iHP ^ T«B exitocfirx -nm nvm iMMuoLiir—tacs vm mt. mmmn Wmid Body He s Guard Health of Congolese International Medical Teams . Serving Country's 14 Million CLOSE COLLAtpi^lON b*. • elector Of Rod Cro$s ta«m Mid a Congoloao auxt- llary at Kintambo hospital In Loo|>oldvilla. Carolina Catholics Told By Bishops To Prei^re For Eventual Integration of Schools WASHINGTOI?^ ti.'C.—All Cath- olii» who atteAd^^ Mass May in Georgia and Soatii Carolina re ceived from ;their'M>l»hops a “tre mendous challenge” to n^ove juSlce" III race xelations. In lepmte though, iiiential Len ten pastoral leUeb, the bishops of the dioceses of tHiarleston, S. Ch and of SavaoMh and Atlanta, Ga., announced a ' three-point pro gram and asked clergy and laity to offer “daily prayers and sadri- fices to God for the peaceful solu- UQnL”^o£ -"lbe. tace.. i|He5tiQh.”. - Bishops Thomas J. McDonough of Savannah, Francis B. Hyland' of Atlanta and Paul J. Hallinan of Charleston had separfitely direct ed that their individual state ments be read at all Sunday Masses in every church and mfssi^on. The prelates affirm aS t policy; (I) that “Catholics pupils, .regard less of color, will be adn^tted to Catholics schools as 'soon as this can , be done with safety to the children and the schoolij” (2) that “Negro schools wiU be continued as long as there is peed;” (3) that each diocese will begin immedi ately "a program of preparation” to “explain the full Catholic teach- “^eat numbers, but upon great ing on racit^l justice” through “pastoral letters, sermons, study clubs and school instruction.” Each . Bishop said that- “with ►i-'-tenaiort linounting, the^ “prayers' Cfiurclv Must 8{>eik out cleatly' and hbt “abondon leader^ip to the extremists Who^e only creed is fear and hatred.” ■ l^eclaring that this “hatred is neither Christian nor American,” they quote tlie Bible and th6 Declaration of Independence t6 prove their assertion. Tb« ~BislM>p» agree 4hat 4be gency” in improving race reta- tions applies to “every part of the Cnited States where racial dis^ crimination is practiced.” At the same time, they call upon their own subjects to make “an honest effort to influence way of life that has prevailed for many decades” in the South. “Now, both whites and Negroes face V tremendous challegene—to live in a community with full Christian justice for both. The Bishops note that Catholics are but a small fraction of the local population and that Catho lic influence is based not upon lipkYiNir Mini Here and Watch it Grow .. Two vrgys to make yow money grow — "Patience will pay prof its" by holding some of your dollars out of the "^pending llnd." Save regularly while you are earhlng. Patience and saving re^ ulprly at this Bank will make your money grow. Mechanics & Farmers Bank iiew.PirtBhst Durham, N. C. faith.” Tliey say that as times have changed, “our people have wavered. Nor will they now.” Meanwhile, they ask for the and “understanding” of “all men, of whatever ffe^On or race” and "assure all men that with justice and prudence the Catholic Church in the Deep South will continue to meet her moral commitments.” One Accident Can Make Yon N. €.*s Next Traffic Victim , It would be easy to find out whAt causey all the traffic acci dents that happen each year North Carolina. Just ask anybody, Everybody has an answer to the problem. The answers you will hear will include, teenage drivers cause all the accidents, slowpoke drivers, old rattle trap cars, drunk en drivers, speeders and careless drives. There is one fellow though that never causes a traffic acci dent. That will be the driver you ask. Few people will admit they are not good drivers. The North Carolina Department of Motor Ve hicles says don’t waste too much -time loking -for the cause of traf fic accidents. Check the fellow’s driving that is behind the steer ing wheel of your car. That fellow is YOU. Check your own traffic habits carefully. Y6u will find that in a very short time you make 4nany mistakes that could cause a deadly traffic mishap. One acci dent is all it takes for you to be North Carolina’s next traffic vic tim. Be careful. Slow down and live.^ Don’t Depend on Your Hair Few baldheaded men like to be kidded about. But there’s a fellow in London with good reason to be glad he is bald. He bought a toupee of thi^k red hair to. cover the bald spot. The next day a rob ber struck him over the head with an axe handle and the thatch of hair was credited with saving his life. Be that as it may, don’t depend on your hair to save your life in the event of a traffic ac cident. Instead give some serious thought to automobile seat belts. They are proven safety devices and will protect driver and passen ger when installed properly and used. ■ , Editor's Not*: Whilo tho p^l- tleal Ollifotion in tho CoAgo throaton* fo eomplotoly dostroy that young nations' attwnptc'to gain suability, a problom ivit a* grave facod tho Congo's 14 ntil- llon Inhabitantc. ThI* is tho »or1- out Itfuo of tho country's hoalMi. To moot t*»lf tmomoney, tho World, Hoalth Organization, a moiical sorvlco group function ing undor tho auspices of Hm United Nations, dispatehod an •morgoncy modical toam to the Congo. Following Is a report from tho World Hoalth ptAllca- tion for Doeombor peporting tfw progroia of M«o medical toam. The crisis in the* Congo serious ly affected health conditions throughout the country. In 1958, the Congo had 459 hospitals and 2,483 dispensaries The ranks of the health workers included 381 medical auxiliaries, 1,239 female nurses and 5,663 male nurses, medical assistants, orderlies, midwives, assistant mid-' wives and auxiliary male nurses. Medical facilities at Lovanium and Elizattethville and three spe cial schools of tropical medicine (at Leopoldville, Stanleyville and Elisabethville) have bean set up since 1954. Medial auxiliaries receive their education at three special schools. The Congo has 11 schools for male nurses, 3 for sanatarians, 4 for nurse midwives, 33 for assistant midwives and 70 for auxiliary male nurses. In 1958, there were in the Con go 703 doctors, 82 pharmacists, 43 dentists and 11 biologists, all Europeans. But, when shortly tfter the coui)try was granted its indepen dence and many of the European physicians left, there remained a huge gap in professional medical services to be filled. In 1^, tiiere is nu^ ppe golese doctor. In i^St, flier* probably be two. In 1969 possibly 20. These figures indicate how grave a problem the CoAgo had suddenly to face. With the ranks of the medical profession depleted, the Cong(h lese government appealed for in- temationiili assistance in order to •b^ Afaltt ^ aalntaih Hefclth-e^ view, which. were |n dangM of collapsing. Many countri^ responded at once. The World H6alth Organi zation, for its part, sent a group of senior staff membelrs. Dr. M. G Candau, director-general of WHO (World Health Organization) went in person from Geneva to Leor poldville on two occasions in,order to confer with the Congolese gov ernment ai\d the United Nations, and to plan the work of many in ternational health teams. When the first WHO staff mem bers arrived in the Congo, the situation might be summarized as follows: there were first class hos pitals, modern laboratories and ^ood auxiliary staff. But the coun try had no Congolese doctors. It was up to the World Organi zation to advise Congolese author ities on how the many interna tional medical teams might be em ployed to the best advantage of the country. A statement from Dr. Candau, director general of WHO, gave the following; appraisal of what the health organization hopes to achieve on its Congo mission: Th» primary task of the group of WHO officers who are today in the Congo is to assist the Ministry of Health in taking emergency measures to hiaintain services in such fields as public health ad ministration, medical care-, sani tary engineering, laboratory work, and nursing. They are also seeing to it that the best possible use is made of the medical teams some governments and many national Red Cross Societies have gen«fr- ously put at the disposal of the Congo in response to the appeal' made by the International Red Cross and the League ,of Red Cross Societies. . . . For tomorrow, our major job is to help the Congo to train its own physicians who form the basis of health service in any country. This will be part of the general social and economic development, which must be the Congo’s path iif she is to take her full place Some Anger! From London comes news that an irate motorist grabbed a ham mer arid practically demolished his automobile when ^t stalled in traffic. He was hailed into court and fined 14 dollars (or was it pounds?) for littering the ' high way. It may sound like a funny story but when you think of it North Carolina highways are often littered with wrecked cars because drivers lose their tempers. The State Highway Patrol says when you lose your temper you lose your good manners and you become a dangerous driver. Tempers and traffic make a deadly combination. You must control your emotions and use courtesy to be a safe driv er. Think it over. There is an old saying. “Here today and gone to morrow.” That could be turned around a bit to say, “Mad today ^d gone tomorrow.” So keep cpol, calm and collectcd and use courtesy when you drive. in the community of free na tions.” NCC STUDEIIT PREXY Toll* Visiting Brazilian Stufienti of Sit-in PnAlomv—Locy Strooter (extreme left), president of tho North Carolina College Stu«tent Government Association and Hie leader of the sit-in movement here, explains the probtems in volved to ■ grou** o» Brwiliaw student leodor* wlio *tai*o tbo NCC campus rocontly. They Won Cars in Carnation Stakes TOP U. S. CAR WINNER—^James Thomas Cherry of PortS" mouth, Virginia, is the top U. S. winner in the CARnatioa CAR- nival car contest. Cherry, shown with his wife, Carol, was awarded a glamorous new 1961 Jiincoln Continental. The grand prise—a $16,000 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud sedan—^was won by a-Canadian Urmer’s wife. \ PHILADELPHIA WINNERS—Mrs. Lorraine Lawrence (left center) of Philadelphia won a shiny new Plymouth Valiant 4- door sedan in the CARnation CARnival car contest. Miss Shirley A. Grace (right) of Philadelphia won a Chrysler Saratoga 4-door sedan. At left is Joseph Koch, general superintendent of the Acme Markets, where winners purchased Carnation products. Handing over keys to new cars is Robert Lutz of Carnation Company. CHICAGO WINNER — (Jeorge Edward Cochran, a retired steamfitterfrom Chicago, behind the wheel of the brand-new Chrysler New Yorker he won in the CARnation CARnivaL Congratulating him on his good fortune is Camatlon’a district sales -manager, Robert S. Ba^aw. Cochran’s price was one of 61 American and foreign cars given away in the United States and Canada. Value ei the cars was more than a goart^ Dliyjjwi dolkun. Duke Power Co. I Raleigh Links to To Spend $70 Million in 1961 Area Meeting CHARLOTTE—Duke Power Gp., which serves a 20.000-S9uare-mile area in the central Carolinas. ex pects to spend about $70 million in 1961 for additional facilities. Duke is a major company in an industry which last year bucked the national business trend and had a record year with the out look for still another peak this year. In doing this kind of job, the electric utilities industry not only kept well ahead of national iieeds but also increased its lead in electric generating capability over that of the Soviet Union. Additional generating, transmis sion, and distribution facilities needed to keep pace with the rapid residential and industrial growth of the Piedmont Carolinas will total $1 million more than the $68 million Duke invested in 1960. lJUke Power’s pTaiifirag^ ehgl- neers predict that industry in its service area will continue to grow at a rate substantially ahead of most of the country. In' addition to 124 new plants in the Duke Power service area with payrolls in excess of $26,300,- 000 providing 8,500 new jobs, 162 existing plants Invested over $93,- 500,000 in additions, providing a $29,000,000 payroll for 9,000 addi tional employees. Duke, whose rates are among the lowest in the nation, has a total system capacity of 3,327,163 kilowatts. This capacity will in crease in 1961 by 275,000 kilo watts when a fifth generating unit is added to the Company’s Allen Plant near Belmont,' N. C. Allen Plant alone will have a capacity RALEIGH—The Links Southern Area Annual Meeting will be held in Raleigh March 17. 18. and 1». About 200 delegates are expected from North Carolina, South Caro lina. Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Mississippi and Louisiana. The Raleigh Links held one of their many planning meetingi on Sunday, February 12th at the home of President Nan InbordeiL The meeting was in the form rf an afternoon tea honwin* three international guests who were in troduced by Mrs. Roy Andetson, Pxeskient of the Local Clmter rf the United Nations. They were: Mrs. Rabla Mahmood of PakiaUn, Mrs. Amel Istrabadi of Baghdad, Iraq, and Mrs. Lydia de los Keyes of the PhilUpines. The three will appear on a panel at a Luncheon during the Area Meeting. Link Willie Kay poured tea for the hostess, and Link Gertmdc Harris acted as ooordinator of the iHtm'ultuial Cuuiiiimwi wifc: the- special guests. Delicious home made pound cake, nuts and mints completed the service. Links present were; Maude Baaa, Thelma Clark, Elizabeth Constant, Marguerite Cook, Julia Delany, Mary Flagg, Ernestine Hamlin. Gertrude Harris, Gila Harris, Nan Inborden, Willie Kay, CUoe Laws, Mamie McCauley, Louise McClen- nan, Dora Otey, Vivian Sansott, Mildred Taylor, Ann Tolliver, Catherine Winters and Martha Wheeler. of over one million kilowatts. Other projects Duke has under way include the $60 million Co wans Ford, a huge (350,000 kilo watts) hydroelectric plant near Charlotte. Seagmm’^ Crown 4-5 Qt IttHilMStlUia GQMKt m