 9:00 a.m. Other plans for the summer al so were made at a call meeting held at the home of Mrs. Dilsie Chandler. ******* EBENSZKR USHERS The Senior Usher Board of Ebenezer Christian Church spon- $i|.'ed an evening program on last- Sunday. Appearing on the program were the Ladies Aid and the Junior Ushers. Music wa.; ren dered by the Senior Usher Board. CHURCH MEETS PROBLEMS Church continued its Round-Table Discussions on last Sunday even- Ink. Under the. subject “The Church Meets World Problems”, the discussion was centered around the responsibility of re ligious leaders in national and in- tetn^Uonal affairs. A review was conducted by the pastor, the Reverend Elroy Lewis. Douglas Bows was chairman of the program. •***«*« GRAHAM GRADUATE? 62 (>arb«in High School graduated sixty two seniors on Thursday evening, June 2. Charles Mebane was class valedictorian, Annie L. Crisp, salutatorian, and Silvery K. Perry gave an address. Vercie Mae Alston presented the. seniors' gift to the school. Mrs. M. H. Ivey, Supervisor of Alamance County Schools present ed the diplomas to the seniors. AT GARDEN CLUB CONVEN TION Mesdames W. Russell Rogers, Henry Lovlace, and Frank Rogers attended the Garden Club Federa tion in Oxford N. C. on June 6. The delegates reported a success ful meeting. Business sessions were held at the elementary school. Mrs. E. E. Toney of Syca more Street was the party hostess. BIRTHDAY DINNER Some 85 rel|tives attended the birthday diraer of Alston White, Route 2, Graham, given by l)is children in his honpr. The bonnree bad as special guests, his sister, Mrs. Ida Blake of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Mrs. Emma Morris and Mrs. Lovie White, siS' ters-in-law, IjoOi of Siler City. Also in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Wade M«rtin and Family, Mr. and Mn. Sammie White, Mr. aqd Mrs. Ben Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Pet White and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Jeffries all of Siler City; Eddie F. Parker of Wash ington D. C. Ur. and Mrs. Brodie Powell of Chapel HiU and |Ir. and Mm. Clifton Waldon of Bennett. Mesdames Delores Horton, Mossie White, and Marjorie Martin were hostesses. Miss Peggy Rogers as sisted with the serving. YOUTH DAY MEBANE — St. Luke Christian Church observed Youth Day on Sunday, -June 12, with young people in. charge of all of the services. Sunday School at 9:15 was in charge of acting Supt., Richard Holt, with th« lUv, A. Kni|taton Stanley of Greensboro as spesakec at the 11:30 worship service.. The afternoon musical program was in chargc of Miss Annie Lee Crisp. Jtinior choirs appearing along with the home Choir included Johnson's Chapel, First Baptist, Kimes Chapel, and Hunter’s Cha pel all of Mebane, Children’s Cha pel of Graham, and,Clover Gar den of Burlington. Piano solos on pro^r^m weye by Neltine Peebles of Raleigh and Clayton Farrington of Hawfields Church. TO ADDRESS PUBLISHERjB— Bariura Brax'.'on, a former P|iiF* ida A&M senior who spent 30 day*' in fair as th« result of M studMt dOMonsti’ation against segregation lii Tallahafsee, flor* Ida, will be one of the tpeaiie'rt at'the annual convention of th# National Negro Publishers Af- soCio^ion in, Ctiicago on June 24 and 25. See story, page 1-fc HiU^iUe Parjc Day Camp wiU open * Monday June 20th. Tlw Camp ic^ for chirdren between tbe ages"M Q and 15 years of age. It will tMT.' operated for six weeks Monday through Friday.! The hoursi'Af operition arc from 9:00 a.m. t«*4:30 p.m. Chirdren will be picked 'ap on schedule at the var- ioii* 'playgrounds through-out the city.' However, children in walk ing - distance or have meaoa of trancp^ation may come at will to W:*'D. Hill Community Center at 900>&.m. The children are given a pro gram M arts and craft, dramatics, nature bikes, music, instructional and > recreational swimming and garaes.i They return to W. D. Hill for hot' lunch. YoUr> children may receive re gistration blanks at their neigh borhood playground or at W. D. Hill Community Center. The Day Camp is co-sponsored by the City Recreation Department and the Durham Business and Professional Chain. hayeSown By MRS. HAZEL BROWN The Junior Home Mission of the Orange Grove Baptist Church un der the supervision of Mrs. Helen Alston met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Evans, Sunday, June 12 at 4 o'clock. After the business session the hostesses, Brinda Faye and Cym- thia Atkins served refreshments. The, next meeting wiU b? at the home of Eli Brown III. «*** Mrs. Elsie Holloway is sponsor ing a selling at the home of Willie Lyons Spturday, June 18. Refresh ments will be sold. The purpose of this selling is I raising money for the building' fund of Orange Grove Baptist Ciiurch. **♦» The Every Ready Club is spon soring the crowning of Miss Orange Grove Sunday June 19 at 7:30 p.m. The Amey Jubilee Singers will aftb appear on the program. The public is invited to attend. '’i * The Lamp Lighters met at the| hon^of Mrs. Edna Royster Sun day, Jtine at 5:30 p. m. Miss Cartet**''^ representative of the Harriet’- Tubman Mranch of the THCii met with the CJub to help -thif merfi|i>ers to know some of the purposes of the Y. W. C. A. After the business session refreshments wer%^ Served by the hostess. The nei(t'''mietings will be at the hom^ of 'Kfos.-'Virginia Bridges. Meortiers present were Mes- datn'^ Ollie Ray, Virginia Bridges, pordth# Gray, Elsie Holloway, Bertha'*Evans, Hazel Brown, Oalia Bridil^is, Ruby Hargraves. OJlie HubbaM, Edna Royster, Ida Bul lock and Miss Barbara Langley. ««»« d^k ' and shut-in are Mesdames I Latitlif’’Revels, Hattie Lee and Ar-1 kie Ot'^en. New Eggnog J^eals h Sveryoae I Photo bi/ Carnation CompanuS . 1 ,..^1 Typical d/ the many delicious beverage* made with Carna tion instant nonfat dry miik crystals is M^Ie Nog, and it is an ideal picker-upper for the senior citizen, l^cause this drink u fortified w)th extra instaqt crystals, the Carnation Company'* crystalline form of nonfat dry milk solids, it has a dividend of milk protein, minerals an4 ]B vitamins ... all essential for good health. Youngsters will go for this eggnog, too ... a highly nu tritious and flavorful drink for the young at heart from 7 to 70. (Mak#« abput 1 quoit) \Vi cups Carnation inttanll I I ogg, lUghtly boaton nonfat dry milk crrsfpil* I iTj-ouaice poslwao mnplf- 3 cup* water ' I ttsvored ronnet powder* Combine instant crystals and \v9ter;: mix well. Hest to 110* (lukewarm). Gradually add to egg; miif well. Ad^ rennet poy- der; mix until dissolv^. ^t i|ta|id 10 minutes. Chill-until s#t. Beat with rotary-type l>e|iler, or ^epd'ip blether uiUil loam^. If mixture separates on standing, beat or shake until blgndtd belore serving. Serve with a dash of nutmog, it desin^ * Ottm fltvocf of i-eBA«t {tpwiiu owy b« subititut«a M AT $Ott«RITY COMFERENCP —Among the oulilandiiig per sons otlendlng the Fi.’th Annual Eastern Region*! -Xinos confer ence held under guidance of the Alpha Chi Chapter of the Ne- tionai Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa in Portsmouth, Va., re cently were: Left to right: Mr*. Beatrice Horne, Basileus of'AI- pIm Chi, Porttmouth, Va.; Mrs. Jwlip A,. 9#rne«, a founder of the Neticnal Sorority Delte Kappa, of Jersey City, N. J.; Robert Jackson, a student of Noreom High school end an out standing speaker at the morn- ipg sessiwi, of Portsmouth, Ve.; Mrs. Helen W. Maxwell, supreme becileus. of the .National Sorority of PM Delta Kappa, BrookWn, N. Y.—(ANP Photo) Lovely 9 room frame hoiB baths, automatic heat, mi let x 150 ft. iri3 S. Alston A*a Cmh tact E. W. fnillips, 2-48M. There is no such thia(|p distant relative when yom » summer cottage. tfoaer h R F O rv _ L , s m HHENDllESt FOO|I STORE IN UM CAROtlNA lOP VAlUi STAMPS Cotwon awl PwrciiMe Of Obc Quart Krecur Salad Dressirn 9T Maipnaise Com ofily at J*#* 1% STAMPS Golden TOP VALUE STAMPS Hoos# and ‘Garden Raid $tJ9 (AM Go#d only at KroMr t

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