Tftt CAROLINA TIMES JIAM .AAftAftflA A • HCC'% “MR. MSIDE" —>^alt«r Brewnina, North Carolina Col- laco'i starHng fullback, hat oam- •d Hm titio at th« Eaglot' "Mr. IntMo" bacauto of hit lino plunfM for thort yardago whan Hm NCC olovan noadt thal all important flrtt down. Browning, a IS^^ound tanior from Ralalgh, ii entering hit third taaton at the Eaglet' No. 1 fullback. Waok after week, hit heroic^ go un- noMead, but the contittant and dependable Browning it one of the key figuret in NCC't attack, playing fuUtM^ck on offente aijkd' ‘ the top tpo^ of outtido Unebac(c- er on defen#e. Tennessee Nips A&T, 13-12, As Aggie 2-Point Conversion Fails GREENSBOBO — The A4T Col lege AggiM wtre S«tirday night; turned back by the Tennessee A&I State University Tigers of Nash ville 13-12, in an intersectional football game played here at Me morial Stadium. A devastating ground attack generated by the Nasl\ville outfit pitted against an equally effective passing game by the Aggies pleas ed the crowd, but {Ka r^ differ ence came late in the fourth per iod. iod. An all out attempt to win the ball game collapsed as a pass for the all important two extra points fell harmleaaly. With it went Tenaoaaee victory, the fifth /in the series of the two teams. One of the games ended in a M dead lock. Joe Taylor, returning to the Ag gie lineup after a one year lay off turned in all of his team’s scor ing. He raced ac^ss both times with passes of 39 by Jim Mitchell and 15 by a surprising , freshman, Willie Ferguaon. • The Aggies outpaaaad (Ik win- , ners 112 yards to 10, completing 8 oui of 17. The withering running attack of the Tennesseans not oaly set up both of their TD’s, but kept the Greensboro club in the hole for a '.good part Of the evening. But for excellent line play by the Aggies in the shadows of their goal, the victory margin may have been lar -ger. Three outstanding backs did the running for tbe Timers. They were Henry Arnold, Arthur Holman and Lytle Alien. The Tigers scored midway, the first period as Lytle AHen blasted off right tackle from Uie 11 yard line. The score came on the end of'77 yard ground attack featuring off tackle slants by Henry Arnold and Allen. Gloria Gardner’s kick ior t^e extra point was ^ide. Before the fans had comfortablj' seated themselves the Aggies had tied the ball game. Joe Taylor in a toss from Jim Mitchell, on the Tennessee 28 and scamper^^ the remaining distance untouched. Tlie TD came on the tail end of a 54 yard drive. The Aggies stopped two Tennes see drives during the remaiqder of the second period, one on the Aggie 23 and a second on th^ 11, and then Mitchell put on a dml- ing aerial show. He completed six out of eight in a drive from his ow)|^' 38 which tbe clock sU|l^il onMhe Tennessee 9 yard s(,ripe. During the third peood the Ag' gies stopped two drives by the Tennessee club, one at the A&T 33 and Keaton intercepted a GanJ- ner pass on his own 40 yard lii^. The Nashville club scored earjy in the fourth quar'/jr as Eugene Stewart, substitute quarterback passed to S aaley Randall, half back from the one yard line. A hard* c' line rushed Keaton on his kick from his own 16 yard. He do lged one tackier but a short kick gav' Tennessee possession on the Aggie 27 yard line. A couplc of line thrusts by nftlr*3» W9MQP •y UMtfir A. miijli Cofch Bussell High School Hornet gtididna to co(ae from behind «aidwi^ ip the firit period to ilv- den tfoiw froi|i WiM«n W to 9 here iFridsy aigbt i» Duoluun (ktuntar Mearari«) S^diUln. The win gave the Hocnell Ui^ atraight vioti^y of the ^a- SQO, and booiUed oveiwli point record to 148 to oppon^n^’ Early in the iirst at*nu, the Tso- Jans drew blood (irst wh^n Bobby Roundtree, Trojan leJt tacUe, broke through th« line block an intended m^de Jiuwt on the Uor- nets’ own Sfi yaiA Une. Tbe bail Sjowed hi0h in the feU «nd-overi«Qd an^ roEed dov^ field into the ead xone to the give (be visiting Trojans an automatic safety apd a i-0 advant^e. Blunt’s charge* quickly recQV. ered from the early spring litua- (ion of the Trojans, and With ha^- liaokt Charles Wifi and Wat^ijia booms churning out yaMage were soon knocking m.the iVojans goyl. With 4;0e remaining in the fii^t period, reserve halfback Jas. Black received the handoff from field general Levi Dawson and raced 16 yards to score the first TD of evening. . fhe conversion was foiled. Hijllside soosed its second tally of the game ip the second j(Wi9d wh^n halfback Charles Wall crack' ed off right tackle from inches out on a fourth down situatlol^ to score. James Black added a two-p«ti|^t ilMHU SEAit ->• Shaw, itarii Tkrk, a WH^ovnd iunier froni guard a4«l «kKa|rtain is Otli I *4 « ' Kintton. De^rate Iad(|eat Shaw Five Yard Line Saves 22-18 Bear Victory Over Virginia Union Pantiters Following intermission, the ball exchanged hands several times, and finally with 3;16 remaining in (he period, Dooms »neak«d over from the i to score Hillside's 3rd t(tlly. Again, the 1(ro]an« loiied th& conversion. The final Hornet score was re corded late in tbe third frame when Dawson sneaked. over from iwhvs out to score. Doanv lnih9d around the right side for the con- wenloo, aiUI the lad by 28 tp 2. Hillside picked up 280 1-2 yards, while holding the visitors to 64, and gained 11 first ^wna to Dard«n’s S. The victory mark^ the sixth straight time that HiUflid^ hfui won' over the Trojans. Megee Upseti 14-12 CHAiO^OTTE-^AB iBSpit^ band of Golden 'figtrs lnM»' Institute of Alabamil Q>6ile9 Johi^ soA C. Smiths Home fdotbaH er wift a 14-^2 upset h£r«. SaUirdAy night. The. visitfiirs w^w outpila|re4 ii|^ ev^y department except the filial scaring «s The Ctdi|i^ r«9 ari4 pa^ed (or a totai of U yuv3s apd 10 first doiM^s.' l|^Qtwji)iVB, Tu^efiee \^s totaling IM yards \vith iis laiiid jind air .WlUJVilU. ' J.CSU pi^ed up! ab early 12- ppil^ niAC^ on the, passing of £ ^ua^terback Jas. Walker, the pysf'^ Catching of end Pettis. Normati ah(i' halfback J^mes Lawrence, and th# brilliant running of fuUback jSel don Chiles and Keley., Lawrence and ,John Butlw'. Walker threw to thg* clever Nor man wh^ made a gfeat grab at the TuskegM 40 and outdistanced MCHMOND, Va — The filing Shaw University Bears overcame a first quarter 6-0 deficit and went «n to stun All-Amerioan Hazekiah fiEsxton and Virginia Unioo 22-18,' lyiday, September 23. The liar’s .brilliant passiBfi com bination of and Glen Knight and quarterback Prank Baker were re sponsible for all of the scoring, hut sophomore halfback .Tames Carter saved the »ame by brineia^ ^own sneedy Milton Marshall, Who had shaken off numerous Joosp . Carter recert som» 30 yarrts and hrnii"ht Marshall down insHe of the five vard line at the official’s game «*ndin» sienal. In the fhrst niiart^er Khyw fli- mnypd n 51 vsrrt drlv» with Baker bHtin^ Gl»n Knicht with » IS v»td to. ti» the sror« fl-fl. Baker "found Knj^ht ajfain in thp sccond .quarter on a ^similar play, bitt '.made' good on the conversion to Kiiight to give the spirited Bears a 14>6 half time lead. The Bears, as a result of Union *furti1}les,' spent ■ most "trf th^ ftrst jj^ilf grind in Panther territory, and contained halfback Braxton te 'doing so. ? The Bears, with Baker to Knight, fcored again in the third. This time Baker passed to Knight from eight yeards out and Kniglit fought his way across the goal line, and promptly ■ added the conver sion with another catch from Ba ker. Union came back strong and nude it 12-22 on a pass that cover ed 87 yards with Davis scoring. In the last period Union quarterback William Babosa passed 37 yards ti Braxton before Shaw’s defensi arose to halt further scoring. The Bears face conference cham pions A and T here October 1. Surprising Morgan Power Downs Tojited Hampton Eleven, 28-7 99 Yard Run Triggers St. Aug. Win SALTIMOBS, Md.—Playing their first first gane uoder head coach Earl Banks, the Morgan gridsters reminded fans of the powerful grizzlies of' yesteryear by the im- l^resRive manner in which they sub bed a promising Hampton team, 28-7. The Bears, sparked by theif great lUUe quarterback, Jack Den nis, smashed over two quick scores in the first quarter; saw the Pirates retaliate with a touchdown in the Eocond period, then reapplied the pressure to tally single touch downs in th(^ third and fourth Mes siers to cliiuh the victory in the SMSon’s 0£qner. for both sUads. The versaUle Dennis began his h&rassment \>t the Hamptons by scampcring 18. yds. to run the ball out tP the hWH| team’s 47 yd. lime. A pass froM'Dennis to halfback Vernon Johnson spanned 43 yds. to the Pirate jp. A quarterback sneak nett^tl 2*yds„ then an aerial 'from DenO|i^ to wingman Bob Utley was gppd for seven yards, and the game’s initial touchdown. Dennis bottt^d the extra point. The Beart weri in front, 7-0. The se/and. six-pointer was set up. thro^ngh ,the interception of a Hampton pa^s by the alert Dennis on the Hoi^ati'5. A-73 yd. drive (or the second score was highlight ed by another aerial strike thco\^n by Dennis ^6 'Johnson and good for 47 decisive yards. Johnson was on the receiving end of a 6-yd. toss the defenders for th« six ]Miato.| Lfter in the periMJi,. b«Ued over from the five to end f 37 y«rd march to put the Bulls ahead 12-0, at haWtime. > Tuskegee roared back to tal^e the lead and achieve the upse| vdJth a bi(illiant se^d peHod •thow of (tasning and running. (^rVeshfcl; Willie Williams and IS^iie PearlMn, a 6’ 6” end, com- biiMd Ml a| 80 yard pass play to put Timers in the scoring col umns early in the third quarter. Aafi WiUhmis an| end Ad(^s L^nih t«^^ on a 18 jard paet’ play for the cUnctffii third fliuart^. RALEIIGH —Leo Wynn sparked St. Augustine’s Falcons to a 22-0 opening game victory over Morris 'College, of Sumter, S. C., here Saturday. Wynn opened the Falcon scor ing in the second quarter with yard touchdown jaunt and toss ed a 05 yard scoring pass to Fred die Smart in the last quarter.' St. Augustine’s other touchodwn came moments after Wynn’s long covering 38 yards, from Robert touehdoivi^ run, ea a pass play Headeo to Morris Smith. Wynn broke the game open with his long paydirt romp in the sec ond quarter after the South Caro lina, ^idders had effectively sty- mie4 tbe Falcons all duriqg thf first 4ua(^r and backed them deep in their own territory. 4(ter Wynn’a exeuri^fn, St- ustine’s dgmipa.ted the remainder of the contest. The Falcons Nne hfld Morris to oafty two iisut Tacklel Jbmes Harrison, Harry •.*.*. Cherry a^dfmest » A* ^ yermit^ the hack Seldorchiles were towers I Cwohn^ns t - —> of st^th hi the Bull defense. scoring threa,t. Annerka’a fint automohile nee was heU ia Ckieago on Thanks- Kivii^ Day 18S5. It was vmif b|f J. Frsfllt Dwryea drivinf i Duyei^ Motor Wagon at an averafe spaed U MM mlUt far hour. Rapdal) and a Stewart pass to Joh« ICaiifey gav^ the NashviUa a fil# 40W1 ^n the Aggie 8. Xha wii|P^ acoffd two plays lateif. AAT Moiijd its final tally Uta is tbt loutth period. to up the score to 13-0. Dennis’j toe accounted for the 14th point. A fumUe by M6rgan’S yearling* back, Charles Young, proved to be a golden opportunity for Uie Pi rates mi^t^ t%e second ^tmr- ter. Hampton gained possession on the locals’ 12 yd. line. A frotp Alvin Walker to Vernon Anth''- picked up 9 yds. And fullback Norm Anderson rammed his Way across from the 2 for the touch down Walker booted the extra point. Anderson’s kick to the home team’s 10 yd. ribbon was returned to the Bruins’ 21 by scatback Ver non Jphnsgn. Fullback Harold Brown gained 6 yds., Johnson add ed 7 mare. Then Dennis, on the receiving end of a. lateral from Johnson to whom he had initially handed off, threaded his way thru the opposing secondary for a beau tiful run of 66 yds. and the insur ance touchdown. Jack’s kick from placement tabbed point 21 for Mor^. 1^, In the final quarter with a steady stream of replacements to and from the field, the resurging Bears w^e to charge 66 yds. for the final scbfe of the game. Car- mie Pompey was doing the quar terbacking, and the most spectacu lar plays in the drive were a )7 yd. run by fleetfooted Les Johxi- son. The scoring play featured a pass to Utley from Pompey for f yds. i fty North SafOpi^ CUe0e’s («ot- bdlers rolled second con secutive win iA the ’fiO grid sea son, tripping^ .^sn Uni^ffiTiiy 15-0 here on their home grounds on the strong arm of quarterback Pryoi'. Tbe Eagles scoised .m finst and last periods as l^or ctuuaect- cd on long aerials to pijlo^ the NCC eleven to their second win in the last three years oyer the Vellowjackets. The Eagles struck in the first quarter when Pryor capped a 60- yard drive pegging a perfect toss ‘0 Richard Wilkins at the Yellow- iacket 25 yard stripe. Wilkins gath- red in the pigskin, scooted to bis left, and streaked down the side lines for the Eagles’ initial TD. The pass play from Pryor to Wilkins covered 46 yards. On the coif^rsion Pryor tucked the ball in Rosie Barfield’s middle, and tl^ ■ipeedy halfback bowled over ’he 2^Joint, giving the NCC eleven in 8-0 cushion. , In the fourth quarter, Herman ». Riddick’s charges, on the ran(; lage once again, struck for their second tally. This time, Pryor,, en tering th« gaise tor D^ ’Chamaa, 'aded |Eind connected with Earl "Th»»der“ R|iHer at the 88. Sfillen pulled in the toss, scooted straight' down the aidelines for U>e end Bene and the Eagles second tally. Pi'yor, contribi^ing a major share in tiie Eagles’ win booted the con version moviog the NCC outfit out ^ iront 15^ vt^ith on]^ 4:23 seconds, left in the game- AUen’t Yellowjacfcets ttireaten- od seriously on only two occasions to ttu. contest as the jSaglDs vir tually stopped their ground at tack, bolding them to a mnse 30 yards rushing. In the second stanza, Louis Gol- phin’s Columbia, S. C. outfit pen etrated deep in to Eagle territory,' moving the ball to the Eagles' four on passes. Jesse Israel, a slick passing quarterback, connect ed on a 44 yard marker to Josh Smith to put the Vellowjaokets on- the Eagles’ 4. However, the gun sounded ending the half. Once again the Allen club was knocking at the Eagles’ door when Israel hit Lerov Owon.^ wi*h a 13- yard pasu, and then handed the lootl^ll to Tommv willi*im.s, the YeMowjackets’ fuHback, who roam ed 24 yards to the NCC 17. On the next play Thomas speared an Ivael pass to Jkill tbe YeUowjack- et rally to get back in the game. FSTC Hopes to Halt Losing Sat. FAYSTXEVILLP — That this is STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKBV YEARS $/25 $3.90 I^Of , ust abput as go^ year as any to :hake off tbe "losing J^nx” that ilagued them during the whole A last season is the opinion shaded Jully to Head Coach Herbert "Bu- bit” Doub, his awstant, Coaqh Page P. Sajundersj and the Bronco footballers en masse. A quiet, determined sort of ser iousness of purpose has settled down upon the hoys as they go through their daily drills in pre> paraitioa for their ope«er on Sa- t«]r4ay, t «t the evening against Head Coach Joho' than L- Staggers “Fighting Pan thers” from Orangehp^. Swth Carolina. The fur is sure to fly in this Carolina claa^ which will le^tur^ two determined football outfits. While he laments that fact that his will be largely a “green fresh man” outfit this time and that trouble spots both in the line and in the back field persists. Coach Doub saya his boys arc looking “some better”, but have u long way to go.” The game will go a Hong way in-determining -ifr who in the Bronco line-up this year. Much of the burden will be borne by such 'Bronco “big wheels” as Captam Alfonso Morehead, guard; Robert Williams, center; Roy Holt, Quarterback, Percy Arrington^ end; Thomas Rawley, fullback, and Wm Bal(er, tackle. But the Bronco will have their work cut out for them when they tangle with tbe South Carolina Pirates led by theijr captain, "Big” Sftm Davis of Richmond,.Va. The visitors will field a fast, aggres sive team that stands around 195 pounds from end to end Veterans ‘performers on the Pi rate aggregation include Louis An derson at end. 220-poimd .Tames “Big Day” Davis at tackle, Georgft Sargent at fullback, and at quater- back George Marion, who tips the scales at 17S pounds. RTSHOP DFFEATS Wn.FT-21-14 MARSHALL, TEX. — The Bis hop College Tigers, rebounding furiously from last week’s loss to Grambling, spoiled the season’s debut for thn Wilev Wildcats by slashing out a 21-14 upset victory over the Wildcats'irrtay night in the Pemberton High School Stadium ift" Marshall.' Texao. for their first victory In eight years over Wiley. The Tigers, led by William Dan iels who tossed for two touch downs and scored another, were in command all the way- 4/6 QCART KENTUqty GRIDIRON AaiON! TwoCIAA Tjt|$ Contenders SHAW Univirsify Qeiii Trops CHAVIS PARK mmx yeigb, N. C. OCT. Kick-Off at 2:00 P. M. Ad^. |1,75 — Students $1U)0 8

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