w ■4 i I IS-i m' I I 111 ' ‘ ’ •■/ Stanford L Warren Public Litjrary Pnyotteville St 7-1/1 ★ ★ Sue to Integrate VOLUME 38 — No. 7 > . ft. C, SAtURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982 PRICE: 15 CmU MTURN REQUESTED Edisnlmi YoEilhs In Sit-in To Face In Wake Of Prbt^ EJDENTON — FUur. Megro youths and their adidt leader, charged in connqcUon with antl- segregation demonstratldis, will be given jury trials in the April 2 term ot Chowan Superior Court. Justice qJ^the Peace Ralph o£iicM siii^ ine|li ;||ilc^etinc. Coim^^at^, , of police brutall'ty]^ aiikiw chiiNt of, tollce Leo wiin tield to iMer- al a»4 itaie '‘»w eidter^mmt ,offlcei^'%' lMn|cs. * ’, A«f^r4I|tg to witAtsssei, t«yoie l^nks M. h« itood in rr .WiHNe«er8ellieS«M" This ,w»s th« comment of on* loca> r*sid«nt fbllowthg .■ dramatic' wet|(-«tid yoxmg N»gro«* EdaiOoa.., 'fl^tjBSS f*Kptlw j WUkMt Pillett, de- Parrish gp*t)((fed h; day night 1?y CT. It fense attorney. The fiv^ are Coijden .FrinKs, youth leather - -far the €howarr County NAAICP;. ErnesUne Wil liams, 18; Wij^Ii'am. Kelfy Jordan,' 1^: and Calvin Lron Webeter, 16, all of the Edehtoo area; and John W. Edwards, youth field secretary for the NAACI*,, of Durham. All are free on bond. Frinks’ bond of $260. was con tinued. The Edentin youths were continued on $50, .bond each, and Edwards, bond was raised to $100. Frinlis was arrested Saturday, Feb. 3 wtule he and a group of youtlis were pickejtlng the Taylor theater during a Twist Party matching whites a^inst Negroes. He was charged with resisting arrest, assault on an [ueBt^on- iiihe tfther iTAMSf*' yoif«» pliclii^rt, i!^t)rtiMi«d«d 1^, hit him in th« %ith M« ii$t, «Ri kidced 'in the back 'iiiin|')to J*H. .".if \ The likcid^nt obcijir^ outride the tow^' only theitet where the ~ypu^ ■ !>vwf ptcicetUig iti q£ . (he . sjbgre- galpd'itejk't^ ’ too whl.te# had iinfed up In ,fr(»t ,of ti» . theater Satur- dai« h^ht; waititi*, to be iENimlit- ed^to thel»pecl^l>‘"l^ist Party” Staidd the theater. The NAAiCp ^t up Its t)icket lines, as fisuAl, iu-ouhd Uk theater. Witnes^s aiild Wvoii djarged Frinks ^th biiYing too many picketers oh the line. City or dinance provides'for a maximum Nine Enter Action Against Two Hospitals (Greensboro — Nine Negro doctors and dentists and two patients filed suit in U. S. Mid- dl« District Court here this week seeking court orders to direct Mqks Cone Hospital and Wesley Lotog Community Hospital to adanil Negro patients ■ on the same basis as white patients and to allow Negro doctors and den tists to use staff facilities. In addition to the hopsitals, ^e suit is directed against Har old Bettfs, direclor of Moses done Hospital, and A> O, Smith, Administrator of Wesley Long Community Hospital. Attorneys for the National As^ciation for the Advancement of Colored People are listed as counsel for the medical men and their patients. 1116 suit was filed by Drs. A. If. Blount Jr., Walter J. Hujiies, Norman N. Jones,, Girfrdeau Alexander E. C. Noel, ■4rd,« and F. E. Davis, nledical doctors; Drs. G. C. SirApkins Jr., Milton H. Barnes and W. L. T. Miller, dentists; and A. J. Taylor and Donald R. Lyons. Taylor seeks admission to either hospital for treatment of a gasMc ulser,. and Lyons for th« refnoval of an impacted lower molar. FH%d, as h class action, on be^ M Kegto«$ “bimilBrljr ’ th# suit’MlKo Mki fof r>- [ 'f' GETS II YEARS FOR DUGHNG BABY HEART BOOSTfiRS >- That* piatiy young HilUid* High School pupils ar« on* reason Haan Fund officials predict ed their drive will be a auc- caii. They aia avid boosters of th* Heart Fund Drive which is being conducted in th* Dur ham area during February. They are left. Miss Bernadette Hopkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roberts of 908 Eliaabeth St.. and a sophomore at Hillside;^ and Miss Sylvia Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Jones, 913 Dupree St.. also a sophomore. Mrs. George D. White is general chairman of th* Hayti area Heart Fund Drive. The final push of the drive will be held Sunday, Feb. 24, when scares of workers will canvass the entire Hayti area seeking funds. photo by Purefoy Charlotte Bank to Open March 1 Bob White, Well-Known Durhamite, Dies Robert (Bob) yf^te, native of Durham and well-lUipwn barber, died Sunday,. Feto 11, at hia home on Roxbpro Road after a longtime illness. Funeral services were held Thursday at the. S;9rfoorough Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. A. T. Smith, pastor ^ Mt. Olive Baptist Church, officiating, Burial was in BeechwiMd Cemetary. White, a wcll-know Durham figure, worijed as a barber at the Bull City Bait>er Shop on Pettigrew St. for more than 40 See WHITE, 6-A See VoulMSi 6-A A NEW MOTTO — Edenton youths, who are spearheading •n anti-segregation drive aimed at a loosl movie theater have ad^ted' a new motto, which they hop* the community will also accept. Th* slogan ap pears on the dgn displayed by one of the young picket- ers above. The reference to "the alley" refers to the side entrance of the Taylor th*at*r which N*groes are required to use. The- youths have alao staged two sit-ins at' a local drug store, which maintains segregated lunch counter ser vice. IN ^lEF INQUIRING REPORTER What's Wrong With Negro Women? Durham Men Know A formal date for opening of the new branch of the ileehanics and Farmers bank Charlotte is a*asis9. Bank irfliciala 4oid tii* TIMES tMs waek that they expect the new facility tq be ready for bua^ IniMM by March 1. Se* com plete details, page 5-B. NEW.-BORN Child is Pushed Down 60 Feet Embankment > ROXBORO — A 28-yearHJld Roxboro father., who attempted to dispose of Itis infant ctilld by placing the baby in an,‘al$Midon- ed refrigerator and pushing it down a 60 ft. emiwnkment, wu sentenced to ten year* in the state penittentiary Wednesday. Bennie Daniel Johnson plead ed guilty in Persaon Superior Court to a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. ■ Judge Herman Clark allowed a motion for nonsuit in the case •gainst the child’s mother. Mrs. Katie Johnson, 21, who was charged with aiding and aliett- ing in the assault Acco«Jlng to Sheriff C. C- Holman, the only witness cull ed in the case, the baby was born about midnight last Oct 31 and was placed in • bucket on the back porch of tiie John son home. Testimony showed that Joiin* son later placed the bucket be side a railroad track when ttM infant started erying. Ttie child remain«d there, until the next day, ^eff Jbhnson took it to the eity dump and placed it in the refrigerator.' On the following day, when the child was almost 4wo dayi old, its crying attracted • t by and the Infant was l^pnd In the ic^MX. To Run For WINSTON SALEM—Wililani R. Crawford, former Winston- Salem city alderman, announced week that he would. inAkc bid to become the first Ne- to serve in the State Legisla ture sin!e Reconstruction. Crawford’s bid is considered a ^eripus. one by political observ ers who feel he has a good chance of winning. The 50-year-old Negro now holds one of the highest De mocratic Party posts ever held by a Negro Irt North Carolina - vice president of the power ful Forsyth County Democratic Executive Committee. He announced Sunday that he will be a candidate in the May primaries for one of the' three y sea'ts ln' 'tli6 House of Representatives. Craw ford conceded he would face an uphiU fight l>ecau.se of tlie race See CRAWFORD, T-A 5 Million in Buildingrs y>i Million in Buildings SAlLlSBUHY — More than $600,000 wot'h of build' ings were dedicated at ,L^ving- stone ColleKt' here Thursday, in, connection with Uic annual ceie-' bration of the I08th anniversary of its founder Jiweph Charles Price. The Mary Reynolds Babcpck, wiiich houses 73 women, and See DEDICATES, 6-A WASHTNOTOW,:©. C. — The annual sasslon of the bouncil of Bishops of tile African Metho dist Episcopal Church meeting at Metropolitan A. M. K. .Church, 1518 M. Street,'NW-. Wi»^l»»g- toh, D. C. Fei>riary 21 am} 22 #111 bring together all ef the presiding i^shops of the Con- tinenUI United SUtes and tlie 18 General Officeri and per haps 1,000 or more leaders of church > Ui*. from throughout the nat4an. , « • They will aisemble to review the affairs of this million mem bership denomination, in Mia- sions, Evangeliam, Education, Social Action, etc. The Councy. of Bishops wil? be presided over' by Bishop I See AlME, 6-A WHITE ROCiaKcaiAiSl — a Bock- injphiiii. nian and the neighi>or he w^ irking to rescue perish ed in a fire thlat destoryed a two-poom hoaae here this week. The victims Mfrere ;Postel Canter- on -lad JunM H^nigan, both about 30. \ rotaunt sTvosim to AT St. Jpsfeptf'l SroQierhood Sunday will be otoerved St. Jofeeii^’s A. M. E. Cburch on .Suqda\y. Guest speaker for 11:00 A. J*- Wor ship Seivice wiH be 'Rev. D. F. Jarvis, U; Piresideo^ Stu dent .j^dy, Divinity ^ScImoI, QuJce. Uniye»ity. , A special program has t>een prepsned tor the 7:00 P, M. Woi^P Service. Victor'l^afo, i nUii^e of Ghana. and . a member of St. Joaeph's is in cliarge and will preside. There will i^ a panel dis cussion on , "Affx I My Broth er'* KeeperT.” Participants wiH be K. A;^, Pa^istfn, (Duice SM BBfiCr, 6-A- answers. Charles Harden, Rt. 3, Book er St.: ‘There are so many faults until I'd Me afraid to single out any one.” Charles McCollum, 727 Apple St., Burlington:: "Many Negro women don't care much aijout appearance. This should bo improved. And you find a lot of women who are too loud. But then I guesi that's a characteristic about any kind of woman .... See WOMEN, 6-A HAYES Last week, the TIMES In quiring Reporter asked the fairer sex, “Wljat in your opinion is the biggest fault in Negro men.” If you recall, the rep.xter came up with some Interesting answers. This week, we decided to give the men a chance to answer their women. This week’s question was geared to the men. “What in your opin ion is the biggest fault in Ne ro women.” Following are the NEW PASTOR FOR GETHSE MANE — Th* R*v. V. E. Brown, of Durham, has ac- c*pl*d th* pastoral* of th* G*ths*man* Baptist Church at 906 Roxbore St. The church is in final slag*s of conitruc- tion of a naw building. R*v. Brown announcad that a two w**ks financial campaign has b**n launch*d to raise funds for completion of construction. Th* n*w 0*ths*man* pastor is wall known in Durham ra- ligious circles. H* ha*'"h*ld paaferafas at Oxford. Bullard and Roseboro. McLendon Takes Job As Pipers' General Mgr. OLEVIJLANO—John B. Me- t«ndon, who resigned earlier this month as coach of the Cleve land Pipers, this week accept ed a ]ob as vice president and general nuinager in chargc of personnel of the same club. The fcMtner North Carolina College coach signed the contract for the remainder of tlic year and lias tlie option of returning to his former job as coach next See McLENDON, &-A c*at*r, formtr p Harvaad UalvMstty H»rth Cmitanr Oo w**k. H* to 1m wiUch is iav«ftigatlii# *z *duaatl«n s*v*ral lions ia &ia ef th*** sdMol*« Dr. Ceaant m»..1 Cattwsiglit sity aa4 »». DISTUfOUlSHED VUITORS — Outslanding aducatore vlslt*d th* Durham ar*a Jlas|_ w**k. In til* top photo. Dr. MordaieU Joknaoh, l*ft pi*si- d*nt *mMritvs of-Howard Uni- vsrsity:, was keynot* sp*akar at Raea Ralati*ns Sunday h*ld '*t St. jM^h's A. M. E. Church this w**k. Pictur*d with Utn from l*ft t* si0lii ax* tlM R*v. wniiam Walkar of Duka University, th* R*v. M*lvin Ch*pit*r. Swann, pastor, of St. JoMph's, th* R*v. J. W. Smith, paster' of Covenant Prasbytar* Ian Church. Dr. Alfonso Elder, president of North Caro lina Collage, and the Ra,v. William T. Scott, presbytarUn minisfar. In th* bottom pi^- ur*. Dr. Jamas B. Coaaiit^

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