I THK CAROLINA TIMES 2-A—‘THI tItUTH •NMIOLiD*' SAT., JAN. 21, 1MI i.i.Whql Did rfell You Twinfy Y*af» Aflof Why The Theaters Are Being Pidttted The sUtcment the dail.v press last ■week by the managers of the two theaters in Durham that arc l)cins i>icketed as a pro test :^^inst /segregation is weak, stupid and al>oMt a* askiine as any we have ever heard jnade by so-called intelligent persons. Accord ing to* accounts, carried in the daily press, both the managers are reported to have stated that “the balconies afford the same accommoda tions as .4he rest of the theaters and tjiat tlie l>alconyl*eats are less expensive.” The rejiort went further to state that “Negro patrons have (rcver complained of paying less than whites'for their tickets." A similar case in point is that of the famous l?ible stor)’ relating the conversation that went on between Jesus and Xicodemus over the question of the new birth. So limited in soul and mind was the latter on the question that the only birth he could visualize was that of the flesh. Said Jesus to this “master of Israel” and member of the Sanhe- drin, “That which is bom of the flesh is flesh, that which it born of the spirit is spirit.” The iocal theater managers are stupidly talking about “facilitieB and accon^odBtlons” and the difference in tlffe price of tickets in the l)alconies from that chargea on the main floor. To them the things tha^ -affect the pocketi)00k or the flesh rf a f?llo\V human being are the only ones that-arie important. This is the soothing salve" they have been smearing over their consciences.' They cannot understand that ft is not the pockctboolc or flesh of the Negro that l>emg injured, but his soul’when he is asked to accept facilities or accommodations different from those giv en other American citizens. Well, time is up and**We shall no longer coojjcrate without protestiftg I'agamst those who uphold such a practice or philosophy. We shall refute to let the conscience of these “masters of Israel” rest. They must be born anew so that this entire nation under God may have a new birth of freedom, not of the l)ockctbook or flesh but of the soul. That is why the Negro pickets the theaters and will continue to picket then). That is why such protests will not cease or diminish but will continue and grow. The impact of Television on the Southern Weology ‘'Oh wad MMBe power to giftie gie ns To aee oarsel’a at ithers se« us.” —Robert Bums It must have been terribly distresssing to intelligent southern white people, as well as those of the nothern and western section of the nation, to witness the ignorance recently displayed on various television programs by some .ooalfiern leaders in government, educa tion and business. The racial disturbances over integration in New Orleans and Georgia are compelled to have awakened the nation to the tj’pe of southerners who are leading the de fiance against law and order in the South, Likewise, it must have been equally informa tive for many white persons in all sections of the nation to witness the intelligence displayed by many of the Negroes involved in the strug gle now being waged in behalf of integra tion in the South, Gone are the days when the Negro leaders of such movements appear to not know where they are going, what they want and why they are contending for it. In a majority of instances when questions have been put to them the answers have been forth right and intelligent. We think the television is having an impact on the southern ideology in that it is bringing before the eyes of the nation just how ground less, unchristian and undemocratic it is. We also think the television’s display of ignor ance, lawlessness and irresponsibility of those involved in defying the law in the Univer sity of Georgia case had more to do with turning the tide against the mobbist than anj other influence. Many white southerners who had not given the matter of integration serious thought must have reasoned that even though they were not altogether in favor of admitting Negroes to schools with whites, thev could not afford to line up with persons of -such ignorance as appeared against integration on the various television programs during the recent disturbance at the University c>f Geor gia. i Many Diabetic Patirats Discovered Were Overw^ frior to Disease SPIRITUAL INSIGHT By REV. HAROLD ROLAND A Few Believers Can Work Miracles Through God Meeting of the Durham ConvnitteeniliifiMairs The annual meeting of the Durham Com mittee on Negro Affairs to be held here Sun day, January will have before it many jjToblems of importance in addition to the election of officers for the ensuing year. We think, however, that uppermost in the minds of its officials Ihould'TjB the employment df a full time executive stcretary. We have advo cated this move through the years, and we are now of th* opinion more than ever that the many pressing problems^ confronting the committee demand that much of the increas ing detail work should be done by some per son employed and paid for that purpose. It is our honest belief that if the proper effort is put forth, that the churches, busi ness institutions and individuals, if properly approached, would contribute a minimum of $15,000 to take catje of the safcry of an exe- ctt^ire secr^ttty; p^stag'e and other • • * -. tals that ame' ^^ tinje^to time. Certainly the spleildiff ■Wcirk and achievements of the committee in behalf of all of the Negro citi zens entitle it to the good will and support of every business, institution and member of the race in Durham. If legislation could be passed at the forth- corning meeting endorsing and launching a financial campaign’to raise $15,000, we arc satisfied that the work of the committee could be even more effective in the fature and less burdensome on it* officials who have in the past shouldered tbi full responsibitity of rais-. ing the funds rtecifssafy to Itaep'the tfortHttlt-' tee in operation. The next twelve months are sure to see an increased effoft on the l^rt of Negro citizens to secure more and .better employ ment in state, coutity and municipal govern ments, There is no indication that there will be any decrease in sit-tnc ot the picket lines. In addition there Is the ev«r incre*»ing respon sibility of reminding N^^roes about exercis ing tl^ir right to vote. Tltiese and other prob lems now confrintiog the committee and those that will arise during the forthcoming months demand that mote time and effort b* devoted to the' operation of the Durham Com mittee on Negro Affairs, We think the answer is going to be in the emp4pynient of a person on a full-time basis who IfHl have the respon sibility of running the ccrtnmittee during -the interim of scheduled meetings which are twice a month. Mai>y btiitVkd and ware b«p> tii4d " Acts 18:8. There is unimaginable power in a real believer. How many of us can really grasp the full spiri tual meaning of one who believes in God? There is no way of ascer taining the import ft the fruits, results or consequences of such a life. The power of belief is in the realm of the invisible but real powers of God Almighty. There is no real way of measur ing what a sincere believer can do nor'be. Just take the Apostle Paul for an example: Jtjst think what far-reaching creative in fluences came from this one be liever. God can do miracles aftd wonders with just one real, sin- eete believer. When there are many belifevers, the power avail able is trem*endous. God knows -We-eeedmoee -consecMted believ ers in these times to advance the cause of Christ. A stedfast believ^ makes a difference. Some are saying, now that the Church of Ch^st is at a kind of standstill or ^ retreat. Why? Is there any t^th in this serious indictment Well, let us look at and ponder some of the stubborn facts in these critical times. The Christian Church has lost ground in a place' like Com munist China. No one can deny this frightening truth. Most cer tainly, in China we are at a standstill or in temporary re treat. The reason could be our lack of steadfastness and loyalty as believers. Christians must realize that we face and are, in competition with a ruthless;, de-> 'dicated enemy of the things for' which we stand. We must recl.p- ture the fervent fire as honest, sincere and consecrated beliiev-. ers. Such believers met the cri sis of the past in the struggle of the Church! Steadfast believers will make a difference now.' A real believer is an unbeat able individual. Tb« eriitical chal lenges of these times demand su"h believers. Weaklings are un able to meet -the strong enemies of the Church in these times. We must rediscover the flaming pas sion of God’s Holy Spiirit. We need true believers—those re deemed, regenerated, and sanct-i fied by the power of the Holy Spirit. Weak, uncertain believers are unable to do the job required of the Church in these times. The enemy is dedicated and ready to die for his cause. With strong believers, we will have nothing to fear from the ravag ing inroads of the enemies of true religion in our times. These times call for strong believers and unbeatable souls such as Garey. Carey worked for seven ye^rs Before he got his first coik- Vert in Burma. Real^ believers must give us the victory over the world. Weaklings will not give us the victory. Courageous believers will give us the victory over the world of sin and evil. Believers know that evil is mighty, but they bIoo know thflt God is Al* mighty. Real believers anchor their souls in God through Christ and are assured. . “In the World ye shall have trdbulations but be of good cheer for I hav>a over come the world” OBESITY AND HBRBDITY TWO MOST IMPORTANT PREPI5P0S- ING FACTORS IN DEVELOPING THE DISEASE WASHINGTON, D. C.—In re viewing the records of the 506 Negro patients in the Diabetic Clinic of Freedmen’s Hospital, Dr. Lewis K. Atkinson, writin* in the current isaue of the Na tional Medical Association’s Jour nal, sajrs the most important pradiaposing factors in the de velopment of diabetes are obe sity and heredity. “Indeed,” he said, “obesity is the most important of the pre cipitating \ and aggravating fac tors." Dr. Atkinson,, who is a Fellow in Endocrine and Metabolic Dis eases at the Howard University College of Medicine and Freed men’s Hospital, says seventy-two per cent of the patients (364 fe- ' males and 142 males studied) were fat prior to the develop ment of the disease. “If the patient has family his tory of diabetes and is obese the chances of his developing the disease are greatly increased. . Therefore, weight reduction be comes mandatory and periodic oVervation with glucose tole rance testing becomes neces sary.” Dr. Atkinson emphasized the fact that diabetes appears to be largely a penalty of being over- weicht, and “the greater the likelihood of the penalty. The association of obesity with dia betes is the rule rather than the exception, particularly in the late onset and milder forms -of the disease.” Dr. Atkinson’s study, entitled “The Early Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus”, which was supported in part by grants from the Na tional Institute of ArthrKis and Metabolic Diseases and the Na tional Institute of Health, re-, vealed manifestations which were present months or years before the diagnosis of the disease. Important observations and de velopments discussed in the art icle include: 1. Although heredity is the ba sis of diabetes, there as no meth od available for predicting the time when a person who is gene tically suceptible to diabetes will become diabetic. Sixty per cent of patients who are genetically liable to diabetes- are- not raeog- nized by present routine meth ods of examination. However, a family history of diabetes auto matically renders the patient a sui^ct and even if he is not ob«pt, he should be observed plllodicalbf symptoms which 1^ lead {a the early diagnosis •f .^e disease. 2.Although the incidence of sterile marriages in the nondia betic is reported to be 10 per cent, thirty per cent of the mar ried patients studied did not have children in the prediabetic period. it. It is estimated that there are some 80,000 diabetic women of ehildbearing age in the United States. Thirty-Wve per cent of the diabetic famal«s studied had spontaneous abortions. 4. A birth weight exceeding the expected normal for the per iod of gestation occurs in 80 per ceqjt of the infants of diabetic mothers. These babies tend to b«. lar^e, fat, edematous and slnggiih. 5. The mortality rate in the large babies bom to diabetics prediabctics is no higher than that of large babies bom to non- di^tics, but the mortality rate enlarge babies in general is about three times higher than that for normal sized babies. (S. It has been definitely estab lished that disease of the gall bladder is more, common in the diabetic than the nondiabetic. ift Prurities may be the initial s|^tom of diabetes as it occur red in 18 per cent of the diabe tic* studies, before the diagnosis of their disease. It is more com- moh in females than in males. 8. Premature degeneratic« vas cular disease is now the most frequent hazard of diabetes and the most common cause of death Jn the diabetic population. Often the evidence of coronary artery disease and periphieral vascular disease has been present for a number of years before the dia betic is clinically manifest. 9. Recently there has been evidence in the literature that there may be an a^ssociation of gout and diabetes mellitus./In 38 patients with gout studied at the Lahey Clinic, 34 developed diabetes after the syndrome of gout was well established. Public Aid to Parochial Schools King Has ^ome Reluctant Leader of Social Revolution Which Frightens Even Negro Leaders Merger of fhe AME, AMEZ and CME Churches Last week’s Afro-American published an account of a caH made by Bishop Joseph Gomez, President of the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Church, asking for a merger of the AME, AMEZ and the CME Churches. The three churches are said to have a total membership of 2,346.000, and be cause of the close similarity of their doc- trmes Snd policy it appears that a merger would be an easy undertaking. FiMUktA •Mty aafnrtar at Dortaam. N. C. Telepbone: 68M013 and 681-8512 br Uattid PMbUalMn, inc. U g. AWHN. PuMilwr »(«nd at mmb4 daM MttMT «t the PMt Offlc* at IMIaa, Noftfc OmUm, amler tiw Act of Hv* $. um DVVlhipBI* CttfliliiB IMm Uetkd at 4M E. Pattignw St W. C. WBOOM. CmtfiwMr ^ BATtS: 9C00 FEB Bishop Gomez’s proposal is nothing new in the annals of Negro Methodism. The same has been made over and over again' for the past 50 years dr more. Each time tor various and sundry reasons it has failed to get be yond the proposal stage and has died for the lack of the kind of leadership in eftch of the three churches necessary for the success of such a worthy achievement. We predict that the call made by Bishop Gomez will come to the same end as those before it. We make this prediction because .we do not believe there is enot^gh leadership among the bishops of the three churches to make the call of Bishop Gomez a reality. If and when such a merger is ev^r perfected, it will be because of pressure from the laity and ministers of the three churches. In the final analysis, It is they who are shou|dcnng the burden of maintaining thk thrfe branches of Methodism separate and apart as they are. Whil^ we doubt terioucly that all three of the churches cotild muster a combined membership of over « million and a half, which is approximately a million toss than the Reverend Martin LjQShar King has reluctantly become tl(e lead er of a revolution whiX^'Is fright ening some of the most influen tial members of the Negra com munity, , says James ; Baldwin, noted author. This as because, unlike most Negro leaders who teU'the white people to speed up integration, but urge Negroes to be patient, Reverend King speaks with the same voice to both races, writes Mr. Baldwin ip an article in the February issue of Marper’s Mag azine. "Th« fact Ihaf King raally ImIm the people he rapretants •ntrf, h«»—therefore—no hidden, interior need to hate the whit* paapio who oppoto him hat had and will, I think, centhitm to h»v« tho most far-reaching and wnprodlc^ablo reporcussiont on our racial situation," says Mr. Baldwin. In the Harper’s Magazine piece titled “The Dangerous Road Be fore Martin Luther King,” Mr. Baldwin believes that Reverend King “Is not like any preacher I have ever met before. He is immediately and tremendously winning, there is really no other word for it.” Mr, Baldwin spent many days with Reverend King in the Sotith, seeing him in soc^l situa tions and attending services at his church. It was at a church service that Baldwin witnessed the real effect of Reverend King on Negroes. H* writ**, "Until Mont^mory, the Nogro church, which has al ways boen tho place where pro test and condemnation could be mast vividly articulated, also operated as a kind of sanctuary. The minister who spoke could not hope to effect any obiective change in the .lives of his hear- •n, and the people did not. ex pect him to. All they came to find, BtNl all that he could give them, was the sustenance for another day's journey. “Now, King could certainly give his congregation that, but he could Also give them some thing more than that, and he had. “It is true that It was they who had begun the struggle of which he was ijow the symbol and the leader: it is tme that it had taken all of fheir insistence to overcome,in him a grave re luctance to stand where he now stood. But it is also trtie, and it does not happen often, that once he had accepted the place they had prepared for him, their struggle became absolutely in distinguishable from his own, and took over and controlled his life. He sufered with them and, thus, he helped them to suffer. "The joy filled this ehurch, therefore was the joy achloYed by people wdio have ceasad to delude themialMs about an in tolerable situation, who have found thejr pr^rs for a leadar miraculously answarad, and who know that they can change their situation, if they will." After reviewing in detail Rev erend King’s life, Mr. Baldwin concludes, “By the power of his personality and the force of his beliefs,' he has’ injected a new dimension into our ferocious struggle^ He has succeeded, in a way no Negro betore him has managed to dd, to carry the bat tle into the individual heart and nlake its resolution the province of the individual will. He has made it a matter, on both sides of the racial fence, of Telf-ex- amination; . tfsd has incurred therefore, the grave responsibil ity of continuing to lead in the path hii^as encouraged so many people to follow.” reported combined membership, we are satis fied that merger of the three churches would be a most bcrieficia] achievement. Certainly, it is in keeping with mergers that have taken place here of late among other religious or- ganizaions as well as those of the business and sports world. However hopeless the call of Bishop Gomez may appear at this time, we trust it will be seriously considered by the leadei^s of the three churches in question. Such a merger could wield a powerful influence for Jhe eco- noiAic and cultural advancement of the race as well as its religious benefit. President Kennedy’s reiterated expressions of opposition to fed eral aid to parochial schools are not likely to lessen the agitation of the Rnman Cnthnlic hierarchy for such assistance from the pub lic treasury. The first Roman Catholic pre sident had not been inaugurated before Cardinal Spellman bitter ly criticized the rcfcommenda- tions of the House committee for federal aid to public schools. His objective is that they do no include a recommendation for aid to parochial schools. Cardinal Spellman bases his insistence upon public assistance for parochial schools on the ground that patrons of these schools should not be taxed for schools when they derive no ben efit from them. He ignores the basic and constitutional principle that people should not be taxed to support religious bodies in which they do not delieve. The public school excludes no child on the ground of religion. The state maintains a system of schools open to all. Some re- gious bodies notably the Roman Catholic, the Protestant Episto- pal, the Lutheran and the Friends, have chosen to estab lish schools in which they can give a religious emphasis to edu cation which cannot be given in a public school system support ed by a state in which religious freedom prevails. No one ques tions their right to do this; and parents are free to send their children to those schools. These schools have no claim upon the public treasury for sup port; the only proper source of support for such schools are the groups which brought them in to being, the parents who select them for their children, and those people who of their own free will choose to contribute to their support. In the religious emphasis such schools jive to education there is a sectarian in- tepretation which makes pub lic aid a violation of the constitu tion principle of separation of church and state by forcing all people to support a religious in stitution. There is no quarrel with the church-related schools for giving to its religious inttructioa the interpretatihm of the religioui body which founded the schools. B()t since the schools thus be comes an agency of a religious group, U forfeits all claim to any support frnm taic fnnriii, it is no injustice to parents who sent their children to these schools to deiiy them public aid; these parents Should recognize that they are asking for a kind of edu cation which the state cannot and should not be expected to provide. —DURHAM MORNING HERALD O Weather Found To Hwe Effect On Ulcers NEW '^ORK, N. Y. — Are high-prelsure business executives the only people who get ulcerst Not at, alU According to an ar ticle in the February Coronet this traditional belief is all wet. In fact, top executives may not be any .more ulcer prone than other people. Recent studies have disclosed some surprising new facts about ulcers. Among them is the dis covery of ,a connection between ulcers symtoms and the weather. This finding probably only con firms what many ulcer sufferers had suspected for some time. Now scietiec has defnltely said it Is so. In certain cases the disease is likely to get worse in Novem ber and December. Best months are April and August. 'Investigators are also re-exam- ining the virtues of the tradition al “ulcer diet.” The time honor ed milk-egg-cream routine may not iilways be the best treatiAent. Th^ Veterans Administration has a large seal^ study on the sub-, ject now underway. A British stu dy dy already completed reports scale i|udy on the subject now underway. A British study al ready completed reports that that dietiQg witiKbland foods doas not increase the rate, of healing of peptic ulcers. Anothar experiment made by three United States physiciai|s indicates that spiaes formerly on the “never” list for ulcers suf ferers may no longer all be fw- bidden.

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