s/'’ ‘i ^ TMfTH ' Cb6n.e ouirvi an- IT—^icWNd iMr* ar* ) V tiM fri«^ of Mm C. T. •r lifi Wm» CM) W hvlpKii Hi* M«pl« ^ >^hl ■!! Mv*4r UHi wadding an- jltewi*rv raeiiiWy. ,AHhovgh Mm* *f Hm 9u«iI* wite aitanded ar« net fhawfii In Ml |>ie- ;ur«, Hiota wlw In Hm faatlvitia* w*r« Df, Mn. li. A. 1‘arii^ and Mrs. S. 6. McCay, Mn. lafoln Mlfch- all, Mre. Jamtt Oldhai^ Mr. #0> Mrs. G«ort« i|||att,.f^ tolM* •■'*■'“ ■ ii— Mrs. Nallta Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Horace WaHcer, Mrs. Rosa McCalium, Mrs. Elsie Harring ton, Miss Francis Harrington, W. H. Tucker, Mrs. Lovelia Kielly, Mrs. Ann Minor, Mrs. Jamct Viclters, Mrs. H. B. McDonald, Caldwell, Mr. ahd Mrs. Roberts, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Fields, VHtft, emd Mrs. L. L. Wilson, Mr*. Erma Dixon, Mrs. Sallie Bailey, Mrs. Rosa Gaines, Clarene* Wal- krr. Prof. and Mrs. L. E. Davis, Mrs. Annie Mae AAprris, and Mr. and Mrs. Janws Davis. Deaths'Funerals .1.4 Conthmed from page 5-A l|^h 12 in Mew Yorl. Lewii died Sunday. ittue i» aorvived by her sistpr, 1^ Qrtfcryn Donnell Thompson, .•llf'wrliam; thw nephews, Parh- Walter Shaw and Jethro ir, all of Durham; and d»lf,rt«ee. Cathr^-n Thompson, also ' ^ ^ - ' • ^ -^LfeR CHEATHAM Chpatham, of 2707 Fay- '^reet, diert on Snnday, 1* at his rpnirtpnc**. Tun^ hnin” ■ Swirhnre'inh and HwrTett, wera plete at ivess time. f MHtS. MARIE MOORE • Umi rit« for Mrs. Marie ikMfte. «f 1207 Cornell St., were fuamtm to be held Friday, Mar. Vf at. tile First Baptist Churlch of iaxuc: Hie Rev. W. T. Bigelow to officiate. Interment was fAeduled for the Fairview com- craietery. Monre died at Uncoln hos- on Monday. March 13. Among her Survivors is her hus- haad, ^ames Moore. ;8cari>oroagh and Hargett is con- 4«et^ arrangements. • JOieN BATCHELOR • Jotf^h ^itchelor, of Enfield, iit the Veterans hospital on Jttb. io. His body was forwarded l|^ 'BoHhery’s Funeral Home to Eafleld for burial. Batchelor is ■uotlvd by his wife, Mrs. Viola lial^9l*r. (PAT) CARTER ter, of 604 South ^ei, Hfiire hjeld at the Oetbtemine tl«9tlM.Chujt:h on Monday, il. JQi^.,„Bjev, N. X. ' at BeejilhwiM^li^l^^v'^CMer eb. dai4h id' lllrl. died ai 22. • ft: If;i ft!’ He Mrs, Aii«nd^::|^rt^i 5 Annie OMio,nj i' s«^ er; Iris niotlWj two Cart« thre«.- -Tenklns^ Mn.V^rlliti ,, ,. Mrs. glyd«.. McJNni ^andchUdrek.. j. Burthey li»n^^' |iT4>SimRits. . F^nsj^l'ser^piii Tw^ ^l^siii Jllue. 3«, were ,held the, 0»t. Gt(»e The R««. Z: b. Hai|^ ’Cii| pastoij, oftcWed. Beechwifld ‘CfHvemjr..,' Blue died in « Nf|^,york hoipl'*' tal eaily Siindf^i.^,.|ll. Ife wm 36. A native of, Dtirhvh. )^jlue grad uated from lyilsltfe, lNig|i schobl and attended, ^o^ii pirolina Col lege, buring hit lehM ^reer, he was a men\ber df the high school ^ cbUe^ bititds, feiid fev- cral iacal j^;n bind*. He , |^yed dcuQ^fi. if '■ He had .iiv^ in Sw, Vo|^ CJiiy for the past fis ■': s- * , . The dKeasiej^ it a^^Vi^ by his ni9ther, Jlrs. ‘|jfUje €i*h, of 14JS2 Maplewood Dri^iji p., t%6 iisters, Mra. SatUii ^artt^ikttd.c kiv. 'HaU^ Massie, ,bbtii of /ind one broth«r| ]Bobert^iie,. 0f |iti»ham. BurtMejr wtt M|^vC|ii^je bf ar •mm* ExcL u s if Patterson FIGHT r •, /-'X >ts -*;r ,,>■ . ■ 'H ^4 STAirriNG SUNDAY, MARCH GOLIATH & THE DRAGON REGAL THEATlE $2.50 Pint 4-SQt. Aunf Ruth's Advice to Teen-agers Dear Aunt Rulh, In our school there are some boys and girls in a gar" Two friends of mine just joined t'iis sang a nd' the leader is after 'M" to ^oin it. 1 have parents who try to do their best for me and tfiey .Would just cbout die if t^ v thoui;ht I was in a feans, I rr-’iv don’t want to join it. Au.st Tln'h, but thesfl boys am tough. I’m just siisreH. Lf-t’s face it. They told me 'he other dav to hxwrv up and make up my mind or else—and the?" ftiys don’t play. Vou may ask me w|iy I don’t tell my teacher. S‘’o would only say something in school and I would have to fac*! them outside. If I tell my parents they will come up to see the prin cipal and I’ll still be in trouble. Aunt Ruth, please tel me what ,to do. Johnny R. Dear Johnny, You do have a problem and you did' flie right thing to write me.' There are two thincs you definite ly must not do. You must NOT join that gang and you must never -panic so much when threatened that you .f^l all dhe power is on the other,, side and . you must give in to that power. Yes, I know you are* afraid but this is just the "Chatterbox Continued from page B-A ily over the death of their be- loved wife-find GLAD TO HAVE YOU. BACK .To Pearl Mangum, Mark John- iSon and Joseph Blue: Congratu lations. for a speedy recovery. We are glad to have .you back. DEDICATIONS To William Butler, “Dedicated to the One I Love.” To Constance Tilley and David Fletcher, “So Tjttle Time.” To Joan Owens and Sterling Harndon, “Hold It.” To jtfamie Harris from Joe Decata, “Everytime.” To Mary Cozart and .Tames Lawrence, “All In My Mind.” To Ronald Thomas from a secret admirer, “Find Yourself Another Girl.” To Leondras Owens from someone special, “GuesS Who.” To John Gibson, “Let No body Love Yo,u.” Well Gang—Really must Go take it easy and remember: You can’t fault a man for boing a fool, but you can fault him for letting every-, one know it. —Carolyn time your patenls have befen tee ing you about when . you, must pxcrcise your falthv Fir;^ ,o£ cli Johnny keep telling^ bo(} J||]^ yo\ir heart that you are with IJitn, Ygq doi’t hav» to asl^fa|rt|| Wwitb y'".. He (is aj\^wiMpfr yon wAiJkl I”' for vou to b'' ajvarp of Hirai ^^’’^Fnev"r you see ijo- )>^ad*r nr ."'“’V of the pang anproiwHfn'* sas silently, “I am with' you .Ga.d, X' im not with the aant!.” Maks this, votir rinfjv slopan, Pn tWs ri«rht, I'w.ny bpcattse you. mflst al*»av« ♦atr° ror-' of hnw vnu feel'lNSlWE fir^t of nil Nmv .Tnhnnv. von must at ' one about ''-is. T’^d the- Wnr/‘»tion cpnter nparrst --nur per haps you attend H. Thfl, YbH|h leader conni«eted with tfat cen-' ter has contart with the'^lliartgs In the area. You can confiiW In .him without fear. YoUth leaders* are young men trained in therpsychol- ogy of the gang. The Youth lekd- er will know how to advi*e "yBii. If you feel you cannot make'this contact alone ask the. vtot ]^ou trust the most t o 'heln ^ you. It may be a relative, a friM^ lf your famflv, the pastor or head of the r*>nrch, you go to,pleader in the YMCA^ or a boy scout leader. 'Thee are all people on your side. I hope you can f)nd one of these to help you. I aijj pray ing with you too, Johniiy deaf. Above all-r-do not go with, the gang—Go with God. Aunt Ruth NCC Alumni Planning, To Sponidr- Concert • By Roy Hamilton ' , The Durham' Chapter of th^ North Carolina College AluitHtl Association has sohedoled a tneet-> ing for Wednesday, March 22, at 7:00 P.M., at the W. D. Hill Recre- tion Center. Dodge - Dart - Lancer TRADE-INS 59 Mercury, 4-Dr.,t... IfiJS 59 Ply^ 4-Dr., H, T. . M95 Se Dodge. 4-Dr. H. T. 1395 59 Dod. Wag„ 4-Dr. . 2195 59 Chevrolet, 4-Dr. .. 1395 56. Ford, 2-Dr. 795 57 Desoto, 4-Dr, H. T. 1295 60 Simca, 4>Dr 1395 57 Dod., P. U. Va Ton 995 S3 Plymouth 4-Dr. .. 39fi 56 Dod., 4-Dr. Sed. .. 795 57 Dod. 4-Dr. Sed. .. 1295 Motors, Inc. Dodge Sales A Service Open 'Til 9 P. M. 806 W. Main St. Ph. 681-8931 N. C. Dealer No. 1964 HAYESTOWN By SANDRA L. A1.ST0N THE LAMP LIGHtpRS The Lamp Lighters met , at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wil- lipms of 626 East Emd Avenue, Sunday afternoon, March 12, at 4 o’clock. There were two new mem bers to join the club.. They were ft^iss Virginia ^ubbard and Mrs. Esther Moore. We had one visitor present, Mrs. Savator Hunter. The special guest was Mrs. Sarah Harper, Assistant Professor of Home Economics of North Caro lina College, who gave the club a very interesting discussion and demonstration bn table wttihg. After the meeting ridiqurned the ^hostess, Mrs. Georgia Winiams, served punch and assorted cook ies. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ollie Mae Hub bard. ■ THE SICK ANO StwKiN The sick pnd shut-in Ife^Mrs. Gertrude Allen, a patierrt^f" Mc Pherson Hospital; Mrs.^^JIaggie Murphy, Mrs. Rellia Sook, and Mrs. Pecrl Flowers" wKo is improving. YOU ARE WELCOl^ You are welcome to atUhd ser vices at the Orange Gr^ ;Bap- tist Church at any cc^iiSsnienl time. Come and worship,■'%tth us every Sunday. ‘ SEND IN YOUR NEWS If you have any news i\*rtis to be published under the Hiyestown news'section send it to Silildra L, Alston, 219 East End A'^iftwe' or telephone her at .681-2115. 4 All For The Love of Sporb in By ED SWETT At times it seems that nothing is worth writing about except the things that can’t be put'"into words. For instance, every night about that time, there c^es a pause ’twixt the dark and the daylight that is. known as the cocktail hour. It’s during this solemn in terlude that we who comprise an assemblage of not too intellect ual sports analysts, we. who have conquered the intricacies of the parlay, if and feverse, we whd have marveled at the grace of a punchy welterweight poised fOr a dive, gather for the exchange of considered opinion, at the corner 6i the bar. The love of sports is the only possible reasoiji for this associa tion. Otherwise, the census shows thst we are Joe, a junior execu tive ' who looks older than that; Bob, a radio announced who tells dirty stories but with voice and dicti^; Terry, th« naw member with a thlrrt for .k*owle#8e; Doc^ tor Bill, a de«^ IjiSi thjrfrtr Bigsie, Su'fio horm,^ mldotn 3een, who dtiai>|^Mn; aoA liifyMf. Viewed frbrti Orta .»ngl« We aw as far apart li a^'aeedy dandidioo in a high wind. Ifet night aftisr night we meet' aa If thar.* wet* demerits few * Pn* we pull .iip bu# liighthairsi nod our orde^ for the ittual to a bar tender, and cbadeatrate on the talk *11^^ Htimor I# n ^let yw «n I1WC *» the tediiui?,' m tidn, Uit n^titi*h >1 day' di!|»| vmf. .world^ an yresa for bt phq^ A* »«h Wvl6M« ow^ j we’w jnl* ‘ flashing hlglj. Jnc* igall(k;. malinit th« Gristing iMp Juit inags the toiKhdoWn paas; ' mm CST coiomu stbieT| NU-TREAT OLEO- COTTAGE FROZEN FRY POTATOES 2 . WhenlTdii iC )Lb. f Pkg. POPULAR BRANDS HAAft (E8NTIR mOlt . _. . . , flWiFTt fRY-PAH SLICED Bacon , "'i.- !■ ■*"■' ''■! i-'i 'I - CURTON'S 6-PORTION BREADED I v:r,a . PERCH . W . , 1^0Z.PKG. Sk FRANKS . : U.S.D.A. GRADE "A” FANCY YOUNG *OASI&«jX. _ Chicken " Frosen Fomi I I CS SLICED MORTON POT PIES •H -vex. - SEAW , STRAWBERRIES.. SK'rVuWEY ^ I SEABROOK FARMS CUT ' l URIVCI ' j3REEN BEANS.. SEABROOK FARMS CHOPPED SPINACH, ^ WHOtl iAiV Q|0||iVV> tMORfoK APPLE PEACH ■ frozen |Piis COCOANUT... HnSm I BIG SAVINGS NOW! ' W7f wr ^ACKER'S LABEL Jt t^nch " SAVE 5c OUR PRIDE BUTTERMILK ' ^ • BISCUITf 1% 5,; OFF ARMOUR BEEF Me OfF ARMOUR li tfV MMMU N«1|| • STEW.. - 39* CH//i^ 2'’^49f. MEAT 2 SAVE 12c CS ALL-PURPOSI AMfRICAN OIL QUART ONLY LIMIT QUART WfTN MOW, PLEASI SAVE 32c STARKIST LIGHT MEAT CHUNlC Sardinnpi TUNA MILD RINDLESS ,, .. BLOCK CHEESE lb. 49e NO.M CAlk m • • •■f.f f: YANvn yy X I SALE URGE JUIdr FLORIDA' V GRAPEFRUIT 5* NEW RED I ' ^ — V POTATOES .. 5» ■ J FRESH GREEN CABBAGE...» 5« URGE FANCY BILL IMt • • • « j !Ap/S«fS,*.»5» I STORE HOURS: Monday, Tue;jsday and W to, 6t00 :';Thursday & Friday—8:30 a.m, to 9:00 pjm. PEPPERS«»CH 5. SAVE as you spend with/GOLD BOND ?4‘ .'AM