PMl 4»—"THS TRUTH UN»RIOLSO" SAT., Pit. J5, 1W1 TouiM and WWHW-g J' II Raoou. T SERVICES OmilEO *WJR SERVICE STARTS WITH YOUR FIRST WiJ isHmatt and Deliver CALL” Durham Builders’& Supply BUILDING MATERIALS Mitton A»*. at W. Mata T*l. 6S44U7 COAL “OK In Every Weigh” M. H. Head & Son trading at McGhee Coal Co. Call 684^11 FOR RENT Four, n«« Mil six room hou»«i, jrtth '-kaHi. Good location. For JiilmrmaHom, call Frazier Realty at 682-1306 or 681-3149. Foods From Many Lands at YMCA In Gate City QBEENSBOBO —The Metrojtoli- tan Council of Negro Women will ipaaiar » Brotherhood Festival kere Friday at the Hayes-Taylor y. M. C. A. Tlie event will begin at 6 p.m. mmI last until eight. You Can’t Afford To Miss What We Offer! ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE individual er Faniilv Plan—Up To $10.00 Per Day Plus Mis cellaneous Fees With Surinical Benefits 70 Days per Year AGENTS WANTED Local & Statewide Men Qr Wojnen Southern Fidelity Mutual Insurance Co. PHONE 383-3331 527 ELM ST. DURHAM, N. C. INLAID LINOI.IUM, COUNTER TOn, ASPHALT, RUBBER AND WAi.1. TILI —^Pree Estimates— Hunt Linoleum and Tile Company, Inc. Phone 681-8985 3805 ROXBORO ROAD NEW METHOD LAUNDRY and Dr.y Cleaners 4tS Roxiboro Streat BROAD ST. BRANCH IIM Bro«d Street QUICK • SERVICE WASH TUB Roxboro Roail «t Avondale Drive 1 HOUR MARTINIZING (lncoi|i^ted) FOm THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING AND SERVICE 400 West M*>» StiBet — Five Ptmta ”1' 'I' " 10 Shirts, reg. packed . $1.98 1 or ^ Shirts ea. 20c 3 or more ea. 18c Deluxe packed Shirts . ea. 20c Ctllophant) SANITARY Launderers and Cleaners ' DIAL 688.2503 CDRNJiR FINE STREET AND LAKEWOOD AVENUE j AUTO SERVICES Service Garasres 3PBIGJIT»SAUT0 SERVICE Read Servicft^Sfieam eiMHtiaf Sarviet — R«c«i>plng WH«« Alignment, PHONE m-mt PeHigrew and FayeHe)riHe Hi. (II- 6:30 Ozzie and Haniet Beed WRAL Chjwttd 5 SATURDAY, FiUUASY U 7:00 Today on Farm 7:30 Cartoon Carnival fl:on Bl^ Picture 9:30 l«ne Ranger t0:00 Shair Lewis Shpw t0;30 King Leonardo 11.CO Fury 11:30 Teenase Frolic 12.30 DetecUve'f Dutry 1:00 Movie BCar«th(m 2:00 CoUeg« Army vs. Nilvy 4:30 The ilarveatws 5:00 Captain Gailant 5:|0 WrestUni 7:00 Donna 7:30 Bonanza 8;p TaU Han » 9:W Islanders .r> 10:06 Saturd» Ni«y 10: ts Uake That liare 11:00 Df teUne 1 11:10 Movie of Th* Week SUNDAY, FiiRUAHY ^ 11:00 Church Service .(,i 12:00 The Air Force Story i 12:16 Industry on I^ade 12:30 Oral Roberts 1:00 Church o| our Fetben 1:30 Circuit Rider 2:00 The Visitor 2:30 NBA Basketball ^' 4:30 Coach Case >! 5:00 M«dic e 01eM«R Vism ON TV THIS 9:30 Walt Disney HoU of Fame LEGAl NOTICES 6:30 Hallmark 8:00 Maverick 9:00 Chevy Show 10:00 Loretta Young 10:30 This is Your Life 11:00 Sunday Late Show MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 6:30 Aspect 7:00 Early Bird Specio 1 7:10 Your Legislature 7:29 Viewpoint 7:30 Today 9:00 Debbie Drake t:l9 WiitotnTi 10:00 Say When i0:30 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price Is lUght 11;3D Concentration 12:00 Truth or Consequences 12i30 It Could Be You 12:55 NBC News I M Aum '« An# «Mi a:W J» llurrw «:»Ivetta Yff 3:QQ Y^ Or. CAROLINA 41 COUNTY HOTK* «P 4At# UNrtK AND BY VIRTUE of ae Order of the Superior Court of Dto4uim County Made in a Spe cial ftweedinfi entitled “In the Matter (rf Mechanics and Fanners raecutar of Roy Jeffers de- ITEM 9«ak, feeifd,*’ and p 6)aflnncd by the court. TWO of the Will of (he late Hoy bSets, deceased, recorded in Beek of Wills 13 page 64, Office « the Clerk, Durham County Su- (mor Qourt, the undersigned Exe- mtor will on the 15th day of March, 1961, at twelve o’clock, WX)N at the Court house door in tMrfaant, North Carolina, offtr for ' to the highest bidder for cash certain tract of land lying being in Durham Township, bam County, North Carolina, more iarUcularly described is/fdllowB; r , _ BEGDRiOi^ a point In the Seitowtst intersection of Maple Cl|ele and State Highway, and be- and the South side of Maple M on the West side of said High- Wicie: jQience along and with Uie Bute m^my. South 40 deg. M" 2WS feet to a point at the cetuer «f l«t No. 5j thence along •jd with Lot No. 5, North 51 deg. West 390 feet to toe pivot rt of Lots Nos. 10. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19: thence tfpM and with Lot No. 19, North as deg. U’ East 206.7 feet to the •eoth aide of Maple Circle as it and with Maple Circle, South M «eg. 26’ East 150 feet to a PPUit; thence continuine along the aouth aide of Maple Circle at it curve* Southeast 300 feet to a point or place of BEfilNNING. lame being Lot No. 20, Block “A” jjahown m Map of R. H. Wriaht Ipverty, duly recorded in OfiBce m Begttter of Deeds of Durham Jaunty in Plat Book 15, at page This tale will remain open for tee daw (lO) days to received in- (MMed bids as required by law, •M *u|»iect to the Confirmation at Um Court. Thlijtth dav of February. 1961. irajpiANICS AND FARMGBS BA^iK, Executor of Roy ^e$ers. Deceased 9r: Trust Ofiicer WOUUAM A. MARSH, JR.. Attoraey notice will b4 pleaded ii\ bar of their recov^. AH persons Indebt- ed^-sa^ ^((te «^please mak» to the uAder- prope|ity j^nown as No. 207 Oould Street. This property wilt Ijb strtd anbH firgo ce BLUE Attorney HUGH 11,118, 25 Jan. 21. 88; CABOUMA COmJTY fkmCt OF nCECUTRIX .tiL* . UNDERSIGNED, having “ ■ aa Executrix at the Charles Cook Hayswood, , lalk of Duilum Counf^, > miUr all persona hav- ■ afahgt aaid eetate to I to the iiBdrrsigned _ the 21al day^f Jaa- _ at 1001 South Stnet, Worth OaroUaa. or this NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY notice 6? SALE • UNDER AND BY VIRTI^E the power of sale contained* in a certain deed of trust execut^ by Zula Floyd, -Widow, dated July^. 1958 and jetorded in Book 813, page Hegist^ tf = Deeds ol DuroW qotnty, North CWoUm. HaviBg been inade » W PWWe™ of the indebtedness tfewy ir cured and sa)d d6ed of IfuM ing by the terms thereof to foreclosure, tiie undersized' Trustee wifl. oSei! for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for' cash. at the Courthouse door in Dwttam, North Carolina, at NOON, ear th$ 29th of March, 1961, the propefbr conveyed in said deed Vie same Mn|| and being in the County o{ uur- ham and State of North Cafwinft in Durham '^wnship, and Aone particularly Ascribed as li^lowS: BEGINNING at a-sUki on the north aide of QouM SCrM at the southeat ooraer of the Timotey said begianini Dillahunt Prtfiertt, point being louth minutes tM-S the eaM aid* of Fine «m4 nw- nOTDi Mto of Gorod Sfreerisouth B4 degrees 18 minutes East 28 feet to a stake; thence North 8 degrees 32 minutes East 139.9 feet to a stake; thence North 88 degrees 18 minutes West 28 feet to a stake; thence South 8 degrees 31 minutes West about 138.37 feet ta »i»e i>^t^ -hagioBipg and '*e- ing a part of the W. L Foushee ty R^tfs^Tto which r^eace is *07 1/B fto^. , . , It is ma^oQ^ and agreed that egress, and regrets, said drive- way being 8 ieet wide and running from Go^ Street northway 100 ulc ipovc^ mV 900 ilM W(srt®n| 9- feet thereof on the'adjoining lot, la reserved for thy foinrn*n- tiae w the owam of the aS57>«»^ and the ownen of the adjoining jeqt to all prior encumbrances and all prior and 19W Ad Valorem taxes. This scle will remain open for ten (10) days to receive increased bids as required by law. J. J. HENDER30N, Truatee WILLIAM A. MARSH, JR. Attorney This. 17th (day of February, 1961. ' Feb. 25, March 4, U, 18* 1961 "pW yit\ QH. MY AGftING BACK se alacomforts «>me on Q and d rink—often frow muunkM-uhei With over-«xert| SSSb'SS ^wj^wrong loqaand drink-often «e4- P»In-»ejle¥lnit action to ™« toment of naaging backache, head- •rtjfj ■niuculiM' actei and pains. 2 by mUinir effMt on bladder iriiiuttoii.'a, by W|d diuretic actlcm tending to bicrese* miles oMtlcmey tu^T Woy « Bood nighf • - -’■ - happy jelief »r»,_New, Ia..„ PUI» today I LOANS mu R*c«ivi| Payments _ I2«L10 moo $m4A ns.fl 9421M i»ji $35^” MODERN FINAIi^E No. 1 Paymeit!* Include All Charges 105 w'. ChaiMl Hill St. nHONI MI-W59 mE T Qaytgn Alton mom SU^line Vi«ws Budily Weather Se«ve-4iports NOC News Wpspw B 7:30 The Amerieaits 9;00 The Untouehablea 10:00 B.arbara Stanwyck 10.»B Peter Qwn 11:00 Datdin« 11:10 teurtaUse U4B lAgialatWe ^^ tui»l??f#iltUAIY at 9:36 ^eet 9:00 Pprry Coroo lOi 00 Naked City llriX) Dateline 11)10 Sportsllne litis Your Legislature lliSO Jack Paar THURSDAY, MARCH 2 6:3C’ Aspect 7 00 Early Bird Special 7:10 Your Le”islaturo t:28 Viawpoint liSO Today Debbie Drat^e B:W Potpourl-i lAsQD Say When 10:80 Hay Your Hunch 11:00 Price Is Right 11:80 Concentration !ruth or Conaeauenccs ;t Could Be YOU N^ New; Atnos 'n Apdy Jan Uvttsy Loretta Youns Young Dr. Malone From These Make Room For Daddy ;|0 Here’s Hollywood ,:00 Cap’n, 5 . S;aO Hucitleljerry H»vnd ff'M Dayton Allen f;Of Stateline i-M Viewpoint (S:P Weather 6:§D Reeve—5ports 6:40 NBC News f00 Mr. Ed 7:30 Outlaws 8!30 Bat Masterson QeW Bachelor Father 9:80 28 Ye^'s of Wt* 11:00 Dateline 11:10 Sportsllne U;1S Your Legislature 11:30 Jack Paar FRIDAY, MARCH 3 6:1^ Aspect Ti00“ ■ “ Early Bird Special 7:10 Your Legislature 7:9$ Viewpoint ^80 Today -MUteMiia Dwke »:15^ Potpourri lOtdO Say When 10:S0 Play Your Hunch 11:00 Price Is Right 11:80 Concentration ia;Ofl Truth nr Conspquen«es 12(30 It Could Be You 4riB(u ’a Andy Jaa Muway i Loretta Youn« Voi l^oung Dr. MalooB [fwmi Tliese jtoote , {Make Room ror Daddy Hore’a Hollywood ^ody Woodpeckcr . Dayton .Allen Stafodine Vi( ve-^Sports Pebble Proke Potpoiuii Say i:30 play Y Pife I* SO Cm»eni ,. m Tnith or p It Could Be 59 NBC Newi :0Q Aptes ’4 Aady L«fetta Yowu Young Dr. Mttme ftm Tkm Mi^ Room For Pad4y ’s Hollywood SI Flyt 5tP^' czo weainw :00 Loek I* IkY, MAMCM 1 5:$9 Q«iok Draw MoGraw 6:00 Daytim Mes Shdw 6:01! Stateline 6:|B View^nt 6:^ Weather 6 7:00 Look 4^U 7:30 Laranoie 8:30 Hitchcock ' 9:00 Thriller 10:00 Sulliano Story ll:0| Oa»e% 11:10 Sportsllne 11:19 Your L«S)ail>twe 7:^ laSS?SMfijrt 7:10 Yaur M^alwna 9:00 Debbie Drake 9;15 Potpourri 10:00 Say When ll:^ ^yf^r*^nsequence(| 18)30 It Be Y(HI 12:15 N8C Nevfs 1:00 Ainos n Andy 2.00 Jan Harm 2:30 liretta YftiBg |:(A Mwe Boom far DM4r 5:30 Deputy Dawg 6:00 Dayton Allen 6;05 Statelin^e :20 VI?wpDtat :25 Weaker :30 R^e—Sports 6i45 NpC New* ^ f:00 Death Vatteif bays 7:30 Wagon Train 8:30 Price Is Right Hunt Tombstone Territory (Naiwtte Fabray I "Bell Telephone Hour I Michael Shayne I Dateline :10 Sportsllne 27 li:IB Y^ur Legislatttre 11^ Jack Paar WTVD Channel 11 ■■■ ; S4TURDAV, MAHCH 4 7:ra l^ee Stboges Cisey Jones :M Jet Jackson R:W fJ(>»ie Afltfy ipjflO Capt Kantraroo IliOn Mack Tvind 11:S(n Rot Roeers S% Kine lJ?;,in Pin fiie piper 1 '.(V* Sat. Nflws Conservailon Clubhouse 1 w Vic Biibas ' 2U)Q ACC Baskfttbili _ I^Hke vs. Navv HisMlighta f'S I®*®* Rangers »:0# Top Ten— , S'!S Sf'sring 20’s 7:ljn Rifleman o 22 Mason 8:!w Checkmate »:W Dur Pont Simw Stvle PfSRUARY 26 10 ^ '*'*® Porthole j2:2p^stian science io o2 Lancers Pip the Piper }'22 Winchell a-non* Answer Royal Canadian Police Spectacular 4.00 I^onard Bernstein o:S0 Lawrence Welk fl:30 ^th Century 7:00 Hawaiian Eye * • 9:00 ^ Sullivan S'2? Theater Jack Benny iR'™ Camera 10:30 What's My Line 11:00 Sunday News Special 11:18 First Run Theater MWDAY, PfBROARY 2'22 Program J'OO ^ming Jamboree 8:00 CM News 8:10 Carolina News 8:1# Capt. Kangaroo Cartoon Sliop IQfw Dec. Bride If:® Video Village il:PO Lucy 11:85 Clear Horizon 12:00 I^ve of Life llfSB Number Please 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 As the World Turtkf 2:00 Full Circle 2:80Jtouse Party 3:00lpiionaire 3:80 ^rdict is Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Storm 4:30 Edge of Night 5:00 Bandstand 9:80 Rln Tin Tin 6:C0 Lassie 6:^0 too 8:40 tV’eather 0:45 Douglas Edwards 7:00 pete and Gldays 1(:80 Cheyenne 8:30 Law and Mr. Joties fififlQ Danny Thotna# 0:30 Andy ariffith Hennessey lO:^ Alcoa Present* 11:00 News ll:Hi first Bun TUESDAY, FEWI/ARY 88 6:00 Readln* rtropram 7:00 Morning Jamboree 8:00 News 8:10 Csjirolina News 8:15 Capt. Kanffaroo 9:00 Cart,ooii Shop lOiCO Dec. Brid* 10:30 Video Vil&ge ll:qo Lucy 11:30 Clear Horizon 12:00 Lpve Life 12:80 Number Please , 1:00 Peggy MkPn . 1:30 As the World Turns 2:00 Full Circle ' 3:30 UoiJse Party i 3:00 MiHioftaire 3:30 Verdct is YoUrs 4:00 Brighter Day 4:19 Secret Stom 4:30 Edge of Night 9:00 Bandstand • 5:30 Rocky and His Friends 6:00 Dennis 6:30 Esso 6:40 Weather 6:45 Douglas Edwards 7:00 Adv. in Paradise 8:00 T%ree Soni 8:30 Dobie Gillls 9:0P Tom Ewell 9:30 Bed Skelton 10:00 Gajry Moore 11:00 News 11:15 First Bun WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 7:00 Morning Jamboree 8:00 CBS New* 8:10 Carolina News 8:15 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Snop 10:0P Dec. Bride IQ:30 Viddo Village 11:00 Lucy 11:30 Clear Hortaon 12:30 dumber Please 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:80 A* the Yorld Turn* 2:00 Full Circle 2:30 House Party S:00 Millionaire 3:30 Verdict is Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Storm 4:30 Edge of Night 9:00 Bandstand y:30 Lone Ranger :Q0 Bugs BMinjL^ 6:30 Esso 6:40 Weather 6:45 Douglass Edwards 7:00 Rebel 7:30 Acquanauts ^ 8:30 Wanted: Dead or Alive 9:00 Detectives 9:30 I’ve Got A Secret 10:00 Armstrong Circle Theatre ll:tO News 11:19 First Runt Theater THURSDAY. MARCH 2 6:00 R^aaing Prograiii 7:00 Morning jamboree 8:00 CBS News 8:10 Carolina News 8:16 capt. Kaijgaroo 0:QO Ciirtoen Shop 10:00 Dec. Bride 10:30 Video Village' 11:00 Lucy 11:3Q Clear Horizon 12:W Love of Life 12:^ Number Please 1:W Peggy Mann 1:30 A^ the World Turns 2:00 Full Circle 2:30 House Party 3:00 MilUonaire 3:30 verdict is Yours 4:00 Brighter Day 4:15 Secret Storm 4:30 Edge of Ni^t 9:00 Bandstand 5:30 Rocky and His Friends 6:00 Leave it to Beaver 6:30 EVsso 6:40 Weather 6:49 Douglas Edwards 7:00 Wyatt Earp 7:30 Flintstones 8:00 Angel 8:30 Zane Grey 9:00 The Gunslinger 10:00 Hdng Kong 11:00 News 11:19 First Run FRIDAY, MARCH 3 6:00 Reading Program 7:00 Morning Jamboree 8:00 News 8:30 Carolina News 8:]^ Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 Cartoon Shop 10:00 Dec. Bride 10:30 Video ViUage 11:00 Lucy 11:30 Clear Hor^n 12:IW Love of Life 12:80 Number Please 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:80 Aa the World Turns 2:00 Full Circle*"'— ■ ^ 2:30 House Party 3:00 Millionaire 3:80 Verdict 1| Yours 4:00 Srigliter t)ay 4:19 Secret Stdnn ' 4:80 Edge of Night 9:00 Bandstand 5:iB Wn Titi ‘tin 6:00 Guestward Ho 6:30 Easo — 6:40 Weather 6:49 Douglas ^Edwards 7:00 U. S. Marshal ?u»‘Th«t*r TO NIAD MtAftrtd ^n- tulri-^ Cai^Uiil, CiM- laiM pMfass«r, Dr. Iwpi# >1. N«wt«ii, has baan *ela«tMl ^ SclfRcf Researah Associatpsj, Insv «f ;hi«a«». t» l««d a RaMiat at Marahimte C«flafl% Atlaii^, Ga., August Ml. Laid. aKiMp e>f Hie Imi'Jhrta urr4a» a ■tIntflMi of $190 par day, plus liviag aiMl VamI axpaiwas. Dr. Nawtan, who establlihad •rise Reading Skills Centti* at NCC last year. Is a nafionalty racagnlzad authority In har liald. graduate of Mfrtar' TaashtN ellaf* In Washing^an. D. C./ all* holds a mastar's degree from, ii^lumhia University and a dae i^rata fratp the Univtrai v «f P^ntylvania, whcfe she Iws al|e taught *S a visiting prOfea- ■V- ' Morgan Uniqw In Relations ol Pres., Faculty BALTIMORE, j!ld, — "Morgan State College has set a record in ntdductive Scholarships and Crea tive activities that is to be envied by the undergraduate faculties, of our colleges and universitie*." These are the words used by one committee member in reference to a”chapter iii llTe'Boole;' tirin Practices on the Campus,” writen by Dr. Virgil A. Clift, pro fessor of, Education a'nd head of the department at Morgari> The book is being publisMted by the Assdciatlon for Higher ^u- cation df the National Education Association. . Morgih State College wak. (inn of fpurteen colleens or uQiv^'MlUes aaked to contribute a chf'pl^ to th6 book because It had duil^ aig- nificant work in this ■ fielii " - *^6 book is being rubllsli^d be cause such organlMUons^as jnie AJjjerican Association of IJiiiver- sity Professors, The Natloivl Bdu- catton Association, "Pia Asser tion. for Higher Education,' ^d The Carnegie foundation aiw con cerned with tne role add 'Ctrelfare of faculty members Ih; instifutions of higher education; In a leUer to Dr. Martin D. Jen kins, piusident of Morgan State Colleg’. Dr. Clift wrote: “i did not realize the greajt con tribution you and your adminis tration had made and the ^at ainwtnt of constructive work the E|>ard of Trustees of this institu- 'i-mi V' lanif ^ ■r 'inttfaat lit lAMfitqn Ultlitm af^ona^ a wtie* of t)««e ^ay-)MW aa»ii«rl .ittj Atrte# 4wW* OW ne»t mnti uplift*' / Uiyier the over-dl "AA^ t)ui aproiBWf a# iM rith t]ie foUowiag t«iitc*i “Afriiia '’ohruaTy 8*; '‘Afi'iea 6i ion’' 0^ Mareh 89; «n4 VatioRs in ilje WofW ^n Aprtl 28. BilMi loctuiwi fur ‘ 4>e senanars «iS be prc«^iaia«t ''ans to AlriCtto prmnuo* aM ilkt- Aftieaw &rom ^ U«t- od IfiHtiou aad!Afri«i^ a^itouiiM- t^o keGluTf!*, aach gf wU^h «ii|U to i}jr I dia^qa. wui til |(4ieduled fitr each Keaa^. Qh MCh at these dates there wiU 6# % mortiing sfeiaion fi(om 9^:30 to tft noon and an aftefDoon VArai^n f#bro i:^ W 4i80. pi#. Freedofn Fwd Be in 39 Cities NEW YORK—NAACP unit#, in ft least 30 cities will si»n4M- iona for Freedom” shows t» l^lp t^eir 1061 Freedom Fund duotaa. The announoement was by l^rs. MiU’gurit^ Belafonti, tlift As^iation’i national projects ‘ di rector, as she departed tUs for personal dt>pearances is ciiiap from Portsmouth, N. S., t(» Ani^les, Calif.,' a teur that will last until June. ;. * The schedule of 39 show*, jf (Mfy tefUtative,” Mrs, Belafonte ^ marked, "there will be pfo6i)|^ additions along,the ^ay ttifsse productions h&ye pro| hil^ily successful as fund-rali projects in mai^y communititv. t>a$t year, Mrs. Belafonlei wlip appears in many of ^e shows'|s gueift model and assists the braneV es in the planning and staging ^ the - events, -partieipated- 4n than 60 productions in 99 citif*. doite at this institution U th^ tilafe to areas descrilied in*the tion had done in the last ten or twelve yeari. ' “I feel that due credit and r^- oghiiion shoui1 be giveta to ottr Board and Uie ^tesidpnt for soMe of:tile constructive thiiigs #e dolfi' ' ■ ■ ttia ypoit; J "For exatnple, not one. 1 ffon iilcludfd in the study ^aij'a Paci^lty-Trltttpe Coinmitte* or aj|iy ! BffnilnT' committee empowered' to | fiinetion Ji similar fashion as i Poeii1(5(i-Trustee ComnUttee, ' vfr * "Not one institution othi^>.t||^ | Morgan has a Faculty Pefl^^ i Cortmittea which can hato ■'■io | evaluate and determine tlia^ j sons who'»e eQtitled (a P^tno- ; tion*, salai^ inc^ases, dtc. ‘ TOOTltCHt JLmcw't SM «# tM , l«* l«ll» VSfMMl la A 'll^on Insurance And Im Cq. 814 Fsyettevlne dt Tetei eS2-1133

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