f t f t ft j : f ‘ i f f f :■•> f HILlSBOliO HIGHIIOHIS A tea wll be given by the Jun ior Missionary of Mount Zioti A. M. E. Church on Saturday, July 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Ridge Road SchMl. The public is invited. * * » Revival services began at liiw- comb Grove Baptist Chucch on punday, July leth with Rev. Hat- Itff of Durham as guest speaker. ICveryaae is asked to come out tn'd support these services. Rev. G. H. Brooks is pastor. • V • Frank Payfor of Stamford, Conn. arrived here Saturday, June 2S t« spend two weeks iftrith his wife, formerly Miss Josephine Rainey, son, Cletus and other relatives. • • • The district meeting of the Jun- SCARBOROUGH and HARGETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS The Scarborough' md HartftH Funeral Directors offar ,• Mo* niflad ttrvlce in • way. Our sarviett to th« sMk, needing ambulatory servla^i art Mcond to none. Our ftt^ teni^an!* are advaniMd in thf" knowledge of first aid and arc also experts in the admlnitte^ ing of oxygen for cardiacs and iithmaMc patients. Our annbulance Is equipped with two way radie syttein whereby, w« ^re able to gi«a speedy yet efficient service. lor Misaienaiv was held at ^ Flat Rock A. W. E. Church on Satu^ay, JUne 25 with Mrs. Ruth Torain, district prMident presiding. Rev. L. R. Harten pastor of $afnt Mat thew (%urch at Saxaphaw was gu^st 8Re«ker.'He djslivered « most inspiring message. Miss Henrietta jlolman gave the welcome address and every one had a wonderful time. * * * Bible school was held at Mt. Mt. Zion A. M. H Church June 12 through 17, under the direction of Charlie Toriah. On Monday night Rev. J. H. To rain review^ the lesson and ^ve encouraging remarks on keeping good compiwy. The classes were divided into 6 groups. The classes and teachers were: Beginners— Mrs. Ruth Torain; Primary, Mrs. Moddell Richmond; Junior, Mrs. Louise Latta; Intermediate. Miss Ruth Cooper; Senior, Mrs. A. J. Hobnan. E*ch night class was given 45 minutes for study and 45 minutes for art, five minutes for discussion.' Closing Friday, sight With* remirki by fiev. A. J. Hoi majo anii refreshments' vr e r e served. Pearsontown Club Motors to THE CAROLfllA TIMES SAT, JULY X 19ft *TMI TRUTH UmWIOLID* 9MM INFANT DEDICATED — The Rev. Miles Mark Fisher, pastor of White Rock Baptist Church, of Durham, congratulates Mr*. Theodore Murchison following dedication of the Murchlsons five months old daughter Idora ^t^ Hm church Sunday. Shown are, left to right, Ira Murchison, Mrs. E. S Bounsel^ holding young Idora, and Jannes W. Car rington, White Rock official. The Murchisons, who live at 212 Weaver str(«et are active in White Rock activities. Murchi son is a deacon director of the Baptist Training Union and a choir membar. Miss Mutthews Gets Nurses Miss Dorothy Ilftthew>> daiogh- ter of Hr; {jiad iin. h, 3, HatOiews, of Durhfim was her nurs^a ctjp. la .the capping exer- pital. School of Nursing on June 23. , ' ' ' Miss Miithews'el >/rty-, two members of the School’s Oass of 1982. Mrs. I^tthe^^ ilteaded the cap- piiig exercises «(l4 sp^nt some time visiiing In th(f.Ne«r !5fbvk itnr She retuni^ to Dttffiaii^ oi ifWCA Report Meeting is Held Mrs. R. L- Speaks, general, chairman of the Membership Em phasis of the Harriet Tubman Branch YWCA, announces plans for a report meeting on Wednes day, June 29, 1960 at 8:00 p.nu, Ih 'the Recreation Room of the X^mstead Street building. ^ A movie, “The New Girl ” issued by, the Presideat’s Committee on Gdyernment Contracts, will be shown and discussed with the g^ftup^ by Mrs. Sarah Herbin, staff imwnber of the American Friends §efvice Committee with headquar- in High Point, N. C. V‘Fol}owing this showing, reports i»om y-Teen group members of i J ItE^bRt CONDrrioS OF /> MECHANICS AHD FARMERS BANK OF DURHAM IN THfe STATE dF NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE OF business bN JUkfe 15, ‘i960 assets ; Cash, balances with other hanks, induclitig reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection Liiited States Government obligatiotis, . , direct and (fliarantced ■..., . Obligations of States and political subdivisions ......... Other bonds, notes', and debenttlreS Corporate Stofcks Loans and discounts Bank premises owt'cd $222.831.'49, furniture and -f ixtur£a. .$1,138,751.32 . 1,615.187.05 . 306.^87.32 . 4S8,281.2S 700.00 . 4,097.431.83 Real estate owned- other than bank pMtpiscs Other assets y TOTAL ASSETS-'., v. • L,IABILITliElS . Demand depusits oi individuals, partnershipi, ..j- ( and corporations ;. .• .• • ••;••• Time deposits of individuals, partiiei^shijte,' '• •‘ and corporations , Deposit,s of Unitel Slates Governm^t;, .' . . (incliKling postal .savings) Deposits of .'Mates and political suIkHvisions • Other dc])()sits .... ■ t., t,. • • • • ...••• TOT.VL DEl’OSITS . • •.. J....... .$7,231,140.36 ^ ■ I, Other liabilities TOTAL Ll.MJILITlES •; 245,159.32 12.00 33.720.18 .$7,926,230.29 . 2,624,487.42 .'3,389,980.52 . 287,186.68 . 813,772.11 . 115.713.63 109,138.26 Captial* Surplus ......... i Undivided profits CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .$7,340,278.62 350.000.00 205.000.00 30,951.67 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 585,951.67 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CXPITAL;ACCOUNTS .. .$7,926,230.29 .$350,000.00 ♦This bank’s capital consists of; ’’ Common stock with total par value of .. Total deposits to the credi^ of the State qf , ■ Xorth Carolina or any offitial thereof ....$508,186.69 " MEMpJlANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secufe liabilities^ and for other piurposes 1,100,82L01 (a) Loans as shown above are after . . j : deduction of reserves of '. 27,390.56 (b) Securities as shown above are after , . , * _ deduction of reserves of 22.500.00 L I. 0. FUXDERBUUG, Cashier, 6f the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the -above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly rep resents the true state of the several matters herein coiitaincd and set forth, to^he best of my knowledge and belief. • Correct—.-\ttest: I. O. FUNDERBURG J. H. WHEELER C. C. .SPAULDING. JR. . A. T. SPAULDING Directors. State of North Carolina, Coupty of Durham. ,ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of Jtine, 1960, and I hereby ccrtify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. • JOSEPHINE S, STRAYHORN’E Notary Public My conimisipn expires December lO, 1*H)1. team results of contacts will be made. Other leaders in this summer project are: Chairmen Mrs. Eula P. Harris Red; Mrs. LeMarquis De- Jarman, Blue; and Mrs. Helen T. Hammond, White. Y-Teen Team Leaders are: Bren da Hart, Mary Mitchell, Mildred Mitchell, LaVerne Coward, Bar bara Wa(idell, Mary Woods. Grade Jones, LaVerne Thompson Lana Thompson, Lucille Black, Naomi Greon, Edith Autrey, Brenda Gunn, Claudette Bates and Constance Brown. Adult Consultants are: Mesdames Hattie F. Boykin, Addie Barbee, lola Goss, Esther Baldwin. Ernes tine A, Coley, Rosa L. Dunn Ella Jackson, Julia Perry, Charity E. Rivera, Lena Gates, Josie A. Pitt, man, -Helen Jones, Teresa Clag- gett, Mabel Davis and Miss Roxie Holloway. Club closed its summer meeting wittkX picnic in Greensboro Sun day,'wne 19. Members and their guests formed a caravan of 12 cars^ffid motored to Forest Lake Coun^ Club in Greensboro. '^Ijijrriving dinner was served' wiii£^'consisted of a variety of fo^^and drinks. After dinner the meiri^ers and their guests enjoyed, toui^lBe the 125 acres of recrea-1 tion^.^ich consist of boat riding, fishilk, horse back riding, 'out' doorVbowling. tennis, golf, and, swimi^ing, and for the children,! merry go-round, swimming and | other games. j "The first fall meeting will be held on the th'rd Monday night in September at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Stella Alston, 3001 Fay etteville Street. Three applica tions are available for member ship. The hostesses consisted of members of the club. Those enjoyed the event was as follows; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Green and neices Linda and Be verly Tedder. Mrs. Fannie Mc Lean, Mrs. Annie M. Gilmore, Mrs. Hazel McBroom, Mr. and Mrs Sam uel McCollough, Mrs. Beulah Hub bard and daughters Retha Ann and Ellen Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Do- man Farrington, Mr. and Mrs. Junious Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie Sim mons, Charles Dasiter, Sgt. Ken- dell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bates, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cobb, Jr. Mrs. Bertie Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Luther 0‘Bryant, Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Alston, Apex, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Richmond and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Young, Mr. and Mrs Joe Lawrence, Mr and Mrs. Paul McAllister, Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Norfley Whitted, Bisllop Waters to Preside at Formal Ceremonies Dedicating Newly Formed Catholic Church Sun. On Sunday July 3, at ten o'clock, the Catholic Chapel of Saint Tere sa of Avila, 719 Fargo Street, will be solemnly blessed by His Ex cellency, the Most Reverend Vin cent S. Waters, D.D., Ph.D.. Bish- hop of Raleigh. Immediately fol lowing the Blessing, His Excel lency will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and deliver the ser mon. The kindergarten and parish ‘ demistic church to accomnodate Emmanuel AME Church 710 Kent Sfeet PETER G. CRAWFOJy?, MinUtw PHONE 7 6472 Sunday, July 3,1960 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL Classes of all ages I 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP—Communion SERMON THEME: “Memories That Bless and Bum” 6:00 P.M. VESPER SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Alston, Mrs. Ethel Perry, Mrs. Bessie Allison, Mrs. Rader Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Atwater, Mrs. Barbara Lassiter and child ren, Bonnie ?nd T. Y. Lassiter and Miss Cloyce Lassiter, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Lassiter, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jarman, and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Perkins. Mrs.. Fannie Green is president of the club. Mrs. Rosa Gilehrist, is secretary and Mrs. Stella Alston is treasurer. hall buildings will also be blesse' by the Bishop. Dinner will be served to the invittil guests and pari.'.otscrs in the main dining hall of North Cai^ina College. Saint Tcrea of Avila is the third Caiholic parish established in Durham; the parish was formally erected by Bishop Waters, with the consent of the Diocesan Con- sultors on February 2, 1959, be cause of the increasing number of the faithful in this area. The three buildings to be bless ed on Sunday are only temporary. In the very near future the parish plant will include the following permanent brick building: a mo- 400, a grammar school inehidiag kinderjar pn and day nursery, a aonvAit and rectory. ] The Rev. Thomas M. McAvoy ia , pastor of .he Church. Cadillac Fleet ELLIS D. JONES AND SON* ^EUNfBAL HOME _ ^15 bowd St. Durham, N. C ■ Memhef N. N* F. D. A. , Telephone: 9-2006 A Pledge WE PLEDGE . . . always to serve in the best bitercats of our clients; to. put service before price, and qoaHtv be fore profit; to be guides and counselors to t^ best of our knowledge and experience to be honoraUe and fadr aa all our dealings and never to fail in wbat we baT« proi ised. AMIY FUNiliAl HOME 401 S. ROXBORO ST. TELEPHONES; 3-aWl “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” WHITE ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH WHITE ROCK SQUARE DURH.\M, NORTH CAROLINA MILES MARK FISHER, Pastor Sunday, July 3,1960 8:45 A.M. CALL TO WORSHIP Electronici 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON— “Men Who Speak For God” Amos 7:7-15. Review of Lesson by William Battle’s Class Prof. J. M. Schooler, Superintendent 11:00 A.M. ‘•FREE AT LAST” .... ' j! The Pastor HOLY COMMUNION Senior Choir, John H. Gattis, Director Male Chorus, William Mcpver Allen, Director 6:30 P.M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Ira Murchison, Director >' 7:30 P.M. REQUEST SERMON . ,V. y The Pastor Co.sppl Choni.*!, Miss I.eat^ K. Roberson, Directrcss Winner Quality 12 oz. Package Pkur. of 12 AI YOUR FRIENDLY CDIONIM STORESII! Soft Drinks LIMIT 2 CARTONS WITH TADTHy At fk PURCHASE OF $5.00 vMl\ IVM VI U FRANKS “Our Pride” Hamburger and WEINER BUNS Creamy, Fluffy—Mother’s MAYONNAISE Armour Star-^hank Portion SMOKED HAMS lb. 35c Sugar-Sweet, Red to the Rind' Watermelons 49c '5* 59c Qt. Jar 17' 39c .... 27c 3^ cr Medium Size ciitMUl in

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