mm ta # Durham Professors loin Movie Picket tinei MtfilC, MASSTR0. PLiASE— $«r»lifHi CollH* •* «|Ri Iftik l»««l(WF«md jP' thii (tunnlnf fHHiy in #«il- . TIm oecHifn tit* iw^al MMtiiif of WoMm's •'to.'i.:.—: ^—— AHilctif AfMcMMon, »ii\S th« Umim ^ov«, Padther P«rgu»Mi mmI Jotit H«ll Virginia Slal«* Collaga, study rtcerdt prior to Hitit- madarn danct performanca. Aft>OlNTEI> BY COURT ' i • '!% ttaisBOBO—.Alty,- M. C. Burt, BurlingWn, lias jbeefl- ap pointed by the Ortmge County CoU|Ct to serve at defense counsel ( kt i fl|>'eHniiinaty hearing lot Char lie (Poonic) Cotton, 48 y^ar old ex-^nvict charged with the ax ■iiijrTny of three’Chapel fflll resl- de>^ last weeic. has been arraigned for thji^^tring on Monday, March 20 heiW'K ' ' ' wtan was, ari'aatad thortiy ha admitiM' tb cruahl^ tlil; kl(utts af thraa mami>art of • Chapal Hill faifiily as they lay in fh#ir bad* , aarly Sunday, m$M\ S. Mass funeral service* for the victims, Miss Ruby Trice, 36, her goh Bobbie Louis Farrow, 15, and Miss Trice’s father 68 ye*r-rild Matthew Trioe,.. were held last Wednesday'in Durham County, ^ Arrastl^ oMIean, who da»- crli)^ Hi* slayins* •> "tha most brut*l" in Hiafr aKparianea, said C•t^pn admittad fta hitting tha ttiraia paai^o, With. tha butt an ax a* tha sjapt lii a twa room shack on MafrfH Mill road, fust autsida Cliapal Hill, Police’ saifl Cotton became jeal ous of Miss Trim’s attention to other men and' wnt on the ax See DIPENDS, 2-A Me, NCC faculty Parade In Protest to Segregation at Titters An interracial t^am of faculty m^bers from North C^Iina Cgnege and Duke University Join ed forces with studerits from those ihstitutions here t&is weeii in piciteting two local theatres which segire^ate their audience by Mce. Kidsatlng by the faculty mom- Wrs foil^wsd an aiiti'JIm Crow resolution ralaatad' oariiar In tita waalc over tha signatuVat of 136 faculty mambors at Biufca and 12$ at North Caroliija Col- laga. Thu* far, 14 mantijtars of tha Ouka Unlvorsity-faculty and 11 front NCC havn marched in the picket ItnM #ith studatiH. Student picketing {or the past two iponths has eausj^ obc of;the theatres to xlo^ 'it^' balcony pre viously s^r'aaide (Jot Kegroes- Both man;^)ers have, .refused to comment oh' the extent to whith picketing by the 'studertts-^iHBy h|vc _aff«f^d *thelr attenddne^.., Dr. i. Naa(. (jtmihiay. . . ■ (^0^PA(CtlLTY» a^^ '. ms f^mitsfTr t vWMlf ILLUME 37—No. 11 DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, INI Ratum Postago Gwaranteod PRICEi il OEttn BOYCOTT OF DURHAM TORES IN THE MAKING HN^PN Vr 5S^«Utl'ii» f'w,»s Jiein^ /ipj^e ,9u«?y4}li(^ week th*t, the i itatB,;4say^ a ppstpo^meni fi; ,th^ t>^V, win- stcAii Piipip, burl^^>‘fii^iiriQ9^inan charged “K'n tht t'^mi- nenf Kiaston acljoot tea^kri, PMUi), was .oriliUi^lj; fphiiiiuled to.stand tfi|l1 for ffMi mii^- der tt therftilm^l t^rtt Lendir court which Sitfjaday, March-Jd; ■ There •»« ;^e«k that’ tl» »e^ ftf 'baye thiB' trita |iot'uAtll Jufte.^ HoV^^r; ' B#rt' Whit- ted^'ii^oldii^ w«'&’W'TJRT' V* f j “y T rr Negroi'' Press Passe, Declares Vet Journalist The day of the Negro nowspaper Is gone. This was the opinion of veteran journalist Alexander Barnes, who delivered an address at Nortti Carolina College this week in ob servance'jof NatiohSl Negro News-' pape^ Week. ^ Barnes told an enthusiastic audi ence of students and faculty mem bers that Negro newspapers “ai* in the .business of journalism Ip compete with siniilar enterprikea of wliatever itind.” He decried "the community h^d belief*’ that newspaper published byi Negroes are “o>jt of date." According to Barnes^ who is promotion director for the CAHO- jilNIAN of Raleigh, such newspa- See PASSI, 2 A HVADED FOR ISLANDS IN THE SUN—Pictured i* a group of Duriiamitas boarding an air- thip ai Rilaigh-Durham airport last weak anrouta lio a weok-long cruita of Carribaan ports. Tha erui*t aboard th« luxury liner S.S. Yarmouth, was given for^ top *ale*man of,North Carolina Mutual Life Intutanca Company. Tha group was scha(IMl*d toido- bark at Miami on Pi^ay, March 17. Shown hare at* N^rth Caron lina Mutual Prasl^nt A. T. Spaulding and Mr*. Spaulding (•tending on apron, to left of loadhig ramp) ^r. C. D. Watt*, North Carolina Mtitvai Medical Director, and h 8. Stowart, Sav ing* artd Loan firm axactotive, (Standing to Hght' Of loadlrtg ramp). On ttia loading ramp, from to^ to bo^onl, are Ldwl*, L. B. PrMlar, Mrs. 6. P. Llpa- comk, Mrs. ,P.‘t.. Mctaesi, Mrs.* W. J. Kamiady, Jr., Mr*. Ruth 'Bolden, W. J. kennady, Jr-> Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Michaux, and J. H. Wtia*ler lohiod 'the grwp In Miami. . Ti^ Morehead Avenue Baptist Church at Durham will hold its annual Men’s Day observance, 'Sunday, March 19th, with the ser vices of the day in charge of lay men. t. ' " The general theme of the day is, “The Value of Fellowship," ac cording to Rev. C. E. McLestet^, pastor of the church. The speaker at the 11:00 o’clock hour will be I,. E. Austin, pub lisher of the Carolina Times Spec ial music will be rendered by the Male Chorus of which Edgar Far row is president. f- Professor Frank Burnette, prin cipal of the Lyon Park Elemen tary School, will deliver the ad dress at 3:0Q P.M. Music will be See MORKHIAD, 2-A BURNITTE NCC PROF iMARCHES--4>. frk^ iAettra, North Carolina CollQiji t^lMssor, («ktrema' left) faftoa*^ Mil ptaco in' piektt linos with .i'4id>3«ts" iKotesthig *agragation ■I' Dgrham movia thaatar. BOYCOTT SLOGAN: "WrarOld Clothes With New Dignity' \ 6n« of .fko 4Mil4bills bo4nf P««P«rad ^ studies f*r butkMi ii» tonnMlion wlt)i imponding JM|Wtt of l«|fitod s>o«^ in Ptitrlim foahiraa f ' ' It ^4, ^ •of ^•f mpwtfk \ J l!(l> d«*c^^d a* "Mr, Split IjwrtoiUlity" aini, th#"TWo head- ^ Monator." Out of «ma mou?ti htfaay*, ac- ^^Ing to the handbill: "J-am.yofir friend; pd^ronlza my i^atora ai»nd your manay hara; .your, chaago account i* welcome '4n do your shopping ' afhiy, friendly, gawt^neigliliior ''tfOffS, . ..Ot^ ef ff^a other mouth,' the atdry ho la:, !„ "I^ry, w» don't hire Negroe* in thi* store a* clerk*; *orry, wo cwi't hiro Nagreas in our offices; *orry, our dining room I* for whit* only; *orry, our water fountain Is for white only ..." Tha handbill Is captionsid,/ "De«i't buy for Easter." It's slo gan is "Wear old clothe* . . . with new dignity." The leaflet goes on to list the stores virhich have b*«n saloetad for I tha boycott and explains: "These stores have flatly re- fuaed to employ Negroes In ttmir office* and a* *ala* clerk*. Don't give those store* your hard- earned money — they use our dollar* to further in*ult and humiliate u*." It I* signed by the "Durham Youth Councils and Collie ' ChiN>tor* of the NAACP." AND, AWAY ^E G0> —Mrs Faniii'o McLean, Mrs. Ruth Bol> den and Mrs. Gaxall* l,ipscomb di^lay their gaiety as ttiay pro- paivd to enplan* last .Week at the RaMgh-pwilHm 4^irp^ for Miami where Hiay join^ aHim graup of Duiluitiitts.f^J linst Select list of Stores - •+ A boycott of selected downtown 6urhum stores appeared in the liiakings here this weeii as mem bers of the youth NAACP chap ter made plans to mobilize com munity support of the action. Utndbills urging citizens to stay out of the stores selected as tar gets of the boycott were being readied for distribution over the' week-end and a rally featuring NAACP Southeastern regional di- reptor was scheduled for Monday night. Mrs. Ruby Hurley, of Atlanta, Ca. is to address :b« meeting at St. Joseph's A.M.E. Church at 7:30. Originally slated as a meeting H a week-long cruis* in '.'re Carri- boan. The cruiu:, Which took in pojgs of Jamaica, Maiti and Nas- 0»v, was trionsMnad by North i^arollna Mutual Life Insurance Company for it* priie-winning salesmen. Mr*. McLean retired recently frflm ftar fob a* secre- fary to N. C. MuhMl pewMw A, T. Spwildinc. Mn. chief clerk for liM finance depar twaiit; Lipscomb la^ See addttional page. Hfcdkal Aaeig I ^ctarM mm FAISON TO S&:K PRESIDENCY MRS. HURLEY to kick-off the NAACP member ship drive, the meeting was also retailored to include the boycott. A spokesman for the students explained that the campaign will be waged through education and demonstrations. The education portion of the caihpaign will be carried on thru the distribution of leaflets and talks before various social, civic and church organizations. Demonstrations will take the form of picket lines which will be set up in front of the. target stores. ^ee SANCTIONS, 2 A LongReign oJ Battle Am: Elks Head Challenged By J. B. HARRiN ROCKY MOUNT—Wl|l» the May 14-18 annual convention of the North Carolina Assooiation of the Improved Benevolfnt .^protective Order of Slks of the World (IBPO EW) 'only two months away, iq- terest has been greatly heighten ed by the announcing of opposi tion to the 14-year reign of the Rev. Kemp Plummer Battle of this city as president of the N. C. IBPOEW. The State Convention will open here at the St. James Baptist Church Sunday, May 14 with me morial services and Civil Liberties, State Pageant and Music Festival programs. The Oratorical Contest on Tuesday night and the State Parade on Wednesday will high light the public progi^ms. Grand Exalted Ruler Robson R. * See CHALLENGED, 2-A 1 Burlington To Hold NAACP ally Sunday BURUNdTON — An NAACP memi^rahip rally will be staged her*, ai the. First Baptist Cl}urch on Sluidcy afternoon, at four o’clock, it was announced , this wflak . , j Chairman oi the Burlington "NAACP ^ Membership Committee Mr*. Ullie Wagstaff the mala spieaker for the event be one of the leaders in the High Poliit- lunch' Counter sit-in jno,ve- ment. ■ He 1b the Rev. Elton Coi; pas tor , of Pilgrim Congressional Church. Hie Rev. Cox is • long time' NAACP member. First Baptist Church, seene of thfl meeting, is located on Apple street. DUKE FACULTY JOINS PICK ETS—Mrs. Eli»b«th Lansing (socond from left) joinied several other Duke University faculty mdmbers in piektting Durham movie ^Maters laM WMk ia awp- port.'^ the stwdent-lod protost over Sogregatien'. Diifce and N. C. Colhige professors Im«o taken part in the demonstrations since Friday. O.'lters shown in pidMt lino above are NCC and Duko student*. S. C. Sit-in Stab Yictini Is Improving COLUMBIA. S. C—NAAdf i dent leader Lenny Glover^ i ly stabbed by an unknossA assailant during’ a pMcefBi '| demonstration here, waa HM removed from the eriticrt . Dr. C. O. Spann, who | an emergency operatio*i.« year-old|f| Benedict Collei^, sald>ai (ktfi that young Gk>ver*s .“grave” and couU “fatal.” , " ’ ; The ynprecedented ai|j|K See VICTIML fcfcST Gives Full %: Support li^ S. C. COLUMBIA. Is. i eeutive Secretary I week pledged tit of the AssocMtiwi CaroIiM st^ cwpil^ Mass amate (llio of NAASt ing a ait-ia. fp unusual it plain tlMlJ ■J*'’ ■■

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