. ^iki ciM6i.iuk orm/u ri)n 6ni. m . bnfc MA'ARIED — The firmer Mist fnti Dudfey, New ftern ancs- tMTb/; tnd 6«orgc Franets, are pictured iherHy tfffer a eeri> mony at Clinton Chapel A. M. ZiM fh New Bern which united I ,.vi,siis, J ^liv pafr '.n itiarriage. Mrs. Fran- ers f* a mtiiibar of nie Coed SfiephiSrd hospital staff. Her h'usbiiVtd Is empfibyad by a I6cal aftrefric trtlllty. The co^pte will make t4ieir home in New 6ern. anhSHBOB MEBANE NEWS NOTES By MliS. THSAI^L DILLIHAY to (Dili tS I ■nut' stf'i ll-jv 9fil LOeuiY 3-5t42 Tfife'Y^ung Adults Club of th6 First Presbyterian, Chnn:h a«d guests motored to Prince Edward’s Park in Virginta tar *n oottn* last Sunday. Other points in the tour were ^ Bugg’s Island and Seymour John- son Air Fo^ce Base. .gf, . Tboae ' making* tlie. tci? were Mrs. Gracie Crisp, JJiss Mae Jen- g(,i,nie Dae. Miss Eunice Mebane, Mrs. fins William Mebane, Donnie Minor, Mr. and Mrs. John DiHehay, Mr. ffiitd Mrs. Calvfn Hunter, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vinson. *•** Mrs. Vina Watkir\s and Joseph Murray, both of Charlotte, are visiting their sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. l^prd. ***• • Mrs. Jennie F. Mebane spent the weekend wUh her son and daugh- Contlnued on page 6-A Sdciefy Notes ■nie First B#tist CbUreli, bf vrbfch Rev. J. W. S^W^jfOn IS ter began- fts revival '{fisAday, Aift- gn^ i. Tht; servttes rfi Jlteing c6ndtfc\«!d thrdnifhotft this weiMc Hi mv. T. A. Attstrt. Ml. artd Mips. LrfcWs att3 family 0^ Cdttn^cticiA VlMtii^g theii- families, Mr. artd Mrs. Os car Miller and Mrs. JiBirrti iT^elP. **♦» Mrs, Addie Grave* spent seveWrt days in Greensboro with hir daughter, Mrs. David London. Ml', and Mrs. Warner Lee Cha vis and family spent the weekend in Philadelphia visiting relatives. •••* Mrs. Samuel Stockwell, who wAs a patieAt in AlaAiance Couhty Hos- pit3[l, has returned home and is doing finfe. *•** Mrs. Lois R. Holt who visited in Mt. Airy last week has returned home. Miss Mae Haith spent several week at her mother’s home in Scot land Neck. Miss Earline Anderson of Wash ington, r. C, is vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. John Faust arid family. itt** Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Holt of Bronx, N. Y., announced the marriage of their daughter, Mar ian, to Hommy TowlM of Yonkm, N. Y. the annuftl picAie of Bettraiiy Memorial Club of Sedalla held at Burke Haven entertainlns as special guests tbe S’edatic featl Club and its guests. ***• The Woman’s Fellowship (Jf Be thany Congregational Cburch will celebrate its 90th antiveonry be ginning bn Sunday. Th» celebration ill Aroutid By attd Min T. fMM CMM 7M»r Mr. And MRS. buftOESs Miss JoHBSte Parker of rayeftevilie Is Married To Grcidy foirgess in Cereiiiony at Bride's Home Continued page 6-A BOUFFANT BEAUTllS ARE tHE SUMMtft SEASON’S SEWING FAVQRlTfeB B]r: Evelyn Cnnntegbaffl gSfli siFeliTBy luff •lins.They are Mppiestwheo their skirts are moving and There is mud) u> tM said fot foil skirts, lliey a|ie GQmfon;able, flattering and fonhitine. They Me equally effefetive for "girl whose trips ate too heaty and die om whose hips ate too narrow.. Foil skins completely dis guise these Tigure problems. ontraiy to what a hom^ ,er nilght think at first „ .lia^ foil sldhs are quite eaty to make. In fact, they ■re easier to sew Wian Ae D Am fomantio as a t'hree-Ue^ wedding oAt, tUa flooape- eUrted dreaa by MoCaU^ A part of ItB magic Is f flpfcct the yoalhfal piak ohMA. Ciwwfle-bo*^ Arei* wkp6m bloslBC !■ sjfc® * MM^Mia U^o ,%a ^ dreaa pli^i^is - «Hb a twvi UET tfa)# la ^iwtty^pratiy _ sliffl skin ^ich must neces- fearify be fitted carefolly at iUC uipilBv* Tbe follaess of die skirt aa bev determined by the pattern sielec^ed and the num ber and itiffoess of petticoats diat may be iiroro undetneatb. By no means are these a^ins limited Ito the youhs. A more mature ^Oman nerid not . wear uffibrelfl'Vype petticoats. But she ean attain infinite grace in a foil skin made of soft fabric (hat moves gently as ahe walks. As a matter of ftict, fabric-is a key to just THe mnkiol^ered look for Sum- lEsftjrtKs®.'^' a,(S Wirtat. Hint of eolor oomea from ~:lt}ed wtton aatin allp. irra n delicately em- 'aad KAUoaed into a Ilk of oMaa with open, e«AI« and neatly bdtfad I. TlA« Manor lenaA iikeaoi Into baaaa. and fi ih ai^ and feminMa mp- - If and Mlsaas’ aiaaa how a foil qkirt iHll fall and floW after it la madife. A wonderfol added toucft to the two dre^t* shown here is die umbrella made of same fabric as the dri'sa. Umbrella male era .will giviL^e yardage required and make diem in a jiffy^ Tlite driss ^th the diree- raffle akirt add camisole top (McCall’s Pattern No. S293) was designed especially for sheet fobrica. TIte |M\tetn also contains a matciking krole. The dan fitted bodice i* lin jid with die skirt fobric and boned. The gadiered ap^er tuffleis included in die waiat- line seam of die bodic^ aikd skirt; the ttidd^ ruffle Is sewn t6 the %1cut, aM ne lower ruffle is seamed to the bottom of the skirt. The fabric is doubled in the raffles and stole. Suggested fobrics are voile, nylon sheets, chiffoi^, orj^ah^, sheet taffeta, eqibfoidered ktiste. The bodice Khin|: in may be lAide of taffeta, satin or polistie^ cotton. Tbe white shirtwaist ^tejis (McCall’s Pattern tfo. 54«) is made ofemt^idtttd eyeflst. The on^-piece skitt Is g&‘i^- ered. Set-fir, d(re^ • quarter lefigtli' sleeve.a tee gi^emd into cuffed, buttoned banda. The open 4:^ltar tad ftooft ec%es of the bodie^ a)% inVet- laced with organdy. In a^- don to tiife nitggirma for the odier dress, aheer wool, inate |etirey ttSS WitSli or silk broadcloth nay be used. Fashion’s perfect finiA- in| touch — Tafon’a Itt'ew Magic Zip has a wovtm wtmiag guide line tight on the tape, assuring a professional look ing placket. Hurry and ^te tor fod^ free McCall’a I^IM ^atn^;' S«id a Ev^yaOBwi nam, c/o. McCall'* Pttt 2!f6 ^adc Av'entie, New FAYETTEVILl® — in a beautl- fol home wad(&4 sotemni2ed at high noon on August 6 at the hone of her Mr. and MHt.' John W. Parlfi^ ^of 408 Chatham st?i6i%t m rwwti Una, Miss Johnslp Marie Packer becam^ the 1)^^, of Mr. G^dy Bittgi^, so^ (^f ||lrs. Emma bur gess and the l«t9 Fred Burgfesb of Newport. NeWf, Virginia. . { Aiiaiost the,.b^^|:^ound of a pro- fusiilti of flow^n., which sefved the cer- the River- Pastdr of the First Baptisl^^ Church. Nuptial music includi^,. “Because” and "The Lord's I^a|r»” each siing by Mr. Mal-garei IjOcl|amy, with Miss Le^ai'Hihes,j|^,t|e pfaifd. , Given in manage by her father, t&e bVide WoH^ hn ankle-lehigth I9wn of re-SBtWraidered alc^^on lace lashioned li'tth a ^at Eieck- Hn4 attd trittiftie9’ in sted p^rl* and irridescent sequins. A half bat of seed pearls and secfuins. Wld tier waist ISn||ttl ■V4il 6f En^iish illusion and she carried a pr^er book topped with a white orihid. The bride’s sirter, Mrs. Evdhne P. Jones of Washington, D. C. ivas Matron of HonoJ*. Her dress was of Dior blue or^anta over \flue taffeta, fashioned with a scoop t^ckline, and a bouffant skirt. She #ore a matching hat and pun^^s and carried a bouquet of yellow carnations. For her daughter’s wediing, Mrs. Emilie B. Parker choie a dress of Bahama blue lace bVer taffeta, and the hridegrobb’s mother, Mrs. Burgess was clati in a rose sheath dress with satin eiim- merbund and a boat neckline,, Mr. Oliver Sidney of Newport; News was best man. Folloviltng theii! ceremony, the bride’s parents) entertained it a, reception. Assisting were Mrs. Eleanor MitcheKiiand daughter of Rafaiih’: Blrs.iiBthelene SiAney and Miss Eveiyn'iSBurgess oit New-, port News; anii.Mesdames Helen i. Chick, Margahit Lockamy, l^eg- gy Gifefti s%d llias Gwene ^ott, all ot PayettaTit% Out-of-town..j^4epts present Were Mrs. Nellie Bufeh of New itoc- ffem. NeW ^fk; Mr. Johi C. ^hnson,^ ^ Manueli Barthdei}^, New Orlfefcns, Lt.; Mrs. E^n^ Burgess, Miss &felyn Burges^, RJr. John E. (Airis- \ian, Mr. Hundley, Miss Elizabeth Miss Elaine Gibson and Mrs. Oliver Sidney Ne^^i^rt Newli, VSitaUi Mr. ind !|]r]^^clvin B. Birdsall, Sr., Mi', an^ Mrs. Melvin B. 6ird- teh, Jr., Miltt ft^hine Birdtall, fiUst Barbm Mrisill, Miss ]66ris Mh.. 4iWt II. Guess, Mr. ,and Mrs. WlMMwi H. Taylor^ fe. W fnERRttBBHI' Wtt VB 'ikn. Bertrand Birdsall and son. and the couple will reside ' at 1381 Mrs. Mildred James, all of Raleigh,] Twenty Height Street, N. a, iirt btH«, ctttt«ntly employed! in the pubHt b^ooI system of i(^)»port Nfe^, Is a ^aduate of Vir^tiia State C6lleige atfd is a memBef tlie ATpb'a Kappa Aljiha Sorority. The grodhi, a former football palyer at Tennessee A. rtrt 1. StAi miviE^stty, holds memtters^ in th^ Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, is a third degree mason ahd 18 curtOTliy employed at the Ne#pbrt News Shijpbuilding and Drydock Cdmpany. Vp611o»ln^ a sh'ort wfedding trip, News, Virginia. I^iss ^Trley Shohner, dangbter of the late Priest Shoffner and ilrs. Cm Shirffner, are visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aogers of N. Marshall St., GribaiA. Mis Shoffner hails from Washington, P. C. •«*« Mrs. C. S: WMbn s|teRt the day In thirifliA trWtteg Wa. R t. Six on, the frenifer Ifonrf ECtoomics Aglift el PaihaiB Ctafaty, M!rs. Wilson has aa her house liuests Mrs. Iflckalas and two nie^ of WinMbA-Satem. Misa.jrfayis WarTep of itaw River Aoa'd hu retun^ firom Camp Douglas Long in Greensboro after a week's kiay. •••• Mrs. llionias McPherson, Sr. is on the mend at her home on South Main St. Mrs. Alice. Bell Newlln of 228 College Street. is motoring to Washington, b. C. bn business jover ‘the weekend. Her Husband, James Henry Newlin will return with her. *000 Mr. and Mrs. Dow Spaulding and children, Elise and Mike of S’. Marshati St. .have gone to Vir. gina and New J.^rsey for their va cation. •••* Mrs„ Lela WaiMn and son. Rod- ,man, have been vacationing in Asheville,^ and are spending some Newport ^time ia Hank, N. J. and other I points nortb. Mr and Mn AMaia ais« fOR, Jdmn5, aiHf Mn. MiH AStf and twins, Csml^ tad 4>ent the weekeod at Bead). - ^ *••• Miss Gin|;er lingers has gem* t» Washingtf ,1, D. C. to vacatkm artdi her sister, a>ints, and d&cr r*' latives. mss Agnes tUO ^ rayetteviUe visited with her sister Mrs. C. S. Wilson of & MaoAail St ea Tnaa- day afternoon. She is atteadiag summer sessions at A. and T. Cat- lege in Greensbora »**« The 3rd Qu»terly CoBferenn was held at Wftymali Cbapei A. M. E. Church in Grafaain. In the ^ sence of Presiding Elder .J. D. Dih vis. the Rev. Mrs. Holman lyaaii ed. Rev. Holman also gave tbe 11 0‘c’iock message which waa very inspiring. Her subject Iraa: “Useful Service ler God”. The Quarler was altogether The senior choir of Cbildm Chapel Christi^ Chureh appeared at the Bethany Congregattooal Christian Church in Sedalia^, Be thany’s Woman's FellowsUft ■ waa in charge of Sunday's serri^ be ginning the week-long celel^^tiov of the church’s' 90th annive^ary. *•** Miss Maude BraiutM ft birthday on Augw? Mtt. greattful for the ii iii laj^m Continued on §yal Shower On WeSiiesffay Evening, JUly 27, Mrs.^ E. 'Lavonia Allfsob finfl Miss Jiiiia Spencer gave a hihidal show er for Mis» Lilliie Mae Jones, at the BiUm9re Lounge in tht Btlt more Hotel. hi a gay setting of bright suAi- mer colors vi^ith colorful bouquets of summer flowers, more tha'n t#feirty Wiends and former class mans of the ijride-elect wiere gretted by the hostesses. A white linen covered table in the center at the^pbb under an improvised coifoti^-fanr big-top made of giy mtilti - colot^d stt'eamers which | formed a fatlge umbrella in the ceiling held the many shower gifts. At the far end of tlie room Ihej buffet service offerM a temping selee\i6n eff ho’r d*boarVes, dafaty a vii'iety of party snacks, Hawtfttim puiich. Sev^iti shower gaittiftj led by one of the h'6^tesset, Mrs. Lavonla Allison, ire/t tfojbyed immensely by all. , • A silieciiil £ueM was ikrs. j Cgofgiimk McNiAr, sister of the bftde^ect. i 'INfnronis attfeAdibg the shower were: Mrs. Mary Rigby, Mrs. Vel ma Wihon. Miss Roxie Holloway, Hra. jua'nfta Jfordan. llri. Evii Clayton, Mrs. Juanita McCaskill, ilrs. Dori^hy Parlar, Miss Cleopa- ^a Broaiinai, ikrs. Martlrii Merritt, Mrs. Jaonita Alexandeir, Jitn. Wil- iia ^y.'klA Celia Davidson, Mrs. Ma^on ntfme, MijA Alice Little, ki^ Doris Mebane, Mrs. KfnnUc* Makh, Bhrs: Mary B^llar^, Mrs. 6e^gtaAa McNair an^ tlw hM- tesisi. dn Saturday, July 30 Miss J6Aei" Wat married to Ruel Lee Solomon 6f ISttfield. O— ‘‘Tbe brouble witb tbe game of ioll ft that by the time you ean, itford to lose a Itall, y4u ton n L ' V - B T 1 'r • U R h STORIINALL CARGUNA TOP VALUE STAMPS »jy *rr' WIT#1 THIS COU^oIn ASb A PURCHASE OF CHARK£TS M Ub. B«* CHARCOAL . V ^ Only At llura top VALUE STAMPS WitM THIS COUPON AND THE PURCHASE OF. 2 tor More FRYING CHICKENS IB Go^ Only At Krogar Thro Sat., Aoc. 13, I960 OP VALUl SUMPS WItH fhlB COWMH AND THE PURCHASE er any Wati^rmelon I 1% Ki««a# TIm 5A, A«t. 13, lll^ u fi

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