I CAROLINA TIMIS TftUTN ummmuw sat. march it, \m raOMPT IMPLEMINTATION OF «‘1XI£UT1VI ORfiU** W!U HELP jfenely passinj^ o{ W. L, Greene, who as executive secretary of the North Teachers A.ss€>ci»tion, we think, pre- btgger problem for that organiaation ntiky at first appear on the surface. \V. GreetK was no "Uncle Tom” and no per- Mo selected to fill his shoes should be of that caliber. It Is thertfore our sincere hope that m naming a successor to Mr. Greene the interim commitee and others concerned will look long and close and tread with cau tion. The times in which we now live call for cmirageous leadership. No person who is a fixer or compromiser should be trusted with t^ active leadership of 11.000 Nejjro teach- ei^ who, in the next ten or 15 years, are go- if0T> to have to Jace questions involving inte- gnt^n of bo^ students and teachers. The for Aft N. C. Teicliers job of executive secretary of Ihe North Caro lina Teachers As.sociation will therefore make demands on Its holder that probably have not yet been dreamed of. Whatever is said and done Negro teacher* of North Carolina, in years past, have for the most part, been a scared, browbeaten Ibt. Up until the administration of Mr. Gre'ertt even its executive secretaries, to say notbSnfJ of Its presidents, have b«en-those who,were in close harmorty with thfe pttWers. that be in the educational system of the state. That day is now over and the’ North Carolina Teaehefs l^ssociation should have as it^ executive secre- t.iry a person young enough to keep pace with onr ch.inging times and old enough to keep his head when faced with epoch making de- Support That is More Tiun' Lip Service The CwPoSna Times congratulates the mem bers «if the Acuities of Duke University and N. C, CaHege who joined the picket lines at the Cirolina and Center theatres last week in th« effort now being made by students to achieve human dignity for Negro citizens of l^rhafil ■and vicinity. The active participation the faculty members of the two education al institutions in the picketing is the most encmiraping sign we have seen since the sit- in and picketing were beeun. It goes far be yond lip service and should bolster added sup port from the general public. Now that our college teachers have given concrete evidence of their moral support of ;he movement, we trust the ministerial pro fession will follow in their footsteps. Should a number of ministers in Durham take an active part in sit-ins and picketing they will do no more than ministers have done in cities of the deep- South. Many of them have not onlv taken active part but have gone to jail and suffered other indignities ^ help carry on the fight. The struggle now being waeed transcends that of race, creed and color. In reality it is a fip'ht to Drove to the world that American democracy is a reality and is more than mere high-sounding words. Every American of whatever calling or pro|ession should feel it his'persoriai duty to give active support to the only way the cold Mvar can be won that is now going on between this country and Soviet Russia. The participation of N. C. College faculty members in the picketing last week is evi dence that the local educational institution is becoming of agS. '^he Carolina Times is in deed proud of the fact that as far as it knows, N, C. College faculty members are the first from a Negro institution !n North Carolina to take an active par^ in picketing against segregation. It is a far cry from the time we wrote our first editorial back in 1^9 against our col lege and public school t'eachers entering the back door and climbing to the buzzard roost in the Carolina Theater to this day that has seen not only faculty' meftibers of N. C. Col- lesre opposing such but members of the Duke University faculty. In those days members of our editorial staff were not only criticised but nearty run out of Durham for even sug gesting that Negroes boycott segregated the aters. It doth not vet ajipear what we shall do or what we shall be. ■Victim from front page ^ cMhie on the MHs dl tte ti- * rest i>t 102 Negro coUete stddtlAX who tWk part in a' onsiration here TuMdey (March 2). Spearheaded by the NAACP In tercollegiate College Ch)#ter, more than 200 students demonstcated against th e state's virtnally iW» clad bias In employment atld pub lic accommodfitions. They also sought t6 pTOtest against the stste’s virtually iroif’ state’s Committee on Segregation. NAACP youth participants came from eight South Csrolifta cities. SPlRITUAI^lNStdHT hy REV. HAROLD R0tAND Ciirist Is the Only Real ami Mj^ning Value of Our Lives "OUR SENSE qF, VALUES'; - Value. W them and found to fl*Hy The Admission of Negroes, to Dake l|taity While the decision of the Board of Trustees«» of Duke University to admit Negroes to th^ graduate and professional schools of that in stitution eannot be hailed as a complete vie tory for the forces of right and justice, it -CM in -the' Ua«t -be -viewed-a» a beachh«ad It, therefore, will be only a few years prob ably a few months, before Negroes wilj be admitted to all departments of the university as a matter of routine. Especially is the opening of the graduate and professional schools fortunate at this time in that it not only makes available ad- ^^nced study and training in those fields for Negroes living in Durham and vicinity bul for those of foreign countries. The latter will also have a close-up opportunity to see and swdy the ad'^nces that have been made in , ,Me field of l|i|9iness and education by me^- i|: not ^rtlore 'jto goffer found ip th^ average cjty ,of its sie«. X Admisii^ bf ^Jrfgroes to Duke University diould btiog giieat. solace to the older citizens of the race, of whom worked'in the tobacco factories in .the early davs for 'Star vation wage*; which resulted in the Duke family's being able to build up their vast fortune. There are many of these old timers still living in Durahm who can recall very vividly accounts of their parents’ employ ment in the local tobacco plants at wages as ^ low as $5.00 per month aifd a sack of meal. Later on the wai'es were raised to $1.98 per w'*^1c without the sa*'k of meal. In the da^'s m**ntioned above even the whites looked down on emplovment in tobacco factories heca«i«»» of th#* lour waw*!. lontr worVJtio' hmtr nnd tin* laborimic md flSrtv 'work that It entailed. Tt wni otilv after the' 'Jvagfes had bCert**raislh to a respectable level and modfern machinery installed which made the work in thri tobacco factories less laborious and cleaner did the white worker accept such employment. It,- thereiort, has taken Jong—time, 'for justice to overtake the I^egroes of the South, whose sweat, blood and toil made it possible for the establishment o^ t^e Duke Endow ment, which in tiirn made possible the grelt Duke University. Thus, when the first Ne groes are admitted to Dukfe next September it is our hope that they will take pride in the fact that many of their foreparents worked and prayed for a betfter day \y;hen future gen erations of the !^ce would ^enefit from the fruits of their labor. Now that the day has arrived, it is ajso our hope that all qf those who entfcr Ppke; Uhj#rsi^ will strive to "They counted tjCam* to Tmy thousand pieces pi^ver . . Acts 19:19. , i ' - Jesus rightly asMd “wh^t will a man give in ex^^^ge fbi.-bis soul?” What is your sense ,of values? Your sensd of 'values will be determined by the things you. give the first place in your lifts. We must decide as^i» the v*lue of our souls and the fading, ishable things of FRis n^orld,. .We must say that men’s 5^e of values have' becoiM.j^arpe^ when they place succei anjr pile* a>, the supreme *Vilue jta lif6. Man’s sense of valyy is warped when he gives the supremacy _fo material thing* IiiTIRs next we have people who when tt^ey saw Jesus said this man emhodles life’s suprem*? values. Thus they gave up fadin*; material things to get Jesus the spiritual gem of the Eges. * Amid the fading glories of this world they chose Jesus The "RoA of Ages. We are not a^fiinst material thing. Material things are essential for our turyival"ifl this real world. We ne^ fobH to nourish our bodies, shelter for body warmth, and tlothe* to pto- / tect againit the-destructive rav ages of the health destroying ele ments. We also have basic spirit ual needs. Man needs bread and he needs more than berad. Jju> n^eds the invisible, imperishable things of the spirit. Man needs the spiritual beauty'^revealed In J^us Christ. Man needs the abid ing values of faith, hope find love. Man estrkn^e^i isoUied from God'the C^eator^imdi ;fh« deeininK loi« as rei%aled in Christ Jesus our .Savi^. ItiDi, in ■jhis lostness • need^ the savins tnurh of Christ. Man the sinner needs salvation—anjl this ii foutid ' in the re.deeming. loVe of Chriit Ji^ius. "God so loved the wwM He gave.His only begotten Son that whosoever bdieveth tt iiim shall not perish." The mail with the right sense of values ^11 choose JeMS along with the fading (glories of this World. Pit kin had inherit^ some of the material things of‘this World but when he found J^sus the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, he gave himself and all he'had in loving service for Jesus Things did not wan> his value. , If you invest everything in time, what will you do about eternity? It is all right t6 meet the demands of time and space but what are you going to do about the Eternal destiny of your soul? Time will run out. The things at tiMe wifi fade an^ pass awa](,A^U}ieio^i«rWtl^i«8s will Diie diy."Tlilis We need to re^ii» littfa, the poet the im portance of building our hopes on things eternal. 'We need to realize that in Jesus we have a f|jiritual power that will never fade kvii^. In Jesus we have Something t|iaf is good and will hold for Tnjifi AND ALL ETER- What is the final meaning ol all we ar* trying to say? The message is that we ought give God and Christ the first place in our livM. Schoolteacher Fighting Bigotry is C«rtn1 figure of Gina Alien's . Novd, "The FtHtiiidiM Mn" make OpnosiiBr •MIT Wwtiir/lay at U C. MMMS and 6814BU IV VMtetf MMirfMT*. feM. fk a MVnif. PiAMMr 'ikdii/tt iUM matter at Ifea fmt 09f lUrik CanUaa. ante Hm «C i jfii. pk amUM M 4MC. ftttigraw at CMrtnm 9U0 nae nuu , aBwiato^s To Dr. Mairg Ajpij^mtiiiient Attempts'c^ Sepiitfrt Hefxnan E. Talmadge and Richard B. RtiBs^ll of Gto^fgia to’prevent the appointment>of t)r. Benjaiuin E. Mays to the U. S- Civil Rights Cotnmission is about the biggest jokb tfeai hai conie out of the United States Se«ktd in many a _ day. Both Talmadge and George hav^ apparently out lived their day and are doubtless dreaming of bygone days when only the cringing type of Negro leader was acceptable to any Georgia white man. Dr. Mays represents the very highest achievement in Negro leadership that the na tion affords and if he were acceptable to the Georgia senators it is certain he would not be acceptable to Negroes. There is nothing that Senators Talmadge and Russell can do that will lessen the respect and admiration Negroes and many whitte people of the South H^ve for Dr. Mays. The two senators »from Georgia are, therefore, making themselves ridiculous beforie the eyes of all intelligent people of the United States bv opposing him for appointment to the Civil Rights Commis sion. The very fact that such Negro haters as Talmadge afid George oppose Dr. Mays’ ap pointment to the commission is the best evidence that he Is the .right man for the job. It would be interesting to pet a glimpse of the ttpe of Negro leader these two south ern ^emago|ti^ lirouM Gina All"n, who grew up in declares that it is, altlwu^ ail the ^ura of chalk dust as the shife says, ‘It could any- daughter of teachers, has writ- whei-e, eveh though it did nOH ten a novel whose theme is that^ happen^ here. I used thie everyone stiffers When blgdjtirttA-'? wAt t^: ^ rWd* >iiid alsd> gtLve nWiWn—4be S^niah^lh my ^lii’ £HHil«}ll()n «r ' AllenV! (lathei’ 'a i^bol ^nperintesdeilt and her mother i teacher,‘so Ate lia^iloi^ bdbn interred in,the {trol^lema of education. After attMdii^ meitiAgs oh integration a h d President Kenney’s EcoiionUc Proposals For Recession To Help Negroe's Especially nesib- For goods are not produced, «r services rendered by private industry, except in response to de mand backed up by cash, “effect ive demand”, as economists call it. . trol the schools. ■ .J f As she says, “We all, pajr a prohibitive price for preiudices.” In her novel, THE p6rBI0> DEN MAN, nearly everyone i\ays a price When Negroes and whites become embroiled in a contro versy over whether Eli Alexand er, a Nepro schoolteacher, may teach in the de segregated hi^ school. The setting of the hovel is a small Southewestem town. When the high school is integrated, it remains nearly-white: the Negro students who attend the school are chiefly athletes and as such are •'‘acceoted.” Alexander ;is not. Maintaining that he has I right to teach undpt the teacher teiv- lire law, h» fiehts for thii right. But tlio biffoted h®ad of the school board uses oblique, meth-. ods t o torture him. Everv inquisitor knows the “value” of snlitpry confii^ment. In Alexander’s case his torture is an assigned dassroo^i and teaching schedule, but no stu dents. When he is finally given pupils, they are the worst in the school: the hoodlums, misfits and mentally retarded. Despite' this, his excellency as a teacher enma results—some of his stu dents ■ actually begin to leant. Later, when viplehce erupts anew, ‘ lower income grttupA, who iriB there are unhanpy repercussiotta * apeitd additfonal nloniy as fast to Alexander’s lonely struggle. 'as they get it becMte they have Is the book strictly fiction? fo. Watt |»urelMMiag power It Mrs. Allen, of Las Crucei, N. M., 'Miat nte4 to irtiintfatt bull- teacher-tennre laws, htr husband said, “Why don’t you stay home and write ,8 book instead of go- South- in£ to meetini;?^ A itft^ate of' thiV)«. M#dill at 1 dirt ^tten ghc^ stMi^fs w^iMionai ihiigazinea, textbb^, aa^ per ianal ext>eri^e, rook, R^TICS >QR Htliband Ted, a fd^er chemistry professor, is a dairyman. * TH8 PORBH)ljBN MAN, pub lished Marrh 17 by Clifton Book DlvMoii, is pricied at $4.99. -Defends Continued from front page swinging rampage, ^e had been living with her as a comnton-law husband. > He sihashcd her skull with t blow from th« ax, hit the Inv who was lying in the bed betfdii her then walked into the Mck room wherii he hit the tider 'ntk# as he lay across the bed. The former convict had bm rellaSed just two years previously Mter having served 12 years of sn 18 year sentence for blttdgeon ing an Ortiige Cpunty woman to d^^ yrith an irpn poker. -Passe Continued frtnn front page * pera “bring injusMces meted Ne gro citizens to the attention of the public at large.” At the same time, he said, they compete sue ^cesafully In various phases of cov erage imd public ser^dce with other othar newspMNs)rs. “Newspapers ptittished by Ne- iroes have, t«eB flghflag segrega- Ham since their beginning, and ^ey' have alivays and. will con tinue to serve tbe b«jrt-i«terest of their r^adiHft public,” Barnes con tiaued. '•* Continued from front page ing a civil rights storm center. Wilkins ^Id J. Arthur trown, state ceirferenee preyMent and David Carter, MAACP youth leader, that "South Carolina's un^arrantied aivest, peaceful flen^enstrater^ ^ci^,^re bIv*^ painful iiidl|nlt|!M Vlsifjtf oil Neflre cltlMns." X!arter wa$ arrested, ani placed nndir ^,000 bdifd, Wlifch #as later reduced to $3,000. NA^Ct* youth leader J^mes Edwards, Jr., was placed under $ft,000 bond, Jater reduced to $2,!MXK "Net enfy Is the am*unt of bond unprecedentMl for eases of Tfifi mini^ wit niv ivcst •union* ties have introduc*d a new lefal theory In order to thwart dtm- onftra'4ens," Wilkins said. “They have charged Carter and Edwards with vontributlng to th delinquency of a minor,” Wi|kins added. President, Kennedy’s economto proposals will help our recovery, as a whole, and Negroes In par ticular. These proposals include .Federal funds to provide addi- tibhal we'elcs of tmemploynwnt compensation for worken who have exhausted their unemploy ment benefits under state laws, better medicil care for the aged as a matter of right under,our so- Even if these proposals unbal ance the budget in the coming year, that will not be bad under the circumstances. For a Federal deficit mealns that the Jovem cial security system, a higher / meni is putting more motiey ihto the hands of Ae people to be ^nt for goods and seirvices that could be pl'oduced but are not, thto it takes away from than in trxes. A deficit in times of un employment helps industry to get going again with greater vigtw. Hien mofe active business and employment increases the govern ment’s reieipts ftrom corporation pn^ tax^ tod individual in come taxes, niese bigger tax ceipts will quickly end the de ficit incbored for relief and vM WBlltaNl ptnpoMk. minimum wage and bringing more workers under the mini mum wage hw, especially em ployees in retail and Krvice in dustries such as laundries, hotels and Federal financial aid to edu cation. Thue prososals haVe fh com mon the effect of increastng^ui'' chasing pwer, esptecMlly for th« -Sanctions CJontinued from front page the students said. TH* ttwdenHk wh^ described,, the impi^idi^ |wtl#n as a "se- l«etiye l^lhg^ cMn|ia>tn, said Hi# maaswre was being; taKyi^ IMvauaki of the stftW AanMM Rt^eV of racial diKfiminayion. Policies pin-pointM fajr' the hpHdbills being prei^^d were the refukal of the st,pres to Hire fie-, gro clerics, offira |TOrkers, apd the maintenance pf separate faciir ities. , I ’ Downto;wn std|[es Itsfa^ as tar gets of th* ecen^lc beyMif are Ellis S^a, Baldwin's and Ray- last, d^artment stores; Van Straatsfi's, a fl(|tn'« doHiliig store;. Stawart's, a woman's clofh- Inf store; Butler^, and MarHyn's shoe stores; and Walsraen's Drug S'«r#. Alto listed woM the Royal lee Cream Co,, A. and P. and Vfintt- Dlxte food stAivs. Student spokesmen explliined that these stores were selected be cause of the attitude of^the man agement toward aboliriiing “of fensive raeial policies. They said these stores had been approached several times in the past' with petitions that they change these policies. Unsatisfac tory responses were received in •11 Ulif, tiU itttdgBte Mil Studant* laid furthar thajr «oul4 be readr to call off th*^aMon against ttny of the stoilB fl.tha ihaiit«M«in inf^cati tt»y,^lbiild agiefe to nei^aUons. A mt m*tm HmMkmn stores were approved for trade by the student orgwisations. Included the Wee Shop, the Fashion Shop, fcerser’s ’ Shop, fUrth Gor- d>n’s, ill women’s elothihg itores, !>nd Belk-t*ggett, a d^ilKmettt stofre. ThMe stores, listed in a'Set M instifuctlons pbs^ Mt fimoi^; members of the studetrt tegani- lations, as haviflg jpi(rtlcie* '^6., Negto pa- tronji. ' ; Sonffi of t]^,-ib«,lf^onindum iaid, h * V f Mftrf i^egro sales coBtiiftiiiia ^ C«, - tatsiitilsa Bkiut* ^ by nm- Md- it page Pa., and E. Jones, It with thp J*ralent and ^sentM 'l^ky Mount gt- Hendersoh. »s. with the beoutji! lessiijns ahd - efcciioiM «^clud« the contention oj»1fli^pi|iy, wcoi ‘ i^ tl) the jw^nfn .leleased president . J . John C«ise«, S3-y»*r^ld Nor^iiM4|Mn Csvirty natiirt, a gradu^^>mMmaf, .lafia last y#kr op^il^ a Wneral businoss ln'MaMard,^amie«n«*d taeantty tlM Nii‘l* -oimpa^lni for the pfasilrt5y m Tarhaalla's ■Iks—after aary^ Myeral years a« »l« prejty iW'W. C. ilki. Dr. i. •. JOMir, ■tlatfhe'h City, C. ms^c, Is tWad as Faison's campa^ mansfltr,'' , Contihued trim front paie postponeroent. Since Philip was freed oq $28,- 000 bail, there has been wide spread speculation that the staU might s«ek to reduce, the charge. Philip was granted ^il in ^ebrii- ar^ after a Superior Court judge ruled the state \acke]. sufficient evidence to hold him on a first degree murder charge. ^ He is accused in the i^steripui dea^ of Mrf. Ruth Gjra^m till- was discover^ bwe eany on Dtc, 27 io.,11. rural whool. . Aa examination revealed tha woman died from exposure. 44or(^d Continued from front page rendtiirod % Ai» Male Chorus for this hour also. Hie final pr^ram will be sented at 7:90 p.m. and will cdtt- sist of reports, etc. Following the morning serviti, a Fellowship Dinner will b# wrved by the Sisterhood of t)|v Church. The three services Ur| open to the public. Garland Jones is Chairman the observance and Reuben i is aecret&ry.' man h O’Nliti X Continued from front page liilnlptar aM prafassor it m#* , nmkt #t ^CC« And Df.. thhMt* Kln8> pr^ast^ of uKUffoifflt' and Garald Underwood, a1^ taolal science,* are ^teadeyif hi), charfa ol the faeylty pIcM^ WC. . . - Duke University faculty iMdmi include Pe^F ^*1 %• Rob^ dsbofh. * - These faciitfy spokesmen n- port!i% ‘‘this picketing by the fhculty meinberl is n«ft a one time, shot.. It .^ill b^ 'a continuous thing as far as we are concerned.'* Their -^solution skid; "Recognising racial segr^htion and discrimii^ation in all foniis U morally indefensible, contrary to democratic principles and Harm ful to American prestige, we, the undersigned members of the fac ulties of Duke Univerdty and North Carolina College, jointly 4t- press our interest in, and support of our students and others Vf o peacefully demonstrate against the practice of segregated seating in the Center and Carolina IlMatrAs here in Durham.” These economic IneasuTes .pro posed by Kennedy will help Ne groes especially. For they are harder hit by iineihploymetit, and therefore relief measures bring special advkhtages to them. « Unfortunately a reactionsry ddalitlon df Soithem IMmocrats and N6r1h«rn RepiibUcank has bloeMd moik M hticli nbnral eto- nottk neAdiMla tin pMt Eim when Congress passed stieh mya- snrea, Eisenhower veto«l lliem. This reactionary coalition it still at work in Congress. But wi^h leadership from th* Frisideiit and encouragement to ptts such liiwi iflstead of threats to veto tliun, thp^ is a Mr dianec that they wlH imss if tte peo|Ae urge thtfr Conp«ssnita aiid Baoltalhl to ii^K»t atm. ^