ms TIM£^ ^ nVMWU. I, mi "THI TRUTH UMl«ICUq*‘ •ALL sransoxs—Her* ar« the Wtwhiri «f Hm Z«ta Nu ch«p- Hr «f Zita Mil Beta torori'.y^ wtiWi It tpMiaering a dfbutantis ball at tha Hayts-Taylor YMCA ,in Greensboro Saturday night. Saatsd in the foreground are Mssdames Ruth Dailoy, Salli'a Williams, Lillie Harris, Ruth Gore and Carrie Shipp. Seated left to right in the center are Mrs. Wiljie Core, , Miss Ru!h Comer, Mrs. Oliv« Lee, MIm Anne Allen, Mrs. Queenie Bell, Mrs. Odeassa Harris, Mrs. Clara Morehead, Miss Florence Irvin, Mrs. Mary Miss Thom- asine Millar *11# ^r>>. Mami* Twrner. 12fh Anmial "Mr. G's" Swing !$chool Set For K llside Auditorium The Twtlfth Annual “Mr. G’s” 9*1ng School, a musical produc- Mm ittieitas a typical classroom 4mm >ci v3 rhjn^/m. rhyme, will (Uged in the Hillside High Cibeol auditorium on Tuesday aMht, April 11, at 8 p.m. lanior co-ed Claudine Daye will PWtary the role of Miss Brown, tke iwinE ichool teacher, as she tifiiea her twanty-eiglit pupils thbai^ their paces in “reading rit'- btg, Uid rith’metic” all set to mu- iic. . WilBam Stewart will be cast as A jMcial examiner for the swing '■tOHttt body. I itiual, four other big musical tioD numbers, with song daace routine, will be staged tone llfi Hillside students. • *TWnty-two coeds will be pre- '•Mrfed in special girls’ precision Um, which includes prac- tlfetllf all the latest modern dance that are now popular with niovie personalities. , Wrfoara Eaton, senior, will ren- jy. the beautiful soprano select- .W^'djet Yourself Go,” while the go through their routine, production number, a win feature forty-three of the cast as they por- the all-time favorite “Cin- :,'i jRMmette Walker as the princess Lany Spann as Prince Charm- will head the cast for the tale number which will also ■iMture Marie Shaw, Doris John- V^jean Jones, John Faulk- j^to«J>wight Midgett, ind Thomas 'flllith io iead roles. Twelve cwples will be featured traditional “senior waltz” lq;the tune of “An- * .T Stanley Fischer and Beautricia Hill will capture the spotlight as dancers virtuosos and vocalists. As a finale, a patriotic number, ■‘This Is My Country,” will be featured with the entire cast tak ing part. Foy Shaw, sophomore baritone, will be heard as soloist. The annual swing school is spon- pored by the Hillside Chapter of the National Honor Society, and is directed by Prof. John H. Gattis, who will be featured at the con sole organ. Mrs. M. Jeanne Lucas is drama tics director, Mrs. D. D. Garrett, cheography diector, and Ms. G. M. Harris, costume and set consul tant. Home Pronj and College® Durham is seeing quite a few faces that have been missing for the most part since last September (Christmas excepted). Home from Oakwood School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. are Kenneth Spaulding, Charles C. Sapulding, III and David Cook. From Allen High, Asheville are Rita Alston and Judy -Grandy and guests, who are also students at Allra. » * • Major Geer, Jr., a freshman at Howard University, spent the holidays wi*h his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major Geer on Dunston St. * * * William A. Clement, Jr., was home from Morehouse College for the holidays. Coming to Durham with “Billy” was John Kennedy, .-'’so a student at Morehouse. Froqi Mcrehouse also,came L. D..,Biiown and Clifton \WlliHHis,'i ■■■ Miss Betty Jo Goodloe was home on a two weeks sjwing vacation from Vassar College.' Miss Good loe had as her house guest for a week Miss Linda McLean from Brooklyn, N. Y., also a student at Vassar. * * • Miss Patricia Spaulding is spend ing her spring vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Asa Spauld ing on Lincoln Street. Miss Spauld ing, a language major, is a senior at the University of Michigan. Miss Marsha Goodwin, a fresh man at Spelman College, spent the Easter holiday with her mother and grandparents, Mrs. Margaret K. Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy, Jr. Richard Taylor, a freshman at Voorhees Junior College, spent the holidays with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor on Masondale Avenue. Mrs. Van Somb€sek iMt^rteins Lane College Profc js^or Mrs. Ludmilla Van Sombeek of 1903 Essex Road had as her week end guest Dr. .Ajllen; Ward, head of the Speech Department at Lane College, Jacksoft, Tenn. Dr. Ward was one of the. speakers during Religious Emphasis Week at N. C. College. Mrs. Van Sombeek ■garo’aTuiicIv eon at her home in his honor to meet friends from Duke Univer sity; also a reception Saturday evening to meet and speak to Ba ha’i friends. Since Dr. Ward is a^ member of the Baha’i World Faith' his spiritual messages were ap preciated by all. Price St. Club Sets Anniversary Affair The Price Street Neighborhood Club is celebrating its Twenty- siyth Anniyersary on Monday eve- nin^/3%il-fld|at W. £». Hill Rec- Center for the Aged, Childville, ln«. and others. In '.iiia picture Of THE YEAR Zata Chapter, el Unritr, i* »U1I for its haying Batson as af Mm Yi 'V tmr unealfish I j^p^ifriiatiefM at the NAACP, f;ie Maria Lawton | the Basileu* of D«lta Alpha Zi*ta,, Soror Almira„^.^oursey (in Center) look»-^j^ylpj|ii gen- to ^e extreme left, Mrc. Bat* I ulne approval. The pre^ntation son Bee*pt* the Zeta Award from was maifa at a ricent Dimer at Soror Pansy Border* (extreme the St. George Hotel In Brook- Zeta Regional Director of' | lyn. New York, the Middle Atlantic Region, The Franklinton Chr^ter of the National Association of College Women met on Sunday afternoon at 3.00 o’clock at the Congrega tional Christian Church. A devotional period was con ducted by Mrs. Ada Waller. The pjresident, Mrs. Doris Best pre sided over the meeting. Plans were made to sponsor The Shirley School of Dance, Ijlay 27 at 8:00 o’clock at the Riverside High School Gym in Louisburg. Mrs. Mable Davis made a report on boxes being sent to Korea for the needy. Garments are still be ing collected, as other boxes will be sent. ? The Club will worship rsat the Warrenton First Baptist 'Church, Sunday, April 16. i Hostesses were Mesdames Sadie Suitt and Alice Hawkjnsj Attractive arrangements o f spring flowers were used £ari:deco- rations) carrying out the Easter theme. A social hour followed-and refreshments were served- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siudos and family. Dr. and Mrs. M.n?. King and daughter of New York, and Mrs. Catherine Anderst^i of Wash ington, D. C. spent the Easter holidays with their mother, Mrs. A. W. King. . - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilder and daughter of Newark, N. J., visited thei rpf^'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wilder for Easter. Miss Evelyn Kearney, Columbus Kearney and Edward Joyner from N. J. spent the holidays with their parents. / Mesdames Dorothy McGirt of At lanta, Ga., and Ozetta Kain of Washington, spent the holidays with their* mother, Mrs. Board. Miss Olivia Holden of Cheester- field, S. C. spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Jones. We are grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Nathaniel Collins, husband of Mrs. Rolline Collins-, who was found d^d. in );|s..pl8ee reation Center. All clubs are in vited. Music will be rendered by the White Rock Men's Gospel Chorus. Miss- Annie Dunnigan Is president. of businesy TUeidsy. - Mrs. Gertrude Pe&y |Ci«mit Wynn of Detroit, Mich., ipent Easter holidays wit& Mr. and Mrs. James Alston and lanfiily. Mr. Joe B. Mann, Jr., of N. Y- spent the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Mann Sr. Mrs. Atwater Visits Father Mrs. Virgie Atwater Proctor is here visting her father, Mr. Frank Atwater, who is ill. Mrs. ,P];pctpr is from Lbs Angelei, Califorhia. Durhamites Spend Holiday in Naahville Mr. and- Mrs. L. B. Davis and Mrs. Evelyo Kennedy motored to Nashvipe, Tenn., to spend the Easter hoUdays with ttyeir daugh ters, Misses Helen DavU and Eve lyn Kennedy, both ireihlqen at University. L. B. Paris, a .dental ^udent a t Howard IMlversity joined his parenti in Aabaville for the trip to Nashville. *,• * 1 personal Mr. and Mrs. Kehneth Marring ton came down from PhjlaiiMphia, Pa., to spend tha pastel* holidays with Mrs. Herrrngton’l j)arents, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. BouI#kre on The Happiest Mother Mrs. Ruth y^healer i^wa was ju4 about thb ha^pi^t mother ever, fhen her twin softs, David and Richard, Cam« frpiii Atlanta to spend Easter With htr. 25 Studenfs On Durham Business > College Honor Rf.ll M jitU;lqpts ;;ajhp morlc tUn hiMipr ,^(jli for ,khe ..W.iptQr .QwartQT. Of ^lin tfttal honor stu.’ents. ^iren oh taint’d on "A” avora'’e o'" 2 75 and above. Thpse making an “A” aver age were Joy?e Flowers and Louise rinbbs. of Tjachey, N. C. an.l Shir ley Andrews of Robcrsonville. Stu dents making the "B” honor roll which range from averages of 2.00 to a.74 are, (in the order rank): Milftred Dennis, Taylors, S. C., LcsSie Fdrrior, Rose Hill, Jean Lassiter, Pittsboro, Bertha Under wood, Kinston; Jean Deans, Lu- cama; Su.sie Pickens, Roswell, Georgia; Josephine Clements, Greenville, Georgia; Annette Whit ley, Princcton; Delphine Hatcher, Warsaw, Virginia Boone, Arapa hoe, Ann WilSon, Liberty; Sylvia Eaddy, Johnsonville, S. C.; Chest er Pace, Louisburg; Lizzie Smith, Hamilton, Georgia; Carolyn Miles, Greenville, S. C.; Doris Wilson, Stokes; Jjucinda Edwards, Chapel Hill; Bernie Jenkins, Rembert, S. C.j Patricia McDaniels, Yancey- vijie; Shf^ia Stpner, Clarksville, T^iui.; Shirley Reese, Greensboro, ,a|}d /(ftn^la .Will^ns, Cliffside. Durhamites Attend Presbyterian Synod Pr. C. E. Bpuleware and Dr. R Randolph represented Covenant Presbyterian Church at the 11th annual pieeting of the Catawba Sy nod of the Council of United Pres byterian Men which convened at Johnson C. Smith University, ing was “The Role of the Church March 25’26. Theme for the meet in a World-Wide Social Revolu tion.” On Sunday afternoon, during the Grand Convocation, the Synod presented Johnson C. Smith Uni versity $500. Dr. Randolph made In runhing ^luini^, you not only have to on tlvi job your self but you havl ib • ii« that others are oh tiie jflb-^^' most fati- gqipg occupation, - ST. JOSEPH’S A. M. E. CHliRCH “Serving q World Pariab with Cfariat Silica IMS’* MELVIN CHESTER SWANN, The Minister MRS. G. A. WINSLOW, Mnister of Music JAMES H. ROBINSON, Minister of Christian Education FAYETTEVILLE STREET DURHAM, NORTH CARO I IN A Sundfy> Apjril 9,1961 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL “The Source of True Wisdom” Miss Marie Faulk, Superintendent 11:00 A.M. MORNING SERMON Subject: ORSmP Tlie Minister titude”. 7:00 P.M. MUSIC • 3Ch» SspJfiT qiiQir Mrs. Minnie Gilmer fit the Cqfuole Joseph TA jHitchell, Directing ,, ^ EVENINC^ORSHIP Tb# Mifdster 1 MUSIC The Qospel Clioir ; Mrs. M. W. Gilmore at the Console , FREE PARKING ON ST. JOm>H STBaST 111 loving remembrance of my husband, James Branch who de parted this life, Saturday, Novem ber 12, 1960. Juat four months and three days Tdday at I wonder over the past You come to me so fresh and gaj' You will ever, ever last. How 1 miss you, loved one, how 1 miss you. The time is so sad to me. If I could see and tell youT^ How happy I would be. My home is sad without you. Your shadow of life is cast. I will never forget you loved one, ^ often I think of the past. TemptpOon and hard trials You said in life would come If I’d lie true and-sinccre t would meet you in the great *' fa«yortd. You are absent from your home— your vacancy cart’t be filled I pftett itudy and promise Tp be- submissive to my Father’s ■ will.' Loved one all through sorrow and sadness as All thru Ufe we go I’ll never forget your instruction, saying ■Xou must be pure to go. ^ often you did advise me. Not to let temptation overthrow I labor under that impression As ^ough life I onward go. Your life you lived and practiced Was so wholesome and so pure It constrainedme every day loved one, To be honest and to be true. We have met many conflicts Trials and combat too I think of your dear teaching and I am determined to go through I think how you bore Your afflictions though you suffered much I know How you said you left me that evening ^ this world of pain and woe. Qpo^bye,. goodbye to you dear loved one. fbough tears in my eyes 1 have I will never forget that happy Union in our home You used to share. Written by Mrs. Katie Branch, wife Wi1 minffton :y L. AXN -tr .U . ' ' Marvin John.^o:i, m3 ': o '!’’I'S and science teach -r at t:u Will'R- •:o’i Senior lli'^h S-‘hool, along ivi;i» Ernest Dicks, 10th gra.’e, an 1 Konnth Johnson, 11th srade, will represent the school at the forth coming Junior Science Symno.iium to be held at A. and T. Collore, Greensboro, April 13-16. Williston is among the lifteon high schools s^lasted hv the North Carolina State Dept, of Eilucafion for this signal honor. The U. S. Army Research OfHce (Durham) is financing the Symposium. The theme “Research in Progress—Sci ence In the Making,” will be ad dressed by Professor Samuel P. Massie of Fisk Universi'y, current ly on loan to the National Science Foundation. Other honors comin-? to Willis- ton, via its students, this year ar": Misses Mattie Wilson, winner in her division of a desk lanp, in the recent N. C. College Coramerre Day Contest, with the trophy go ing to the school; Minnie Brown, third place winner in the Omega Talent Hunt; Frances McIntyre, who attended the State Library Convention; and Delores Roane, best supporting ac'ress in the Dis trict and State Festival. Also Messrs Wade Chestnut, who atteni- ed.the Columbia Scholastic Asso ciation Convention, held at -' Co lumbia University, N. Y. City; Benjamin Spaulding, an award for the best actor in the District and Slate Drama Festival, with Collin Bull and Therman, Burgtss Ueinp for the best supporting actors: Philip Flood, second place winner Bishop Walls, 12 Others To Go To Oslo, Norway CHICAGO, ni. — Bishop W. J. Walls, secretary. Board of Bishops, AME Zion Church, announced hefe this week that twelve per sons would represent the dcnomi nr-tion at the World' M?thodist Conference, Osfo, Nor.vay, August 14-25. The delegation .is scheduled to leave by Scandanavian Airlines from New York, Aus’ust 10. It is the hope of many that' th"y will be able to tour the Fjords anc •'ther Asiactic countries. They also plan to go to Paris, Stokholm, Cop enhagen and Frankfort, Rome Florence and Venice are also be ing contemplated b;^ the ?roup. Bishop W. J. Walls will ht>ad the delegation. Other bishops who re slated to make th? trip are: j , O'n -’; ’a' pt Hunt «id Frar.l; liars r?pr. Sfuting the ^is- ir.; ' r.nd Sitle. Bas!;e'.ball Touroa- mrrt, with tho runner up troghy, : and Lee Manrpe, ;h? District Bas- I k ;Va!l Chnmnioashlp T r o p h y., : Both trophies went to the schqol. I The work of the patients of I Cai i TB Sanitorium was shown, in [ slices recently at the R. R. Taj^or l^pmes Community Center. I 'Mrs.'eMs Walker, R.N., iH(ho I works with the TB Health A|ao- I ciation of New Hanover County, I headed the affair and had as I” guests Mmes L. L. -Nash, Ex^u- tive Sccrf’tarv of the TB He^th A-nsociation of New Hanover Cojin- t,v, and Marlev of McCain, who ex plained the slides to the audieiyie. Represented were the Frai^es Council Nurses Unit, named for Mrs. Frances Council, superv^or for the Nurses Unit, who helped to conduct devotions. Mrs. Walker is the wife of pr. H. Clrrence Walker, P. E. of jhe New Bnrn District of the N. C. Ccnfcrcnce of the AME Churi^. Nev;ly installed members of j|he Wilmington Chapter of Jack |nd Till, Inc. are; Mmes. Sarah AV«- ham, Helen Newsome Bond, Jttn- ne Keith, Marg:aret Bond and !^r- tha Todd. Following the installation cjre-. monips, the initiates were joined by. th''ir husbands In a plea^nt social hour. Mrs. L. W. Upperiii, served a delightful rep Mrs. Betty Davis i* president.! Mrs. Luzelia Campbell, a sen memb'?r of St. Stephen A. MJ Church and wife of Walter Camp bell of Miller St., died after a Ifng ■liners. Funeral arrangements incomplrt». George Allen, former Wilming ton businessman now of Corma, V. Y., is in the city due to |ha death of his brother-in-law, Jnob Marshall. T S. ut^pnts and teachers h o ^ e ''rnm th" various colleges for Us- ter vacation are: Herbert MatjUel or N. C. College: Miss F. P. WUte of Columbia, S. C.; Owen Jaclaon of Howard University; Miss Nata- Mp Ja-kson of Hampton Institute; ^ihn Herbert, Shaw; Misses Diro- *'iy .M-lvin and Barbara Str^gj Stale Teachers College, Fay^te* >'i!la—H'rbert Harris, Columbia Univertity, New York City; I, J. Miller, Jr., and Mrs. Miller, ptu- rlent and Critic teacher of Teach ers College, Fayetteville. Ifng r Herbert Be^l Shaw, Step^icn CillT 5pottswoo-l, William Ar.'irew Stew ■>rt, William Mil on Smith and Daniel Carlton Pope. OUrr cfele- ■*ates are, Drs. J. W. Eichelb?rrcr, W O. Carrington and J, C. Hr gard, alon« with Mrs. A!)bii- J.? , son and Mrs. Willa Uice. Accredited visitors ara: ' ’W Andwers, Alexander Barner 'I. W. jSherrill, D. P. Wisjon’. ,T. H.j Brookett, Drs. J. Van Cr' -dcf*, F S. Hardge, A. P. Morr ~ und P Sawyer, along with .s. Am 1I15 Tucker and Sirs.' t. i Ta-.Ior. Dr. Bouler ure ; Associaf! n Speaker | Dr. C. E tiouleware spoke to the PalmF,' J State Education As- socialtlon ist week at its annual I meetinf in Columbia, S. C. The' Assoc\ •'ton’s general theme was: rjuci-.un's Challenge in the Six-’ tifP, , SCARROROTTGH^ and HARGETT FtwgyAit: B'BKCTORai Scarborough and Ifcrgett flu- n'.ral Home is now pleased to nnnotmce a new Funeral m- s'iranc'i Plan that is bellev^ 10 be the Hest and lowest '■ Bt e-'er offor'id to :>■ "vhere. Thi* uriiquo plan '■If -3 even', membef o.f fai il.y pool hVallh tinder — will be about'01 Half of '"’ at vou Would enpfct t-1 nav, Yf«'i li ve it to y6nrg|lf vo'tr family to inveitlg^ this lo " 01^ protection today. Tile cla^-n is piild off in caah to the b-nefieiary you nanie, ^url in anoiint* to suit you. Pick lip your nhone now and rail or write Scarborough and ir.nrg >ft FTmoral Home, ypu Will be fflad you did. “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church WHITE KOCK SQUARE DUKMAM, NOKTH CAROLINA MILES MARK F1S1IE«. Poatoi Sunday, April 9,1961 8:45 A.M. 9:30 A.M. CALL TO WOKSHIP ElectronlM SUNDAY SCHOOL IKSSON— -‘‘The Source of True V/isdom” Proverbs 1:2-7; Job 28:20-28 Review of Lesson by the B. F. Page Family Dr. Charles A. Ray, Superintendent 11:00 A.M. t.‘looking Back to^’^aster” The Pastor ’ ' Gattis, Director I* T ‘ Gospel Chorus, Mrs. R. W. Southerland, i.llii Directress , .# 1S^:30 P.M. Baptist Training Union Ira Murcl.ison rirr’ctor . 7:30 P.M. “Program by A. T. Torrence District

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