WHEST DURHAM in mohwsvilli CHOIR OBSERVES MTH ANNIVERSARY The Senior Choir of New Bethel Baptist Church observed its 60th anoivenary Sunday evening at t:30. The speaker for the occa- idon was Rev. J. E. Thorpe, pas tor of Cameron Grove Baptist ■Church. Music was rendered by the Cameron Grove Choir. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Terrill, the ‘ two oldest members who have ;reodered service since the choir ;was first organized, were present- .fd gifts for their faithful services. iThe next oldest member, Mrs. Ella McBroom, who has been serving the second highest number of years was recogni2ed. The officers of the Senior Choir •re: President, Mrs. Susie Walker; Vice President; Mr. W. E. TerriU; Secretary, Mrs. Mary Glover; As- ftistant Secretary, Mrs. Julia John- •on; Treasurer, Mrs. Ella Mc- Broom. The organist and direct ress of the choir are Mrs. Inez Vickers and Mrs. Maude Laster. VISITORS ' Bennie Torain, son of Mrs. Mary Torain, was home visiting his niother for Mother’s Day. He is . away attending school in Wash- , ipgton, D. C. I-1 'Miss Hattie Pratt was also home ’ vjsiting her parents for Mother’s ""J)ay. She is in school in Wash- ; Ington, D. C. at Cortez-Peters Busi- - College. r'; mrs. Carrie Freeland of New * Vork is visiting relatives in the eity. .^outh Day Program St. Joseph’s Sun. ■ .St. Joseph’s A. M. E. Church j ^'Will observe Youth Day Sunday urilh two special programs. ' ; Henry Melvin, of Livingstone '> CoUese, will speak at the regular 4l:00 o’clock morning worship. tThe Rev. W. H. Robih.son, director ' (ff Christian Education and Youth • Work at St. Joseph’s, will speak Jot the evening service. Mrs. Dunnigan Shiloh Speaker For Women MORRISVILLE — Wora*n’» Day was observed , at Shiloh Baptist Church last Sunday. Misi Annie Dunnigan, teacher in the Durham Citjr school system, was the prin cipal speaker. CONFINED Mrs. Daisy Burroughs, of the Morrisville community, remains in Lincoln hospital this weak where she was reported improv- isg. Deacon Matthew Mills, on the disabled list for several weeks, at tended church services for the first time in several weeks last Sunday. CITY EMPLOYEES FETED SATURDAJ AT HILL CENTER A “Get Acquainted Party” for the employees of all the city de partments was staged at W. D. Hill Community Center Saturday night. The party was given by the em ployees of the recreation departr ment. It was the first suoh event held. It is in line with the city manager’s program of; moi^ale building. One hunflrfed and twenty five employees and their giiests. attended. ' The department having the high est percent of employees prraent was designated the Honor departs ment. The distinction went to the Sanitation Department . . A picnic for employees and' their families is being pUntied for July. ' ■ Martin L. King To Address Baptist Meet ST. LOUIS, Mo.—the 59th An nual Session of the National Sun- av School and BTU Congress win be held in St. l^^iis, Mwiouri, Camp Graham 0|m House as Srason Nears The Bright Leaf Girl Scout Cpuncil held it’s annual Coupci) meeting at Camp Graham on Sun day, May 21 at 2:30 p.m. The Council honored D. J'. Amnott o Durham by naming the Camp Graham d.VinS hall “Amnott Hall” in hbnor of work as chair man. of the council’s camp devel opment committee. A gold plaque, on behalf of the Council was pre sented to him. An Open House followed the Council meeting. Friends and par ents were given the opportunity to view the campsite. Members of Intermediate Troop No. 67, Anne Bibby, Ethel Rictiardson and Claudette Free served as Junior Camp Guides during the opfen House. These girls are members of a newly formed group, The Junior Camp Committee. Happy Pals Cliil^ pnte^ins Moms ' * Tlj©, .Haroy" Social Club held a 'fo? at the home of Mrs. Elmit-* FlintaH of Price Street on Sufliday, ilay 7 from four to sir in.tN afternoon, honoring their mothersr^. Friends of the Club members alsv enjoyed the affair. Red and white roses and spring flpWer aifrangemehts decorated the ;lovely hoMe.> Miss Amelia Harp er and Mrs. Josie Powell poured tea while Mrs. Mary Taylof the club' president,- was busy takiaj pictured Mrs. Lola Clark of Philadelphia, ■Pa,, mxrther of Mif^s Virsiri.i Rog ers-was an out-of-town guest. Jllne ia to !^5, ir. Keil Auditorium. On Friday, June 23, Dr. Martin Uithcr King, Jr., will be iho fea- fured speaker. State Prexy Assists In Arrangements For Garden Clubs Meet ' Mrs. Emma Randolph, state president of N. C. Garden Clubs, journeyed to Winston-Salem last week-end to take a ,peek at the Ctate of the Convention Program, and Offer “an assist” in concluding arrangements for the state con vention which will be held at Win ston-Salem Teachers College, Wip- sion-Salem, June 4-6. * * * Mrs. Virginia W. Alston spent Mother’s Day at Allen High in Asheville with her daughter, Rita who is a student there. The Reuben F. Westons spent I Mother’s Day in Winston-Salem with Mrs. Weston’s parents. Bloodworth St. 'Y' Launches Annual Drive RALEIGH — The annual mem- ship enrollment of the Blood- worth Street YMCA will begin this week and continue through June 23 it has been announced i Jjy Cecil H. Flagg, General Chair man. Associate Chairmen are A. E. Brown, J. C. Raiqes and Dr. N. H. Harris. E. L. Raiford will serve as executive secretary for the campaign. A general meeting of campaign workers will be held at the “Y” on Friday evening, May 26 at 8 P.M. for the issuance of materials and instructions. Al. campaigners have been urged to attend. The campaign colonels for the drive include: Lex Coalsson, W. W. Hurdle, John Winters, J. M. Hollo- way, D. Loronza Haywood, J. C. Washington, J. is. Sorrell, M. O. Jones, Archie Smith, Robert How ell, Andrew Fellers, C. L. Ander son, Welton Jones, At.y. George Browon, Jr., HioinM %. Km, §*o. F. Newell, Alexander Banei, Rev. Howard Cunningham, Dr. Grady D. Davis, Rev. D. N. Howard, C. N. Coble, D. H. Reid, B. F. John son, Edward T. Joyner, Thonu* Chavis, and Primus Sloan. The Bloodworth Street YMCA is a United Fund Agency and spon sor a varied program with locial, civic, educational, religious and recreational activities. BIRTHS •'The fc^owiiiig births were re ported to ’the Durham County Health Department dui)ing the week of May 19 through 20. Willie and Dorothy Brooks, boy; Charles and Ruth Leathers, boy; George and Doris Burton, girl; Hubert and Rosa Smith, boy; Jas. and {LeVora Hickson, boy; Arthur and Marie Outen, girl; Roosevelt and Carol Weeks, boy; Lemuel and Gladys Walston, boy; James and Margery Lewis, boy; Melvin and Eloise Brown, girl; Nathaniel and Hattie Richardson, boy. At least 50 important U. S. Crops depend on insects for polli- ntion. I SAT., MAY 17, mi "TMl TRUTH T|»P jsoClAUr SCIEMTlkr—|>r. George Breathett, a member of the history faculty of BenneM Cellefle, Greensboro, was ele- vatid to the presidency of the Aseoclaiton of Social Science Teeehei> at their annual con vention. in Washington, D. C. recentlif’ Or. Breathett, who was niemed president-elect , at the ai^sociation's 1960 meeting in Charlotte, holds the doctpr- ate degree from the University of Iowa an4 has done consider able research ^nd publication . . In' the area of l'h« French Ca ribbean. NORTH CAROLINA LJRHAM COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOB COURT NOTICE OF SALI In the Matter of THOMAS BAIL- !, JRi. Executor of the Eatate THOMAS BAILEY, SR., Deceased. UNDER AND bt virtue of the power and authority contained in ITEM 13 of the Last Will and Tbtament of THOMAS BAILEY. Sft.,. the same having been fully probated in solemn term, and Letters of Testa mentatT hating been duly tssaeo the undersigned Executor on the 30th day of March,. 1960, said Executor will offer fM’ sjle.at t>ublic auction to the hip est bidder for cash the following lots or parcels of land at 12:00 Noon on the 20th day of June, 1961, at the Court House Door in Durham County: 1. BEGINNING at a point where the North side of Fowler Avenue intersect^ the east side ff Pickett Street, and running thence with ihe east side of Pickett Street ^rth 05 degrees East 65.2 feet to a stake, Mrs. E. E. Massey’s southwest corner; thence South 86 degrees east 60 feet to a stake; thence North 05 degrees East 12 feet to a stake; thence South 86 degrees East 31.74 feet to a ttake, Mrs. E. E Massey's southeast cor ner; thence South 05 degrees West 77.2 feet to the North side of Fow ler Avenw; fkcMM ude (A aaid AMHiiff. grees West n.74 iiit ginning, eoatainiig IV\ Men. S« Deedi frOA " Myers Toiieeco L. F. Maaeey on , office of the Regiate jf I Dwrham Coaaty ia Page 2SS. The ab#*^ property is known m 403 Fowler Avenue, also made to Deed Page 232. The above deseribeA. will be sold together «r ly This sale is made tub taxes of record, both County, and assessaientv^ A cash deposit of ten (10%> shall be required " sale shall remain open (10) days to receive bids, if any. This 23rd day at Hay, 1M1> THOMAS BAILEY. JR., Executor of the Eatate tt THOMAS BAILEY, SB. J4«y 27, June 3, 10. 17 VISITS IN CITY Mrs. Lula Gomez spent ■ or two in Durham this week M her return from Hickoty. She spent two weeks visitiaf MIm Pearl Henderson ia Hickbcy. GOSH MOMMY! TOMMY AND I ARE SO GLAf> YOU AND DADDY BOUGHT A MOiUMENTAL NOME ■PB w in^imBn m niH bb wIwBiIb They are all new for 1969— We each have our own bedroom now!!! PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 37.84 3-1726 --CjSM,UCT PER MONTH Bmllt by the mott experieneeM mud truMted ktUe huUderg in AmerUm todmyt Lowett pugmetU*:i Bl§he$t quality!! It you arc tired »t remttmy- - dmn’t temnt to live in crowded emiiditiona, mnd you own tjour own lot or can mequire one, c«l| or lu to> day!!! And with no red tmpe you ttmrt mwrnkty mmd liv Im vour eton home now! CALL NOW OPERATORS Oli Mil U mm% k DAY limited free OFFERl INTRODUCING NEW 19^1 MODELS! MAIL COUPON 6EF0RE MAY 29TH & RECEIVE FREE PLUMBINQ A WIR ING MATERIALS FOR YOUR NEW MONUMENTAL HOME!! PAYMENTS LOWER THAN EVER!! NEW ENTIRELY DlFFERfeNT tlNANCING PROGRAM CAN INCLUDE ALL NATIONALLY KNOWN BRAND NAME COMPLETION MATERIALS! MORE FIRSTS BY THE NUMBER 1 QUALITY HOMt BUILDERS— MONUMENTAL HOMES!! ^Tlicludea permits, foundation, exterior completely finished, interior partion- ing and painting!! Save up to 50% by completing the interior uniler the fuiduice of MOI^UMENTALS peraonalized building service and thrift budget plan!! CAN’T GALL? SEND GOUPOlN 1 For • Valuable Free Illustrated IjCI uwners colored Booklai MAIL THIS COUPON TO D-23 MONUMENTAL ENGiriEERING, INC. 117 W. WASHINGTON ST., GREENSBORO, N. C. The booklet you will receive describes in detail the numerous key features of Monumental homos, together with many sugg;«tion^ and ideas you will gladly welcome. No obligation—no cost—mail this coupon before midnight Monday, May 22 and you will reccivn free plumbing and wiring materials for your new Monumental Home! PLEASE FILL IN THE FOLLOWING r>n vou own a lot? YES ( ) No ( ) NAME: Address T. ‘ ritv State Phone . > .,1 A ; ; i a new kt 1 ELECTRIC RANGE Your family will enjoy better food and You cook faster with half the heat, with- you’U enjoy flaraeless electric cooking. Kitchens stay up to 16* cooler, becausa the heat is transferred directly from s]i»« face units into the paa and to your food out adding two quarts of unnecessary vapor daily as with old-fashioned stoves. Flameless electric ovens are insulated on all six sides, holding the heat where it belcmgs. ^XJCAN: Flameleas electric cookinsr is clean m cooldiig can be. There is no eombastion; therefort, no soot, smoke or srrime to blacken pots and pans or Boil kitchen curtains and walls.. EASY: Modem electric ranges have a con venient selection of pre-set controls to eliminatt guesswork. Yon measure yoor cooking heat as easily as you measure cooking ingredients. The thermostati cally controlled surface unit makes your pots and pans automatic; prevents boil-overs and burned food. '' HEALTHFUL: Kitchen air stains gardtaB-fresli and ftme-free. No oxygen is consumed by fUunelest tiectrie cooking^ See the handsome, worE-eavlng, eool>cooking dectric ranges at your favorite electric appliance dealer or Duke Power, DU POWER COMPANY (Sito£nsL il: T

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